Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

You are wrong on so many counts....Hillary Clinton could walk onstage naked, scream Allah Akbar and wave a sword around while drinking Jack Daniels from a Dixie Cup and the bitch would STILL win. Why? The "American" Voter and specifically, the American woman.

This country is at the lowest point in intellect that it has ever been. We are a nation of moronic fools. We are a nation of WWE fans, of Housewives of _______ fans.

In other words - we are finished. Hillary (the murderer) Clinton will waltz into office in a landslide. Again - not because the worthless bitch is "qualified" (I doubt she can spell the word) but because America just doesn't give a crap anymore. And it will be the death of this country as we know it.

Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.
Corruption? Hillary? :cuckoo:

Scandals? You do know it was people like you pushing 24/7 Wingnut world scandals that got people like Dante to vote for Obama in 2012. :laugh2:

Fuck, not given. Truth is truth.
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win
Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Abraham Lincoln started a war that killed 1 million Americans. Your point?
If Hillary wins it will be for only one reason:

Americans are STILL idiots.

The old....we don't win because of low information voters

Maybe if Republicans would kick in more for education there wouldn't be so many low information voters

The old "Money=knowledge" fantasy so loved by the left. The US spends more on education than any other country, and we are still less educated than most. Another left wing nut stupid statement.

I know

Same old Republican policy of ....If we take money away from schools they will do better

No dumbass, YOU say if we give them MORE money they will do better, which is based on absolutely zero facts. We say that lack of money isn't the problem and we can't afford to give them more.

How can you be that stupid and still use a computer is what amazes me.
Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Bush isn't running idiot.
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

You sir, are absolutely correct. But at the same time, you are wrong. America doesn't give a hoot in hell about what happened in those cases - they just don't care. It's HILLARY!!!!!

All those things you listed (and I'll bet you a wooden nickel that they are three times that many things) and STILL America doesn't care. This is the America we live in now. A country where wrong is celebrated and right is laughed at. Get used to it - it WILL get worse, MUCH worse.
Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

You sir, are absolutely correct. But at the same time, you are wrong. America doesn't give a hoot in hell about what happened in those cases - they just don't care. It's HILLARY!!!!!

All those things you listed (and I'll bet you a wooden nickel that they are three times that many things) and STILL America doesn't care. This is the America we live in now. A country where wrong is celebrated and right is laughed at. Get used to it - it WILL get worse, MUCH worse.

You Sir, are preaching to the Choir.
This country is at the lowest point in intellect that it has ever been. We are a nation of moronic fools. We are a nation of WWE fans, of Housewives of _______ fans.
This is deeply, hilariously ironic. Deeply.

Indeed, it is. That's the point in its' entirety. Dumbass women.
You are too stupid to even understand the irony in your perspective. You are the dumbass calling everyone else stupid. It's you and your ilk who are the idiots in America, not women, not other people who don't think like you: it is YOU and those who think like you who are the problem. Fool.
Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Abraham Lincoln started a war that killed 1 million Americans. Your point?

Lincoln started the Civil War? You are as dumb as a box of rocks.

The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.

Again. You are correct while you are wrong. I suggest you take a history class. Oh, and while you're at it - read Lincoln's letter to Horace Greely. It just might change your views of this "great man".

Stop believing everything you are told and find out for yourself.

Here...let me help you a little:

A LETTER FROM PRESIDENT LINCOLN. - Reply to Horace Greeley. Slavery and the Union The Restoration of the Union the Paramount Object. - NYTimes.com

Lincoln didn't give a hoot about ending slavery - it was nothing more than a by-product of his "winning" the war to keep the tax dollars coming in from the South - which he then raided and destroyed after the war was over. Got to keep them rednecks in line, don't you know.

Lincoln destroyed Habeus Corpus and actually imprisoned Newspaper editors for not "toeing" his line. But still - all these years later, the man is deified. Go figure. Over a million Americans dead because the South wanted to be left alone. Great American.
Last edited:
Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Abraham Lincoln started a war that killed 1 million Americans. Your point?

Lincoln started the Civil War? You are as dumb as a box of rocks.

The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.

And the Iraq war started when Saddam Hussein defied the UN. The US and allied forces invaded on their behalf dumbass.
This country is at the lowest point in intellect that it has ever been. We are a nation of moronic fools. We are a nation of WWE fans, of Housewives of _______ fans.
This is deeply, hilariously ironic. Deeply.

Indeed, it is. That's the point in its' entirety. Dumbass women.
You are too stupid to even understand the irony in your perspective. You are the dumbass calling everyone else stupid. It's you and your ilk who are the idiots in America, not women, not other people who don't think like you: it is YOU and those who think like you who are the problem. Fool.

Oops! Except that he's right and you are wrong.
This country is at the lowest point in intellect that it has ever been. We are a nation of moronic fools. We are a nation of WWE fans, of Housewives of _______ fans.
This is deeply, hilariously ironic. Deeply.

Indeed, it is. That's the point in its' entirety. Dumbass women.
You are too stupid to even understand the irony in your perspective. You are the dumbass calling everyone else stupid. It's you and your ilk who are the idiots in America, not women, not other people who don't think like you: it is YOU and those who think like you who are the problem. Fool.

No - it's dumbass women. My "ilk"? I'm 71 years old. I stopped having an "ilk" 50 years ago.
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal
Like any of that has hurt her? The scandals that are not really scandals? The 20% of Americans will believe anything bad about her, the other 80% know the stuff is nonsense. We are going to have to do FAR BETTER than that to beat Hillary. A good candidate with a real PROGRAM rather than bromides that mean nothing.

Neither far right nor far left have the answer.
The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Abraham Lincoln started a war that killed 1 million Americans. Your point?

Abe Lincoln saved the Union

Your point?
The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Bush isn't running idiot.

Yes he is idiot

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