Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

American men like children... might run to Momma Hillary....

to have their nappies changed...idiot weaklings that they are!

So, if Hillary is going to get the vote of idiot men, just who is going to be the target market for the GOP? Expecting some sort of miracle in the sexual demographics in the Republican party?

Maybe you have have her confused with Margaret Thatcher....
I dread all this starting so early but since it has:

Candy corn is all in so early under such false premises. Was there ever any doubt?

Stat is the one that interests me. He was 110 per cent in months ago citing poll after poll that portrayed Hilary as a force of nature, a done deal, no need to even have an election. Problem with stat and his polling protective shield,is that he always considers himself right until he isn't and then of course it wasn't his fault but bad polling data. Some recent polls have Hilary behind in some states, which may be a temporary thing, but is not the trajectory stat predicted. He is so heavily invested in a Hilary win that should she lose we should consider a suicide watch.

So why might stat and candy be on the wrong track?
Jewish voters might have had enough
The Latino vote will be split much more evenly if Rubio wins nomination
Both Cruz and Rubio would eat Hilary's lunch in the debates
Hilary's legal problems are not over
Even a few percentage points shaved off the black vote would make a difference
Hilary is losing women's support over her email controversy
Bill is a loose canon
Hilary is a bad campaigner, and her vindictiveness cannot be camouflaged
I personally believe she is not in good health
The republicans have learned and their ground game will be better
A Rubio will bring out the two million voters that stayed home in 2012
Disgust with Obama will be at a fever pitch by election time
The gay assault on America is creating a huge backlash
One major terrorist attack in this country and Hilary is toast

Why might they be on the right track:
The do nothing republican congress is fast turning many conservative voters off
And will be a point of debate in the election
The media will help Hilary and harm any repub candidate
Jeb Bush will lose to Hilary
The repub candidates will not commit to specific plans to change things
Establishment re pubs will not commit to passing the baton to a new generation

Both candy and stat and their acolytes might just curb their enthusiasm, or at least save it for later by remembering the old saw; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Ditto Hilary!
Cruz and Rubio will drain voters from democrats in Hispanic areas.
Cruz/Rubio and Walker will split the Tea Party voters.
Paul will take a majority of Libertarian voters. Cruz and Rubio might picked up more black votes BECAUSE of racial strife. Blacks may vote for ANOTHER minority over some old white woman.

Democrats MAY have shot themselves in the foot thinking they could promote all this racial strife and still count on having those SAME people vote for a white person.

The Boomers have had three of their own in the White House... Bubba, Shrub and Obumble.

TIme to give the Next-Gen folk a shot at the title.
truly demented. somebody less experienced and tried than Obama was in 2008?

Thank you for your feedback.

Whoever it is, he-she-it can hardly do worse than Obumble.

The Old Guard has had its chance.

Time for new blood and fresh faces and new ideas, to move America forward.
that is not a winning message or platform

good luck with the sore loser feelings
It doesn't have to be a winning message or platform.

Merely a reasonably conspicuous component thereof.
If you say so.... btw what were your predictions ion the 2012 race?
What a father you would be, fuck corruption, give me mine!!!!!

You mean as opposed to the republicans, who seem to think, "Hey, corruption should only work for the rich! We should happily let the rich destroy the middle class because Bush is right with Jesus."

Sorry, I'd rather have a president who gets laid and works for average people.
...You know what, guy. The Clintons might have been "Corrupt", but they got shit done...
So let's find people to lead us who will 'get shit done' without the personal corruption scandals.

Tammany Hall in New York got shit done, but they were corrupt, lying bastards.

The Democratic Machine in Chicago got shit done, but they were (and are) corrupt, lying bastards.

The Clintons fit right in with both those groups.

Enough of the Clintons.

Enough of political dynasty families - period - Clintons, Bushes, Romneys, whatever...
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The Boomers have had three of their own in the White House... Bubba, Shrub and Obumble.

TIme to give the Next-Gen folk a shot at the title.
truly demented. somebody less experienced and tried than Obama was in 2008?

Thank you for your feedback.

Whoever it is, he-she-it can hardly do worse than Obumble.

The Old Guard has had its chance.

Time for new blood and fresh faces and new ideas, to move America forward.
that is not a winning message or platform

good luck with the sore loser feelings
It doesn't have to be a winning message or platform.

Merely a reasonably conspicuous component thereof.
If you say so.... btw what were your predictions ion the 2012 race?
What difference does it make?

I voted for Obumble myself - more fool, me, although I held my nose in the voting booth, and had Buyer's Remorse immediately afterwards, and beyond.
So let's find people to lead us who will 'get shit done' without the personal corruption scandals.

Why? Frankly, I don't care if the president is getting a blow job.

