Why I am a Republican

The goal of the left is to slowly cause ever increasing poverty. Blacks in America have been sort of a Petri dish for them. Now they intend on forcing poverty on the rest of us.

Holding wages at 2009 levels while they raise taxes and energy costs is one primary way to increase poverty in this country. How many of use have ether not received a raise since Obama took office or are now making less than we did in 2008? You'd be surprised how many.
The reason America will never solve its problems under Democratic control is that Republicans throw a hissy fit any time America tells them they don't want them to lead

This tantrum includes the willingness to bring the government to a standstill just because they can

Republucan motto: If we can't lead, Nobody will
The reason America will never solve its problems under Democratic control is that Republicans throw a hissy fit any time America tells them they don't want them to lead

This tantrum includes the willingness to bring the government to a standstill just because they can

Republucan motto: If we can't lead, Nobody will

You should go back and read the op.
The goal of the left is to slowly cause ever increasing poverty. Blacks in America have been sort of a Petri dish for them. Now they intend on forcing poverty on the rest of us.

Holding wages at 2009 levels while they raise taxes and energy costs is one primary way to increase poverty in this country. How many of use have ether not received a raise since Obama took office or are now making less than we did in 2008? You'd be surprised how many.

There are the race pimps who benefit from this, and that's their schtick. I wouldn't say all left wingers/PC Police are doing this, though. Many simply don't understand the unintended consequences of their actions. Emotion over logic.

I guess there may be a third group, too: Those who won't understand the unintended consequences of their actions. They're committed to this, and they refuse to give an inch to the people they hate so much.

I keep hearing about how they're so mucn smarter than everyone else, yet they're incapable of seeing something so obvious. And blacks are victimized again.

The reason America will never solve its problems under Democratic control is that Republicans throw a hissy fit any time America tells them they don't want them to lead

This tantrum includes the willingness to bring the government to a standstill just because they can

Republucan motto: If we can't lead, Nobody will

We got Clinton's surplus under a GOP controlled congress.

Clinton was at the very least pragmatic. He figured he could take advantage of the gifts that the Republican congress gave him when they sent him good bills that improved the economy. However under Bush, the Democrats sent him nothing but protest bills designed to make Bush look like he was more of a roadblock to progress instead of somebody that was willing to work with congress. We got bills from the Democrat controlled congress that celebrated sexual diversity rather than jobs bills designed to lesson the burdens on businesses. Congress became like a petulant spoiled child unwilling to work with the President.
The reason America will never solve its problems under Democratic control is that Republicans throw a hissy fit any time America tells them they don't want them to lead

This tantrum includes the willingness to bring the government to a standstill just because they can

Republucan motto: If we can't lead, Nobody will

You should go back and read the op.

He doesn't want to.
Muddy, you just can't figure this shit out can you? Poor people in this country are an industry. Because they are poor, they provide a reason for thousands and thousands of JOBS for the people taking care of the poor.

I know you don't like that idea and neither do I. But that is the way it is. What to do about it is the trick.
I read an article this AM about the decline in the numbers of people reaching the American Dream.
And it ain't looking good for Dreamers.

You want to do something for poor people? Hire one. Or two.

But as long as there is a poor person industry and as long as poor people are made to feel no real pain for being poor, there will always be a welfare state.

You think all those welfare case workers WANT to loose their jobs? You think all the Dem politicians want to lose those votes? You think all those "non profit" organizations with the top people making big bucks, you think they want the poor to go away?

Hey who says we don't make anything in America anymore. We make poor people.
The goal of the left is to slowly cause ever increasing poverty. Blacks in America have been sort of a Petri dish for them. Now they intend on forcing poverty on the rest of us.

Holding wages at 2009 levels while they raise taxes and energy costs is one primary way to increase poverty in this country. How many of use have ether not received a raise since Obama took office or are now making less than we did in 2008? You'd be surprised how many.

There are the race pimps who benefit from this, and that's their schtick. I wouldn't say all left wingers/PC Police are doing this, though. Many simply don't understand the unintended consequences of their actions. Emotion over logic.

I guess there may be a third group, too: Those who won't understand the unintended consequences of their actions. They're committed to this, and they refuse to give an inch to the people they hate so much.

I keep hearing about how they're so mucn smarter than everyone else, yet they're incapable of seeing something so obvious. And blacks are victimized again.


Whether it is by design or by accident the result is the same.

