Why don't people understand that this argument is already lost?

20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.
No child deserves to be raised in an orphanage, either. That's why I am pro-choice.

An orphanage is worse than death?
Fetuses can comprehend death?

Can you??
The whole Birth Control abortion issue has to do with keeping women sexuality under Patriarchal control like the Morally superior one man social agency to help women that is posting on here ...."kicking my ass" LOL
Yeah, those women who got three quarters of a million abortions last year were forced to spread their legs and fuck their brains out. :lol:
I'm pro-choice because our own personal matters, particularly those concerning our bodies, are none of the government's damn business.
You conveniently forget there are TWO bodies involved. One which you are trying to murder. It is entitled to the same protections we give to you.
The "tips" in the OP literally teach the mother to avert her eyes to avoid looking at the life she is taking. And then to go home and make jokes about killing it!

Sick. Sick, sick, sick.
The whole Birth Control abortion issue has to do with keeping women sexuality under Patriarchal control like the Morally superior one man social agency to help women that is posting on here ...."kicking my ass" LOL
Yeah, those women who got three quarters of a million abortions last year were forced to spread their legs and fuck their brains out. :lol:
They did it to themselves no man involved at all...you anti sex bro
The "tips" in the OP literally teach the mother to avert her eyes to avoid looking at the life she is taking. And then to go home and make jokes about killing it!

Sick. Sick, sick, sick.
They need to strive to reach your exalted level of Morality...oh yeh LOL
The whole Birth Control abortion issue has to do with keeping women sexuality under Patriarchal control like the Morally superior one man social agency to help women that is posting on here ...."kicking my ass" LOL
Yeah, those women who got three quarters of a million abortions last year were forced to spread their legs and fuck their brains out. :lol:
They did it to themselves no man involved at all...you anti sex bro
You were saying women are enslaved, as if they had no say in their pregnancy. It's bullshit.
20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.

Abortion is a private sadness.

By definition, it is not.
No child should be deprived of the right to live. If children are born into poverty, help them, don't tell pregnant women to abort them because they can't afford them.

Why would you do that?
Why can't we get the bible and religion the hell out of our law making??? The fundies apply their extremist bull shit to everything and it makes us no better then iran.

Yeah, you're right. Let's get everything that's good out of law making and rely on "scientists" to make our decisions.


Christianity in the American Revolution - Quotes from Our Founding Fathers on Religion

Let me guess.....if it were left up to you.....Soylent green.....

YOUR religion is science. My religion is a God who created all. It sucks to be you.
No child should be deprived of the right to live. If children are born into poverty, help them, don't tell pregnant women to abort them because they can't afford them.

Why would you do that?

I'm one of those 'stupid' single women who got pregnant at 18 and quick got married and had the baby and within a year had left my husband who was too young and too much of an alcholic to take responsibility for marriage. Guess who ended up taking all the responsibility and struggling to raise that baby alone? I wouldn't change anything if I could do it over, except for not being pregnant at that point in my life; it changed the course of my life completely, and it wasn't any bed of roses for my son, either.
If you have not raised a child alone in poverty, you have no right to make any kind of judgment on this issue. None.

And your point is what? That you are not responsible for your own actions? That some drunk talked you into it? Seems to me like you are of the mindset that it wasn't your decision to get pregnant. I know several women who made a bad decision, got pregnant and raised a child on their own. members of MY community (the black community) have been doing that for years. So what? The one who suffers isn't you - or the absent Father, it's the child that grows up not knowing a two-parent family.

Can a single mother raise a child successfully? of course it can and it is done often. But with a little restraint on the part of both parties - this might not happen as often as it does. Hell, I'm no hypocrite, I had a couple of close calls and I had friends who got women pregnant and left. THEY ARE ASSHOLES AND NOT MEN. Fortunately, because of a strong family, Mom and Dad, I never fell into that hole. "There but by the Grace of God go I"
I knew this thread was doomed to go to shit the moment I posted it. I just didn't realize how quickly that would come to pass, or exactly how many jackboots we have here. That said, I do want to thank all of 13 of them (TNHarley, Lucy Hamilton, Grandma, GHook93, OldLady, TheOldSchool, Steven_R, Matthew, TyroneSlothrop, mamooth, Dragonlady, hazlnut, Dovahkiin, and even a mod) for proving the point of the OP beyond all expectation. It frankly astounds me that we were able to pack this many fascists and eugenicists into one community.