I care if he's letting his banker buddies loot the banking system.
People like you are the reason why the Chicago Democratic Machine has been in control of Chicago since the 1930s.

And we see what kind of shit-hole that that place has turned into.

Lie down with dogs and you're bound to catch fleas.

No thank you.
People like you are the reason why the Chicago Democratic Machine has been in control of Chicago since the 1930s.

And we see what kind of shit-hole that that place has turned into.

Lie down with dogs and you're bound to catch fleas.

No thank you.

Actually, Chicago is a great city. You have no idea what you are talking about.

The Chicago Machine has controlled Chicago because the Republican Primaries often consist of voting for the birthday clown so the Nazi doesn't win.

No, seriously, this is exactly what happened in the 3 Congressional District once.
...Actually, Chicago is a great city. You have no idea what you are talking about...
Horseshit. I have lived in the Metro area all my life - a life longer than yours, to date, I'll wager - and I have spent much of my career in providing technology and support to community-level nonprofit social services agencies spread across the City and in both 'normal' and 'combat zone' neighborhoods - including CHA housing projects.

You must be a North Sider who doesn't get to the West Side or the South Side very often, nor the parts of the North and Northwest Sides that are vying to compete with the West and South Sides for the title of worst shit-holes in a larger shit-hole - you must be someone who lives in what little is left of the White Folks part of town, or you would know better.

Chicago is a shit-hole... the skeleton or ghost of a once-great City that has been sliding into the sewers and overtaxing and overregulating its people and businesses for decades and which sees businesses flee every year as the situation continues to deteriorate - the flashy steel and glass buildings of The Loop and Michigan Avenue (islands of civilization in an increasingly savage and barbaric wasteland) and a few scattered 'gentrification' projects designed to push-out Po Folk notwithstanding.

...The Chicago Machine has controlled Chicago because the Republican Primaries often consist of voting for the birthday clown so the Nazi doesn't win...
I suggest you find and read the old Mike Royko (deceased, formerly famous political reporter and commentator for the Chicago Sun-Times) political novel "Boss" [1971], for some now-dated but nevertheless still relevant insight into how the Democrats seized control of Chicago and how they retain it to this very day - beyond pandering to the Dolists (Plebians and Welfare Folk on-the-dole).

...No, seriously, this is exactly what happened in the 3 Congressional District once.
Most of the Republicans left for the suburbs decades or generations ago, and the few that are left simply aren't enough to make a difference.
Horseshit. I have lived in the Metro area all my life - a life longer than yours, to date, I'll wager - and I have spent much of my career in providing technology and support to community-level nonprofit social services agencies spread across the City and in both 'normal' and 'combat zone' neighborhoods - including CHA housing projects.

Yes, i'm sure your the salt of the earth. You show so much concern about poor people here every day.

And I'm really Tom Cruise.

You must be a North Sider who doesn't get to the West Side or the South Side very often, nor the parts of the North and Northwest Sides that are vying to compete with the West and South Sides for the title of worst shit-holes in a larger shit-hole - you must be someone who lives in what little is left of the White Folks part of town, or you would know better.

Actually, I grew up on the Southwest side, before moving to Cicero and then Mount Prospect before I finally moved to where I live now. But I knew you'd bring race into this soon enough.

I suggest you find and read the old Mike Royko (deceased, formerly famous political reporter and commentator for the Chicago Sun-Times) political novel "Boss", for some now-dated but nevertheless still relevant insight into how the Democrats seized control of Chicago and how they retain it to this very day - beyond pandering to the Dolists (Plebians and Welfare Folk on-the-dole).

Guy, I've read Boss. And, yeah, Daley was kind of a bully, but he got things done. Richie got things done. Also, Royko spent the tail-end of his career at the Chicago Tribune. A real Chicagoan would know this.
Horseshit. I have lived in the Metro area all my life - a life longer than yours, to date, I'll wager - and I have spent much of my career in providing technology and support to community-level nonprofit social services agencies spread across the City and in both 'normal' and 'combat zone' neighborhoods - including CHA housing projects.

Yes, i'm sure your the salt of the earth. You show so much concern about poor people here every day.

And I'm really Tom Cruise...
I have done more in a real and practical sense to contribute to improving conditions in Chicago's worst neighborhoods than you have ever even seen up close.

And I do, indeed, show concern for people, here, 'most every day.

It's just that my concern expresses itself in different terms than your own.

