Why I am a Republican

there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

The first racist to post is a lefty, why am I not surprised?

your limited perspective of African American Pride is not surprising, in the least ... maybe in 08 it could have been more political but in 2012 it was their community and their Pride alone that carried the day - not the other-way around and certainly not a desire for a Republican victory otherwise.

You people are funny. The only good black man is a black man who votes democrat. Please stop trolling.
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.

The honest truth is that the only people who have held blacks back are blacks themselves. Helping them with programs such as affirmative action and many other support mechanisms was the right thing to do and still is, but it is up to blacks themselves to take advantage of those mechanisms. Some do, but unfortunately that some is much too small of a percentage.

I agree, to a small extent. When Europeans came to America, it was either "stand or fall". In other words, you either made it on your own or you died. The plains and the mountains are littered with the skeletons of the pioneers. When slaves were first freed, it was much the same.

Somewhere along the line, it was decided that blacks needed "help" - a code word for making them into social welfare addicts, thus insuring their dependence on the democrat party for their "livelihood". Generation after generation of young blacks were born and knew nothing more than "give me".

Democrats are great at providing a "hand out" - but all anyone has ever needed was a "hand up". To make addicts out of millions of people to insure your voting block is reprehensible and unconscionable, but it has continued on since the days of Lyndon Baines Johnson when he, after refusing to support Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill UNTIL he, (Johnson) became President supposedly make the remark that "I will have these ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years".

The United States has not needed the Affirmative Action Law for the past 35 or 40 years. Does it go away? No. We still are trying to soothe the collective "white soul" for things that happened a hundred years BEFORE any of us were born.

I thank God every day that I was raised by parents who were (1) educated and (2) staunchly AGAINST this "social justice" nonsense and refused every attempt by young, white college students who would invade our neighborhoods to "help" us on behalf of the government. We never spent one day on food stamps, welfare or any of the other "social drugs" meant to keep us enslaved. Thanks but no thanks.
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Well, I think the "help" was sort of predicated on the fact they'd been denied not only the vote but even in the North equal rights in housing and employment since before the revolution. So, legally the wrong has been righted, but the social help probably did more harm than good.

And, let's not go down the absurdly partisan road of which party is more racist.
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

So a black Republican isn't really black? Is that what you're trying to say?
Praise God. Without a doubt he's the Ron Paul type as well!

I've been saying it for a while, the survival of our Constitution depends on the black community. By the time whites are experiencing the same hardship and oppression, it will be too late.

If that's the case, then we are doomed. One only has to look at Africa to understand the black attitude towards limited government and individual rights.
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

There are several substitutes the GOP could offer if the Democrats wern't so terrified by black Conservatives.
The GOP had a viable black candidate, but he was demonized as a philanderer and sexual abuser by the same people who told us that getting a hummer in the oval office was a private matter between 2 consenting adults.

The tactic didn't work with Clarence Thomas, but it did with Herman Cain.

So we have a black Conservative who may have used his position to get sex from a subordinate, trying to get the nomination to run against a black liberal who snorted coke and smoked pot.

What did we hear about on the News?
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

There are several substitutes the GOP could offer if the Democrats wern't so terrified by black Conservatives.
The GOP had a viable black candidate, but he was demonized as a philanderer and sexual abuser by the same people who told us that getting a hummer in the oval office was a private matter between 2 consenting adults.

The tactic didn't work with Clarence Thomas, but it did with Herman Cain.

So we have a black Conservative who may have used his position to get sex from a subordinate, trying to get the nomination to run against a black liberal who snorted coke and smoked pot.

What did we hear about on the News?

And that is an excellent point. Democrats react with extreme anger when a black man DARES to push back against the democrats. It's almost like "how dare you? after all WE have done for you?" It's the standard "pusher-addict" relationship.

I truly believe that that is the sole reason the left reacts with such angst and hatred whenever a black man either (a) runs for political office as either a republican or independent or (b) embarrasses the "party" by making the decision to leave the democrats.
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal is expected to sign legislation establishing a redistricting plan that distorts partisan representation, breaks up natural communities, underrepresents racial minorities and creates largely noncompetitive races...

In a state where white adults make up less than two-thirds of the population, they easily control five of the state’s six seats. Based on reporting of the plan’s likely partisan impact, Republicans likely will win five (83%) out of six seats in a state where Barack Obama won 40% of the vote in 2008.

FairVote.org | Louisiana Redistricting: A Better Method
Here is the real reason he switched parties.

Now the lefties are mind readers as well as lefties.

I wonder, did the DoJ sign off on that plan as is required under federal law? The answer, in case you are too stupid to look, is yes. Given that the Doj historically favors maps that deliberately elect blacks over whites, and that they usually win in court, why should I worry about a bunch of whingers who would scream even if they got what they wanted?
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

The first racist to post is a lefty, why am I not surprised?

your limited perspective of African American Pride is not surprising, in the least ... maybe in 08 it could have been more political but in 2012 it was their community and their Pride alone that carried the day - not the other-way around and certainly not a desire for a Republican victory otherwise.

How does my supposed ignorance change the fact that you are a racist?
I guess even the most bullshit propaganda is bound get through to a few fools. Anyone with even rudamentary knowledge of American history knows that the present GOP is republican in name only.

The first racist to post is a lefty, why am I not surprised?

your limited perspective of African American Pride is not surprising, in the least ... maybe in 08 it could have been more political but in 2012 it was their community and their Pride alone that carried the day - not the other-way around and certainly not a desire for a Republican victory otherwise.

How does my supposed ignorance change the fact that you are a racist?

Why I am a Republican ... is what explains your dilemma.
your limited perspective of African American Pride is not surprising, in the least ... maybe in 08 it could have been more political but in 2012 it was their community and their Pride alone that carried the day - not the other-way around and certainly not a desire for a Republican victory otherwise.

How does my supposed ignorance change the fact that you are a racist?

Why I am a Republican ... is what explains your dilemma.

I am not a Republican, that is just the title of the thread because it is the title of the video.
How does my supposed ignorance change the fact that you are a racist?

Why I am a Republican ... is what explains your dilemma.
The Following User Says Thank You to BreezeWood For This Useful Post:

I am not a Republican, that is just the title of the thread because it is the title of the video.

Seems as though Breeze isn't the only one who didn't realize that.
your limited perspective of African American Pride is not surprising, in the least ... maybe in 08 it could have been more political but in 2012 it was their community and their Pride alone that carried the day - not the other-way around and certainly not a desire for a Republican victory otherwise.

How does my supposed ignorance change the fact that you are a racist?

Why I am a Republican ... is what explains your dilemma.

Quantum never stated he was a Republican. The title had to do with the Senator. You are a racist, and racists are idiots....you are no exception as you are just too dumb for words.
Praise God. Without a doubt he's the Ron Paul type as well!

I've been saying it for a while, the survival of our Constitution depends on the black community. By the time whites are experiencing the same hardship and oppression, it will be too late.

If that's the case, then we are doomed. One only has to look at Africa to understand the black attitude towards limited government and individual rights.

They were rallied under the Libertarian banner under Martin Luther King, but they were covertly hijacked and misled after his death.

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