Pro-life people, this battle is over. You can't win. You can't reason with the mindset consistently shown in both the article and this thread itself. I mean, holy shit. One of the most prolific posters even came out and said "I am someone that fully accepts the reality of future population control." Arguing this is like arguing the affects of communism with a commissar. You can't force someone to love or protect their children. The best we can do is remove the children they didn't murder and prevent these sick fucks from posing any further danger to them. That's it. We need to stop focusing on Planned Parenthood and start focusing on Child Protective Services if we actually give the slightest bit of a damn about the kids we can save. Ideally we'd be pushing for sterilization for abortive parents as well just to ensure that they don't destroy any of their other children's lives.
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20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.

"No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them."

Or incapable of financially independently supporting the child. These people have no business having a child and/or children.

That child and/or children should immediately be taken away from them and adopted.
I agree. There are many fewer people who deserve to be parents than there are who biologically are. If parenthood (and even fertility) were restricted only to the deserving then we wouldn't have many of the problems we do. Drug users, violent alcoholics, abusers, pro-choicers, pedophiles, career criminals. None of the sick fucks of society would be entrusted with a responsibility that was too important to be left to them.

Curious....how many parents (exact number please) have children that they are "incapable"'of loving?
The latest poll result I can find is about 47%. I'm unsure how many are parents. Evidently there were no less than 13 in this particular thread alone.

Why can't we get the bible and religion the hell out of our law making??? The fundies apply their extremist bull shit to everything and it makes us no better then iran.
Religion has nothing to do with it. I have to explain that I'm an atheist in every one of these threads and most of you still don't believe it. It's easier to disregard new information than it is to let go of a useful talking point.

Conservative as I am, I just can't accept a 100% ban on abortion.

Cut off Democrat Birth Control and you'll be overrun in a single year.
As I've now said for the third time, it's good to see so many Nazis participating in this thread.

If you really believe in abortion, have some balls and go down to an abortion clinic and watch how it's done.

Any normal person would vomit after watching a doctor pull a baby apart with a scalpel and then reassemble the body parts on the table to make sure he's pulled out the whole thing.
I dunno. I've known a few that genuinely enjoyed watching them. I wouldn't doubt at least some of the sick fucks cum to it.

Like I said it's great to see we have so many Nazis on this forum.

You approve of pro-lifers? Sicko.

The Nazis had the same abortion policies as pro-lifers They banned abortions for those they thought were of good stock, and forced abortions on whoever they considered undesirable. The commonality they have with pro-lifers is that nobody got a choice.

In contrast, pro-choice philosophy is the exact opposite of the Nazi philosophy. For us, it's all about liberty, which is why pro-lifers can't understand it, and why we will never stop fighting the pro-life Nazi ratfucks.
Nope. You don't get to decide who lives and who dies. You might find it educational to compare your philosophy with that expressed here: American Nazi Party. At the very least you'll find some common ground. You might even make a few friends.

A baby/child is not self sufficient you know..
That's why they have parents, you know...
Do you think a majority of aborted fetus were created by responsible adults with good paying jobs and enough morality to raise children properly?
Not really. Their ability to create children to dispose of is part of the problem honestly.

Bullshit. I am sick and tired of conservatives telling me that liberals hate babies. It's a flat out lie.

What liberals hate is double talking conservatives who say they don't want the government making personal decisions on their behalf, telling women that they must have a baby. No decision is more personal. The idea that a woman should have a baby as some kind of punishment for immoral behaviour just boggles the mind, especially given that unwanted children have a higher dropout rate, and a higher rate of juvenile delinquency. If someone doesn't want to have a baby, don't force them to have a baby.

