Why gun registration and licensing are unnecessary, and pointless wastes of law enforcement time...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
how exactly the mechanics of gun registration or licensing work to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns....

I mean....you force peaceful, law abiding citizen A to get a gun license....

Criminal B steals the gun...the gun license did not work.........

Criminal C gets someone who is licensed (and can pass a background check) to buy the gun for him....the gun license did not work

the anti gunner will say....but we know who has the gun....right? That is what they may say.....


the cops arrest Criminal A because he committed a crime with the stolen gun and was caught...he stole the gun so knowing that Citizen A has a license or was a registered gun owner was unnecessary and useless....in fact...if criminal A is a felon...he can be arrested on the spot, they can't own guns anyway..

Criminal B is caught committing a crime or in possession of the gun, as a felon.....so knowing that Citizen A has a gun license was unnecessary and pointless as well.....


In a world without licenses....try these scenarios....

Law abiding Citizen is carrying gun, he breaks no laws with the gun....licensing him is pointless....

Law abiding Citizen is stopped by police, they ask if he is carrying a weapon he says yes...for officer safety.....the officer runs his name and birthday..he is not a criminal so he goes on his way....no license or registration is needed.......

Criminal A is stopped by police and lies about having an illegal gun on his person.....the cop runs his name and birthday....sees he has a criminal record, searches him, finds gun.....again...no reason for the law abiding citizen to have a license, or to be registered....

Criminal A commits a crime with a gun.....he is caught by the police and arrested....no need for the law abiding citizen to have a license or to be registered.........

See how that works...there is no reason to license law abiding people....

There is no need for more paperwork.....just arrest the criminals when you catch them.....
Criminal get caught with a firearm in the commission of a crime, double the penalty, no plea bargain.

Criminal get caught with an illegal firearm.

5 years.

no plea bargain.
Criminal get caught with a firearm in the commission of a crime, double the penalty, no plea bargain.

Criminal get caught with an illegal firearm.

5 years.

no plea bargain.
Punishing gun crime with far more severe penalties is better prevention than gun control IMO. Especially in this country, where there are pretty much as many guns as people.
Let's get rid of auto licensing and registration also....It's a waste of my time and money....
2A living in mortal fear his neighbors might decide whether he gets to have a gun or not.
The government should give every citizen an automatic rifle. Then we'll all be safe.
Let's get rid of auto licensing and registration also....It's a waste of my time and money....

It's also not a Constitutional right.
The Constitution is not real clear on the point either for personal firearm...

actually, it's very clear:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The right of the people, not the right of the militia
I don't believe registration is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals as much as it is a list of gun owners the government can identify and confiscate their guns with. No guns, no militia.
Not kidding here, they used to sell Tommy guns in the old Wards mail order catalogue. Machine guns through the mail. But the mas murder thing, that's a recent development like graffiti or legalized abortion, weird thing about THAT.
Not kidding here, they used to sell Tommy guns in the old Wards mail order catalogue. Machine guns through the mail. But the mas murder thing, that's a recent development like graffiti or legalized abortion, weird thing about THAT.
we weren't around during Alcohol Prohibition like you...
SCOTUS disagrees with you.

No, 5 out of 9 justices disagree with him.

Whether it's five out of nine or nine out of nine is irrelevant. You might want to read up on how the process works if that confuses you.

Scalia takes a dirt nap, and 5 out of 9 will agree with him.

See how that works.

Perhaps a future decision will change, but do you seriously believe that people like you will ever succeed in disarming people like me? I assure you, it's not going to happen in our lifetime, no matter how many days a week you have to change your urine soaked bed sheets.
The government should give every citizen an automatic rifle. Then we'll all be safe.
Except from the drones. The ISIS videos wherein all males are sporting their rifles and their rags look like to me they think they are safe. Later an unmanned delivery platform sets off a bomb ... size of which is constrained only by the lifting force and range of the drone ... at their feet.

It's not guns that need to be licensed, nor the people that own them. It's the drones that should be registered and the operators that should be licensed.

Reports of mysterious drone flights will likely increase in frequency in the near future. Then one day...one of them ... or a swarm of them ... will explode in a crowded area.

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