Why would George Soros support a trainwreck like Obama?
Muddy, you just can't figure this shit out can you? Poor people in this country are an industry. Because they are poor, they provide a reason for thousands and thousands of JOBS for the people taking care of the poor.

I know you don't like that idea and neither do I. But that is the way it is. What to do about it is the trick.
I read an article this AM about the decline in the numbers of people reaching the American Dream.
And it ain't looking good for Dreamers.

You want to do something for poor people? Hire one. Or two.

But as long as there is a poor person industry and as long as poor people are made to feel no real pain for being poor, there will always be a welfare state.

You think all those welfare case workers WANT to loose their jobs? You think all the Dem politicians want to lose those votes? You think all those "non profit" organizations with the top people making big bucks, you think they want the poor to go away?

Hey who says we don't make anything in America anymore. We make poor people.

So poverty creates jobs?

Now I've heard everything.

You must be Pelosi's nephew.
Fact is, you can put a positive spin on a total disaster if you have the mind to. You start looking for silver-linings on a turd.

On the flip-side nothing Bush did was good enough.
The reason America will never solve its problems under Democratic control is that Republicans throw a hissy fit any time America tells them they don't want them to lead

This tantrum includes the willingness to bring the government to a standstill just because they can

Republucan motto: If we can't lead, Nobody will

You should go back and read the op.

He doesn't want to.

one of the greatest OP's I read, I couldnt believe how cool and nice blacks were when I moved out of Chicago area to the southern states. To much hate and racial divide up there.
Mudwhistle, while the history of the democrat party you describe in the op is accurate - David Horowitz admitted this was the plan for past 100 years at least - he was a very prominent member of the Democrat party and knew alot others didn't as to the why's - such as why there were a disproportionate number of black americans drafted and sent to front lines compared to the democrat leaders who went to school instead of going to war as did their own children ( facts don't lie - that can be checked out as can Margaret Sanger's abortion genocide agenda being that of reducing black population ) the truth is the republican party would not accomplish anything significantly different at this point. David Horowitz said, rip a page from Saul Alinsky's book and use it on them. That has been done but look at the cost...

The Republicans I see in office today, John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Paul Ryan - all traitors who betrayed the American people and the Republican party is now completely over run with these men who put their careers ahead of what is best for America. I no longer see a difference. One party is as corrupt as the other. The GOP has to be abandoned in my opinion. There is no other solution. Perhaps that is why Levin and Palin suggested started the Freedom Party. The problem with that is then you split the party and lose the vote.

Only other solution is to have a public intervention - bring up the voting records of these men and there recorded statements in media about Shameless GOP USA TODAY hit piece - and the men who attacked Bachmann and the other 4 are the first to be publicly shamed and removed from the GOP for siding with terrorists.

That would be John Boehner and John McCain, they should be the first ones put in front of the American people. Then go straight down the line. Problem is with elections in 2014 there isn't enough time for that. '

So plan B is do what Iceland did. Vote out every single member of the Senate and Congress (even the new ones ) and replace them with unknown men - you'd find better men than what we have in the GOP in the phone book or on this message board. That is how corrupt Boehner, McCain, Lindsey Graham and others are. Paul Ryan was a real disappointment. I was told that Newt Gingrich was looking for faces in GOP that had that "baby face" innocent look - to get them elected - that is a disgusting way to run politics if you ask me.

Whatever GOP came up with they would have to keep Newt Gingrich and his kind out of it completely.
Mudwhistle, while the history of the democrat party you describe in the op is accurate - David Horowitz admitted this was the plan for past 100 years at least - he was a very prominent member of the Democrat party and knew alot others didn't as to the why's - such as why there were a disproportionate number of black americans drafted and sent to front lines compared to the democrat leaders who went to school instead of going to war as did their own children ( facts don't lie - that can be checked out as can Margaret Sanger's abortion genocide agenda being that of reducing black population ) the truth is the republican party would not accomplish anything significantly different at this point. David Horowitz said, rip a page from Saul Alinsky's book and use it on them. That has been done but look at the cost...

The Republicans I see in office today, John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Paul Ryan - all traitors who betrayed the American people and the Republican party is now completely over run with these men who put their careers ahead of what is best for America. I no longer see a difference. One party is as corrupt as the other. The GOP has to be abandoned in my opinion. There is no other solution. Perhaps that is why Levin and Palin suggested started the Freedom Party. The problem with that is then you split the party and lose the vote.

