Why "Fast and Furious" will become another Republican Debacle

ATF didn't tell Bush OR Holder about this. It's like the GSA conference which went from $90k to 700k under Boooosh: INCREDIBLY INCOMPETENT, CORRUPT Pub government- out of control. And one hell of a huge BS Propaganda machine, a disgrace. Worst party and voters in the modern world...

The ATF along the border should be investigated- THIS is PURE PUBCRAPPE. Change the channel, Foxbot dupes (also any other part of the PPM-it's all the same GD thing, more or less)....
"My lord Obama can do no wrong."
Guess the left has no problem with a dead Border Patrol Agent and who cares about all those dead Mexicans. Hell. The're Mexicans after all.

If a Rep AG and DOJ had done this the left would be screaming bloody murder. Hell. They's be hanging bush in effigy.

Holder and his DOJ are responsible but they are Dems so what the hey.

One would think that any honest person would like to know that someone is held responsible for the death of a Border Patrol Agent.

Guess it ain't that important to the left.

Some 4000 Americans and over 100K Iraqis died in the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Not one of you folks gave 2 shits about that.

Except to hate on Arabs.

When getting one's ass handed to them, best to launch non-sequitur red herrings.


You mean like launching an investigation into a program you voted to fund?
Some 4000 Americans and over 100K Iraqis died in the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Not one of you folks gave 2 shits about that.

Except to hate on Arabs.
And you folks would have gladly consigned any number of Iraqis to death at the hands of the Saddam regime as long as Bush was thwarted.

It's funny when you pretend to hold the moral high ground.

Basically that little number got iniated when Saddam was helped in power by the CIA.

And coddled, first by Reagan (who gave them weapons and egged on a war with Iran)..then by Bush I until Saddam invaded Kuwait..after asking Bush I for permission.

It's funny when you pretend to hold the moral high ground.
It's funny when you parade your revisionist history. Tell me, why is it exactly you think you're an intelligent and informed person? NOTE: "Because I'm a liberal!!" isn't a valid reason.
And you folks would have gladly consigned any number of Iraqis to death at the hands of the Saddam regime as long as Bush was thwarted.

It's funny when you pretend to hold the moral high ground.

Basically that little number got iniated when Saddam was helped in power by the CIA.

And coddled, first by Reagan (who gave them weapons and egged on a war with Iran)..then by Bush I until Saddam invaded Kuwait..after asking Bush I for permission.

It's funny when you pretend to hold the moral high ground.
It's funny when you parade your revisionist history. Tell me, why is it exactly you think you're an intelligent and informed person? NOTE: "Because I'm a liberal!!" isn't a valid reason.

What revisionist history?

I betcha some time in the future..when Maliki does something we don't like..

You guys are going to deny he was an American installation as well.

"By June 2010, suspects had purchased 1,608 firearms at a cost of over US$1 million at Phoenix-area gun shops."

And those are the ones they KNEW about and were watching! Brilliant Pub system we have. No wonder 40k+ Mexicans have been killed. Investigate THAT too. What a GD Pub mess this is, absolutely irrelevant to this problem, AND the crappe economy Pub paralysis has given us now. How 'bout passing the jobs act, fixing our crappe infrastructure voodoo has given us. Thanks to Pubs we're almost their dream banana republic...total a-holes...Pub dupes!! Everything you know is wrong, pure Pubcrappe.
"By June 2010, suspects had purchased 1,608 firearms at a cost of over US$1 million at Phoenix-area gun shops."

And those are the ones they KNEW about and were watching! Brilliant Pub system we have. No wonder 40k+ Mexicans have been killed. Investigate THAT too. What a GD Pub mess this is, absolutely irrelevant to this problem, AND the crappe economy Pub paralysis has given us now. How 'bout passing the jobs act, fixing our crappe infrastructure voodoo has given us. Thanks to Pubs we're almost their dream banana republic...total a-holes...Pub dupes!! Everything you know is wrong, pure Pubcrappe.

