Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

Randall is the ilk of the loser class folks.

Read him to see what we don't want and won't accept.

Awww... more butthurt. The truth is a son-of-a-gun isn't it Starkey? The very LAST thing you, and those of YOUR ilk want, is people who remember when this country was the envy of the world - not the joke. Hey, don't fret loser! I - and those Americans who actually LOVED this country, will soon be gone. Then, we can watch from our graves as those like you finish the country off!
Nope, not at all. The butt hurt is your generation's ilk who can't stand the world changes. Tough to be you, but you won't need to worry about it much longer, will you?

Sonny - I'm an American. A TRUE AMERICAN. I don't give a damn about the world changing. I give a damn about YOU and those like YOU destroying MY country. Get it through your thick head jerk off. People like YOU are destroying THIS country. Another 30 years and we will be Mexico you stupid little person.

Jesus - you and your ilk (again - word of the day) are sure dumb. You are destroying a country that has been the light of the world for the last 200+ years - and you are proud of it. Where I come from - that is the definition of "traitor".
Here's a clue....It's not just YOUR country, and none of us have to live up to your fascist expectations. A true American stands for freedom, not fascism.
Very good analogy. Personally, I think you have hit the nail on the head. Most of these "educated idiots" have never once known hard times - but they are about to. If they get their way, they will know hard times like never before. My Mother and Father, as well as my Grandparents. were never "relaxed" people - nor were the people who lived through the Depression. They had to (literally) work to stay alive. As black folks - we had relatives who actually starved to death. But they never gave up. This generation face up the day one of their "professors" told them America was an "evil place".

I remember the days when, if one of these entitled fools had talked about America the way these punk-asses do now - they would have had the shit kicked out of them by both their parents AND their peers. Now? Foolishness and perversion is celebrated. To despise America now, is to be celebrated. Patriotism is laughed at. These "Americans" now live off Mommy and Daddy well into their 30s. Parasites. Entitled. And Mommy and Daddy SHOULD have the living shit kicked out of them for what they have done.

It's days like this that I thank God that I grew up in the country that I grew up in. It's all but gone now - and it will be replaced with some 3rd world version of itself.
Why Hillary Will Win (probably)


You still laughing from when Obama won both times?

No, I believe that he - like me - is laughing at the idiots that voted for the fool not once - but twice. Idiots.
Randall is the ilk of the loser class folks.

Read him to see what we don't want and won't accept.

Awww... more butthurt. The truth is a son-of-a-gun isn't it Starkey? The very LAST thing you, and those of YOUR ilk want, is people who remember when this country was the envy of the world - not the joke. Hey, don't fret loser! I - and those Americans who actually LOVED this country, will soon be gone. Then, we can watch from our graves as those like you finish the country off!
Nope, not at all. The butt hurt is your generation's ilk who can't stand the world changes. Tough to be you, but you won't need to worry about it much longer, will you?

Sonny - I'm an American. A TRUE AMERICAN. I don't give a damn about the world changing. I give a damn about YOU and those like YOU destroying MY country. Get it through your thick head jerk off. People like YOU are destroying THIS country. Another 30 years and we will be Mexico you stupid little person.

Jesus - you and your ilk (again - word of the day) are sure dumb. You are destroying a country that has been the light of the world for the last 200+ years - and you are proud of it. Where I come from - that is the definition of "traitor".
Here's a clue....It's not just YOUR country, and none of us have to live up to your fascist expectations. A true American stands for freedom, not fascism.

Aww...isn't that cute. The "American" calls me a Facist. What's next? Racist? Blow it out your ass traitor.
I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Bush isn't running idiot.

Yes he is idiot

You're too stupid to be talking.

Bush is running idiot

Just shut up, you are too stupid to be talking. Dismissed.
Here's a clue....It's not just YOUR country, and none of us have to live up to your fascist expectations. A true American stands for freedom, not fascism.

