Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

This country is at the lowest point in intellect that it has ever been. We are a nation of moronic fools. We are a nation of WWE fans, of Housewives of _______ fans.
This is deeply, hilariously ironic. Deeply.

Indeed, it is. That's the point in its' entirety. Dumbass women.
You are too stupid to even understand the irony in your perspective. You are the dumbass calling everyone else stupid. It's you and your ilk who are the idiots in America, not women, not other people who don't think like you: it is YOU and those who think like you who are the problem. Fool.

No - it's dumbass women. My "ilk"? I'm 71 years old. I stopped having an "ilk" 50 years ago.

LMAO You don't even know what ilk means. And someone who completely dismisses more than 50% of the population of the Earth is someone who is completely illogical. You are pathetic, and not worth spending any effort or energy on. I don't waste time on those of your ilk. :bye1:
Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal
Like any of that has hurt her? The scandals that are not really scandals? The 20% of Americans will believe anything bad about her, the other 80% know the stuff is nonsense. We are going to have to do FAR BETTER than that to beat Hillary. A good candidate with a real PROGRAM rather than bromides that mean nothing.

Neither far right nor far left have the answer.

Why does a candidate need a program? Neither the right or left has an answer.
They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Abraham Lincoln started a war that killed 1 million Americans. Your point?

Abe Lincoln saved the Union

Your point?

Yep, he did. and he is Deified for it. He imprisoned Newspaper editors, got rid of Habeus Corpus. Said in his letter to Horace Greely that the ending of slavery was way down on his list of things to do and, if he could have "saved" the union by NOT freeing the slaves - he would have done that.

Now, replace the name Abraham Lincoln with George Bush. George Bush was garbage. But he didn't preside over a war that killed over a million Americans, now did he? History is ALWAYS written by the victors, fool. The truth be damned.
This country is at the lowest point in intellect that it has ever been. We are a nation of moronic fools. We are a nation of WWE fans, of Housewives of _______ fans.
This is deeply, hilariously ironic. Deeply.

Indeed, it is. That's the point in its' entirety. Dumbass women.
You are too stupid to even understand the irony in your perspective. You are the dumbass calling everyone else stupid. It's you and your ilk who are the idiots in America, not women, not other people who don't think like you: it is YOU and those who think like you who are the problem. Fool.

No - it's dumbass women. My "ilk"? I'm 71 years old. I stopped having an "ilk" 50 years ago.

LMAO You don't even know what ilk means. And someone who completely dismisses more than 50% of the population of the Earth is someone who is completely illogical. You are pathetic, and not worth spending any effort or energy on. I don't waste time on those of your ilk. :bye1:

Look out...someone is butthurt by the truth. "Ilk" are like-minded thinkers. I have thought for myself for the last 50 years. YOU, on the other hand, watch entirely too much Bill Maher and MSNBC. Like I said - dumbass women.
The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal
Like any of that has hurt her? The scandals that are not really scandals? The 20% of Americans will believe anything bad about her, the other 80% know the stuff is nonsense. We are going to have to do FAR BETTER than that to beat Hillary. A good candidate with a real PROGRAM rather than bromides that mean nothing.

Neither far right nor far left have the answer.
Why does a candidate need a program? Neither the right or left has an answer.
If we are voting high school style for popularity, the GOP is sunk, Hillary wins, and we are all screwed.
Hillary has no program. Her whole campaign is based on her turn.

Exactly. She "deserves" the title of "president". Where the hell she gets that idea from is beyond me, but she is no different from the Kennedys, or the Bushs. Her and Bill consider themselves part of the "royal" lineage. After all - they were broke when he left the office (lie) and now she is suddenly worth 400 million. Hey, it's HER turn now. And the dumbass women of this country will coronate her. And the country will fall deeper into the abyss that we can never climb out from.
Randall is the ilk of the loser class folks.

Read him to see what we don't want and won't accept.

Awww... more butthurt. The truth is a son-of-a-gun isn't it Starkey? The very LAST thing you, and those of YOUR ilk want, is people who remember when this country was the envy of the world - not the joke. Hey, don't fret loser! I - and those Americans who actually LOVED this country, will soon be gone. Then, we can watch from our graves as those like you finish the country off!
Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal
Like any of that has hurt her? The scandals that are not really scandals? The 20% of Americans will believe anything bad about her, the other 80% know the stuff is nonsense. We are going to have to do FAR BETTER than that to beat Hillary. A good candidate with a real PROGRAM rather than bromides that mean nothing.

Neither far right nor far left have the answer.

There isn't anything nonsensical about any of that? It clearly lays out a pattern of corruption, and deceit. I know YOU don't care about that but you should. We all should. That's why this country is so fucked up right now.
They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Bush isn't running idiot.

Yes he is idiot

You're too stupid to be talking.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Abraham Lincoln started a war that killed 1 million Americans. Your point?

Abe Lincoln saved the Union

Your point?

