Why don't people understand that this argument is already lost?

20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.

"No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them."

Or incapable of financially independently supporting the child. These people have no business having a child and/or children.

That child and/or children should immediately be taken away from them and adopted.

There are 100,000 kids going into the foster care system each year who will never be adopted. You're proposing adding up to a million more to that number.
20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.
It's worse than that. The libs went mental because the singer Adele said motherhood made her feel complete.

They don't want women to have babies at all.

Bullshit. I am sick and tired of conservatives telling me that liberals hate babies. It's a flat out lie.

What liberals hate is double talking conservatives who say they don't want the government making personal decisions on their behalf, telling women that they must have a baby. No decision is more personal. The idea that a woman should have a baby as some kind of punishment for immoral behaviour just boggles the mind, especially given that unwanted children have a higher dropout rate, and a higher rate of juvenile delinquency. If someone doesn't want to have a baby, don't force them to have a baby.

And you can't say you'd make an exception for rape or incest. Then it becomes even more obvious that you are simply punishing poor women for have sex.

"There are 100,000 kids going into the foster care system each year who will never be adopted. You're proposing adding up to a million more to that number."

So the solution is? To abort them?
How about supporting the social safety net...how about not taking the attitude that "the Jack wagon fool" takes that abortion is caused by women who want live off of others...how about being less Judgmental of females and the poor...
Catholic nun exposes the hypocrisy of 'pro-life' Republicans ...
I'm very much pro birth control. Literally HALF of all abortions are the result of sexual intercourse in which NO birth control of any kind was used. Another fifth of abortions are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Just by getting people to use birth control more frequently and consistently would make the abortion rate plunge drastically.

Then abortion would not be so widespread, and thus would become less socially acceptable as a Final Solution to undesirable fetuses.
I agree with that but the GOP does not support Birth control for females...calls females who use birth control "sluts"
Some of them do. They just think the woman should pay for her own irresponsibility. I don't want to pay for abortions, the kid OR birth control. People have to be responsible for themselves.
So birth control for females should be handled differently than Viagra for men by Insurance companies...free Viagra but charge for BC
Neither should be free.
I was beign facetious. A child is a born human.. I try to being humor in on such an aggressive topic lol.
I think about the consequences all the time. IMO, the good outweighs the bad. I have provided examples throughout this thread.
I would be ok with restricting it to the second maybe the first. We could negotiate :)
I also think that women should be forced to know ALL of her possible options. I think the decision should be an educated one.
I would add to that that the facility should meet the same standards as any hospital does, and the woman should see a mamogram of the child first.

I have met several women who had abortions decades ago and they still regret it.

Knew this one girl who cried every time this song came on the radio. It is about adoption, not abortion, but the lyrics could fit with any loss of a child.

She couldnt shake the feeling that she had murdered her own baby and that deed caused her depression and self hatred many years after the event.

I could agree with that if we going to legalize it through second trimester. Deal?
The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party
Don't confuse thoughtful people who can think beyond the end of their noses with Nazi's. While I agree with Lucy that abortion shouldn't be used as a primary means of contraception, shit happens, and if the parent(s) realize they cannot take financial or emotional responsibility for bringing a life into the world, it is responsible to terminate that pregnancy. There aren't enough orphanages or enough foster/adoptive parents in the world to take care of the kids we already have in state custody.
Pro-choice supporters aren't Nazi's, anymore than Trump supporters are Nazi's. We have all become much too quick to fling around dramatic terms with no basis in fact.

Killing the most innocent and vulnerable among us is "responsible"? WTF?

The whole point is that abortion is not "killing the most innocent and vulnerable among us". The fetus is not "among us".
It most certainly is.
I'm very much pro birth control. Literally HALF of all abortions are the result of sexual intercourse in which NO birth control of any kind was used. Another fifth of abortions are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Just by getting people to use birth control more frequently and consistently would make the abortion rate plunge drastically.

Then abortion would not be so widespread, and thus would become less socially acceptable as a Final Solution to undesirable fetuses.
I agree with that but the GOP does not support Birth control for females...calls females who use birth control "sluts"
Some of them do. They just think the woman should pay for her own irresponsibility. I don't want to pay for abortions, the kid OR birth control. People have to be responsible for themselves.
So birth control for females should be handled differently than Viagra for men by Insurance companies...free Viagra but charge for BC
I don't need your fuckin strawman dude. I never said Viagra should be free.
I was beign facetious. A child is a born human.. I try to being humor in on such an aggressive topic lol.
I think about the consequences all the time. IMO, the good outweighs the bad. I have provided examples throughout this thread.
I would be ok with restricting it to the second maybe the first. We could negotiate :)
I also think that women should be forced to know ALL of her possible options. I think the decision should be an educated one.
I would add to that that the facility should meet the same standards as any hospital does, and the woman should see a mamogram of the child first.

I have met several women who had abortions decades ago and they still regret it.

Knew this one girl who cried every time this song came on the radio. It is about adoption, not abortion, but the lyrics could fit with any loss of a child.

She couldnt shake the feeling that she had murdered her own baby and that deed caused her depression and self hatred many years after the event.