Fascism is a leftist, collectivist ideology.


dimocraps are some stupid fucks

seriously stupid
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race
Got it all figured out don't you?
Your arrogance and overconfidence will be your side's undoing.
Aww...isn't that cute. The "American" calls me a Facist. What's next? Racist? Blow it out your ass traitor.
You are fascist and as such don't like being called a fascist. We understand that, right. And don't think you will ever rise up, you or the socon far right or libertarians, because the American people will party on your head like it was 1776.
All I have to say to the OP: It must be very comforting for you to have such an active fantasy life.
Obama won twice, idiots, when you said he would not.

If we go stupid on Hillary, particularly if she is denigrated because she is a woman, the pubs will lose period. Women voters will not put up with and will certainly punish male exceptionalism.

Listen, Republicans, and particularly, the far right: Hillary is a REAL candidate, and the great American public do not seriously listen to far right radio.

WE have to reach to women and minorities where they are, not expect them to reach to us.

If we fail to do that, Hillary or the dem candidate will win easily.
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Hillary and her $2.5 BILLION war chest!!!!

How many will go without food or shelter because she is like a vampire squid attaching her blood funnel into all that cash
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

Hillary will lose. She is a known quantity with far too much baggage that will weigh her down. After 8 years of Obama, America wants a change as evidenced in the 2014 election and she isn't it.

Very true

But who are the Republicans offering that will bring about change? All Republicans offer is a return to the Bush policy of 2001-2008.....we saw how that turned out
You realize there's more candidates to come, right?

The clown car has plenty of room

Jeb is the only candidate who can compete with Hillary

Clown cars are not exclusive to a single party. Here is a reminder for those suffering short term memory loss..

2004 Democratic Candidates
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

Hillary will lose. She is a known quantity with far too much baggage that will weigh her down. After 8 years of Obama, America wants a change as evidenced in the 2014 election and she isn't it.

Very true

But who are the Republicans offering that will bring about change? All Republicans offer is a return to the Bush policy of 2001-2008.....we saw how that turned out
You realize there's more candidates to come, right?

The clown car has plenty of room

Jeb is the only candidate who can compete with Hillary

Clown cars are not exclusive to a single party. Here is a reminder for those suffering short term memory loss..

2004 Democratic Candidates

The only one from that whole list that I would have possibly voted for is Lieberman.
"Clown cars are not exclusive to a single party. Here is a reminder for those suffering short term memory loss" And you have forgotten BHO kicked the GOP ass in 2008 and 2012. Your model is no longer valid.
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

Hillary will lose. She is a known quantity with far too much baggage that will weigh her down. After 8 years of Obama, America wants a change as evidenced in the 2014 election and she isn't it.

Very true

But who are the Republicans offering that will bring about change? All Republicans offer is a return to the Bush policy of 2001-2008.....we saw how that turned out
You realize there's more candidates to come, right?

The clown car has plenty of room

Jeb is the only candidate who can compete with Hillary

Clown cars are not exclusive to a single party. Here is a reminder for those suffering short term memory loss..

2004 Democratic Candidates

Democrats have their own clown car but they know when to get out and let the credible candidates take over.

Republican clowns ride around to the end drawing attention, funds and attacking fellow Republicans
Hillary will lose. She is a known quantity with far too much baggage that will weigh her down. After 8 years of Obama, America wants a change as evidenced in the 2014 election and she isn't it.

Very true

But who are the Republicans offering that will bring about change? All Republicans offer is a return to the Bush policy of 2001-2008.....we saw how that turned out
You realize there's more candidates to come, right?

The clown car has plenty of room

Jeb is the only candidate who can compete with Hillary

Clown cars are not exclusive to a single party. Here is a reminder for those suffering short term memory loss..

2004 Democratic Candidates

The only one from that whole list that I would have possibly voted for is Lieberman.
I voted Green that year. Nothing against Kerry, but once he tossed the fake medals, imo he lost the right to claim to be the war president.

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