Why I am a Republican

Dems: party of KKK , Tuskegee experiments, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" public housing and public schools

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Dems: party of KKK , Tuskegee experiments, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" public housing and public schools

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Still living in the past with the witch hunter Joe McCarthy?

Those were the days of conservatives and liberals, Frank.
Dems: party of KKK , Tuskegee experiments, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" public housing and public schools

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Still living in the past with the witch hunter Joe McCarthy?

Those were the days of conservatives and liberals, Frank.

Still spewing the Democrat Party line, Flakey Marxist

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.....and it's not because he is a black man. He can convey the message better than any of the other republican clowns.

I don't like politicians, but Elbert Guillory is someone to watch. I'm curious to hear what liberals feel about him and his message, but all opinions/comments are welcome

I don't think liberals should be telling Republicans who their guy is.
Yeah the Dem Klu Klux Klan put Cains dick in those women. Set him up smooth:doubt:

Nah, the Klan just produced (and directed) these women. No evidence, just slander - as is the way of the Klan.

Y'all lynched Cain - it's what you do to those uppity fools who think they can wander off the plantation.

Lemme ask you a question...........

Do you think Herman Cain was a serious Presidential candidate?

Herman Cain was no less serious than Senator Hussain Obama.

While empty-suit Obama offered up a vague "Hope and Change" Cain offered a solution explicitly expressed with solid and credible numbers.

Your ignorance of your country’s history is unsurprising:

The deadlock was broken behind closed doors when Southern Democrats agreed to support Hayes' claim for the Presidency if he would support increased funding for Southern internal improvements and agree to end Reconstruction, thus guaranteeing home rule -- meaning white control -- in the South. Hayes became President and the Southern Democrats could reverse with impunity the gains that blacks had made during Reconstruction.

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow . Jim Crow Stories . Hayes-Tilden Election | PBS

"I'll have them ******* voting democratic for the next two hundred years!"

And wouldn't you know, Lyndon's words were prophetic.

And the Democratic Party still takes "them *******" for granted.

But taken for granted is the same as taken for a fool. Eventually people WILL realize that their vote for mayors like a succession of black mayors such as those in Detroit, Houston, Chicago, Washington, and elsewhere leads to nothing but ghettos, a black President will turn the entire country into a ghetto.

It is to be hoped that the master mind of the Kennedy assassination and notorious beagle abuser, Johnson, was wrong about two hundred years.

.....and it's not because he is a black man. He can convey the message better than any of the other republican clowns.

I don't like politicians, but Elbert Guillory is someone to watch. I'm curious to hear what liberals feel about him and his message, but all opinions/comments are welcome

I don't know this guy, but regarding would a liberal vote for a republican....I would have voted for Colin Powell, had he chosen to run. I admired him and still do.
To start with, Elbert starts off being a disingenuous human.

It seems he wants to ignore the fact that the Republican party of 1860, was the home of the LIBERALS, in US society.
and then pretend, that the Republican party is STILL the home of the LIBERALS.

If he starts off with disingenuous vomit, what kind of truth can you expect after that.

Exactly. He started off with the fairy tale that the modern day Republican party is the party of civil rights instead of racism, and I lost all faith in anything further he has to say.
To start with, Elbert starts off being a disingenuous human.

It seems he wants to ignore the fact that the Republican party of 1860, was the home of the LIBERALS, in US society.
and then pretend, that the Republican party is STILL the home of the LIBERALS.

If he starts off with disingenuous vomit, what kind of truth can you expect after that.

Exactly. He started off with the fairy tale that the modern day Republican party is the party of civil rights instead of racism, and I lost all faith in anything further he has to say.

Once you saw the word Republican in a positive context you never had any faith to begin with.
Hiya Rabbi! Are you going to tell everyone what quote of yours I altered? Or will you just be a man and apologize for lying about it.....after you covered up your error?

You dishonest piece of shit.
Yes!! That is what happened. They knew Cain would run one day so they put vagina obstacles in his life waiting for the day:cuckoo:

  • Zero evidence that the slander is true. Claims made by Obamabots lack any semblance of credility.
  • While the Dem Klux Klan savages anyone who runs against the party, there is a special level of sleaze you reserve for black people who dare defy their orders to be mindless party drones.

*Zero evidence that that slander is true. Claims made by you lack any semblance of credibility
Before the first minute is up he uses the term Democrat party. That's immediately a red flag.

And if he had switched from Republican to Democrat and used the word Republcian instead of Democrat, there would be no red flag for you, instead it would be gospel to you.

Then he pulls up a bunch of BS talking points and nothing new. Same old GOP nonsense. When will they ever learn?

There are no bigger BS talking points than those used by Democrats....you know, like "for the middle class", "working famiies", "for the children" and then of course, the "Republicans war on (insert the word/phrase to cause the most hysteria)"

Very strange that he didn't mention this.

"Guillory has a conservative political philosophy. He was a Republican prior to 2007 when he changed from Republican to Democrat before successfully seeking election from heavily Democratic District 40 in the Louisiana House of Representatives."

So he was a Republican who changed to Democrat and then changed back to Republican.

So let me guess, when he switched to Democrat, I bet you and other lefties were cooing about how he "evolved". Ahhhh....another Democrat/leftist talking point..."evolved". Kinda like how Injustice John Roberts "evolved". He saw the Democrat party for the trash it really is. But he is not alone, it wasn't long ago long time Democrat Artur Davis dumped the Democrat party, too.

No core principles.

Anyone who leaves the Democrat party has principles, honor and integrity. The only principles the Democrat party has is their goal towards radical left-wing statist tryannical dictatorship, and to enslave Americans...yep...slavery is still a principle very strong in the Democrat party.
When you are moving from the european tyranny of the mid 18th century towards freedom - the word "liberal" is a good thing. When you are moving towards selfish secularism - then "liberal" is a bad thing...
This is a state Senator in Louisiana so we can dismiss him as a rich, white, racist.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_YQ8560E1w#at=11]Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican" - YouTube[/ame]
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.
Praise God. Without a doubt he's the Ron Paul type as well!

I've been saying it for a while, the survival of our Constitution depends on the black community. By the time whites are experiencing the same hardship and oppression, it will be too late.
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