Why don't people understand that this argument is already lost?

"Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."
There is the Republican horse shit "obey my morals directive" or you are an immoral unworthy piece of shit human being "trying to live free" ...these are the same unbhinged morons who want to "see sand glow" all over the world murdering third world people...then they want to pose as being "More moral than thou"...

You see how this nasty person thinks that women getting abortions are saying

"Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."

You are so totally an Asshole

Do what our Government says or we will Nuke you Morality LOL
You want someone else to be forced to pay for the consequences of your actions.

Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it.

Pretty sick.

From the link:

10. If you say nothing, you will see nothing during the ultrasound. The nurses are humans, not monsters, just like you.


A lot of the "tips" are like that. Training women how to avoid facing the fact they are taking a human life.
Tip 21: Don't be surprised if you learn that the abortion has destroyed your womb and you will never again get pregnant.

Tip 22: Don't be surprised if your aborted baby comes back to haunt you. You may hear a baby crying in your nightmares. On the birthday of your baby, you may want to have a birthday party just by yourself and your dead baby. Don't be surprised if you look at an empty swing set and imagine yourself pushing your dead child on that swing. Don't be surprised if you find yourself being emotionally unstable and needing of professional therapy. Don't be surprised if you find you can't live with your abortion and you take a bottle of sleeping pills to kill yourself.

Tip 23: Don't be surprised if the only people who "get" what you're going through are other women who have had abortions but are now pro-life.

Tip 24: Don't be surprised if you join the pro-life movement and find yourself eager to talk to other women so they don't make the same mistake you did.
Like I said it's great to see we have so many Nazis on this forum.

You approve of pro-lifers? Sicko.

The Nazis had the same abortion policies as pro-lifers They banned abortions for those they thought were of good stock, and forced abortions on whoever they considered undesirable. The commonality they have with pro-lifers is that nobody got a choice.

In contrast, pro-choice philosophy is the exact opposite of the Nazi philosophy. For us, it's all about liberty, which is why pro-lifers can't understand it, and why we will never stop fighting the pro-life Nazi ratfucks.
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I would be a lot more impressed with the "fetus love" if it actually continued on once that fetus developed and came out of the mother....unfortunately once that child is born the very same folks that called for the fetus to be born now call the "ex fetus" a parasite a burden on the "good folks" and they start the steady hating and hating.. that is your Cheap ass morality right there........
And there's the Liberal dependency mentality and blackmail tactics revealed in all their ugliness.

"Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."
You are not more moral, than me bitch boy
I've founded two non-profits that help immigrants, homeless, cancer victims, the mentally handicapped, widows, countless children, victims of domestic abuse, and single mothers.

You were saying?
Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it.

Pretty sick.

There is nobody making those extortion threats except YOU ...sick white Patriarch with a pretend moral superiority..,. You are not more moral than me you are a maggot
Like I said it's great to see we have so many Nazis on this forum.

You approve of pro-lifers? Sicko.

The Nazis had the same abortion policies as pro-lifers They banned abortions for those they thought were of good stock, and forced abortions on whoever they considered undesirable.

Hey dumb fuck. Pro-lifers don't want abortions forced on anyone.

Your attempt to equate us to Nazis fails right out of the gate, you fucking asshole.
Like I said it's great to see we have so many Nazis on this forum.

You approve of pro-lifers? Sicko.

The Nazis had the same abortion policies as pro-lifers They banned abortions for those they thought were of good stock, and forced abortions on whoever they considered undesirable. The commonality they have with pro-lifers is that nobody got a choice.

In contrast, pro-choice philosophy is the exact opposite of the Nazi philosophy. For us, it's all about liberty, which is why pro-lifers can't understand it, and why we will never stop fighting the pro-life Nazi ratfucks.
Funny how you pro-aborts don't give a damn about liberty when it comes to gun rights, or property rights, or freedom of speech and religion. But then you become raging libertarians for abortion only.
Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it.

Pretty sick.

There is nobody making those extortion threats except YOU ...sick white Patriarch with a pretend moral superiority..,. You are not more moral than me you are a maggot
I can guarantee I have taken care of more single mothers and children than a hundred of your lifetimes.

You are a blackmailing piece of shit. "Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."

You creeps claim to be "pro-choice", but you want people to be FORCED to pay for the consequences of others' actions. There's a HUGE moral hazard in that, and it is no coincidence there has been a massive spike in single parenthood as a result.
What does abortion have to do with killing a "child"? :)

Well, it has everything to do with killing a child. The use of the word 'abort' implies that somehow the formation of an offspring, or child, is averted, that is not the case.