Only other solution is to have a public intervention - bring up the voting records of these men and there recorded statements in media about Shameless GOP USA TODAY hit piece - and the men who attacked Bachmann and the other 4 are the first to be publicly shamed and removed from the GOP for siding with terrorists.

That would be John Boehner and John McCain, they should be the first ones put in front of the American people. Then go straight down the line. Problem is with elections in 2014 there isn't enough time for that. '

So plan B is do what Iceland did. Vote out every single member of the Senate and Congress (even the new ones ) and replace them with unknown men - you'd find better men than what we have in the GOP in the phone book or on this message board. That is how corrupt Boehner, McCain, Lindsey Graham and others are. Paul Ryan was a real disappointment. I was told that Newt Gingrich was looking for faces in GOP that had that "baby face" innocent look - to get them elected - that is a disgusting way to run politics if you ask me.

Whatever GOP came up with they would have to keep Newt Gingrich and his kind out of it completely.

Every time I hear someone talk about Newt it's about his ego. Fact is he was a great leader. He got things done. Fact is his competition hated him. Gen Patton had that same exact problem.

I'm not saying I what to pump Newts' pole, but I think he gets results.
Mudwhistle, while the history of the democrat party you describe in the op is accurate - David Horowitz admitted this was the plan for past 100 years at least - he was a very prominent member of the Democrat party and knew alot others didn't as to the why's - such as why there were a disproportionate number of black americans drafted and sent to front lines compared to the democrat leaders who went to school instead of going to war as did their own children ( facts don't lie - that can be checked out as can Margaret Sanger's abortion genocide agenda being that of reducing black population ) the truth is the republican party would not accomplish anything significantly different at this point. David Horowitz said, rip a page from Saul Alinsky's book and use it on them. That has been done but look at the cost...

The Republicans I see in office today, John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Paul Ryan - all traitors who betrayed the American people and the Republican party is now completely over run with these men who put their careers ahead of what is best for America. I no longer see a difference. One party is as corrupt as the other. The GOP has to be abandoned in my opinion. There is no other solution. Perhaps that is why Levin and Palin suggested started the Freedom Party. The problem with that is then you split the party and lose the vote.

Only other solution is to have a public intervention - bring up the voting records of these men and there recorded statements in media about Shameless GOP USA TODAY hit piece - and the men who attacked Bachmann and the other 4 are the first to be publicly shamed and removed from the GOP for siding with terrorists.

That would be John Boehner and John McCain, they should be the first ones put in front of the American people. Then go straight down the line. Problem is with elections in 2014 there isn't enough time for that. '

So plan B is do what Iceland did. Vote out every single member of the Senate and Congress (even the new ones ) and replace them with unknown men - you'd find better men than what we have in the GOP in the phone book or on this message board. That is how corrupt Boehner, McCain, Lindsey Graham and others are. Paul Ryan was a real disappointment. I was told that Newt Gingrich was looking for faces in GOP that had that "baby face" innocent look - to get them elected - that is a disgusting way to run politics if you ask me.

Whatever GOP came up with they would have to keep Newt Gingrich and his kind out of it completely.

We already did that by picking a name out of a phone book with Obama and look how he turned out to be.
The reason America will never solve its problems under Democratic control is that Republicans throw a hissy fit any time America tells them they don't want them to lead

This tantrum includes the willingness to bring the government to a standstill just because they can

Republucan motto: If we can't lead, Nobody will

Of course that isn't true.

1. The GOP is largely the 'second' party....and it's toothless.

2. The real reason is that the Dems have no intention of solving the problem: without convincing minorities that they are still necessary....they won't win a single election

3. Data shows that that have no solutions in mind:

" Liberals and conservatives have thundered rhetoric at each other for years, but we finally have some facts. CNN gave the US Census rankings for cities with the most poverty and showed how long these cities have been run by Democrats:

Detroit, MI, 1961;
Buffalo, NY, 1954;
Cincinnati, OH, 1984;
Cleveland, OH, 1989;
Miami, FL, forever;
St. Lewis, MO, 1949;
El Paso, TX, forever;
Milwaukee, WI, 1908;
Philadelphia, PA, 1952;
and Newark, NJ, 1907.

Five of our poorest cities have been led by Democrats for more than 45 years. The two other cities on the list, Miami, FL and El Paso, TX have never had Republican mayors. Not ever."
Democrat Disaster Cities | Scragged
Muddy, you just can't figure this shit out can you? Poor people in this country are an industry. Because they are poor, they provide a reason for thousands and thousands of JOBS for the people taking care of the poor.

