Why don't people understand that this argument is already lost?

The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..
I don't think people are demonizing single mothers.

I think their scorn is toward the fathers of these children who fail to support them.

Causing the rest of us to support them and live with the consequences of being ill equipped to function in their adult lives.

I'm not one to think about aborting my own children, but it is none of my business if someone else aborts their own.

I would rather not have them wait till it is late term to have the abortion.
Then I have good news for you, if you don't care, then you don't have to do anything. :thup:
I never said anything about caring.

I said it is none of my business.

Thank you sir.
No child deserves to be raised in an orphanage, either. That's why I am pro-choice.
Would you rather a child be killed than raised in an orphanage?

And why do you think you have the right to decide that the babies life is not worth living? Shouldnt that be the childs choice, at least?
No. Why does everyone think I want children to be murdered? WTF emotional much?
I don't get to decide. I am a male; I don't give birth.
So women have the right to kill their children, exclusively?
No child deserves to be raised in an orphanage, either. That's why I am pro-choice.
Would you rather a child be killed than raised in an orphanage?

And why do you think you have the right to decide that the babies life is not worth living? Shouldnt that be the childs choice, at least?
No. Why does everyone think I want children to be murdered? WTF emotional much?
I don't get to decide. I am a male; I don't give birth.
So women have the right to kill their children, exclusively?
What does abortion have to do with killing a "child"? :)
Look, its none of my business. You don't know the circumstances. We have the technology to do it without killing the woman. Remember when so many people were hurting themselves, or even killing themselves because they were doing it on their own? They didn't want the kid THAT bad.
Its a sad ordeal. It really is. That kid could have come up finding a cure for cancer. Or it could be someone that rapes your neighbor. Or the mentally ill guy screaming at passer bys saying that God told him they were going to hell.
Plus, like I said, it weeds out bad genes.
You people are discussing abortion with me. I am someone that fully accepts the reality of future population control.
It will be a lot worse than killing a fetus. Keep having 15 kids and see how fast it DOES happen.
I'm one of those 'stupid' single women who got pregnant at 18 and quick got married and had the baby and within a year had left my husband who was too young and too much of an alcholic to take responsibility for marriage. Guess who ended up taking all the responsibility and struggling to raise that baby alone? I wouldn't change anything if I could do it over, except for not being pregnant at that point in my life; it changed the course of my life completely, and it wasn't any bed of roses for my son, either.
If you have not raised a child alone in poverty, you have no right to make any kind of judgment on this issue. None.
You can't tell people what they're allowed to say or what they are allowed to think about abortion. This issue involves all of us, the entire human race. Every baby aborted is a human being who deserved to be loved by its mother, but was instead killed by her.

There is no betrayal more horrible than a mother killing her own child. When a mother kills her child after it has been born, the world acts with repulsion. Take for instance the woman who drove a minivan in a lake and killed her children. Take for instance the woman who had five kids and she drowned them in the bathtub one by one. Take for instance the outrage whenever a woman abandons her baby in a toilet or garbage dumpster.

All that outrage is justified because there's no crime more heinous than a mother killing her child.

And think about the horror we feel when a crack baby is born, we take the child away from the mother and prosecute her for the harm she did to the child in the womb.

And here's another thing. In some states, if someone punches a pregant woman and causes her to have a miscarriage, that is considered murder. And there was a man who was convicted of double homicide because he killed his pregnant wife, and he got the death penalty.
You are living in a fantasy world and yes, I can ask that people know what they're talking about before they pass judgment on others.
Do you live in New York? Where I live mothers don't get prosecuted for having crack babies. We have hundreds born addicted to opiates every year. A lot of them probably would have been aborted when they were 8 week old blobs of insentient embryonic tissue, but their mothers couldn't afford the hundreds of dollars necessary for an abortion. Instead we have babies whose first experience is opiate withdrawal.
Anyway, I was 19 when my girlfriend gave birth to our daughter. She is a grown woman now, living in Phoenix, and trying to make a career in the make-up industry.

I had to give up many things because my early introduction to fatherhood. For example, I never got to backpack around Europe like many young Americans do. Fortunately, my father helped us so I could finish college and start a career.

We never considered abortion as an option, but I find it hard to imagine the world without my daughter. She is one of the nicest people I know, though she's shy and has a hard time making friends. She is an individual, and as I've learned from having three children, babies are born with their own unique personalities -- it's not a blank slate as some child experts believe.

My daughter loves English literature and that was her major in college. She is one of those snobby types that likes snobby things, like the stuff they have on PBS and NPR, which is weird because I'm not and my wife is not anything like that.

A world without my daughter would be a strange alternate universe and there would be a gaping hole between me and my girlfriend, and we would probably have drifted apart because most couples break up after an abortion. But now my girlfriend is my wife and we had two more children, not always planned, but always wanted.

And you can't "plan" parenthood, the world just doesn't work that way. You get married, set up a home, and you welcome whoever God puts into your life, with no ifs, ands, or buts. Married people who have abortions, I can't even think about that because it such violent rejection of what marriage is supposed to be.

