Why I am a Republican

there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.

Claiming Obama isn't black because his mother is white is to express a deep ignorance of American history. The racist power structure that has existed throughout American history didn't care about percentages. It cared about one drop.

Also, stating you became "a republican after Kennedy was killed" puts you in the awkward position of saying you don't think you're worthy of being treated as an equal in society. A Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act. His Republican opponent was too busy pandering to people who compare black people to animals.
i am glad he switched to Republican and can see what this bunch of communistic liberals and the Muslim leader we have, is doing to all of us.

Did you notice who Obama Threatened?

It's incredible that 42% of Americans think that this unqualified,
incompetent, dishonorable, ego-driven fraud is doing a good job. Take a
moment. Admit it to yourself. You know who his supporters are. They are
the people that YOU support.

From now thru November 2012 this should be required weekly or at least
monthly reading BY ALL WHO VOTE!!!

Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on
raising the debt ceiling? He threatened to not pay:
- Social Security Retirees, Military Retirees, Social Security
Disability and Federal Retirees.-

- Now let this sink in really good -

- He did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens

- He did not threaten to take frivolous benefits such as Internet access
away from violent inmates

- He did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal
employees that he hired

- He did not offer to cut down on his or his wife's frivolous
gallivanting around

- He did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or any
of their staff

- He did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients

- He did not threaten the food stamp programs

- He did not threaten to not pay foreign aid

- He did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base
- The list could go on and on . He is in full political re-election

Why are we allowing this person to destroy this wonderful country with
his selfishness and his lies? Have WE lost our blooming minds!!!!!!!!

His type of change is killing our country. He needs to be stopped and
only our votes can stop him.

Do not forget about his tactics when it's election time. Vote Obama out
of the Presidency in 2012.

Also remember the book he has been reading - THE END OF AMERICA (a
Muslim book)
We the people are coming
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.

Claiming Obama isn't black because his mother is white is to express a deep ignorance of American history. The racist power structure that has existed throughout American history didn't care about percentages. It cared about one drop.

Also, stating you became "a republican after Kennedy was killed" puts you in the awkward position of saying you don't think you're worthy of being treated as an equal in society. A Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act. His Republican opponent was too busy pandering to people who compare black people to animals.

(1) I don't "claim" anything. I stated the FACT that Barry is NOT a black man. I don't give a damn about your "history lesson". Take it somewhere else junior.

(2) Democrats wanted NOTHING to do with civil rights. NOTHING. LBJ (after refusing to vote yes for years) decided it was a "good way to increase the democrat voting block and pushed for passage. He then pushed for passage of the "Great Society" bill that has kept poor blacks enslaved ever since.

(3) Robert Byrd (D) West Virginia an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK is, as far as I know, the only elected official to refer to blacks as "****** animals".

You need to come to terms with the fact that the democrats are the most hateful, vile people on earth. Always have been and always will be. Republicans offer a "hand up" and not a "hand out". Still, with that having been said, The Republican Party has turned into "democrat lite" and I want nothing to do with them, either. I am a proud Independent and will remain so until the republicans get their collective heads out of their asses.
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.

Claiming Obama isn't black because his mother is white is to express a deep ignorance of American history. The racist power structure that has existed throughout American history didn't care about percentages. It cared about one drop.

Also, stating you became "a republican after Kennedy was killed" puts you in the awkward position of saying you don't think you're worthy of being treated as an equal in society. A Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act. His Republican opponent was too busy pandering to people who compare black people to animals.
So black father trumps all other DNA huh????
You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.

Claiming Obama isn't black because his mother is white is to express a deep ignorance of American history. The racist power structure that has existed throughout American history didn't care about percentages. It cared about one drop.

Also, stating you became "a republican after Kennedy was killed" puts you in the awkward position of saying you don't think you're worthy of being treated as an equal in society. A Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act. His Republican opponent was too busy pandering to people who compare black people to animals.

(1) I don't "claim" anything. I stated the FACT that Barry is NOT a black man. I don't give a damn about your "history lesson". Take it somewhere else junior.

(2) Democrats wanted NOTHING to do with civil rights. NOTHING. LBJ (after refusing to vote yes for years) decided it was a "good way to increase the democrat voting block and pushed for passage. He then pushed for passage of the "Great Society" bill that has kept poor blacks enslaved ever since.

(3) Robert Byrd (D) West Virginia an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK is, as far as I know, the only elected official to refer to blacks as "****** animals".

You need to come to terms with the fact that the democrats are the most hateful, vile people on earth. Always have been and always will be. Republicans offer a "hand up" and not a "hand out". Still, with that having been said, The Republican Party has turned into "democrat lite" and I want nothing to do with them, either. I am a proud Independent and will remain so until the republicans get their collective heads out of their asses.