...Actually, I grew up on the Southwest side, before moving to Cicero and then Mount Prospect before I finally moved to where I live now. But I knew you'd bring race into this soon enough...
Southwest Side? Archer Avenue? (-ish?). Midway Airport-ish? Yeah... miles from any Black Folk in sizable numbers, and miles from any ghetto-caliber neighborhood. Cicero? Before it was overwhelmed by Hispanics? Yeah... now there's a fine example of integration. And it's not like Mt. Prospect has a rep for diversity, eh? As to bringing 'race' into it, anyone living in the area with a modicum of historical awareness and a lick of common sense understands White Flight and its impact upon the entire Metropolitan area. It's the 10,000 lb elephant in the room that won't go away, and hiding it under the rug or not being willing to talk about it is a recipe for failure (in social engineering, or in conversation).

...Guy, I've read Boss. And, yeah, Daley was kind of a bully, but he got things done. Richie got things done. Also, Royko spent the tail-end of his career at the Chicago Tribune. A real Chicagoan would know this.
Well, good for you. Too bad you didn't absorb the lessons it taught about the corrupt, vicious, greed-laden nature of the Chicago Democratic Machine, of which Daley was merely the inheritor and perpetuator, not the creator. 'He got things done' - now there's a fine defense against charges of corruption. You are, i fear, hopelessly lost, with respect to caring about or insisting on a higher moral standard in your political champions - at least on a par with the average person. My condolences.
I dread all this starting so early but since it has:

Candy corn is all in so early under such false premises. Was there ever any doubt?

Stat is the one that interests me. He was 110 per cent in months ago citing poll after poll that portrayed Hilary as a force of nature, a done deal, no need to even have an election. Problem with stat and his polling protective shield,is that he always considers himself right until he isn't and then of course it wasn't his fault but bad polling data. Some recent polls have Hilary behind in some states, which may be a temporary thing, but is not the trajectory stat predicted. He is so heavily invested in a Hilary win that should she lose we should consider a suicide watch.

Both candy and stat and their acolytes might just curb their enthusiasm, or at least save it for later by remembering the old saw; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Ditto Hilary!

Jewish voters might have had enough
American Jews are not in love with Netanyahu and still won't vote Republican
The Latino vote will be split much more evenly if Rubio wins nomination
Republicans killing immigration reform after promising to support it will kill them. Rubio sold out the Latino vote
Both Cruz and Rubio would eat Hilary's lunch in the debates
Cruz is a genius in his own mind. His smugness and the fact that he is a dick will turn people off. Think Nixon
Rubio is a lightweight
Hilary's legal problems are not over
With Republicans they never are
Even a few percentage points shaved off the black vote would make a difference
What have Republicans done to shave off those points?
Hilary is losing women's support over her email controversy
Nobody outside of Foxnation cares about the email controversy. There was no crime, only conspiracy theories
Bill is a loose canon
Bill is the most effective campaigner in America
Hilary is a bad campaigner, and her vindictiveness cannot be camouflaged
Agree she is a bad campaigner but still better than this crop of Republicans
I personally believe she is not in good health
Neither was FDR or JFK
The republicans have learned and their ground game will be better
I hope so....but will they have a ground game in Hispanic neighborhoods
A Rubio will bring out the two million voters that stayed home in 2012
Doubt it
Disgust with Obama will be at a fever pitch by election time
Economy is still strong, Try to take awayObamacare

The gay assault on America is creating a huge backlash
Against Republicans who are out of touch
One major terrorist attack in this country and Hilary is toast
Is that really what you are hoping for? How did 9-11 hurt Bush's chances?
Why might they be on the right track:
The do nothing republican congress is fast turning many conservative voters off
And will be a point of debate in the election

Rubio, Cruz can not run on their Senate Record
The media will help Hilary and harm any repub candidate
Rightwing paranoia
Jeb Bush will lose to Hilary
The rest of them will lose worse
The repub candidates will not commit to specific plans to change things
They never do
Establishment re pubs will not commit to passing the baton to a new generation
Nobody hands you anything, you have to take it
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

The 'scandals' have run their course. Hillary's polling is still quite high. As for corruption, you'd have to do it by proxy. As direct attacks on Hillary on corruption issues are some weak tea.

And 'they' only dream of Hillary's name recognition and polling numbers.

Try to listen to yourself objectively. Read your post and consider exactly what you are saying.
If Hillary wins it will be for only one reason:

Americans are STILL idiots.

The old....we don't win because of low information voters

Maybe if Republicans would kick in more for education there wouldn't be so many low information voters

The old "Money=knowledge" fantasy so loved by the left. The US spends more on education than any other country, and we are still less educated than most. Another left wing nut stupid statement.
If Hillary wins it will be for only one reason:

Americans are STILL idiots.

The old....we don't win because of low information voters

Maybe if Republicans would kick in more for education there wouldn't be so many low information voters

The old "Money=knowledge" fantasy so loved by the left. The US spends more on education than any other country, and we are still less educated than most. Another left wing nut stupid statement.

I know

Same old Republican policy of ....If we take money away from schools they will do better

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