I've said my piece. Now tell me again why I as a man, a husband, and a father of three, have no right to have an opinion on abortion.
Republicans don't see things as THEY are they see things as they the Republicans are ...and they are deranged unhinged recalcitrant Ayn Rand Quasi Religious acolytes of Shit............
I'm not judging anyone, I'm just directing you to the Exit sign and telling you what's on the other side of the door.
Republicans don't see things as THEY are they see things as they the Republicans are ...and they are deranged unhinged recalcitrant Ayn Rand Quasi Religious acolytes of Shit............
You know what, that was so completely over the top stupid that I'm going to put you on ignore. My only regret is there isn't a remote control switch on my computer that could cause you to feel the same pain that unborn babies feel when they're chopped up in pieces without anesthetic. Anyway, you're a total idiot, so goodbye.
I would be a lot more impressed with the "fetus love" if it actually continued on once that fetus developed and came out of the mother....unfortunately once that child is born the very same folks that called for the fetus to be born now call the "ex fetus" a parasite a burden on the "good folks" and they start the steady hating and hating.. that is your Cheap ass morality right there........
I would be a lot more impressed with the "fetus love" if it actually continued on once that fetus developed and came out of the mother....unfortunately once that child is born the very same folks that called for the fetus to be born now call the "ex fetus" a parasite a burden on the "good folks" and they start the steady hating and hating.. that is your Cheap ass morality right there........
And there's the Liberal dependency mentality and blackmail tactics revealed in all their ugliness.

"Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."
20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.
The aborted child pays the ultimate price, Being the only innocent one of the party's involved... This is unfortunate
I would be a lot more impressed with the "fetus love" if it actually continued on once that fetus developed and came out of the mother....unfortunately once that child is born the very same folks that called for the fetus to be born now call the "ex fetus" a parasite a burden on the "good folks" and they start the steady hating and hating.. that is your Cheap ass morality right there........
And there's the Liberal dependency mentality and blackmail tactics revealed in all their glory.

"Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."
I think it was more leaned towards the hypocrisy.
Republicans want the baby to be born, but don't want to pay for it. A baby/child is not self sufficient you know..

"Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."
There is the Republican horse shit "obey my morals directive" or you are an immoral unworthy piece of shit human being "trying to live free" ...these are the same unbhinged morons who want to "see sand glow" all over the world murdering third world people...then they want to pose as being "More moral than thou"...

You see how this nasty person thinks that women getting abortions are saying

"Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."

You are so totally an Asshole

Do what our Government says or we will Nuke you Morality LOL
Anyway, I was 19 when my girlfriend gave birth to our daughter. She is a grown woman now, living in Phoenix, and trying to make a career in the make-up industry.

I had to give up many things because my early introduction to fatherhood. For example, I never got to backpack around Europe like many young Americans do. Fortunately, my father helped us so I could finish college and start a career.

We never considered abortion as an option, but I find it hard to imagine the world without my daughter. She is one of the nicest people I know, though she's shy and has a hard time making friends. She is an individual, and as I've learned from having three children, babies are born with their own unique personalities -- it's not a blank slate as some child experts believe.

My daughter loves English literature and that was her major in college. She is one of those snobby types that likes snobby things, like the stuff they have on PBS and NPR, which is weird because I'm not and my wife is not anything like that.

A world without my daughter would be a strange alternate universe and there would be a gaping hole between me and my girlfriend, and we would probably have drifted apart because most couples break up after an abortion. But now my girlfriend is my wife and we had two more children, not always planned, but always wanted.

And you can't "plan" parenthood, the world just doesn't work that way. You get married, set up a home, and you welcome whoever God puts into your life, with no ifs, ands, or buts. Married people who have abortions, I can't even think about that because it such violent rejection of what marriage is supposed to be.

I've said my piece. Now tell me again why I as a man, a husband, and a father of three, have no right to have an opinion on abortion.
Blackrook, I am right there with you, as far as being totally enamored of my 'mistake,' but you expect all people to have the same values and determined responsibility that you have and that they will act accordingly, do the right thing. Sorry, but that's where I disagree with your argument. That is just not the case in this day and age. And raising a kid alone on a pink collar salary without a college degree (I did finally get a chance to go and graduated at 41) is a little different than the challenges you and your wife faced. As a husband and father of three, you have every right to decide if abortion is right for your family. You do not have the right to decide if it is right for people who are facing circumstances you apparently can't even imagine.
I would be a lot more impressed with the "fetus love" if it actually continued on once that fetus developed and came out of the mother....unfortunately once that child is born the very same folks that called for the fetus to be born now call the "ex fetus" a parasite a burden on the "good folks" and they start the steady hating and hating.. that is your Cheap ass morality right there........
And there's the Liberal dependency mentality and blackmail tactics revealed in all their ugliness.

"Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."
You are not more moral, than me bitch boy

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