I know you don't like that idea and neither do I. But that is the way it is. What to do about it is the trick.
I read an article this AM about the decline in the numbers of people reaching the American Dream.
And it ain't looking good for Dreamers.

You want to do something for poor people? Hire one. Or two.

But as long as there is a poor person industry and as long as poor people are made to feel no real pain for being poor, there will always be a welfare state.

You think all those welfare case workers WANT to loose their jobs? You think all the Dem politicians want to lose those votes? You think all those "non profit" organizations with the top people making big bucks, you think they want the poor to go away?

Hey who says we don't make anything in America anymore. We make poor people.

Poor people are an industry? I think that completely covers the way the Democrat party views the poor of America. As Rahm Emanuel said, Never let a good crisis go to waste. Right?

Maybe we should go back to "real industry"? Like Coca - cola plants, car manufacturing plants, bringing back America through MAKING OUR OWN PRODUCTS AGAIN instead of buying from China and driving all our manufacturers overseas because of outrageous taxes?

It is time for America to return to her senses. I remember an Israeli man who told me the problem with America is that we stopped producing! We used to be an industrious nation manufacturing products and exporting to the world! Today we import everything from China! There is no money coming in! As Zeke has told us! The poor people are the Industry of America today! If we didn't have poor people, we'd all be out of jobs! By gosh! He may be right because according to polls there are more people working for the government than any other group! Imagine that!

I would add to Zeke's list the other major money producer that keeps the economy going ( aside from poor people ) is our prison population! We have more prisoners in prisons in America than any other nation on earth including North Korea, China, or Russia. They are producing products for the govt now at $1.40 an hour and will soon be allowed to compete with private businesses here inside america ( the final nail in the coffin for small business who cannot compete with wages of $1.40 an hour ) which will finish us off. Yes, Folks, the govt is now in private business with the prisons ( another violation of our constitution ) and dependent upon prisoners to compete with other communist nations whose pay scale meets that $1.40 an hour or less our own govt is paying their "workers"...

The truth is there is no recovery plan. The plan America is running off will lead to utter destruction.


The reason America will never solve its problems under Democratic control is that Republicans throw a hissy fit any time America tells them they don't want them to lead

This tantrum includes the willingness to bring the government to a standstill just because they can

Republucan motto: If we can't lead, Nobody will

Of course that isn't true.

1. The GOP is largely the 'second' party....and it's toothless.

2. The real reason is that the Dems have no intention of solving the problem: without convincing minorities that they are still necessary....they won't win a single election

3. Data shows that that have no solutions in mind:

" Liberals and conservatives have thundered rhetoric at each other for years, but we finally have some facts. CNN gave the US Census rankings for cities with the most poverty and showed how long these cities have been run by Democrats:

Detroit, MI, 1961;
Buffalo, NY, 1954;
Cincinnati, OH, 1984;
Cleveland, OH, 1989;
Miami, FL, forever;
St. Lewis, MO, 1949;
El Paso, TX, forever;
Milwaukee, WI, 1908;
Philadelphia, PA, 1952;
and Newark, NJ, 1907.

Five of our poorest cities have been led by Democrats for more than 45 years. The two other cities on the list, Miami, FL and El Paso, TX have never had Republican mayors. Not ever."
Democrat Disaster Cities | Scragged

I guess you rethugs have given up on the idea of "personal responsibility". As in; isn't it the poor persons fault for being poor? How did it become the Dems fault they are poor. Wouldn't it be just as much the Rethugs fault?

Or do you all think poor people are just the creation of the Dems?
So if the poor people all had jobs, the government would have a huge lay off of workers they didn't need which would then reduce government size, payroll, spending and power over the American people.

Yes, I can see why it is important to keep the poor people poor now.
The reason America will never solve its problems under Democratic control is that Republicans throw a hissy fit any time America tells them they don't want them to lead

This tantrum includes the willingness to bring the government to a standstill just because they can

Republucan motto: If we can't lead, Nobody will

Of course that isn't true.

1. The GOP is largely the 'second' party....and it's toothless.

2. The real reason is that the Dems have no intention of solving the problem: without convincing minorities that they are still necessary....they won't win a single election

3. Data shows that that have no solutions in mind:

" Liberals and conservatives have thundered rhetoric at each other for years, but we finally have some facts. CNN gave the US Census rankings for cities with the most poverty and showed how long these cities have been run by Democrats:

Detroit, MI, 1961;
Buffalo, NY, 1954;
Cincinnati, OH, 1984;
Cleveland, OH, 1989;
Miami, FL, forever;
St. Lewis, MO, 1949;
El Paso, TX, forever;
Milwaukee, WI, 1908;
Philadelphia, PA, 1952;
and Newark, NJ, 1907.

