Why I'm a Democrat

The Republican Party, Islam, and the Catholic Church are the three greatest evils in the world.

And they are very similar in many ways.
Sheer stupidity is pretty dangerous, too.

Yes, you are.



What a liar! I definitely did admit that that was what President Obama said.
Yes, and then you said, "But that's not what he meant!!" :rofl:
Are you still putting food on your family?
In order for you to have any sort of point at all with this, you're going to have to show where I said "But that's not what he meant!!"

Can you do that? Or do you just want to save time and admit that you failed once again? :lol:
"The Tillman Story" Yep. off topic but one more reason why I am registered as a Democrat.

Now, it is my opinion that suggesting the president cannot create jobs in the private sector is one more platitude.

Governments, local, state, federal and special districts routinely offer contracts to be bid upon, and the successful bidder, a contractor, will hire a diverse group of employees.
An RFP (request for proposals) might be issued for a road or bridge or other public works project, civil engineering firms will bid on the project, design the project, plan the project, procure materials and equipment, hire from the trades, etc. etc.
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The Republican Party, Islam, and the Catholic Church are the three greatest evils in the world.

And they are very similar in many ways.
Sheer stupidity is pretty dangerous, too.

Yes, you are.

no he meant you numbnuts....as usuall Chris all you can see is what you wanna see....and as it has been for the last 2 years.....what ever the Democrats say....you eat it up....start thinking for yourself Chris....
"The Tillman Story" Yep. off topic but one more reason why I am registered as a Democrat.

Now, it is my opinion that suggesting the president cannot create jobs in the private sector is one more platitude.

Governments, local, state, federal and special districts routinely offer contracts to be bid upon, and the successful bidder, a contractor, will hire a diverse group of employees.
An RFP (request for proposals) might be issued for a road or bridge or other public works project, civil engineering firms will bid on the project, design the project, plan the project, procure materials and equipment, hire from the trades, etc. etc.
So, you weren't an "ass" before the Tillman story?


"The Jimmy Carter story" Yep, off topic but one more reason why I registered as a republican at 18 years old.

Sadly, at 46, i'm again seeing the second coming of Carter. Only this time it's on steroids.
Please refer to post #238, on the page previous; preceding the idiotgrams provided by Harry and Dave.

Hey Chef, the Dodgers sure played well tonight, proving "more baseball games are lost, than won".

If Harry and Dave can't figure that out I wouldn't be surprised.
Please refer to post #238, on the page previous; preceding the idiotgrams provided by Harry and Dave.

Hey Chef, the Dodgers sure played well tonight, proving "more baseball games are lost, than won".

If Harry and Dave can't figure that out I wouldn't be surprised.
Except post 238 was wrong. Let's look at what Obama said:
That’s why we need an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan that not only creates jobs in the short-term...We must make strategic investments that will serve as a down payment on our long-term economic future. We must demand vigorous oversight and strict accountability for achieving results. And we must restore fiscal responsibility and make the tough choices so that as the economy recovers, the deficit starts to come down. That is how we will achieve the number one goal of my plan—which is to create three million new jobs, more than eighty percent of them in the private sector.

To put people back to work today and reduce our dependence on foreign oil tomorrow, we will double renewable energy production and renovate public buildings to make them more energy efficient. To build a 21st century economy, we must engage contractors across the nation to create jobs rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, and schools. To save not only jobs, but money and lives, we will update and computerize our health care system to cut red tape, prevent medical mistakes, and help reduce health care costs by billions of dollars each year. To make America, and our children, a success in this new global economy, we will build 21st century classrooms, labs, and libraries. And to put more money into the pockets of hardworking families, we will provide direct tax relief to 95 percent of American workers.​
Obama is talking about creating private-sector jobs by spending government money.

Now, do you want to play "Obama Didn't Say What He Said"? Synth didn't do a very good job of it.
Please refer to post #238, on the page previous; preceding the idiotgrams provided by Harry and Dave.

Hey Chef, the Dodgers sure played well tonight, proving "more baseball games are lost, than won".

If Harry and Dave can't figure that out I wouldn't be surprised.
Except post 238 was wrong. Let's look at what Obama said:
That’s why we need an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan that not only creates jobs in the short-term...We must make strategic investments that will serve as a down payment on our long-term economic future. We must demand vigorous oversight and strict accountability for achieving results. And we must restore fiscal responsibility and make the tough choices so that as the economy recovers, the deficit starts to come down. That is how we will achieve the number one goal of my plan—which is to create three million new jobs, more than eighty percent of them in the private sector.

To put people back to work today and reduce our dependence on foreign oil tomorrow, we will double renewable energy production and renovate public buildings to make them more energy efficient. To build a 21st century economy, we must engage contractors across the nation to create jobs rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, and schools. To save not only jobs, but money and lives, we will update and computerize our health care system to cut red tape, prevent medical mistakes, and help reduce health care costs by billions of dollars each year. To make America, and our children, a success in this new global economy, we will build 21st century classrooms, labs, and libraries. And to put more money into the pockets of hardworking families, we will provide direct tax relief to 95 percent of American workers.​
Obama is talking about creating private-sector jobs by spending government money.

