Why dont we solve the problem, instead of executing people ?

We are quite aware of it. It makes national media in every case. However the police in America have the right to use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's why in most all cases, the jury decides that the police officer was within our laws to use deadly force.
Papageorgio says he knows nothing about American police killing unarmed Blacks.

You are now intentionally lying. Usually when getting your ass handed to you on a thread, there is an attempt to divert and lie. You want to be up front and honest or are you going to troll?
It is laughable how Americans who are on the same side for killing prisoners say opposite things about their police killing unarmed Blacks and getting off.

Almost as laughable as those that want to release poor little Johnny from jail but don't bat an eye when chanting to kill police.
I have read no posts calling for the killing of policemen in America.

Evidently you don't have a television and don't read the news.
Papageorgio says he knows nothing about American police killing unarmed Blacks.

You are now intentionally lying. Usually when getting your ass handed to you on a thread, there is an attempt to divert and lie. You want to be up front and honest or are you going to troll?
It is laughable how Americans who are on the same side for killing prisoners say opposite things about their police killing unarmed Blacks and getting off.

Almost as laughable as those that want to release poor little Johnny from jail but don't bat an eye when chanting to kill police.
I have read no posts calling for the killing of policemen in America.

Evidently you don't have a television and don't read the news.
My TV and newspaper never mention the posts on USMessageBoard whatsoever.
You are implying that the police kill people during traffic stops all the time and get away with it. It is a rare occurrence, millions and millions of traffic stops occur with no incident. The proof is that they make national news if it does occur.

Correction: only if the individual killed was unarmed and black.
Now, tell me the result of the case.
The result?
One dead Black dude.

More dishonesty from you, not surprising. The former cop is doing life in prison. No parole, he should have been executed in my opinion, however you got your way with this case.

So you have one bad cop out of 1.1 million law enforcement officers. Now I prefer NO bad officers, however that is unrealistic. Now, there are several instances where people have walked up to a police car and executed the police officer in the car, yet your focus is one incident in 2015. Millions of millions of traffic stops performed every year, no one killed, however you pick one bad cop who is now serving life in prison, it seems to me that justice was handed out and because it is life in prison, it meets your terms of punishment for the crime of murder. I don't understand your issue.
You honestly believe that there was only one dishonest cop in America?
Please, get real.

You cited one, it is the case you are obsessed with and the officer got life in prison, the same penalty that anyone else would have gotten, no special treatment. The Justice that you claim is correct with the charge of murder. So officers aren't stopping people and shooting unarmed people left and right here like you are trying to imply.

Please quit being dishonest, it hinders the forum.
Your implication that no American policeman has got away with murder after shooting an unarmed Black after a traffic stop is what is dishonest. You know that. I know that. You know that I know that. And everyone reading this thread knows it, including those on your side.

I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
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That is not how I read Papageorgio's post which looks like he never heard of unarmed Blacks getting shot dead when stopped for a tail light malfunction. He wants links to statements that the policemen in America are afraid that they will be killed if they do not shoot unarmed Blacks.

He didn't say that at all. What you implied is that there were cases where a cop pulled somebody over for a tail light and just took their gun and killed the driver for no reason. That's what's a lie here.

If a cop tells you to not put your hands in your coat pocket, and you do anyway, he has reason to believe you have a deadly weapon and are willing to use it. You do know one can shoot a gun from inside their coat pocket, don't you?

Every single police shooting case has one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of police. Every one could have been avoided if the suspects only did that.
The result?
One dead Black dude.

More dishonesty from you, not surprising. The former cop is doing life in prison. No parole, he should have been executed in my opinion, however you got your way with this case.

So you have one bad cop out of 1.1 million law enforcement officers. Now I prefer NO bad officers, however that is unrealistic. Now, there are several instances where people have walked up to a police car and executed the police officer in the car, yet your focus is one incident in 2015. Millions of millions of traffic stops performed every year, no one killed, however you pick one bad cop who is now serving life in prison, it seems to me that justice was handed out and because it is life in prison, it meets your terms of punishment for the crime of murder. I don't understand your issue.
You honestly believe that there was only one dishonest cop in America?
Please, get real.