You may not watch a history lesson, but you sure as hell need one.

FACT: Persons of mixed ancestry where part of that mix is black have been considered black through American history. As a matter of percentage, Obama is four times more black than Homer Plessy was. Are you going to claim Homer Plessy, of Plessy v. Ferguson fame, wasn't black either?

FACT: Northern liberals, who were all in the Democratic Party by the 1950s, were the strongest supporters of civil rights.

FACT: Republicans, after accounting for regional differences, were always more hostile to civil rights. There were far fewer Republicans in the South, but they were even more opposed to civil rights than southern Democrats were.

FACT: All of the civil rights legislation of the 1950s and 1960s passed because of Democratic votes.

FACT: The Republicans had an active white supremacist (Haley Barbour) as chair of it's governor's association after the year 2000.

FACT: The Republican majority leader in the Senate (Trent Lott) had to resign over his praise of segregation in 2002.
You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.

Claiming Obama isn't black because his mother is white is to express a deep ignorance of American history. The racist power structure that has existed throughout American history didn't care about percentages. It cared about one drop.

Also, stating you became "a republican after Kennedy was killed" puts you in the awkward position of saying you don't think you're worthy of being treated as an equal in society. A Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act. His Republican opponent was too busy pandering to people who compare black people to animals.
So black father trumps all other DNA huh????

Throughout American history, people have been considered "black" if they had any African ancestry.
Claiming Obama isn't black because his mother is white is to express a deep ignorance of American history. The racist power structure that has existed throughout American history didn't care about percentages. It cared about one drop.

Also, stating you became "a republican after Kennedy was killed" puts you in the awkward position of saying you don't think you're worthy of being treated as an equal in society. A Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act. His Republican opponent was too busy pandering to people who compare black people to animals.
So black father trumps all other DNA huh????

Throughout American history, people have been considered "black" if they had any African ancestry.

Only by racist Democrats... But what can you expect from the party of slavery and the KKK
You may not watch a history lesson, but you sure as hell need one.

I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure that one of the points of history is that it has already happened.

FACT: Persons of mixed ancestry where part of that mix is black have been considered black through American history. As a matter of percentage, Obama is four times more black than Homer Plessy was. Are you going to claim Homer Plessy, of Plessy v. Ferguson fame, wasn't black either?

People were wrong back then, and now you are insisting that we still have to be wrong and still do things the way they did then. That makes you a racist in my book.

FACT: Northern liberals, who were all in the Democratic Party by the 1950s, were the strongest supporters of civil rights.

Goldwater was a Democrat?

Northern Liberals were just as likely to be Republicans as they were Democrats, they were generally united in their opposition to communism.

FACT: Republicans, after accounting for regional differences, were always more hostile to civil rights. There were far fewer Republicans in the South, but they were even more opposed to civil rights than southern Democrats were.

Which explains why Hubert Humphrey led the charge to give the President to detain people he considered subversive.

FACT: All of the civil rights legislation of the 1950s and 1960s passed because of Democratic votes.

The word you want to use here is with, not because.

FACT: The Republicans had an active white supremacist (Haley Barbour) as chair of it's governor's association after the year 2000.

Active? Why should we believe this delusion?

FACT: The Republican majority leader in the Senate (Trent Lott) had to resign over his praise of segregation in 2002.

He didn't praise segregation though, did he?

It seems that some of your facts are outright lies, and others make the lies look like the height of integrity.
In glad to hear about this But i feel the republican party needs to become more Libertarian otherwise Progressivism will dominate.
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there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

You can have your Uncle Tom President, who has done zero for the black community but endlessly parrot the views of lily white liberal elitists. That is being more and more recognized in the black community.

Did you watch the video? Your post went directly to his point about how liberals want to control blacks, not actually help them.
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.


They nominated and elected a guy who hasn't done jack shit for them. In fact he and his policies has driven many of them deeper into poverty and caused their UE rate to skyrocket.

Obama was the wolf in sheep's clothing. And you were the fool that fell for it.
I used to be very passionate about my views but now I realize most politicians will say and do anything to get elected and forget everything they promised, so I don't like any of them anymore.
Just look at Rubio the lying traitor as a prime example. He flip flops more than John Kerry.
Praise God. Without a doubt he's the Ron Paul type as well!

I've been saying it for a while, the survival of our Constitution depends on the black community. By the time whites are experiencing the same hardship and oppression, it will be too late.

You realize poor white trash far outnumber poor urban blacks 9 to 1.

More poor whites are on welfare.

More poor whites are on unemployment.

More whites are on food stamps.