Yep, he did. and he is Deified for it. He imprisoned Newspaper editors, got rid of Habeus Corpus. Said in his letter to Horace Greely that the ending of slavery was way down on his list of things to do and, if he could have "saved" the union by NOT freeing the slaves - he would have done that.

Now, replace the name Abraham Lincoln with George Bush. George Bush was garbage. But he didn't preside over a war that killed over a million Americans, now did he? History is ALWAYS written by the victors, fool. The truth be damned.

Desperate times call for desperate measures

Those measures saved the union and destroyed the slave rapers

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Bush isn't running idiot.

Yes he is idiot

You're too stupid to be talking.

Bush is running idiot

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal

Bush lied to start a war that killed 6000 Americans

I win

Bush isn't running idiot.

Yes he is idiot

You're too stupid to be talking.

Most of these folks on this forum are of the "win at all cost" ilk (my word of the day). That's the "progressive attitude" that the left utilizes today. Remember the mantra of Obama - the "fundamental transformation" of the United States. He has (for the most part) completed that. Today, we are the joke of the world. We are laughed at, pointed at and statistics bear out the fact that we are falling lower in the world each day.

Hillary is nothing more than the continuation of the "final destruction" and these idiots - who have grown up in the most envied and powerful nation on earth will find out exactly what it means to live in a third world nation. We are running headlong, on a hellhound train, to our own demise. And the left celebrates that. I don't know...me and those of my "ilk" can't figure the logic of this place out any longer.
Randall is the ilk of the loser class folks.

Read him to see what we don't want and won't accept.

Awww... more butthurt. The truth is a son-of-a-gun isn't it Starkey? The very LAST thing you, and those of YOUR ilk want, is people who remember when this country was the envy of the world - not the joke. Hey, don't fret loser! I - and those Americans who actually LOVED this country, will soon be gone. Then, we can watch from our graves as those like you finish the country off!
Nope, not at all. The butt hurt is your generation's ilk who can't stand the world changes. Tough to be you, but you won't need to worry about it much longer, will you?
Randall is the ilk of the loser class folks.

Read him to see what we don't want and won't accept.

The truth? Well you are right for once in your life. Americans don't want the truth. You should be ashamed of yourself. But of course, you aren't because you are an idiot.
You are as foolish as Randall. The world is changing, and that's all there is to it. You can't stop it.
Randall is the ilk of the loser class folks.

Read him to see what we don't want and won't accept.

Awww... more butthurt. The truth is a son-of-a-gun isn't it Starkey? The very LAST thing you, and those of YOUR ilk want, is people who remember when this country was the envy of the world - not the joke. Hey, don't fret loser! I - and those Americans who actually LOVED this country, will soon be gone. Then, we can watch from our graves as those like you finish the country off!
Nope, not at all. The butt hurt is your generation's ilk who can't stand the world changes. Tough to be you, but you won't need to worry about it much longer, will you?

Sonny - I'm an American. A TRUE AMERICAN. I don't give a damn about the world changing. I give a damn about YOU and those like YOU destroying MY country. Get it through your thick head jerk off. People like YOU are destroying THIS country. Another 30 years and we will be Mexico you stupid little person.

Jesus - you and your ilk (again - word of the day) are sure dumb. You are destroying a country that has been the light of the world for the last 200+ years - and you are proud of it. Where I come from - that is the definition of "traitor".
Randall is the ilk of the loser class folks.

Read him to see what we don't want and won't accept.

The truth? Well you are right for once in your life. Americans don't want the truth. You should be ashamed of yourself. But of course, you aren't because you are an idiot.
You are as foolish as Randall. The world is changing, and that's all there is to it. You can't stop it.

dimocrap scum are like little children.

The only way they know how to get what they want is to cry for it.

"Baby want his bottle?'' Cool, give the kid his bottle.

"Baby want to play"? Fine, let's play.

"Baby want to eat?" Cool, time to eat.

"Baby want a cookie"? Okay, but just one.

"Baby think one isn't enough? Baby cry like screaming banshee for more?"

Baby going to have to learn.

Most of the time, it's easier just give the babies what they want rather than having to listen to them cry for hours on end.

But at some point, if you care about your baby, you're going to have to suck it up and teach Baby that he/she can't get everything they want by crying about it.

I'm serious about that. I've seen a LOT of kids ruined by bad parenting. By parents refusing to indulge in the hard work of discipline. It's hard. It's difficult. It's trying and it's nerve-racking.

But it has to be done. It has to be done because at some point, that Baby is going to face the real world where crying solves nothing.

If it's a Female, she'll grow up using something else as 'currency' to get what she wants. And we all know what currency that is.

If it's a Male and he's big and strong, he'll use physical force. If he's weak and meek he'll use trickeration and manipulation.

In both cases, once you start down that road, it's hard to turn back.

And that's what we have with dimocraps people.

Except ten thousand times worse than it is with babies.

Its the same mentality but with lethal results and permanent damage to society and our people.

We need to put dimocraps in their place. We need to let them know that if they want something, they should stop crying and work for it.


Yeah, right. dimocraps? Sure......

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