Now, do you want to play "Obama Didn't Say What He Said"? Synth didn't do a very good job of it.

I didn't mention Obama or anything he said.
Unlike you DM, I acutally have the ability to look at a problem and consider solutions without relying on ideology or what someone tells me to think. I'm a pragmatist, always have been and eschew hackneyed solutions to real problems as well as people who proslytize an ideology based on greed and a callous disregard for their fellow citizens.
Are you a democrat or an american who usually votes democrat wry catcher?

Just saying putting yourself in the democrat box has a lot of implications.

Do you just support todays democrats or do you support what dems have done throughout our countries history?
Are you a democrat or an american who usually votes democrat wry catcher?

Just saying putting yourself in the democrat box has a lot of implications.

Do you just support todays democrats or do you support what dems have done throughout our countries history?

And what do you infer by my acknowledging I am a registered Democrat?

Do I support today's Democrats? For the most part, yes. I support the underdog, those in our society who by birth or circumstances stuggle to obtain what came easily to many of us, and was given to many who became Republicans.

As a voting adult, my experience with elected Democrats (in the oval) is limited to LBJ, Carter, Clinton and now Obama.
I didn't vote in 1964, I was too young, but I would have voted for LBJ over Goldwater; I would not have voted for LBJ in 1968; I supported Bobby Kennedy. I voted for Carter in1976 but by 1980 realized circumstances made him no longer viable; I voted for John Anderson.
I never voted for Reagan, and elitist and an ideologue in my judgment, in his elections for Governor or President, nor did I vote for either Bush, though Bush I was a better president than I expected.
Clinton may have been a great president, but for his foibles and how they were exploited by the Republicans; and history gave Obama an opportunity to become a transormative leade,r but the effort to discredit him by anti-American forces here at home, lead by elected Republican leaders and Reactionaries is shameful and further divided our nation.
Are you a democrat or an american who usually votes democrat wry catcher?

Just saying putting yourself in the democrat box has a lot of implications.

Do you just support todays democrats or do you support what dems have done throughout our countries history?

And what do you infer by my acknowledging I am a registered Democrat?

Do I support today's Democrats? For the most part, yes. I support the underdog, those in our society who by birth or circumstances stuggle to obtain what came easily to many of us, and was given to many who became Republicans.

As a voting adult, my experience with elected Democrats (in the oval) is limited to LBJ, Carter, Clinton and now Obama.
I didn't vote in 1964, I was too young, but I would have voted for LBJ over Goldwater; I would not have voted for LBJ in 1968; I supported Bobby Kennedy. I voted for Carter in1976 but by 1980 realized circumstances made him no longer viable; I voted for John Anderson.
I never voted for Reagan, and elitist and an ideologue in my judgment, in his elections for Governor or President, nor did I vote for either Bush, though Bush I was a better president than I expected.
Clinton may have been a great president, but for his foibles and how they were exploited by the Republicans; and history gave Obama an opportunity to become a transormative leade,r but the effort to discredit him by anti-American forces here at home, lead by elected Republican leaders and Reactionaries is shameful and further divided our nation.

s0n..............you're so beyond gone its not real. But I dont want anybody to take my word for it...........

Consider............the guy CHOOSES to live in SanFransicko AND..........check out his signature: a quote about the "Reagan deficit". Can anybody be more disconnected? Its 2010 and he has in his signature: "The Reagan Deficit":eek::eek: Its people like this who are the most dangerous on our society today. Dollar to a dozen stale donuts, the guy who was going to shoot up The Discovery Channel had many of the same views held by this guy..........100% certainty. Last I checked, that guy snapped and ended up a piece of human swiss cheese.

There are some people in this world who have the inability to accept that when it comes down to brass tacks, no matter how stinky it is, life almost always comes down to suck or suckier and take your pick. Since the beginning of time, ALL societies have had winners and losers. Communists like Wry Catcher are dangerous utopian k00ks...........like many of the lefty fringe on this board. They are among the hopelessly duped who possess a pathological inability to think on the margin...........for example..........k00ks like him AUTOMATICALLY think its a no-brainer to get behind a minimum wage bill from Congress. They absolutely do not have the intellectual capacity to understand the necessary tradeoffs. Im not saying they are stupid............on some levels they are brilliant...........but on certain connect the dots exercises, detours dont exist for these types. Actually..............its fcukking fascinating if you ask me, and fascinating to most conservatives too.

Interestingly.............these people are also the most intollerant people on the face of the earth, BUT THEY THINK THEY ARE THE MOST TOLERANT. Again...............fascinating!!! People like this talk about "pragmatism" as their most treasured virtue...........but their level of pragmatism is completely mindless. Think of the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"...........and remember when Sir Lancelot was battling the black knight in the forest........Lancelt cuts off both of his arms and both of his legs and the black knight is yelling at Lancelot, "You fcukking coward, 'tis but a flesh wound........come back here and fight like a man!!!"


So when I say beyond gone, Im mean, beyond gone!!! Some people grow up, get older and go though life with this disassociated level of idealism..........but the last thing these people are is pragmatic. Actually.............its quite the opposite, but they have the inability to see it.:eusa_whistle:
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