Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race
Hillary won't even win the democrat primary.
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race
Hillary won't even win the democrat primary.

She might. She has most of the money and donors locked up.

Really. There's a dungeon in Chappaqua....
Hillary is Teddy Kennedy. A dipsomaniac nepotist who will never be POTUS...


Ted Kennedy was one of the most accomplished Senators in the last 50 years. He was loved on both sides of the aisle

What did he accomplish? I mean, besides disgracing the office?


Kennedy's legislative accomplishments are legendary

He was the only person who could have gotten some bi-partisan "near universal" coverage passed. The Kennedy brothers all had ill timed departures from this life.

Mostly due to their own undoing

Yeah Joe Jack and Bobby were always in the wrong place. STFU!
Hillary is Teddy Kennedy. A dipsomaniac nepotist who will never be POTUS...


Ted Kennedy was one of the most accomplished Senators in the last 50 years. He was loved on both sides of the aisle

He loved him some poontang;

and he loved him some scotch.

He loved driving.

"Erah erah, when I got back to the caaah, Mary Jo and the caaah were gone."

Teddy "hic" "glub glub" Kennedy wasn't so fond of water.

Ted Kennedy: A democrat with a confirmed kill in the "war on women"
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race
Hillary won't even win the democrat primary.

She might. She has most of the money and donors locked up.

Really. There's a dungeon in Chappaqua....
She might... I'd give her a 50% chance right now. But that chance goes to 20% if O'Malley runs.
Ted Kennedy was one of the most accomplished Senators in the last 50 years. He was loved on both sides of the aisle

What did he accomplish? I mean, besides disgracing the office?


Kennedy's legislative accomplishments are legendary

He was the only person who could have gotten some bi-partisan "near universal" coverage passed. The Kennedy brothers all had ill timed departures from this life.

Mostly due to their own undoing

Yeah Joe Jack and Bobby were always in the wrong place. STFU!

Screw the mob over and yeah you're going to have some problems
"I'm sorry, did you say something JakeFakey?" You have the far right's collective dick up your gynormous ass, kwc57.

America's great mainstream does not care for the far right's puritanical, religious elitism. It will no longer be intimidated by the Grahams, and the Hagees, etc.

They will no longer be bullied by the Lowerys or the Savages or the other nutcases.

And you fools attack HRC from a perspective of white male elitism, the women of America will slam that far right collective dick so far up you will gargle on it.
"I'm sorry, did you say something JakeFakey?" You have the far right's collective dick up your gynormous ass, kwc57.

America's great mainstream does not care for the far right's puritanical, religious elitism. It will no longer be intimidated by the Grahams, and the Hagees, etc.

They will no longer be bullied by the Lowerys or the Savages or the other nutcases.

And you fools attack HRC from a perspective of white male elitism, the women of America will slam that far right collective dick so far up you will gargle on it.
Gotta love the smug over-confident arrogance and elitism that this represents...

With any luck, the little wankers will continue thinking in this vein, right up to Election Day...

The American People will take it from there in the voting booth...
"I'm sorry, did you say something JakeFakey?" You have the far right's collective dick up your gynormous ass, kwc57.

America's great mainstream does not care for the far right's puritanical, religious elitism. It will no longer be intimidated by the Grahams, and the Hagees, etc.

They will no longer be bullied by the Lowerys or the Savages or the other nutcases.

And you fools attack HRC from a perspective of white male elitism, the women of America will slam that far right collective dick so far up you will gargle on it.
Gotta love the smug over-confident arrogance and elitism that this represents...

With any luck, the little wankers will continue thinking in this vein, right up to Election Day...

The American People will take it from there in the voting booth...
most voters would reject both of you as class A imbeciles and clowns
"I'm sorry, did you say something JakeFakey?" You have the far right's collective dick up your gynormous ass, kwc57.

America's great mainstream does not care for the far right's puritanical, religious elitism. It will no longer be intimidated by the Grahams, and the Hagees, etc.

They will no longer be bullied by the Lowerys or the Savages or the other nutcases.

And you fools attack HRC from a perspective of white male elitism, the women of America will slam that far right collective dick so far up you will gargle on it.
Gotta love the smug over-confident arrogance and elitism that this represents...

With any luck, the little wankers will continue thinking in this vein, right up to Election Day...

The American People will take it from there in the voting booth...
most voters would reject both of you as class A imbeciles and clowns
Back under your rock, Dante... when I want your opinion on my standing, I'll give it to you.
"I'm sorry, did you say something JakeFakey?" You have the far right's collective dick up your gynormous ass, kwc57.

America's great mainstream does not care for the far right's puritanical, religious elitism. It will no longer be intimidated by the Grahams, and the Hagees, etc.

They will no longer be bullied by the Lowerys or the Savages or the other nutcases.