Five of our poorest cities have been led by Democrats for more than 45 years. The two other cities on the list, Miami, FL and El Paso, TX have never had Republican mayors. Not ever."
Democrat Disaster Cities | Scragged

I guess you rethugs have given up on the idea of "personal responsibility". As in; isn't it the poor persons fault for being poor? How did it become the Dems fault they are poor. Wouldn't it be just as much the Rethugs fault?

Or do you all think poor people are just the creation of the Dems?

You didn't create the poor but your party was the catalyst behind KEEPING them poor, Zeke. You see, it is your party that removed the equation of "personal responsibility" by enabling people rather than helping them to move ahead. that is what Planned Parenthood, Welfare, free cell phones, free air time, free housing, free handouts is all about...

That is why the cities she listed have all been under Democrat control - and are evidence of the utter failure - while under democrat leadership - it has all been. Look at the slums, crime, etc in these cities such as Detroit, Michigan and you can see that the reason the democrats couldn't fix it for 100 years they were in control of those cities is because it was too profitable to keep the people poor. As you so honestly pointed out, Zeke, you need these people, that is your industry - poor people and keeping them poor so the democrat party can continue to get rich off of them. It is what it is. Which is disgusting. - Jeri
Muddy, you just can't figure this shit out can you? Poor people in this country are an industry. Because they are poor, they provide a reason for thousands and thousands of JOBS for the people taking care of the poor.

I know you don't like that idea and neither do I. But that is the way it is. What to do about it is the trick.
I read an article this AM about the decline in the numbers of people reaching the American Dream.
And it ain't looking good for Dreamers.

You want to do something for poor people? Hire one. Or two.

But as long as there is a poor person industry and as long as poor people are made to feel no real pain for being poor, there will always be a welfare state.

You think all those welfare case workers WANT to loose their jobs? You think all the Dem politicians want to lose those votes? You think all those "non profit" organizations with the top people making big bucks, you think they want the poor to go away?

Hey who says we don't make anything in America anymore. We make poor people.

Poor people are an industry? I think that completely covers the way the Democrat party views the poor of America. As Rahm Emanuel said, Never let a good crisis go to waste. Right?

Maybe we should go back to "real industry"? Like Coca - cola plants, car manufacturing plants, bringing back America through MAKING OUR OWN PRODUCTS AGAIN instead of buying from China and driving all our manufacturers overseas because of outrageous taxes?

It is time for America to return to her senses. I remember an Israeli man who told me the problem with America is that we stopped producing! We used to be an industrious nation manufacturing products and exporting to the world! Today we import everything from China! There is no money coming in! As Zeke has told us! The poor people are the Industry of America today! If we didn't have poor people, we'd all be out of jobs! By gosh! He may be right because according to polls there are more people working for the government than any other group! Imagine that!

I would add to Zeke's list the other major money producer that keeps the economy going ( aside from poor people ) is our prison population! We have more prisoners in prisons in America than any other nation on earth including North Korea, China, or Russia. They are producing products for the govt now at $1.40 an hour and will soon be allowed to compete with private businesses here inside america ( the final nail in the coffin for small business who cannot compete with wages of $1.40 an hour ) which will finish us off. Yes, Folks, the govt is now in private business with the prisons ( another violation of our constitution ) and dependent upon prisoners to compete with other communist nations whose pay scale meets that $1.40 an hour or less our own govt is paying their "workers"...

The truth is there is no recovery plan. The plan America is running off will lead to utter destruction.



Here's your problem. If the rethugs could switch positions with the Dems concerning poor people, they would. You think Rethugs don't want all those votes? Why do you think the rethugs are working so hard to keep poor people from voting?

And how many people do you personally know that are involved in the care and feeding of poor people? I know three. Two in the county welfare office and one in a non profit. They like their jobs, think they are doing something worthwhile. But it is still an "industry".

And with the lack of good paying jobs and a piss poor record of educating poor people, what other result do you think we will have other than producing more and more poor people?

And one other fact. You rethugs are doing absolutley nothing about reversing this trend.
No jobs being created for low skill, poorly educated people. Now why is that? And how will you place the blame on the Dems for what you won't or can't do?

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