Why "Fast and Furious" will become another Republican Debacle

So Holder's program causes death, and rdean is still trying to blame the Republicans. Then he has the audacity to claim Republicans are trying to escape taking responsibility for it.
So Holder's program causes death, and rdean is still trying to blame the Republicans. Then he has the audacity to claim Republicans are trying to escape taking responsibility for it.

So Republicans didn't vote to approve HR 6028 then?

So Democrats didn't vote to approve HR 6028 then?

Ayes: 311 (Democrat: 203; Republican: 108)
Nays: 106 (Democrat: 22; Republican: 84)
So Holder's program causes death, and rdean is still trying to blame the Republicans. Then he has the audacity to claim Republicans are trying to escape taking responsibility for it.

So Republicans didn't vote to approve HR 6028 then?

So Democrats didn't vote to approve HR 6028 then?

Ayes: 311 (Democrat: 203; Republican: 108)
Nays: 106 (Democrat: 22; Republican: 84)

They sure did. And so did Republicans. So my point that the blame is to be shared on this still holds true. I'll admit that people on MY side of the aisle fucked up. Will you?

I forget, was Issa one of the 108 Republicans who voted for the bill?
Your going to be very sad about how this all pans out

Brian Terry is going to be resurrected?

The disaster has already happened, not to you it hasn't because your party has and will always mean more to you than the lives of americans.

Do you support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

I hated both even when your beloved democrats supported them.

I hate warmongers, that title is one shared by both Bush and Obama.
Brian Terry is going to be resurrected?

The disaster has already happened, not to you it hasn't because your party has and will always mean more to you than the lives of americans.

Do you support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

I hated both even when your beloved democrats supported them.

I hate warmongers, that title is one shared by both Bush and Obama.

I agree with you. I hate drone strikes, and I hate even more that Obama has INCREASED them. So we can totally agree there, and I'll take your word on you actually not supporting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, since I have no reason to doubt you.

I will however point out that since the vote to recommend a Contempt Citation to Holder in the House Oversight Committee was split exactly on party lines, it's impossible to not view this as a totally partisan crusade. If Issa wanted to be the real good guy, he'd go after the ATF, and he'd get more than a handful of Democrats to buy into it too.
Gee I wonder why you dont want to answer my question.

The officer was not killed by one of the Fand F guns
yes two guns were recoverd.

they did not shoot the man.

please give us a link to your bullistics claim
So Holder's program causes death, and rdean is still trying to blame the Republicans. Then he has the audacity to claim Republicans are trying to escape taking responsibility for it.

Rdean, he's one of those people who would not be able to testify due to diminished capacity.
yes two guns were recoverd.

they did not shoot the man.

please give us a link to your bullistics claim

Fast and Furious: FBI report at odds with ATF claim on weapons - Los Angeles Times

Last week, spokesmen Scot Thomasson and Drew Wade of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives told The Times that the FBI had assured them that neither of the two Fast and Furious weapons found at the scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry's death were the ones that killed the agent.

"We're not aware of any forensic evidence that would link these guns to the homicide," they said.

A copy of the FBI report obtained by The Times' Washington bureau shows ballistics tests did not rule out the Fast and Furious guns.

Experts went to work on tests on Dec. 17, three days after Terry was killed, FBI records show. On Dec. 23, the FBI's "Report of Examination" said the fatal bullet came from a semiautomatic rifle, but that "due to a lack of sufficient agreement in the individual microscopic marks of value" on the weapons, "it could not be determined" which gun fired it.

A source briefed on the FBI's findings said the bullet that killed Terry was badly damaged "and that's why the FBI only got a partial match to the weapons. It was just too badly fragmented." The source spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing.

They can't be sure which gun fired it, but they are sure that one of them did, it would seem.
Oh thanks I posted this before I realized you had gotten it.

so the fact remains that there is inconclusive proof that the Fand F gun killed the agent.

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