Ain't you ever been to a red state?? They loves their guns, bibles, and meth. Working a job, not so much.

You is a self-loathing white racist dog.

Aside from that, you're alright.
I used to be very passionate about my views but now I realize most politicians will say and do anything to get elected and forget everything they promised, so I don't like any of them anymore.
Just look at Rubio the lying traitor as a prime example. He flip flops more than John Kerry.

anybody with ears knew exactly where Rubio stood on immigration. his views have not changed

Welcome to my nightmare
Claiming Obama isn't black because his mother is white is to express a deep ignorance of American history. The racist power structure that has existed throughout American history didn't care about percentages. It cared about one drop.

Also, stating you became "a republican after Kennedy was killed" puts you in the awkward position of saying you don't think you're worthy of being treated as an equal in society. A Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act. His Republican opponent was too busy pandering to people who compare black people to animals.

(1) I don't "claim" anything. I stated the FACT that Barry is NOT a black man. I don't give a damn about your "history lesson". Take it somewhere else junior.

(2) Democrats wanted NOTHING to do with civil rights. NOTHING. LBJ (after refusing to vote yes for years) decided it was a "good way to increase the democrat voting block and pushed for passage. He then pushed for passage of the "Great Society" bill that has kept poor blacks enslaved ever since.

(3) Robert Byrd (D) West Virginia an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK is, as far as I know, the only elected official to refer to blacks as "****** animals".

You need to come to terms with the fact that the democrats are the most hateful, vile people on earth. Always have been and always will be. Republicans offer a "hand up" and not a "hand out". Still, with that having been said, The Republican Party has turned into "democrat lite" and I want nothing to do with them, either. I am a proud Independent and will remain so until the republicans get their collective heads out of their asses.

You may not watch a history lesson, but you sure as hell need one.

FACT: Persons of mixed ancestry where part of that mix is black have been considered black through American history. As a matter of percentage, Obama is four times more black than Homer Plessy was. Are you going to claim Homer Plessy, of Plessy v. Ferguson fame, wasn't black either?

FACT: Northern liberals, who were all in the Democratic Party by the 1950s, were the strongest supporters of civil rights.

FACT: Republicans, after accounting for regional differences, were always more hostile to civil rights. There were far fewer Republicans in the South, but they were even more opposed to civil rights than southern Democrats were.

FACT: All of the civil rights legislation of the 1950s and 1960s passed because of Democratic votes.

FACT: The Republicans had an active white supremacist (Haley Barbour) as chair of it's governor's association after the year 2000.

FACT: The Republican majority leader in the Senate (Trent Lott) had to resign over his praise of segregation in 2002.

Well, well, well....Looks as though a history lesson is, indeed, in order. Re: Civil Rights Bill:

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage. Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."

The most fervent opposition to the bill came from Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC): "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican.

YOU stated that it was a republican who referred to blacks as "Animals". The only record that I can find is that of Robert Byrd (D) calling blacks "****** animals" and referring to those who supported the Civil Rights passage as "white *******"

FACT: Robert Byrd was a White Supremacist LONG before the comments made by Haley Barbour and Barbour never belong to the KKK (much less as an Exalted Cyclops like Byrd)

FACT: Lott — a neat-haired perfectionist with a penchant for order — rose to the pinnacle of Washington politics as Senate majority leader but was ousted from the post in 2002 over remarks he made at retiring Sen. Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party that were interpreted as support for Southern segregationist policies. President Bush did not stand behind Lott after his remarks about Thurmond, increasing pressure on the lawmaker to step down from the leadership post. At no time did Lott EVER speak in support of Thurmond's policies and beliefs, but due to rampant "Politically Correct" speak in Washington, Lott decided to step down.

FACT: Mulatto is a term commonly used to refer to a person who is born from one white parent and one black parent, or more broadly, a person of any "mixed" ancestry. See Forbes, 1993 and mixed ancestry. Contemporary usage of the designation is generally confined to situations in which the term is considered relevant in an historical context, as now most people of mixed white and black ancestry rarely choose to self-identify as mulatto.

1. Mulatto - Merriam Webster dictionary: the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person

The term is not commonly used any more but is generally considered archaic because of its association with slavery, colonial and racial oppression; accepted modern terms include "mixed" and "biracial".

No matter how you wish to frame your argument, Obama is NOT a black man. Assuming that you are white, you have a white Mother and Father. I am black. I have a black Mother and Father. Sorry - but that's the way it works. I understand that you NEED Obama to be "black" so as to further your BS "hope and change" nonsense. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait for a REAL black man or woman to be elected for that to happen. But what the hell....you made it halfway to your goals, didn't you?
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July 5, 2013
How Democrats Exploit Minorities
By Michael Bargo Jr.

