Why I am a Republican

Republicans used to stand for the rule of law - the law of the constitution.
As far as I am concerned both republicans and democrats have lost sight of that document and have completely forgotten that the USA is a republic and not a democracy.

The only valid party to vote for is the Libertarian party. They still believe in the rule of law - by the constitution.
To start with, Elbert starts off being a disingenuous human.

It seems he wants to ignore the fact that the Republican party of 1860, was the home of the LIBERALS, in US society.
and then pretend, that the Republican party is STILL the home of the LIBERALS.

If he starts off with disingenuous vomit, what kind of truth can you expect after that.

Thanks for the laugh. :cuckoo:
I know you dislike rational discussion, but let me try anyway.

Liberals......even the ones who label themselves Democrats.....would have LOVED to see Cain get the GOP not last year. There is no way in hell that anyone with a "D" next to their name even considered doing anything to derail that train.

He was....like Trump, Perry, Bachmann, Gingrich, and Santorum ........not a serious candidate. The only guy who had a prayer of defeating Obama was Mitt. And that is only because he is not viewed as CRAZY by the electorate.

You claiming that Democrats falsely accused Cain of anything in order to get him out of that race is you admitting that you don't know shit.

Sorry. Someone has to tell you.
So Romney in 2010 was the only serious GOP candidate and he won the nomination.
And in 2008 Hillary was the only serious Dem candidate and she lost.
What does that say?

It says you are a dummy.....don't know what a serious candidate looks like and can't keep your election years straight. Wanna try again?

A serious candidate is supposed to have at least some experience.
I think it is fair to say that anyone who gets their party's nomination for President.....especially one of the two major parties......can be labeled a serious candidate.

You can do better. Right?
Very strange that he didn't mention this.

"Guillory has a conservative political philosophy. He was a Republican prior to 2007 when he changed from Republican to Democrat before successfully seeking election from heavily Democratic District 40 in the Louisiana House of Representatives."

So he was a Republican who changed to Democrat and then changed back to Republican.

No core principles.

It’s also strange that republicans today fail to mention the fact that those same republicans who ‘ended slavery’ returned millions of freed slaves to the tender mercies of their former owners in exchange for the WH just a few years later.


Your ignorance of your country’s history is unsurprising:

The deadlock was broken behind closed doors when Southern Democrats agreed to support Hayes' claim for the Presidency if he would support increased funding for Southern internal improvements and agree to end Reconstruction, thus guaranteeing home rule -- meaning white control -- in the South. Hayes became President and the Southern Democrats could reverse with impunity the gains that blacks had made during Reconstruction.

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow . Jim Crow Stories . Hayes-Tilden Election | PBS
It’s also strange that republicans today fail to mention the fact that those same republicans who ‘ended slavery’ returned millions of freed slaves to the tender mercies of their former owners in exchange for the WH just a few years later.


Your ignorance of your country’s history is unsurprising:

The deadlock was broken behind closed doors when Southern Democrats agreed to support Hayes' claim for the Presidency if he would support increased funding for Southern internal improvements and agree to end Reconstruction, thus guaranteeing home rule -- meaning white control -- in the South. Hayes became President and the Southern Democrats could reverse with impunity the gains that blacks had made during Reconstruction.

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow . Jim Crow Stories . Hayes-Tilden Election | PBS

"I'll have them ******* voting democratic for the next two hundred years!"

And wouldn't you know, Lyndon's words were prophetic.
I have said this before and I will say this again.

Anyone who has been elected to office and switches party while still in office should be forced to resign and run again for that office under their new party affiliation.

They have accepted donations and party support to get that office. By switching parties after being elected they have, in effect, stolen money from those people and groups as they accepted it under false pretensions.

I agree.

But the same idea should apply to those who seek a different office while holding the present one.

If a candidate seeking that higher office has enough self-confidence to think that he/she will be successful, he/she should be brave enough to resign and run to re-gain that office again, if the bid for the higher office failed.

It is an abomination that losers like John Kerry, Joe Liebermann, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Al Gore, Sarah Palin etc. should slide back into the comfortable position they were so ready and willing to abandon.
Guillory switched from republican to democrat in 2007 and now he is switching back? Sounds like an oppurtunist to me. And if those are his beliefs as stated in the article why the hell did he run as a Democrat?