You cited one, it is the case you are obsessed with and the officer got life in prison, the same penalty that anyone else would have gotten, no special treatment. The Justice that you claim is correct with the charge of murder. So officers aren't stopping people and shooting unarmed people left and right here like you are trying to imply.

Please quit being dishonest, it hinders the forum.
Your implication that no American policeman has got away with murder after shooting an unarmed Black after a traffic stop is what is dishonest. You know that. I know that. You know that I know that. And everyone reading this thread knows it, including those on your side.

I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
You are contradicting yourself because earlier you wrote that an American policeman can shoot dead an unarmed Black person if the he says he was afraid. In fear of one's life on the say-so of a policeman and anyone in your state is sufficient to shoot people. They should train the police better where you live and not hire scaredy cats.
That is not how I read Papageorgio's post which looks like he never heard of unarmed Blacks getting shot dead when stopped for a tail light malfunction. He wants links to statements that the policemen in America are afraid that they will be killed if they do not shoot unarmed Blacks.

He didn't say that at all. What you implied is that there were cases where a cop pulled somebody over for a tail light and just took their gun and killed the driver for no reason. That's what's a lie here.

If a cop tells you to not put your hands in your coat pocket, and you do anyway, he has reason to believe you have a deadly weapon and are willing to use it. You do know one can shoot a gun from inside their coat pocket, don't you?

Every single police shooting case has one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of police. Every one could have been avoided if the suspects only did that.
Dead men tell no tales.
The death penalty is
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?
You bring this up as a solution. WHAT problem are you trying to solve? Crime? That one size fits all moniker? You mean, horrendous egregious evil vile crimes that go beyond description? I have no problem euthanizing sociopaths or other senseless murderers . No problem at all. Why is this even an issue?
That is not how I read Papageorgio's post which looks like he never heard of unarmed Blacks getting shot dead when stopped for a tail light malfunction. He wants links to statements that the policemen in America are afraid that they will be killed if they do not shoot unarmed Blacks.

He didn't say that at all. What you implied is that there were cases where a cop pulled somebody over for a tail light and just took their gun and killed the driver for no reason. That's what's a lie here.

If a cop tells you to not put your hands in your coat pocket, and you do anyway, he has reason to believe you have a deadly weapon and are willing to use it. You do know one can shoot a gun from inside their coat pocket, don't you?

Every single police shooting case has one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of police. Every one could have been avoided if the suspects only did that.
Dead men tell no tales.

Correct, but videos and forensic science does.
More dishonesty from you, not surprising. The former cop is doing life in prison. No parole, he should have been executed in my opinion, however you got your way with this case.

So you have one bad cop out of 1.1 million law enforcement officers. Now I prefer NO bad officers, however that is unrealistic. Now, there are several instances where people have walked up to a police car and executed the police officer in the car, yet your focus is one incident in 2015. Millions of millions of traffic stops performed every year, no one killed, however you pick one bad cop who is now serving life in prison, it seems to me that justice was handed out and because it is life in prison, it meets your terms of punishment for the crime of murder. I don't understand your issue.
You honestly believe that there was only one dishonest cop in America?
Please, get real.

You cited one, it is the case you are obsessed with and the officer got life in prison, the same penalty that anyone else would have gotten, no special treatment. The Justice that you claim is correct with the charge of murder. So officers aren't stopping people and shooting unarmed people left and right here like you are trying to imply.

Please quit being dishonest, it hinders the forum.
Your implication that no American policeman has got away with murder after shooting an unarmed Black after a traffic stop is what is dishonest. You know that. I know that. You know that I know that. And everyone reading this thread knows it, including those on your side.

