Why I am a Republican

Praise God. Without a doubt he's the Ron Paul type as well!

I've been saying it for a while, the survival of our Constitution depends on the black community. By the time whites are experiencing the same hardship and oppression, it will be too late.

You realize poor white trash far outnumber poor urban blacks 9 to 1.

More poor whites are on welfare.

More poor whites are on unemployment.

More whites are on food stamps.

Ain't you ever been to a red state?? They loves their guns, bibles, and meth. Working a job, not so much.
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

You have a very inferior view of black people, but that doesn't surprise me one bit. Your kind usually does.
Praise God. Without a doubt he's the Ron Paul type as well!

I've been saying it for a while, the survival of our Constitution depends on the black community. By the time whites are experiencing the same hardship and oppression, it will be too late.

You realize poor white trash far outnumber poor urban blacks 9 to 1.

More poor whites are on welfare.

More poor whites are on unemployment.

More whites are on food stamps.

Ain't you ever been to a red state?? They loves their guns, bibles, and meth. Working a job, not so much.

There's a difference between raw numbers and proportions.

If there only only 100 black people in the whole world, and 99 of them were poor, BUT, there were 1,000,000 whites in the whole world, and 1000 of them were poor, would you say that whites are worse off?

Also, link the sources to your facts.

For instance try this:

Also, "white trash" is a racist term.
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there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

The first racist to post is a lefty, why am I not surprised?
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.
As expected. All black Conservatives are "Uncle Toms," right? Spin the rolodex and see if you can come up with some more labels for him. "Bigot," "Racist," "Sexist," "Homophobe," "Wants dirty air and water," "Wants old people to just die," etc. etc. ad nauseum.

The American people are finally waking up to these worn-out tactics. Your only hope is to up the ante on all the "free" stuff you'll give them if they just keep the Liberals in office.

What a disgrace.
Praise God. Without a doubt he's the Ron Paul type as well!

I've been saying it for a while, the survival of our Constitution depends on the black community. By the time whites are experiencing the same hardship and oppression, it will be too late.

You realize poor white trash far outnumber poor urban blacks 9 to 1.

More poor whites are on welfare.

More poor whites are on unemployment.

More whites are on food stamps.

Ain't you ever been to a red state?? They loves their guns, bibles, and meth. Working a job, not so much.

Oh? Is that a new Liberal talking point? All poor white people are "trash?" I see y'all have sunk to a new low. Just when I didn't think it was possible. Oh well, it's typical for the loons to disparage any group that isn't a special interest they can exploit.
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

The first racist to post is a lefty, why am I not surprised?

Probably missed the part where he was a D before switching to an R????
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal is expected to sign legislation establishing a redistricting plan that distorts partisan representation, breaks up natural communities, underrepresents racial minorities and creates largely noncompetitive races...

In a state where white adults make up less than two-thirds of the population, they easily control five of the state’s six seats. Based on reporting of the plan’s likely partisan impact, Republicans likely will win five (83%) out of six seats in a state where Barack Obama won 40% of the vote in 2008.

FairVote.org | Louisiana Redistricting: A Better Method

Here is the real reason he switched parties.
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal is expected to sign legislation establishing a redistricting plan that distorts partisan representation, breaks up natural communities, underrepresents racial minorities and creates largely noncompetitive races...

In a state where white adults make up less than two-thirds of the population, they easily control five of the state’s six seats. Based on reporting of the plan’s likely partisan impact, Republicans likely will win five (83%) out of six seats in a state where Barack Obama won 40% of the vote in 2008.

FairVote.org | Louisiana Redistricting: A Better Method

Here is the real reason he switched parties.
Where is district 24?
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal is expected to sign legislation establishing a redistricting plan that distorts partisan representation, breaks up natural communities, underrepresents racial minorities and creates largely noncompetitive races...

In a state where white adults make up less than two-thirds of the population, they easily control five of the state’s six seats. Based on reporting of the plan’s likely partisan impact, Republicans likely will win five (83%) out of six seats in a state where Barack Obama won 40% of the vote in 2008.

FairVote.org | Louisiana Redistricting: A Better Method

Here is the real reason he switched parties.
Where is district 24?

I believe it is in the western part of LA.
After Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson’s assertion that opponents to Obamacare are motivated by “the race of this African-American president,” Guillory had to answer to a constituency every politician worries about — his own mother.

Remember this?
Louisiana Democratic chair: Opposition to Obamacare is about race

“‘Elbert, are you a part of this? Do you buy into this? Do you believe this?’” Guillory, in an interview with The Daily Caller, recalled his 103-year-old, life-long Democratic mother asking shortly after Peterson’s comments erupted in the press.

Guillory: Democrats have ignored problems facing the black community | The Daily Caller
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

You ought to be ashamed, but it's not within you. Democrats have held the black family back for more years than you have been on this planet.

(1) Obama is NOT an "African-American" he is a mulato (or bi-racial) American. Just for once, get your facts straight.

I started out in life as a Democrat. As a Black man, it took me only one election cycle when I was a kid to realize that democrats are the party of slavery. Keep the black family down (as YOUR party strives to do now with the parasitical Latino influx) and keep them dependent on the white democrats and their "good graces". We do NOT need you.

I was a republican after Kennedy was killed and remained so until the Reagan era ended. The republicans have abandoned their ideals in favor of pandering like you democrats do. I have been a registered Independent for the last 30 years, but there would NEVER be a situation where I would vote democrat. I despise democrats.

This state representative FINALLY came to his senses and you label him "Uncle Tom". Typical liberal, democrat behavior.

Do me a favor and kiss my black ass.

The honest truth is that the only people who have held blacks back are blacks themselves. Helping them with programs such as affirmative action and many other support mechanisms was the right thing to do and still is, but it is up to blacks themselves to take advantage of those mechanisms. Some do, but unfortunately that some is much too small of a percentage.
The honest truth is that the only people who have held blacks back are blacks themselves. Helping them with programs such as affirmative action and many other support mechanisms was the right thing to do and still is, but it is up to blacks themselves to take advantage of those mechanisms. Some do, but unfortunately that some is much too small of a percentage.

Yes, take from them everything, then give them back a little, and tell them you are doing the right thing!

Destroy their K-12 Public Education, and then give a few of them a boost into college, and tell them you did the right thing for them!
there is no substitute the Republicans can offer the African American Community the same as the Democrats nominating and electing an African American to become the President of the United States.

good luck with Uncle Tom.

The first racist to post is a lefty, why am I not surprised?

your limited perspective of African American Pride is not surprising, in the least ... maybe in 08 it could have been more political but in 2012 it was their community and their Pride alone that carried the day - not the other-way around and certainly not a desire for a Republican victory otherwise.

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