Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?

I can agree in theory, but not in practice. Yes, "it provides a framework in which inevitable sets of partisans can co-exist in peace", I'm with you, but today's partisan ideologues are nothing more than narcissistic liars with absolutely no interest in co-existing in peace. They have to be honest brokers, serious contributors to the process and they are not. It's absolutely impossible to take anything a partisan ideologue says at face value -- how can any cooperation or progress come from that?

And we're seeing the results. Decay. Until some brave leaders arrive and move politics away from this behavior, the decay will surely continue.


OK but every society has had its share of narcissistic liars. The Romans bred some choice examples.

How are your brave leaders to solve this problem? Have a Supreme Leader, like Iran has, who decides who should be allowed to be a candidate? Self declared non-partisan centrists don't win many votes in any country.

No, leaders, plural. This is such a mess that it will take multiple people, probably from multiple industries, to lead the way out of it.

Further, I agree that centrists can't very effectively "lead" either party. But then that assumes that partisans are simply incapable of being honest brokers. Admittedly, I have my doubts, but I don't think that partisanship and fundamental honesty have to be mutually exclusive. And that's where we are.

The system is okay -- although there are changes I'd love to see -- it's the people operating it that are causing so much damage.


I sympathise with much that you say. But how are these good people to be chosen and how are they to be put into authority? Only by abandoning that Constitution that Americans hold in almost religious awe.
When are you going to realize rhetoric like this is not supported by facts whatsoever?

When will you realize that you're a left wing extremist? A totalitarian? Dissolution of a whole party? You rank partisan, unnatural noise. People like you are why this country is divided.

I don't understand why posting facts makes me such am extremist. I mean I get that you righty tighties operate more on emotion than you do facts and analysis, but at some point you have to face reality.

Here's a fact, Jack,

There will be no one party government. Not even posting me the fabled library at Alexandria will convince me to end this bicameral system. You've a got a lot of nerve suggesting such. You operate on emotion, wanting to radically change our system of government because you posted a few links about Obama. That's insulting. Who the hell do you think you are, son? We live in a representative government. This is a reality. Not in a million years will America tolerate a one party system.
When will you realize that you're a left wing extremist? A totalitarian? Dissolution of a whole party? You rank partisan, unnatural noise. People like you are why this country is divided.

I don't understand why posting facts makes me such am extremist. I mean I get that you righty tighties operate more on emotion than you do facts and analysis, but at some point you have to face reality.

Far left propaganda and talking points are not fact no matter how much you want them to be.

Fine. Then explain why they are bullshit. None of you have so far.
When will you realize that you're a left wing extremist? A totalitarian? Dissolution of a whole party? You rank partisan, unnatural noise. People like you are why this country is divided.

I don't understand why posting facts makes me such am extremist. I mean I get that you righty tighties operate more on emotion than you do facts and analysis, but at some point you have to face reality.

Here's a fact, Jack,

There will be no one party government. Not even posting me the fabled library at Alexandria will convince me to end this bicameral system. You've a got a lot of nerve suggesting such. You operate on emotion, wanting to radically change our system of government because you posted a few links about Obama. That's insulting. Who the hell do you think you are, son? We live in a representative government. This is a reality. Not in a million years will America tolerate a one party system.

Are you going to address the specific info in the OP at any point? Otherwise, you are just noise.
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1%. Here's What That Really Means. - Business Insider

Though about religion, I think this holds true for any 2 system analogy:

Doubters serve a useful purpose. There always has to be balance in things. With faith it's those who argue against it. No up without down, on without off, positive-negative, etc. If everyone agreed about G-d and there was only 1 religion what would happen eventually is that 1 religion would divide into two or more factions and they'd then argue with themselves. Can never have good without evil, if you did the all-good group simply changes into two groups consisting of "more good" vs "less good." And "less good" becomes the new "evil." Consequently, G-d not only allows doubters to exist, but ensures they flourish. Sometimes I wonder if His apparent refusal to prove His existence is to fulfill this need and purpose. If we all knew beyond all doubt G-d existed, and never had reason to doubt wouldn't we then just become overly dependent upon Him? Society would likely stagnate and die off since we wouldn't be doing much for ourselves anymore and expecting G-d to take care of things.

With politics, there should always be an opposition party. Without it, whatever's in power tends to run amok. And eventually the singular party just breaks in two as above. 'More Democrat' vs 'Less Democrat.' There's so many things to be done that a single party could never hope to have uniform consensus on everything. Having a 'them' to your 'us' at least enables a clearer view of what your side's for, versus their side.

