Why don't people understand that this argument is already lost?

The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..
I don't think people are demonizing single mothers.

I think their scorn is toward the fathers of these children who fail to support them.

Causing the rest of us to support them and live with the consequences of being ill equipped to function in their adult lives.

I'm not one to think about aborting my own children, but it is none of my business if someone else aborts their own.

I would rather not have them wait till it is late term to have the abortion.
Then I have good news for you, if you don't care, then you don't have to do anything. :thup:
No child deserves to be raised in an orphanage, either. That's why I am pro-choice.
Would you rather a child be killed than raised in an orphanage?

And why do you think you have the right to decide that the babies life is not worth living? Shouldnt that be the childs choice, at least?
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20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.
It's worse than that. The libs went mental because the singer Adele said motherhood made her feel complete.

They don't want women to have babies at all.
Especially they dont want American babies born.
20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.

It's true that kids should be removed from abusive parents, but you're going to have a hard time arguing that women seeking abortions should have their children taken away from them.

In the first place there's a law regarding patient-doctor privacy, meaning NOBODY is privy to why the patient was visiting the doctor.

Second, children's services agencies are overwhelmed with genuine abuse cases. There's a tremendous funding shortage, meaning no housing, food, clothing, special needs assistance, and so on. There also aren't enough foster parents to go around.

Like it or not, minding your own damn business and keeping your religion and politics out of a stranger's vagina is your only pragmatic choice.
So we are all supposed to be part of a collective and pay for the uninsured, non working and uneducated but we should have no say in the killing of another human life? And we are even made to pay for them via public funds. Makes no sense. There's more to the world than a woman's vagina. It might even be a baby female.

Part of obamacare is putting everything in digital form, gone are the private sheets of paper a doctor kept in his file cabinet.
Like it or not, minding your own damn business and keeping your religion and politics out of a stranger's vagina is your only pragmatic choice.
lol, such a charming euphemism for cutting an unborn child into pieces without pain killers and sucking them out with a vacuum like so much garbage.
I'm one of those 'stupid' single women who got pregnant at 18 and quick got married and had the baby and within a year had left my husband who was too young and too much of an alcholic to take responsibility for marriage. Guess who ended up taking all the responsibility and struggling to raise that baby alone? I wouldn't change anything if I could do it over, except for not being pregnant at that point in my life; it changed the course of my life completely, and it wasn't any bed of roses for my son, either.
If you have not raised a child alone in poverty, you have no right to make any kind of judgment on this issue. None.
You can't tell people what they're allowed to say or what they are allowed to think about abortion. This issue involves all of us, the entire human race. Every baby aborted is a human being who deserved to be loved by its mother, but was instead killed by her.

There is no betrayal more horrible than a mother killing her own child. When a mother kills her child after it has been born, the world acts with repulsion. Take for instance the woman who drove a minivan in a lake and killed her children. Take for instance the woman who had five kids and she drowned them in the bathtub one by one. Take for instance the outrage whenever a woman abandons her baby in a toilet or garbage dumpster.

All that outrage is justified because there's no crime more heinous than a mother killing her child.

And think about the horror we feel when a crack baby is born, we take the child away from the mother and prosecute her for the harm she did to the child in the womb.

And here's another thing. In some states, if someone punches a pregant woman and causes her to have a miscarriage, that is considered murder. And there was a man who was convicted of double homicide because he killed his pregnant wife, and he got the death penalty.
Too stupid as always

That actually IS the best you can do.

The argument is the same;

When you looked up your talking points on "how to defeat a normal" and spewed "if you don't like abortion, you don't have to have won.." and thought it so terribly clever.

OF course retard, the statement "if you don't agree with beating wives, don't beat your wife" is identical logic.

Now granted, logic and thought are not elements you are familiar with....
Too stupid as always

That actually IS the best you can do.

The argument is the same;

When you looked up your talking points on "how to defeat a normal" and spewed "if you don't like abortion, you don't have to have won.." and thought it so terribly clever.

OF course retard, the statement "if you don't agree with beating wives, don't beat your wife" is identical logic.

Now granted, logic and thought are not elements you are familiar with....
He said he didn't care if people get abortions, and I said he could go on not caring. And then you went full retard, as you usually do.
No child deserves to be raised in an orphanage, either. That's why I am pro-choice.
Would you rather a child be killed than raised in an orphanage?

And why do you think you have the right to decide that the babies life is not worth living? Shouldnt that be the childs choice, at least?
No. Why does everyone think I want children to be murdered? WTF emotional much?
I don't get to decide. I am a male; I don't give birth.
Conservative as I am, I just can't accept a 100% ban on abortion.

Cut off Democrat Birth Control and you'll be overrun in a single year.
As I've now said for the third time, it's good to see so many Nazis participating in this thread.

If you really believe in abortion, have some balls and go down to an abortion clinic and watch how it's done.

Any normal person would vomit after watching a doctor pull a baby apart with a scalpel and then reassemble the body parts on the table to make sure he's pulled out the whole thing.

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