And you can't say you'd make an exception for rape or incest. Then it becomes even more obvious that you are simply punishing poor women for have sex.
It's not about hate. It's more about an inability to love or prioritize the needs of one's own child. Permanent adolescence and hate are two totally different things.

What liberals hate is double talking conservatives who say they don't want the government making personal decisions on their behalf, telling women that they must have a baby.
Yeah, and we get up all in your face and say women can't kill a newborn, too. Or a five year old. Or a ten year old. Or a Dragonlady.

We're such intrusive busy bodies!
Pretty much yeah. That's the reasoning when you boil the arguments down. That's why I'm saying what I'm saying: the fight for the unborn is a lost cause. They're going to do what they want. The best we can do is remove the born children from dangerous homes before something happens to them too.

20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.

All the tips are great.

Abortion is a private sadness.

No woman should have to pay for one or feel ashamed in anyway.

Shaming a woman who has an abortion is the same as shaming the parents of a down syndrome child. Both are brave choices.
A moment is all that separates a fetus from a newborn. Does it stop being brave after that moment?
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20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.

This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

The mistake you and others hostile to privacy rights make it to see the issue as adversarial – when in fact everyone's is opposed to abortion and wishes to see the practice end; the conflict concerns how to end the practice, where you and others on the social right seek only to 'ban' abortion by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Rather than making it partisan and adversarial work instead to find a solution to the problem of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.
20 Tips for Your First Abortion

Yeah. The argument is now that women should just say fuck it and go for it it because the money raising their kids would have costed is better spent on Beyonce tickets. We're not going to sway a public that thinks like that. The best we can do is go the way our abolitionist forefathers did and protect whom we can. We can't save the unborn but we can get the born the hell away from these "people," whether that means going through foster care or child protective services. No child deserves to be raised by parents who are incapable of loving them.

This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

The mistake you and others hostile to privacy rights make it to see the issue as adversarial – when in fact everyone's is opposed to abortion and wishes to see the practice end; the conflict concerns how to end the practice, where you and others on the social right seek only to 'ban' abortion by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Rather than making it partisan and adversarial work instead to find a solution to the problem of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.
We've spoken about this before. You use "I want to see the practice end" as a talking point but that's about it. You've never actually supported ending the practice in anything but the most meaningless words. That's the single biggest reason I see it as a fairly transparent lie.
Pedro... you have such a defeatist attitude about this issue. There are fights that aren't worth fighting, granted. But there are fights that are worth fighting. They also say "choose your battles wisely." This fight for life is well chosen, and worth fighting.

The moment we concede defeat is the moment they truly win.
I knew this thread was doomed to go to shit the moment I posted it. I just didn't realize how quickly that would come to pass, or exactly how many jackboots we have here. That said, I do want to thank all of 13 of them (TNHarley, Lucy Hamilton, Grandma, GHook93, OldLady, TheOldSchool, Steven_R, Matthew, TyroneSlothrop, mamooth, Dragonlady, hazlnut, Dovahkiin, and even a mod) for proving the point of the OP beyond all expectation. It frankly astounds me that we were able to pack this many fascists and eugenicists into one community.

Pro-life people, this battle is over. You can't win. You can't reason with the mindset consistently shown in both the article and this thread itself. I mean, holy shit. One of the most prolific posters even came out and said "I am someone that fully accepts the reality of future population control." Arguing this is like arguing the affects of communism with a commissar. You can't force someone to love or protect their children. The best we can do is remove the children they didn't murder and prevent these sick fucks from posing any further danger to them. That's it. We need to stop focusing on Planned Parenthood and start focusing on Child Protective Services if we actually give the slightest bit of a damn about the kids we can save. Ideally we'd be pushing for sterilization for abortive parents as well just to ensure that they don't destroy any of their other children's lives.
Nonsense – everyone is pro-life; again, you're seeking to divide people, not bring them together to find a viable solution.

Your thread lends support to the likelihood that most on the social right aren't really interested in ending abortion, but using abortion as a wedge issue for some perceived partisan gain.

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