I could agree with that if we going to legalize it through second trimester. Deal?

Did you know that most Americans oppose second trimester abortions? Two thirds.

That means two thirds of Americans disagree with Roe v. Wade, and a lot of them don't even know it. Including people who self-identify as "pro-choice".
I was beign facetious. A child is a born human.. I try to being humor in on such an aggressive topic lol.
I think about the consequences all the time. IMO, the good outweighs the bad. I have provided examples throughout this thread.
I would be ok with restricting it to the second maybe the first. We could negotiate :)
I also think that women should be forced to know ALL of her possible options. I think the decision should be an educated one.
I would add to that that the facility should meet the same standards as any hospital does, and the woman should see a mamogram of the child first.

I have met several women who had abortions decades ago and they still regret it.

Knew this one girl who cried every time this song came on the radio. It is about adoption, not abortion, but the lyrics could fit with any loss of a child.

She couldnt shake the feeling that she had murdered her own baby and that deed caused her depression and self hatred many years after the event.

I could agree with that if we going to legalize it through second trimester. Deal?

Did you know that most Americans oppose second trimester abortions? Two thirds.

That means two thirds of Americans disagree with Roe v. Wade, and a lot of them don't even know it. Including people who self-identify as "pro-choice".

I did not.
I'm very much pro birth control. Literally HALF of all abortions are the result of sexual intercourse in which NO birth control of any kind was used. Another fifth of abortions are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Just by getting people to use birth control more frequently and consistently would make the abortion rate plunge drastically.

Then abortion would not be so widespread, and thus would become less socially acceptable as a Final Solution to undesirable fetuses.
I agree with that but the GOP does not support Birth control for females...calls females who use birth control "sluts"
Some of them do. They just think the woman should pay for her own irresponsibility. I don't want to pay for abortions, the kid OR birth control. People have to be responsible for themselves.
So birth control for females should be handled differently than Viagra for men by Insurance companies...free Viagra but charge for BC
I don't need your fuckin strawman dude. I never said Viagra should be free.
well what did you mean "no free birth control"...
About half of Americans self-identify as "pro-choice", and half self-identify as "pro-life".

Yet two thirds of Americans oppose second trimester abortions. That is in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade.

This means that a lot of "pro-choice" people are opposed to Roe v. Wade and don't even know it.
I'm very much pro birth control. Literally HALF of all abortions are the result of sexual intercourse in which NO birth control of any kind was used. Another fifth of abortions are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Just by getting people to use birth control more frequently and consistently would make the abortion rate plunge drastically.

Then abortion would not be so widespread, and thus would become less socially acceptable as a Final Solution to undesirable fetuses.
I agree with that but the GOP does not support Birth control for females...calls females who use birth control "sluts"
Some of them do. They just think the woman should pay for her own irresponsibility. I don't want to pay for abortions, the kid OR birth control. People have to be responsible for themselves.
So birth control for females should be handled differently than Viagra for men by Insurance companies...free Viagra but charge for BC
I don't need your fuckin strawman dude. I never said Viagra should be free.
well what did you mean "no free birth control"...
People should pay for their birth control. And their employer DAMN SURE shouldn't have to pay for it.
Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision

I want you all to take a real good look at this graphic from a Gallup poll:


See that? 64 percent oppose second trimester abortions, even though headline says "Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision".

Interesting, no?
I agree with that but the GOP does not support Birth control for females...calls females who use birth control "sluts"
Some of them do. They just think the woman should pay for her own irresponsibility. I don't want to pay for abortions, the kid OR birth control. People have to be responsible for themselves.
So birth control for females should be handled differently than Viagra for men by Insurance companies...free Viagra but charge for BC
I don't need your fuckin strawman dude. I never said Viagra should be free.
well what did you mean "no free birth control"...
People should pay for their birth control. And their employer DAMN SURE shouldn't have to pay for it.
Total bullshit.

The arrangement for employment is that I perform labor, and my employer financially compensates me for it. Period.

What I choose to do with my income should be totally up to me, not my employer.

If my employer wants to extend additional enticements to me, great. But they should in no way be FORCED to do so.

I can't believe people want the government to decide how your compensation is to be spent! This boggles my mind.
Some of them do. They just think the woman should pay for her own irresponsibility. I don't want to pay for abortions, the kid OR birth control. People have to be responsible for themselves.
So birth control for females should be handled differently than Viagra for men by Insurance companies...free Viagra but charge for BC
I don't need your fuckin strawman dude. I never said Viagra should be free.
well what did you mean "no free birth control"...
People should pay for their birth control. And their employer DAMN SURE shouldn't have to pay for it.
Total bullshit.

The arrangement for employment is that I perform labor, and my employer financially compensates me for it. Period.

What I choose to do with my income should be totally up to me, not my employer.

If my employer wants to extend additional enticements to me, great. But they should in no way be FORCED to do so.

I can't believe people want the government to decide how your compensation is to be spent! This boggles my mind.
Did you read what I wrote? lol
The whole Birth Control abortion issue has to do with keeping women sexuality under Patriarchal control like the Morally superior one man social agency to help women that is posting on here ...."kicking my ass" LOL

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