Animals have differnet times that the females body ejects the off spring, from the fish and birds that lay eggs fairly quickly in the off springs life, to the marsupials that have a short gestation then carry the off spring in pouches till they can emerge. There is nothing magical about passage through the birth canal that changes the off spring from a nonhuman fetus into a human baby. It was an unborn child before birth and is a born child afterwards with little change to it other than breathing its own air and no longer having the umbilical cord.

The ambiguity of the law is often commented on but at its root is this absurd nation that the baby is a real human but the fetus is not.

Look, its none of my business.

No, it is your business for many reasons; you just dont want to think about the consequences of a society that kills over a million of its own babies each and every year. The demographic affects are already being seen in our collapsing cultural and ethnic groups who have to be brought in to replace the millions of our own we butcher very year.

You don't know the circumstances. We have the technology to do it without killing the woman. Remember when so many people were hurting themselves, or even killing themselves because they were doing it on their own? They didn't want the kid THAT bad.
Its a sad ordeal. It really is. That kid could have come up finding a cure for cancer. Or it could be someone that rapes your neighbor. Or the mentally ill guy screaming at passer bys saying that God told him they were going to hell.
Plus, like I said, it weeds out bad genes.

Well, that is the only reason I am in favor of allowing legal abortion, though I would like to restrict it to the first trimester.

Liberals are weeding themselves out of the gene pool as are weak minded 'conservatives'.

Freedom to commit self genocide is beneficial to everyone else left to take over when these fools are gone.
I guess I didn't make myself clear when I mentioned the Nazis.

The people who murder unborn children by pulling them apart of sucking them up a tube are the Nazis.

And as of now, the pro-aborts and the Nazis are tied at 50 million people killed.

And after this year, you will keep adding to the number of victims and one day you will pass Mao who killed 100 million.
Hey dumb fuck. Pro-lifers don't want abortions forced on anyone.

Your attempt to equate us to Nazis fails right out of the gate, you fucking asshole.

You want women to be "incubators" with no choices ..even if raped...
It's you sick fucks who have turned the destruction of life into a "procedure" involving so much "tissue". It is you who have mechanized and diminished the beauty of creation.
Do you think a majority of aborted fetus were created by responsible adults with good paying jobs and enough morality to raise children properly?
When has it ever been for any births?

We think we can plan when we have kids, but Nature doesnt cooperate much at all.
What does abortion have to do with killing a "child"? :)

Well, it has everything to do with killing a child. The use of the word 'abort' implies that somehow the formation of an offspring, or child, is averted, that is not the case.

Animals have differnet times that the females body ejects the off spring, from the fish and birds that lay eggs fairly quickly in the off springs life, to the marsupials that have a short gestation then carry the off spring in pouches till they can emerge. There is nothing magical about passage through the birth canal that changes the off spring from a nonhuman fetus into a human baby. It was an unborn child before birth and is a born child afterwards with little change to it other than breathing its own air and no longer having the umbilical cord.

The ambiguity of the law is often commented on but at its root is this absurd nation that the baby is a real human but the fetus is not.

Look, its none of my business.

No, it is your business for many reasons; you just dont want to think about the consequences of a society that kills over a million of its own babies each and every year. The demographic affects are already being seen in our collapsing cultural and ethnic groups who have to be brought in to replace the millions of our own we butcher very year.

You don't know the circumstances. We have the technology to do it without killing the woman. Remember when so many people were hurting themselves, or even killing themselves because they were doing it on their own? They didn't want the kid THAT bad.
Its a sad ordeal. It really is. That kid could have come up finding a cure for cancer. Or it could be someone that rapes your neighbor. Or the mentally ill guy screaming at passer bys saying that God told him they were going to hell.
Plus, like I said, it weeds out bad genes.

Well, that is the only reason I am in favor of allowing legal abortion, though I would like to restrict it to the first trimester.

Liberals are weeding themselves out of the gene pool as are weak minded 'conservatives'.

Freedom to commit self genocide is beneficial to everyone else left to take over when these fools are gone.
I was beign facetious. A child is a born human.. I try to being humor in on such an aggressive topic lol.
I think about the consequences all the time. IMO, the good outweighs the bad. I have provided examples throughout this thread.
I would be ok with restricting it to the second maybe the first. We could negotiate :)
I also think that women should be forced to know ALL of her possible options. I think the decision should be an educated one.
You want women to be "incubators" with no choices ..even if raped...
It's you sick fucks who have turned the destruction of life into a "procedure" involving so much "tissue". It is you who have mechanized and diminished the beauty of creation.[/QUOTE]
Its you who support such criminal horrors as the invasion of Iraq ...all the while Pounding your chest about being pro Life and all ...you are bull shit

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