I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
You are contradicting yourself because earlier you wrote that an American policeman can shoot dead an unarmed Black person if the he says he was afraid. In fear of one's life on the say-so of a policeman and anyone in your state is sufficient to shoot people. They should train the police better where you live and not hire scaredy cats.

Scardey cats? Have you ever been face to face with death? All the training in the world won't change a persons will to live.

And how am I contradicting myself? What I did say is that yes, police and citizens have a right to use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It's not just because a cop says so. He has to provide evidence of why he believed his life was in danger.
There is nothing just about demanding that I support slimeballs for the rest of their lives unless we make sure that that is a very short period of time (hours or days).
In case you've forgotten the idea is to punish; not reward. If anything they should be put to work supporting the taxpayer instead of the other way round.
That is not how I read Papageorgio's post which looks like he never heard of unarmed Blacks getting shot dead when stopped for a tail light malfunction. He wants links to statements that the policemen in America are afraid that they will be killed if they do not shoot unarmed Blacks.

He didn't say that at all. What you implied is that there were cases where a cop pulled somebody over for a tail light and just took their gun and killed the driver for no reason. That's what's a lie here.

If a cop tells you to not put your hands in your coat pocket, and you do anyway, he has reason to believe you have a deadly weapon and are willing to use it. You do know one can shoot a gun from inside their coat pocket, don't you?

Every single police shooting case has one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of police. Every one could have been avoided if the suspects only did that.
Dead men tell no tales.

Correct, but videos and forensic science does.
Yes, cell phones are exposing police brutality in America as never before. They are a blessing.
You honestly believe that there was only one dishonest cop in America?
Please, get real.

You cited one, it is the case you are obsessed with and the officer got life in prison, the same penalty that anyone else would have gotten, no special treatment. The Justice that you claim is correct with the charge of murder. So officers aren't stopping people and shooting unarmed people left and right here like you are trying to imply.

Please quit being dishonest, it hinders the forum.
Your implication that no American policeman has got away with murder after shooting an unarmed Black after a traffic stop is what is dishonest. You know that. I know that. You know that I know that. And everyone reading this thread knows it, including those on your side.

I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
You are contradicting yourself because earlier you wrote that an American policeman can shoot dead an unarmed Black person if the he says he was afraid. In fear of one's life on the say-so of a policeman and anyone in your state is sufficient to shoot people. They should train the police better where you live and not hire scaredy cats.

Scardey cats? Have you ever been face to face with death? All the training in the world won't change a persons will to live.

And how am I contradicting myself? What I did say is that yes, police and citizens have a right to use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It's not just because a cop says so. He has to provide evidence of why he believed his life was in danger.
The evidence that a policeman was afraid only has to be his word. No one can contradict him. But thanks to cell phones we can see cops shooting unarmed Blacks and for the benefit of the audio they will shout, "Don't reach for that gun!"
"You see, Your Honor, I truly believed his phone was a gun and I was scared for my life. Yes, Your Honor, scared as could be. When I became a policeman, I never thought I would be coming face to face with death on a daily basis. A daily basis, Your Honor."
Where do they hire these people from? Iraq?
The Unarmed Black Man's Guide to Interacting with the Police in a Crisis Situation:

1. shut-the-phukk up

2. keep your hands where the officer can see them

3. obey all lawful commands immediately, silently, and without protest​

Fail to observe these three simple, common-sense steps, and Nature will de-select you.

The rest of us have to observe those steps, and, just in case you haven't figured it out yet... so do you.

Next slide, please.
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You cited one, it is the case you are obsessed with and the officer got life in prison, the same penalty that anyone else would have gotten, no special treatment. The Justice that you claim is correct with the charge of murder. So officers aren't stopping people and shooting unarmed people left and right here like you are trying to imply.

Please quit being dishonest, it hinders the forum.
Your implication that no American policeman has got away with murder after shooting an unarmed Black after a traffic stop is what is dishonest. You know that. I know that. You know that I know that. And everyone reading this thread knows it, including those on your side.