Hey Frenchie, you do realize that those 1600+ guns were all purchased under Holder's Fast & Furious debacle, don't you? Didn't have a thing to do with "Pub dupes", dope!
ATF didn't tell Bush OR Holder about this. It's like the GSA conference which went from $90k to 700k under Boooosh: INCREDIBLY INCOMPETENT, CORRUPT Pub government- out of control. And one hell of a huge BS Propaganda machine, a disgrace. Worst party and voters in the modern world...

The ATF along the border should be investigated- THIS is PURE PUBCRAPPE. Change the channel, Foxbot dupes (also any other part of the PPM-it's all the same GD thing, more or less)....
"My lord Obama can do no wrong."

Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe. One example, so I can crush your ignorant brainwashed view?
Thanks for the Depression, the stupidest wars ever, the paralysis since 2/2010- and now this ridiculous witch hunt.
"our number one priority is to make Obama a one termer."

you idiots showed your cards
"By June 2010, suspects had purchased 1,608 firearms at a cost of over US$1 million at Phoenix-area gun shops."

And those are the ones they KNEW about and were watching! Brilliant Pub system we have. No wonder 40k+ Mexicans have been killed. Investigate THAT too. What a GD Pub mess this is, absolutely irrelevant to this problem, AND the crappe economy Pub paralysis has given us now. How 'bout passing the jobs act, fixing our crappe infrastructure voodoo has given us. Thanks to Pubs we're almost their dream banana republic...total a-holes...Pub dupes!! Everything you know is wrong, pure Pubcrappe.

Hey Frenchie, you do realize that those 1600+ guns were all purchased under Holder's Fast & Furious debacle, don't you? Didn't have a thing to do with "Pub dupes", dope!

I suppose the "suspects" were ATF agents? LOL Those gun shops are a Pub policy disgrace, chump- There are 2 stories here- Pub gun policies, and out of control gov't legacy from Bush- This ATFthat didn't tell the Bush OR Obama administration what they were doing- just like the GSA. You're a brainwashed Foxbot.
Well pardon me if I think killing Osama Bin Laden, saving the Auto Industry, passing the ACA, saving a boat load of jobs, reversing the downward trend in employment and making sure the financial industry didn't go bust are accomplishments.

Just as you guys think 9/11, Katrina, Iraq, and the Financial Meltdown were accomplishments.

Mission accomplished!

The majority of Americans thought killing Osama was great. His approval rating went up by a large margin.
He did not save the auto industry. They went bankrupt, after all that taxpayer money was

pumped into it. The majority of Americans said they need to go bankrupt and tax dollars did not need to be given to them.
Katrina and the Financial Meltdown were Dem's fault.

Well, point by point..

He didn't get a huge bump by this. Some people, like New Yorkers..were thrilled. Others..like many conservatives..were pissed. It was a wash mostly.

Barack Obama's job approval rating has jumped in the wake of bin Laden's killing. In the one-day survey, 56% say they approve of the way Obama is handling his job as president while 38% disapprove. Last month, Obama's job rating was about evenly divided - 47% approved, 45% disapproved
A 9 % jump seems pretty big to me.

Second..yeah he did. The type of bankruptcy that GM went through wouldn't have been possible had they no time to do it. They would have been raided..probably by Bain. But I will give Bush some credit here. He did start the process.

They had plenty of time. They need to do this from the start

Katrina? Dems fault? Clinton appointed James Witt as the head of FEMA..a professional. Bush appointed Michael Brown..a nitwit. Additionally..it was work done by the Army Core of Engineers, a Federal Agency, that ultimately had a hand in overwhelming the dykes. In any case..the state blame game..works for about a day. It took more then a week for the Bush administration to get it's ass in gear. By then..close to 2 thousand Americans were dead.