He's taking Rahm Emmanuel's advice: Never let a crisis go to waste.
Notice how the inmates start crying about 'uncle tom' now before it's even happened? Talk about obsessing on the race card lol.

Well, it's that old "past performance being a pretty good indicator of future performance" thingy. Most of you lefties show no tolerance for uppity negroes.

Just say'n.
Yes!! That is what happened. They knew Cain would run one day so they put vagina obstacles in his life waiting for the day:cuckoo:

  • Zero evidence that the slander is true. Claims made by Obamabots lack any semblance of credility.
  • While the Dem Klux Klan savages anyone who runs against the party, there is a special level of sleaze you reserve for black people who dare defy their orders to be mindless party drones.
Guillory switched from republican to democrat in 2007 and now he is switching back? Sounds like an oppurtunist to me. And if those are his beliefs as stated in the article why the hell did he run as a Democrat?

Sounds like he is dealing with conflicts.
From his speech, I think he did have conflicts:

Guillory said the biggest disappointment for him has been the party’s role in the breakdown of families. “Their support of dependency over self-reliance, of everything but traditional marriage, of abortion on demand, their policies have encouraged the high teen birth rates, high school drop out rates, high incarceration rates and very high unemployment rates,” Guillory said. “Our self-initiative and self-reliance are sacrificed in exchange for votes for the party of disappointment. The list of disappointments is long,” Guillory said, noting “the lies and cover-up at Benghazi, the IRS harassing the tea party and wiretapping and spying on reporters.” He decried federal Democratic initiatives to stop drilling after the BP disaster as well as efforts to “confiscate all guns.”

Guillory's basis for announcement (in part.)
He said Republicans were against slavery? Yea, 150 years ago. Now? Not so much. Course, the conservatives left the Democratic Party in the middle 60's. But he knew that. Everyone knows it.
Guillory switched from republican to democrat in 2007 and now he is switching back? Sounds like an oppurtunist to me. And if those are his beliefs as stated in the article why the hell did he run as a Democrat?

Sounds like he is dealing with conflicts.
From his speech, I think he did have conflicts:

Guillory said the biggest disappointment for him has been the party’s role in the breakdown of families. “Their support of dependency over self-reliance, of everything but traditional marriage, of abortion on demand, their policies have encouraged the high teen birth rates, high school drop out rates, high incarceration rates and very high unemployment rates,” Guillory said. “Our self-initiative and self-reliance are sacrificed in exchange for votes for the party of disappointment. The list of disappointments is long,” Guillory said, noting “the lies and cover-up at Benghazi, the IRS harassing the tea party and wiretapping and spying on reporters.” He decried federal Democratic initiatives to stop drilling after the BP disaster as well as efforts to “confiscate all guns.”

Guillory's basis for announcement (in part.)

Republicans love poor families. It's only gays they hate.

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Those only making an ‘issue’ of this are neither democrats nor ‘the left.’

Otherwise, good luck to him, if he feel more comfortable as a republican, there’s no reason not to become one.

You mean like how the Black caucus kicked out the only Black republican a while back claiming he was not one of them? Like that?
Sounds like he is dealing with conflicts.
From his speech, I think he did have conflicts:

Guillory said the biggest disappointment for him has been the party’s role in the breakdown of families. “Their support of dependency over self-reliance, of everything but traditional marriage, of abortion on demand, their policies have encouraged the high teen birth rates, high school drop out rates, high incarceration rates and very high unemployment rates,” Guillory said. “Our self-initiative and self-reliance are sacrificed in exchange for votes for the party of disappointment. The list of disappointments is long,” Guillory said, noting “the lies and cover-up at Benghazi, the IRS harassing the tea party and wiretapping and spying on reporters.” He decried federal Democratic initiatives to stop drilling after the BP disaster as well as efforts to “confiscate all guns.”

Guillory's basis for announcement (in part.)

Republicans love poor families. It's only gays they hate.

so do Democrats......can you prove ALL Republicans hate gays?.....or do i have to go by what one guy says?....again.....
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