I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
You are contradicting yourself because earlier you wrote that an American policeman can shoot dead an unarmed Black person if the he says he was afraid. In fear of one's life on the say-so of a policeman and anyone in your state is sufficient to shoot people. They should train the police better where you live and not hire scaredy cats.

Scardey cats? Have you ever been face to face with death? All the training in the world won't change a persons will to live.

And how am I contradicting myself? What I did say is that yes, police and citizens have a right to use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It's not just because a cop says so. He has to provide evidence of why he believed his life was in danger.
The evidence that a policeman was afraid only has to be his word. No one can contradict him. But thanks to cell phones we can see cops shooting unarmed Blacks and for the benefit of the audio they will shout, "Don't reach for that gun!"
"You see, Your Honor, I truly believed his phone was a gun and I was scared for my life. Yes, Your Honor, scared as could be. When I became a policeman, I never thought I would be coming face to face with death on a daily basis. A daily basis, Your Honor."
Where do they hire these people from? Iraq?

Wow! What an imagination. You must watch a lot of TV. Now, do you have any more examples? Because the one you gave the cop was convicted and you seem to base all your theory on one example. So far, you have nothing.
You cited one, it is the case you are obsessed with and the officer got life in prison, the same penalty that anyone else would have gotten, no special treatment. The Justice that you claim is correct with the charge of murder. So officers aren't stopping people and shooting unarmed people left and right here like you are trying to imply.

Please quit being dishonest, it hinders the forum.
Your implication that no American policeman has got away with murder after shooting an unarmed Black after a traffic stop is what is dishonest. You know that. I know that. You know that I know that. And everyone reading this thread knows it, including those on your side.

I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
You are contradicting yourself because earlier you wrote that an American policeman can shoot dead an unarmed Black person if the he says he was afraid. In fear of one's life on the say-so of a policeman and anyone in your state is sufficient to shoot people. They should train the police better where you live and not hire scaredy cats.

Scardey cats? Have you ever been face to face with death? All the training in the world won't change a persons will to live.

And how am I contradicting myself? What I did say is that yes, police and citizens have a right to use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It's not just because a cop says so. He has to provide evidence of why he believed his life was in danger.
The evidence that a policeman was afraid only has to be his word. No one can contradict him. But thanks to cell phones we can see cops shooting unarmed Blacks and for the benefit of the audio they will shout, "Don't reach for that gun!"
"You see, Your Honor, I truly believed his phone was a gun and I was scared for my life. Yes, Your Honor, scared as could be. When I became a policeman, I never thought I would be coming face to face with death on a daily basis. A daily basis, Your Honor."
Where do they hire these people from? Iraq?

You are partly correct. When a suspect is told to freeze and he digs around in his car or coat pocket, yes, the officer does have every right to believe his life is in jeopardy. Why? Because the suspect decided to risk possible death to reach for whatever he's reaching for. He knowingly refused to listen to the orders of the police officer.

It's all part of a police officers training. So where did they get the ideas for this training? From the hundreds of dead cops before them. It's called Police Procedure.
That is not how I read Papageorgio's post which looks like he never heard of unarmed Blacks getting shot dead when stopped for a tail light malfunction. He wants links to statements that the policemen in America are afraid that they will be killed if they do not shoot unarmed Blacks.

He didn't say that at all. What you implied is that there were cases where a cop pulled somebody over for a tail light and just took their gun and killed the driver for no reason. That's what's a lie here.

If a cop tells you to not put your hands in your coat pocket, and you do anyway, he has reason to believe you have a deadly weapon and are willing to use it. You do know one can shoot a gun from inside their coat pocket, don't you?

Every single police shooting case has one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of police. Every one could have been avoided if the suspects only did that.
Dead men tell no tales.

Correct, but videos and forensic science does.
Yes, cell phones are exposing police brutality in America as never before. They are a blessing.