Until the human animal evolves to a point where we can set aside petty differences and do things for the common good of all, politics will continue to be an exercise in futility. What we need is Earth to be the 'us' and some slobbering alien invaders the 'them.' :)
Public sector= general society like your roads, epa= clean water and air, defense, ssi, public education, police, etc. God bless them....Heck, a large percentage of science from the noaa, nhc, nasa, nsf is public!

Private sector= businesses with good idea's and innovation. The little guy can become something big.

There isn't a reason to oppose either.

Of course there is. Government is force. Everything it does is based on the use of force against innocent people. That fact along should be sufficient cause to avoid using it whenever possible. More bad than good always comes from initiating force against the innocent.

Without force there can be no government. But it is not essential that it be used against i'nnocent' people.
Not to worry, I think you government loving people will have your one party Rulers soon enough..

They are already out of control in stream rolling over us because of people like the OP who falls for every leftwing talking point out there and citizens in this country who can vote in a man like Obama who had no experience in anything except community agitating and was a lowly state Senator for a short period of time...This country is hopeless

We can then all bow and hail our Masters

If they do go to one party, it will devolve into conservative democrats verses rabid liberal ones. Human nature dictates the need for a villain and a hero whether they be created or merely observed.
Because we were not the Democrats?

You know the guys that brought us the KKK, the Jim Crow Laws? Those guys?


This is an old and completely out of context meme.

Bottom line..it was conservatives that brought us all that.

And it's conservatives today that carry that flame.

They've joined the Republican and Tea Party.

Heck..they are STILL waving the Stars and Bars.

Wish I was in Dixie! :lol:
Not to worry, I think you government loving people will have your one party Rulers soon enough..

They are already out of control in stream rolling over us because of people like the OP who falls for every leftwing talking point out there and citizens in this country who can vote in a man like Obama who had no experience in anything except community agitating and was a lowly state Senator for a short period of time...This country is hopeless

We can then all bow and hail our Masters

If they do go to one party, it will devolve into conservative democrats verses rabid liberal ones. Human nature dictates the need for a villain and a hero whether they be created or merely observed.


That's what happened in communist countries with one party.

You do get to vote on different candidates. And it breaks along those lines.
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1%. Here's What That Really Means. - Business Insider

This is full of partisan hackery.

A) From 2009-2011, Democrats held both houses of Congress. From 2009 to present they have held the Senate, and for the last 6 years almost, a Democrat has been president. Meaning that any income disparity is the fault of Democrats. For example, Food Stamp participation has risen every year since Obama took office:

SNAP Annual Summary

B) The Labor Force Participation Rate is at it's lowest in three decades:


C) Democrats passed the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, which is responsible for stripping 6 million people of their insurance, adding $1.2 trillion to the national debt.

D) And once again, from 2006 to Present, Democrats have presided over the last $9 trillion spent and added to our national debt.

And you think we don't need Republicans? I'm sorry buddy, but since you guys took over, you've done considerable harm to this country.
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Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1%. Here's What That Really Means. - Business Insider

This is full of partisan hackery.

A) From 2009-2011, Democrats held both houses of Congress. From 2009 to present they have held the Senate, and for the last 6 years almost, a Democrat has been president. Meaning that any income disparity is the fault of Democrats. For example, Food Stamp participation has risen every year since Obama took office:

SNAP Annual Summary

B) The Labor Force Participation Rate is at it's lowest in three decades:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

C) Democrats passed the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, which is responsible for stripping 6 million people of their insurance, adding $1.2 trillion to the national debt.

D) And once again, from 2006 to Present, Democrats have presided over the last $9 trillion spent and added to our national debt.

And you think we don't need Republicans? I'm sorry buddy, but since you guys took over, you've done considerable harm to this country.

Every link the Op posted was nothing more than left wing crap propaganda...Not one fact in the bunch
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1%. Here's What That Really Means. - Business Insider

This is full of partisan hackery.

A) From 2009-2011, Democrats held both houses of Congress. From 2009 to present they have held the Senate, and for the last 6 years almost, a Democrat has been president. Meaning that any income disparity is the fault of Democrats. For example, Food Stamp participation has risen every year since Obama took office:

SNAP Annual Summary

B) The Labor Force Participation Rate is at it's lowest in three decades:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

C) Democrats passed the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, which is responsible for stripping 6 million people of their insurance, adding $1.2 trillion to the national debt.