Yes, it was the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor who did nothing. The Governor would not call in their national guard nor did she ask for help from the Feds until a week later..
It was Dem Mayor's over the years, who did not use the money to keep the Levey's up. The money went for social programs

And the defunding of federal agencies and populating them with people told to look the other way, led to financial meltdown. Bush had ample time to catch this..the writing was on the wall. Enron should have given him the hint that easy regulators were going to lead to something bigger. Heck..it wasn't even Bush regulators that caught that..it was Eliot Spitzer. In any case..there were many more bumps on that road..to complete ruin. And at each one..Bush did nothing. The Democrats were completely blameless.

Bush wanted a special agency to look into Freddie and Fanny because of Enron, way back in 2003 and 04. It's Dems who held up any bills in the committee saying that nothing was wrong with them.
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Shallow, Even Jon Stewart isn't buying the bullshit. Even Jon Stewart can admit that this isn't wholly political, because and i quote "the ATF DID give guns to mexican drug lords"

You are a classless, ignorant, moron. Not even the Daily Show can defend the actions of the Justice Dept.

Stewart's right. The whole fucking program was a bad idea. It was a bad idea when Bush let guns walk in 2006-2007, and it was a bad idea to start this program. That much is true, and unquestionable.

What is questionable, and a point that I think Stewart missed, is that Issa voted the fund the program. HR6028, Issa voted for it, and it funded "Fast and Furious" program.

Why can't this simply be a "fuck up" and the ATF held accountable? Seems like a bunch of vitriol directed in the wrong fucking place.
Your going to be very sad about how this all pans out

Brian Terry is going to be resurrected?

The disaster has already happened, not to you it hasn't because your party has and will always mean more to you than the lives of americans.
The majority of Americans thought killing Osama was great. His approval rating went up by a large margin.
He did not save the auto industry. They went bankrupt, after all that taxpayer money was

pumped into it. The majority of Americans said they need to go bankrupt and tax dollars did not need to be given to them.
Katrina and the Financial Meltdown were Dem's fault.

Well, point by point..

Barack Obama's job approval rating has jumped in the wake of bin Laden's killing. In the one-day survey, 56% say they approve of the way Obama is handling his job as president while 38% disapprove. Last month, Obama's job rating was about evenly divided - 47% approved, 45% disapproved
A 9 % jump seems pretty big to me.

Second..yeah he did. The type of bankruptcy that GM went through wouldn't have been possible had they no time to do it. They would have been raided..probably by Bain. But I will give Bush some credit here. He did start the process.

They had plenty of time. They need to do this from the start

Katrina? Dems fault? Clinton appointed James Witt as the head of FEMA..a professional. Bush appointed Michael Brown..a nitwit. Additionally..it was work done by the Army Core of Engineers, a Federal Agency, that ultimately had a hand in overwhelming the dykes. In any case..the state blame game..works for about a day. It took more then a week for the Bush administration to get it's ass in gear. By then..close to 2 thousand Americans were dead.

Yes, it was the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor who did nothing. The Governor would not call in their national guard nor did she ask for help from the Feds until a week later..
It was Dem Mayor's over the years, who did not use the money to keep the Levey's up. The money went for social programs

And the defunding of federal agencies and populating them with people told to look the other way, led to financial meltdown. Bush had ample time to catch this..the writing was on the wall. Enron should have given him the hint that easy regulators were going to lead to something bigger. Heck..it wasn't even Bush regulators that caught that..it was Eliot Spitzer. In any case..there were many more bumps on that road..to complete ruin. And at each one..Bush did nothing. The Democrats were completely blameless.

Bush wanted a special agency to look into Freddie and Fanny because of Enron, way back in 2003 and 04. It's Dems who held up any bills in the committee saying that nothing was wrong with them.

It wasn't loans given out by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that were the major part of the derivatives meltdown. It was mortgage agencies backed by big financials like Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers..that were.
Brian Terry is going to be resurrected?

The disaster has already happened, not to you it hasn't because your party has and will always mean more to you than the lives of americans.

Do you support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Do you like tomatoes?

You can't claim to value lives of Americans more than anyone else if you support war. Sorry, it's just kind of how intellectual honesty works.

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