I agree, they are a blessing. In fact, those cell phone videos are responsible for proving the innocence of police officers. They bring those videos into court to prove the officer broke no laws.
That is not how I read Papageorgio's post which looks like he never heard of unarmed Blacks getting shot dead when stopped for a tail light malfunction. He wants links to statements that the policemen in America are afraid that they will be killed if they do not shoot unarmed Blacks.

He didn't say that at all. What you implied is that there were cases where a cop pulled somebody over for a tail light and just took their gun and killed the driver for no reason. That's what's a lie here.

If a cop tells you to not put your hands in your coat pocket, and you do anyway, he has reason to believe you have a deadly weapon and are willing to use it. You do know one can shoot a gun from inside their coat pocket, don't you?

Every single police shooting case has one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of police. Every one could have been avoided if the suspects only did that.
Dead men tell no tales.

Correct, but videos and forensic science does.
Yes, cell phones are exposing police brutality in America as never before. They are a blessing.

I agree, they are a blessing. In fact, those cell phone videos are responsible for proving the innocence of police officers. They bring those videos into court to prove the officer broke no laws.
Your implication that no American policeman has got away with murder after shooting an unarmed Black after a traffic stop is what is dishonest. You know that. I know that. You know that I know that. And everyone reading this thread knows it, including those on your side.

I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
You are contradicting yourself because earlier you wrote that an American policeman can shoot dead an unarmed Black person if the he says he was afraid. In fear of one's life on the say-so of a policeman and anyone in your state is sufficient to shoot people. They should train the police better where you live and not hire scaredy cats.

Scardey cats? Have you ever been face to face with death? All the training in the world won't change a persons will to live.

And how am I contradicting myself? What I did say is that yes, police and citizens have a right to use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It's not just because a cop says so. He has to provide evidence of why he believed his life was in danger.
The evidence that a policeman was afraid only has to be his word. No one can contradict him. But thanks to cell phones we can see cops shooting unarmed Blacks and for the benefit of the audio they will shout, "Don't reach for that gun!"
"You see, Your Honor, I truly believed his phone was a gun and I was scared for my life. Yes, Your Honor, scared as could be. When I became a policeman, I never thought I would be coming face to face with death on a daily basis. A daily basis, Your Honor."
Where do they hire these people from? Iraq?

Wow! What an imagination. You must watch a lot of TV. Now, do you have any more examples? Because the one you gave the cop was convicted and you seem to base all your theory on one example. So far, you have nothing.
Clearly you do not watch any TV.

Your implication that no American policeman has got away with murder after shooting an unarmed Black after a traffic stop is what is dishonest. You know that. I know that. You know that I know that. And everyone reading this thread knows it, including those on your side.

I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
You are contradicting yourself because earlier you wrote that an American policeman can shoot dead an unarmed Black person if the he says he was afraid. In fear of one's life on the say-so of a policeman and anyone in your state is sufficient to shoot people. They should train the police better where you live and not hire scaredy cats.

Scardey cats? Have you ever been face to face with death? All the training in the world won't change a persons will to live.

And how am I contradicting myself? What I did say is that yes, police and citizens have a right to use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It's not just because a cop says so. He has to provide evidence of why he believed his life was in danger.
The evidence that a policeman was afraid only has to be his word. No one can contradict him. But thanks to cell phones we can see cops shooting unarmed Blacks and for the benefit of the audio they will shout, "Don't reach for that gun!"
"You see, Your Honor, I truly believed his phone was a gun and I was scared for my life. Yes, Your Honor, scared as could be. When I became a policeman, I never thought I would be coming face to face with death on a daily basis. A daily basis, Your Honor."
Where do they hire these people from? Iraq?

You are partly correct. When a suspect is told to freeze and he digs around in his car or coat pocket, yes, the officer does have every right to believe his life is in jeopardy. Why? Because the suspect decided to risk possible death to reach for whatever he's reaching for. He knowingly refused to listen to the orders of the police officer.

