Why I'm a Democrat

Wry is a California state "government" worker, hack buddy of someone in the system and how he got his job,, and why government is completely broken. None of you know Republicans in your government from your town hall to Washington, DC except for our military. The system is broken, the system is corrupt, and I hope this truth reaches one ear.

And Wry, as a government worker in California, NEVER paid into Social Security like you were impressed into. The Brits used to impress Americans into their Navy. Basically, Americans were forced into Brit slavery, or death. Millions and MILLIONS of government workers have NEVER paid into the system since it's exception, and mostly DEMOCRAT government workers, NEVER paid into that system. They knew the system sucked, and why they created laws while Americans were working so they could rob us further without sharing the same pain of a failed system. Government workers are better than us,.

Don't even try to say government workers don't pay into the system, because millions and growing currently do not today.
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The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen.

when are the Democrats going to do that Wry?.....

They have Harry, they have. Why post an idiotgram...need some attention?

oh you mean the bones they through you?.....get this Wry....NONE of those bastards can give a rats ass about you,me or anyone on this board or anyone in this Country and if they do something for you they are getting something in return....otherwise its business as usual.....none of those assholes from EITHER party puts this Country over their own ambitions or their stinking party....and if you cant see that....then Pelosi's stench has gotten to ya....
Wry is a Democrat because he is a hack failed government worker sucking up a retirement his kids will never come close too. Besides the fact he had nothing else to offer our nation besides the self back patting congrats they give each other in government.

Translation: Wry sucks.
Wry is a California state "government" worker, hack buddy of someone in the system and how he got his job,, and why government is completely broken. None of you know Republicans in your government from your town hall to Washington, DC except for our military. The system is broken, the system is corrupt, and I hope this truth reaches one ear.

And Wry, as a government worker in California, NEVER paid into Social Security like you were impressed into. The Brits used to impress Americans into their Navy. Basically, Americans were forced into Brit slavery, or death. Millions and MILLIONS of government workers have NEVER paid into the system since it's exception, and mostly DEMOCRAT government workers, NEVER paid into that system. They knew the system sucked, and why they created laws while Americans were working so they could rob us further without sharing the same pain of a failed system. Government workers are better than us,.

Don't even try to say government workers don't pay into the system, because millions and growing currently do not today.

Calling you ignorant would be a high compliment. Government workers do pay into Social Security, Safety Retirement members do not. In that sense you are correct, as a LEO I did not pay into social security. But, I worked my way through college and paid into SS; and I taught new deputies at the Academy, was compensated as an instructor, and paid into SS. Since I retired I have done contract work for two LEO agencies and paid into SS. I have my 40 quarters and then some.
As for your post I have to admit you have an interesting writing style - word salad comes to mind.
Shall I stomp you with the link now, or will you confess?

Millions of government workers like you have never, and will never pay into the system until people like you are removed from the system. It will come, be patient, you asked for it. Once the people get hungry they will come to YOUR house.


Then what will you say? Crap, sorry?

Blow me.
Translation for Wry: I vote Democrat because I am a hack Democrat government worker that had connections, am retired early, have a pension you will never see, did not pay into Social Security, and because I will never vote for a politcal Party that will actually REFORM government.

The system is fine too me, FU, and vote Democrat so I can be happy. My name is Wry.
It's almost like I have someone feeding me information DAILY about the complete inept clown show our government is.......................

You see Wry, your propaganda has no home here.
Shall I stomp you with the link now, or will you confess?

Millions of government workers like you have never, and will never pay into the system until people like you are removed from the system. It will come, be patient, you asked for it. Once the people get hungry they will come to YOUR house.


Then what will you say? Crap, sorry?

Blow me.

Well, not only are you stupid, you're sexually immature.
Shall I stomp you with the link now, or will you confess?

Millions of government workers like you have never, and will never pay into the system until people like you are removed from the system. It will come, be patient, you asked for it. Once the people get hungry they will come to YOUR house.


Then what will you say? Crap, sorry?

Blow me.

Sailor....i am one of those useless Govt workers.....and since around 1984 .....all PO workers after that pay into SS....no more Civil Service Retirement for them anyway.....
Understood. My buddy in SS, hired before they changed the law on the federal side in 1983. Many of the current management of Social Security today do NOT pay into Social Security. There were millions of federal workers before 1983. Mostly Democrat government workers. They all knew that system sucked, and fought their asses off to be excluded, created laws to avoid inclusion too. There are still over 5 MILLION and growing who are not part of the system. That's a lot of workers.

It drives me wild to hear Democrats sat they support Social Security, when a significant chunk of their base has never, and will never pay into the system

It should be illegal like many other clown shows going on.

Wry, I'm just busting your balls. I was Navy too. I have NO faith in government the way it exists today, all on the gravy train, and no end in sight. Especially at upper levels of government.

I know people who hide in rooms who make well over six digits, padding their retirement. No one knows what they do for work, and you are not supposed to ask either. Government protecting government ya know?

I just wish you could be more honest out here Wry, that's all.
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The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

The Republican Party, Islam, and the Catholic Church are the three greatest evils in the world.

And they are very similar in many ways.
Sheer stupidity is pretty dangerous, too.
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

The Republican Party, Islam, and the Catholic Church are the three greatest evils in the world.

And they are very similar in many ways.
Sheer stupidity is pretty dangerous, too.

Yes, you are.

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