And you fools attack HRC from a perspective of white male elitism, the women of America will slam that far right collective dick so far up you will gargle on it.
Gotta love the smug over-confident arrogance and elitism that this represents...With any luck, the little wankers will continue thinking in this vein, right up to Election Day... The American People will take it from there in the voting booth...
kcw, yep, you are embedded in white elitism, and America will not vote for your canidates. Attack HRC unprofessionally and help her get elected.
"I'm sorry, did you say something JakeFakey?" You have the far right's collective dick up your gynormous ass, kwc57.

America's great mainstream does not care for the far right's puritanical, religious elitism. It will no longer be intimidated by the Grahams, and the Hagees, etc.

They will no longer be bullied by the Lowerys or the Savages or the other nutcases.

And you fools attack HRC from a perspective of white male elitism, the women of America will slam that far right collective dick so far up you will gargle on it.
Gotta love the smug over-confident arrogance and elitism that this represents...

With any luck, the little wankers will continue thinking in this vein, right up to Election Day...

The American People will take it from there in the voting booth...
most voters would reject both of you as class A imbeciles and clowns
Back under your rock, Dante... when I want your opinion on my standing, I'll give it to you.

says the night crawling creep of usmb
I dread all this starting so early but since it has:

Candy corn is all in so early under such false premises. Was there ever any doubt?

Stat is the one that interests me. He was 110 per cent in months ago citing poll after poll that portrayed Hilary as a force of nature, a done deal, no need to even have an election. Problem with stat and his polling protective shield,is that he always considers himself right until he isn't and then of course it wasn't his fault but bad polling data. Some recent polls have Hilary behind in some states, which may be a temporary thing, but is not the trajectory stat predicted. He is so heavily invested in a Hilary win that should she lose we should consider a suicide watch.

So why might stat and candy be on the wrong track?
Jewish voters might have had enough
The Latino vote will be split much more evenly if Rubio wins nomination
Both Cruz and Rubio would eat Hilary's lunch in the debates
Hilary's legal problems are not over
Even a few percentage points shaved off the black vote would make a difference
Hilary is losing women's support over her email controversy
Bill is a loose canon
Hilary is a bad campaigner, and her vindictiveness cannot be camouflaged
I personally believe she is not in good health
The republicans have learned and their ground game will be better
A Rubio will bring out the two million voters that stayed home in 2012
Disgust with Obama will be at a fever pitch by election time
The gay assault on America is creating a huge backlash
One major terrorist attack in this country and Hilary is toast

Why might they be on the right track:
The do nothing republican congress is fast turning many conservative voters off
And will be a point of debate in the election
The media will help Hilary and harm any repub candidate
Jeb Bush will lose to Hilary
The repub candidates will not commit to specific plans to change things
Establishment re pubs will not commit to passing the baton to a new generation

Both candy and stat and their acolytes might just curb their enthusiasm, or at least save it for later by remembering the old saw; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Ditto Hilary!

Candycorn knows the Billary will pay for her birth control and that's why she's all in so early.
Were you asleep during the midterms?
Yup, when the mainstream voters rejected the far right pubs and far left crazies. The TP is not mainstream and is almost out of steam.

Poor Jake, you cannot win without real conservatives ;)
We have with Eisenhower, Nixon, both Bushes. We will again. We need the right of to left of center more than you. Always been that way, except for 2004 when the socons went crazy and even registered and voted Martians.

You cannot win without real conservatives you will soon learn this.
The great majority of conservatives will vote for the candidate.

Sure, just like they did in 2008 and 2012 ;)
Poor Lakhota why would the distinguished General lie after he had been sworn to tell the truth before the committee?

you mean why would a government bureaucrat want to cover his ass?


Are you trying to claim the military never lies? Really?

Too funny, NOBODY lies as much as both Hillary and Obama.

So would I take the word of a decorated honorable General over theirs?

What a father you would be, fuck corruption, give me mine!!!!!

You mean as opposed to the republicans, who seem to think, "Hey, corruption should only work for the rich! We should happily let the rich destroy the middle class because Bush is right with Jesus."

Sorry, I'd rather have a president who gets laid and works for average people.

That leaves Hillary out.
Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?

I love pointing out your stupidity, of course you make it easy as can be:

Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, Ponzi Scheme
Jorge Cabrera Donations
"Lootergate" (The Clintons stole furniture from the White House)
Hillary's Cattle Futures Miracle
"Filegate Scandal"
Vince Foster
Whitewater Scandal
Travelgate Scandal
Like any of that has hurt her? The scandals that are not really scandals? The 20% of Americans will believe anything bad about her, the other 80% know the stuff is nonsense. We are going to have to do FAR BETTER than that to beat Hillary. A good candidate with a real PROGRAM rather than bromides that mean nothing.

Neither far right nor far left have the answer.

Hillary doesn't have shit and never has.

Cruz, Rubio or Walker, pick one.

They'll all eat her lunch....she isn't cut out to be President, she is much too shrill and too brittle....and she doesn't have a "program."

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