Democrats have portrayed themselves as the only political party that cares for the needs of minorities, that somehow they are uniquely qualified to help them. But a state senator from Louisiana, Elbert Guillory, recently left the Democratic Party and became a Republican, citing the recent policies of Democrats.

A close look at how the poor fare under Democratic Party control reveals that the Party has not only done very little to improve the long-term economic conditions of minorities but that its policies have a history of destroying the black family and the social conditions under which they live, as long noted by authors and economists Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.

The American city that has been most completely controlled by Democrats is Chicago. It is a case study of the effects of Democratic policies upon minorities. In a matter of just a few decades Chicago went from being a city that provided great opportunities for blacks to being the most racially segregated and oppressive city in America.

From its very beginning Chicago provided opportunity for blacks. The first non-native American settler in the area was a Haitian black named DuSable. Chicago never had slavery. It had an early abolitionist movement and showcased Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves, in debates with Stephen Douglas. The most prominent black magazines, Ebony and Jet, were founded in Chicago. They celebrated black culture and fashion. Oprah Winfrey became a billionaire anchoring her TV show in the City of Chicago.

When blacks first moved to Chicago during WW I in the great migration north they wore black armbands in memory of Lincoln and voted for Republicans, the party of Lincoln. But soon the black attitude toward Republicans changed. By 1920 thousands of blacks worked in Chicago in city and county jobs. But when Anton Cermak was elected mayor, he fired all the blacks and rehired only black Democrats. Black residents were funneled by the Chicago Democratic machine into highly segregated black-only neighborhoods. This segregation and racism has lasted one hundred years and persists to this day.

The Chicago Democratic Machine institutionalized housing segregation more than any American city. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. noted that Chicago's housing segregation was the major cause of poverty among blacks. Mayor Daley I doubled the number of residents in low-income housing from 1960 to 1970 at a time when the population fell by eight percent. Those high-rise buildings allowed Democratic precinct captains to intimidate black voters into voting for Democrats by threatening to take away their apartments. The era of high-rise low-income buildings, portrayed in the TV comedy show Good Times, only ended when a courageous black woman named Dorothy Gautreaux sued the Chicago Housing Authority for racial discrimination. Since then the high-rise buildings have been gradually torn down and blacks are moving to suburbs or out of Illinois entirely.

This segregation was practiced in all major northern cities run by Democrats including Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Boston, D.C., New York, Cleveland, Detroit and many others. While pursuing his civil rights movement in the mid-1960s, Dr. King marched in Chicago and was stunned by the racial hatred he experienced there. In a city that never hosted slavery, Dr. King said "I think people in Mississippi ought to come to Chicago to learn how to hate."

The 2000 Census found that for Chicago to be integrated 90% of the blacks would have to move. And remarkably, of the 10 poorest census tracts in the entire United States, nine of them were located in Chicago's black Congressional Districts of black Congressmen Bobby Rush and Jesse Jackson Jr. When Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned his Congressional seat, Democrats said that he must be replaced by another black. This could serve no other purpose than to preserve Democratic power and maintain the segregationist status quo.

Nothing has improved for black residents in these segregated areas even with the assistance of black politicians of their own race, who campaign that they will improve things. The Chicago Public School system is so bad that it has one of the shortest school days of any major city. This holds back the poor of all ethnic groups from excelling in academics and moving out of the City.

Racial segregation is a very effective means of exploiting the poor, since it keeps them from obtaining good paying jobs, deprives them of any benefit from public education (which is very expensive), and ensures that lack of opportunity forces young black men into lives of gang membership and crime. Today one of every nine black men in their twenties is in prison. This does not mean that one in every nine has ever been in prison, but that they are in prison all at once. All of these failures are great spiritual and emotional tragedies for the black families involved.

Black families did not suffer these high rates of single motherhood and crime until they were encouraged to go north into cities controlled by Democrats. It is a very tragic episode in the history of blacks in the United States. Fortunately blacks are realizing that it is the segregated urban environment that is the root cause of all these problems and many are leaving the North.

Anyone who firmly rejects this conclusion -- that blacks have fared far worse under Democratic rule -- needs to consider the corollary: imagine that Chicago and all other northern cities with black ghettoes had been run by Republicans and that blacks suffered the same high rates of unemployment, single motherhood, poverty and crime that they do today. Then imagine that these cities were taken over by Democratic politicians, and these social indicators were reversed: that the high school dropout rate greatly improved, that only 20% of blacks were born to single mothers instead of the 70% we see today, and that the murder rates in black areas greatly declined. Only then would it be reasonable to conclude that Democrats helped the black community.​

Read more: Articles: How Democrats Exploit Minorities
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