D) And once again, from 2006 to Present, Democrats have presided over the last $9 trillion spent and added to our national debt.

And you think we don't need Republicans? I'm sorry buddy, but since you guys took over, you've done considerable harm to this country.

How is it democrats fault for the income disparity? It does not make any sense to blame it on food stamps. Get real dude.

Yeah no shit labor participation is dropping. That is what happens when people lose their jobs. It's not like those jobs went to other people. They are GONE. That is the nature of lay offs.

Oh you mean the plan invented by republicans?

Yep you're right. Most of that has been spent on defense (in terms of policy)
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America doesn't need any political party at all. There was a time when they didn't exist and participation in the system was much higher.
Income disparity?

that right there should give a clue to the OP's left wing biases

just a useful tool for the Democrat/Progressive party

that's why we are in a world of hurt in this country
"America," in whatever way you're choosing to use the word, doesn't need political parties at all. They simply make it easier for the establishment to present a false choice, Democrat or Republican, and for voters to feel like they've actually done something.
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1%. Here's What That Really Means. - Business Insider

This is full of partisan hackery.

A) From 2009-2011, Democrats held both houses of Congress. From 2009 to present they have held the Senate, and for the last 6 years almost, a Democrat has been president. Meaning that any income disparity is the fault of Democrats. For example, Food Stamp participation has risen every year since Obama took office:

SNAP Annual Summary

B) The Labor Force Participation Rate is at it's lowest in three decades:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

C) Democrats passed the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, which is responsible for stripping 6 million people of their insurance, adding $1.2 trillion to the national debt.

D) And once again, from 2006 to Present, Democrats have presided over the last $9 trillion spent and added to our national debt.

And you think we don't need Republicans? I'm sorry buddy, but since you guys took over, you've done considerable harm to this country.

How is it democrats fault for the income disparity? It does not make any sense to blame it on food stamps. Get real dude.

Yeah no shit labor participation is dropping. That is what happens when people lose their jobs. It's not like those jobs went to other people. They are GONE. That is the nature of lay offs.

Oh you mean the plan invented by republicans?

Yep you're right. Most of that has been spent on defense (in terms of policy)

More far left propaganda!
"America," in whatever way you're choosing to use the word, doesn't need political parties at all. They simply make it easier for the establishment to present a false choice, Democrat or Republican, and for voters to feel like they've actually done something.

False choices?

You mean if like the notion that you can keep your plan if you like it, or read my lips, no new taxes? Those kind of false choices?
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1%. Here's What That Really Means. - Business Insider

This is full of partisan hackery.

A) From 2009-2011, Democrats held both houses of Congress. From 2009 to present they have held the Senate, and for the last 6 years almost, a Democrat has been president. Meaning that any income disparity is the fault of Democrats. For example, Food Stamp participation has risen every year since Obama took office:

SNAP Annual Summary

B) The Labor Force Participation Rate is at it's lowest in three decades:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

C) Democrats passed the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, which is responsible for stripping 6 million people of their insurance, adding $1.2 trillion to the national debt.

D) And once again, from 2006 to Present, Democrats have presided over the last $9 trillion spent and added to our national debt.

And you think we don't need Republicans? I'm sorry buddy, but since you guys took over, you've done considerable harm to this country.

How is it democrats fault for the income disparity? It does not make any sense to blame it on food stamps. Get real dude.

Yeah no shit labor participation is dropping. That is what happens when people lose their jobs. It's not like those jobs went to other people. They are GONE. That is the nature of lay offs.

Oh you mean the plan invented by republicans?

Yep you're right. Most of that has been spent on defense (in terms of policy)

Why is everything Republicans fault anyways? I can picture you sitting there frothing at the mouth. Republicans are eeevil EEEEEVIL! Get real, Billy.

How is it the Democrat's fault for the income disparity? Given the year you cited, 2009, Democrats held both houses for 2 years, and still control the Senate since then. Meaning that after all this time, Democrats still hold the keys. Meaning they are responsible for any disparity as a result.

Spending on Welfare has exceeded $548 billion this past year. Couple that with the $75 billion we spent on Food Stamps last year, you you nearly equal defense spending for the past year. We spent $636 billion on defense in 2013.

So you tell me, whose fault is it really?
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