Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?

First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in Congress voted against infrastructure spending that would have lowered unemployment.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

And now Republicans in Congress refuse to raise the minimum wage.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
What a bunch of drivel. Blaming Bush for the global economic collapase? Why do liberals always need a bogeyman to explain complex issues? How about putting some blame on government leaning on banks to make loans easier? Or all those Americans buying way above their pay grade or looking to get rich flipping houses? There were/are many factors, especially globally!

Infrastructure spending should be handled by the states, but even then, governments aren't created to supply jobs. They are supposed to take care of the basics first, infrastructure, emergency and police services, instead of funding every liberal wet dream possible first.

Many Republicans were voted into office BECAUSE they opposed programs like ObamaCare. The Democrat senate refused to pass any budget that wasn't all or nothing. And the media plays along. For the lemmings.

The federal government can't micromanage itself, let along every business. How can government determine what will keep employees cost effective? That pay increase comes from somewhere, the cost of goods and services will go up and demand may well go down. The amount of regulations coming out of Washington is staggering.

Business is what makes the economy go around, you hurt business, you hurt the economy.
Because we were not the Democrats?

You know the guys that brought us the KKK, the Jim Crow Laws? Those guys?

Once again, you know that conservatives fled the Democratic Party in the middle 60's after creating the KKK and the Jim Crowe laws, right? They joined the GOP which is why it's 90% white today. You know that, right? You can't be this fucking stupid. Or can you? Do you live in a bubble of ignorance? Just repeating "stupid" because that's all you know?

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Turning-Right-Sixties-Conservative-Capture/dp/0807858641]Turning Right in the Sixties: The Conservative Capture of the GOP: Mary C. Brennan: 9780807858646: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

There are books you can buy and read that will help you to stop repeating "asshole ignorance". In fact, you don't even need to read a book. You can look it up on the Internet.

Why do Republicans keep repeating the same stupid shit? Is it because they have nothing to be proud of after conservatives took over the Republican Party in the middle 60's? You idiots need to take a good long look at why conservatives desperately try to take credit for what others have done and have no achievements they can be proud of.
We need a party that doesn't believe the bullshit stats you cited. Unemployment is at an all-time high right now. Lots and lots of government jobs have been created because they needed a bunch more bureaucrats to impose Obamacare on us. The left makes it sound like Obama has created private sector jobs (the ones truly needed) and that he helped the economy. All he did was expand government and cause the private sector to shrink drastically. Brag all you want, but it doesn't make that a good thing.
The Democrat Agenda:
-Bigger government
-Higher taxes
-Trillion dollar deficits
-War on coal
-Fundamentally transform America
-Longest streak of 7%+ unemployment since Great Depression
-Worst labor participation rate since Jimmy Carter
-Welfare cases skyrocketing
-Higher gasoline prices and less drilling

That's the Dem agenda.

Here's the GOP agenda:
-Lower taxes
-Balanced budget amendment
-Cut cap and balance
-Save Medicare and social security for future generations through smart reforms
-More freedom and less government intrusion, whether it be phone records or tax returns
-A renewal of American greatness

Which side are you on?
Why exactly does America need the Democratic Party?

Tell me. What good has it done for this country? This "new normal" is not your father's normal.
Why exactly does America need the Democratic Party?

Tell me. What good has it done for this country? This "new normal" is not your father's normal.
Neither party has done any good.

They don't give a shit about the "American People".
Like their elder brothers in political philosophy the communists, democrats are against ownership of anything, even of their own failed ideas. Look at Deanys futile, pathetic attempts to blame dem failure and shame on Conservatives. Pathetic
Us Progressives need someone to shellac come election time in the Senate & Presidential elections

After forcing Americans to buy health insurance from large insurance corporations(when you guys last had control of the legislative, executive, and judicial branch), I wonder where we would progress to next if we had a repeat...
"Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?"
Ummmmm... as the antidote to the Democrats, when THEY get out of hand (as they always do).

When is that? It's the republicans that bring on the disasters. Hoover and the great depression. Nixon and watergate. Reagan and Iran Contra, and over 100 felony convictions in his administration. The grandaddy of all was the party in power during the 9-11 attack after many warnings that it was going to happen, and of course the financial meltdown in 2008 after eight years of republican rule.
Us Progressives need someone to shellac come election time in the Senate & Presidential elections

After forcing Americans to buy health insurance from large insurance corporations(when you guys last had control of the legislative, executive, and judicial branch), I wonder where we would progress to next if we had a repeat...

Education, health, housing - the liberal trifecta.
"Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?"
Ummmmm... as the antidote to the Democrats, when THEY get out of hand (as they always do).

When is that? It's the republicans that bring on the disasters. Hoover and the great depression. Nixon and watergate. Reagan and Iran Contra, and over 100 felony convictions in his administration. The grandaddy of all was the party in power during the 9-11 attack after many warnings that it was going to happen, and of course the financial meltdown in 2008 after eight years of republican rule.
I respectfully submit that BOTH parties are full of shit clean up to their ears, that the two parties are opposite sides of the same degenerate power-grubbing coin, and that neither is to be entrusted with the best interests of the American People and our Republic.
Uhm just thinking here...........

The Republican party ended slavery.......

But republicans don't mind wage slavery one bit. In fact modern repubs are more like the pro slavery people of old. Anything that benefits the ruling elite, you repubs are for.
Uhm just thinking here...........

The Republican party ended slavery.......

But republicans don't mind wage slavery one bit. In fact modern repubs are more like the pro slavery people of old. Anything that benefits the ruling elite, you repubs are for.

LOL. Democrats really stick it to those billionaires don't they?

Why would George Soros back a party that would stand against his financial interests? Is he that much of a good samaritan or something?
"Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?"
Ummmmm... as the antidote to the Democrats, when THEY get out of hand (as they always do).

When is that? It's the republicans that bring on the disasters. Hoover and the great depression. Nixon and watergate. Reagan and Iran Contra, and over 100 felony convictions in his administration. The grandaddy of all was the party in power during the 9-11 attack after many warnings that it was going to happen, and of course the financial meltdown in 2008 after eight years of republican rule.

There were no actionable warnings. There were more criminals in the Clinton Administration than the Reagan Administration, by far. Democrats forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them is what caused the financial meltdown.

Turds like you think if you keep repeating these lies that eventually some people might come to believe them. That sad fact is that some will. All you're proving is that democracy is doomed to blow up.
Uhm just thinking here...........

The Republican party ended slavery.......

But republicans don't mind wage slavery one bit. In fact modern repubs are more like the pro slavery people of old. Anything that benefits the ruling elite, you repubs are for.

"Wage slavery" is a libturd euphemism meaning "allowing the market to set wages." The alternative is having government set wages. We call the later "communism."

Is that really what you want to support?
Uhm just thinking here...........

The Republican party ended slavery.......

But republicans don't mind wage slavery one bit. In fact modern repubs are more like the pro slavery people of old. Anything that benefits the ruling elite, you repubs are for.

If you get paid for your work means you are not a slave you foolish child

tapatalk post
Both parties should work to keep our hybrid economic system balanced and working. Republicans should make sure it is efficient and democrats should push for more economic fairness.

The fact that both parties hate either the public sector or private scares me.

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