It's all part of a police officers training. So where did they get the ideas for this training? From the hundreds of dead cops before them. It's called Police Procedure.
American police procedure is causing the deaths of very many unarmed Blacks.

That is not how I read Papageorgio's post which looks like he never heard of unarmed Blacks getting shot dead when stopped for a tail light malfunction. He wants links to statements that the policemen in America are afraid that they will be killed if they do not shoot unarmed Blacks.

He didn't say that at all. What you implied is that there were cases where a cop pulled somebody over for a tail light and just took their gun and killed the driver for no reason. That's what's a lie here.

If a cop tells you to not put your hands in your coat pocket, and you do anyway, he has reason to believe you have a deadly weapon and are willing to use it. You do know one can shoot a gun from inside their coat pocket, don't you?

Every single police shooting case has one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of police. Every one could have been avoided if the suspects only did that.
Dead men tell no tales.

Correct, but videos and forensic science does.
Yes, cell phones are exposing police brutality in America as never before. They are a blessing.

I agree, they are a blessing. In fact, those cell phone videos are responsible for proving the innocence of police officers. They bring those videos into court to prove the officer broke no laws.
"Shit! He just shot that unarmed guy who was running away! Shit man!
He didn't say that at all. What you implied is that there were cases where a cop pulled somebody over for a tail light and just took their gun and killed the driver for no reason. That's what's a lie here.

If a cop tells you to not put your hands in your coat pocket, and you do anyway, he has reason to believe you have a deadly weapon and are willing to use it. You do know one can shoot a gun from inside their coat pocket, don't you?

Every single police shooting case has one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of police. Every one could have been avoided if the suspects only did that.
Dead men tell no tales.

Correct, but videos and forensic science does.
Yes, cell phones are exposing police brutality in America as never before. They are a blessing.

I agree, they are a blessing. In fact, those cell phone videos are responsible for proving the innocence of police officers. They bring those videos into court to prove the officer broke no laws.
I'm on his side and I don't know that. What I do know is that you are taking a lot out of the traffic stops that's pertinent to the cases. Each one is investigated by various governmental agencies local, state, and in some cases federal. They call in forensic scientists to go through every inch of the shooting scene. If there is even a hint that something may be amiss, it goes to the grand jury and the experts testify in each case.

It's not a "his word" deal. Every I is dotted and every T is crossed. No officer gets away with murder. And in fact, in many cases, the officer is forced to retire from the department even though he (she) did nothing illegal or wrong.
You are contradicting yourself because earlier you wrote that an American policeman can shoot dead an unarmed Black person if the he says he was afraid. In fear of one's life on the say-so of a policeman and anyone in your state is sufficient to shoot people. They should train the police better where you live and not hire scaredy cats.

Scardey cats? Have you ever been face to face with death? All the training in the world won't change a persons will to live.

And how am I contradicting myself? What I did say is that yes, police and citizens have a right to use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It's not just because a cop says so. He has to provide evidence of why he believed his life was in danger.
The evidence that a policeman was afraid only has to be his word. No one can contradict him. But thanks to cell phones we can see cops shooting unarmed Blacks and for the benefit of the audio they will shout, "Don't reach for that gun!"
"You see, Your Honor, I truly believed his phone was a gun and I was scared for my life. Yes, Your Honor, scared as could be. When I became a policeman, I never thought I would be coming face to face with death on a daily basis. A daily basis, Your Honor."
Where do they hire these people from? Iraq?

Wow! What an imagination. You must watch a lot of TV. Now, do you have any more examples? Because the one you gave the cop was convicted and you seem to base all your theory on one example. So far, you have nothing.
Clearly you do not watch any TV.

Clearly you,can come with more than one example then. The one we dealt with the cop didn't get away with anything. Now, are you going to continue to act stupid or is it not an act?

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