Why I'm a Democrat

It's obvious to me that he doesn't literally mean create 3 million private sector jobs. No president can create private sector jobs. The private sector has to do that, by definition.

I love it when you morons play "The Democrat Didn't Say What He Said". :lol:
"The No. 1 goal of my plan ... is to create three million new jobs, more than 80 percent of them in the private sector.”​
I didn't deny he said it, just whether the words he used were literal.

OK, Trollman: how would ANY president 'create' jobs in the private sector?
It's obvious to me that he doesn't literally mean create 3 million private sector jobs. No president can create private sector jobs. The private sector has to do that, by definition.

I love it when you morons play "The Democrat Didn't Say What He Said". :lol:
"The No. 1 goal of my plan ... is to create three million new jobs, more than 80 percent of them in the private sector.”​
I didn't deny he said it, just whether the words he used were literal.

OK, Trollman: how would ANY president 'create' jobs in the private sector?
So, if it's not to be taken literally, what's the figurative meaning of 'create 3 million private sector jobs'? :doubt:

This should be fascinating.
I love it when you morons play "The Democrat Didn't Say What He Said". :lol:
"The No. 1 goal of my plan ... is to create three million new jobs, more than 80 percent of them in the private sector.”​
I didn't deny he said it, just whether the words he used were literal.

OK, Trollman: how would ANY president 'create' jobs in the private sector?
So, if it's not to be taken literally, what's the figurative meaning of 'create 3 million private sector jobs'? :doubt:

This should be fascinating.
Answer my question to Trollman first.
It's obvious to me that he doesn't literally mean create 3 million private sector jobs. No president can create private sector jobs. The private sector has to do that, by definition.

I love it when you morons play "The Democrat Didn't Say What He Said". :lol:
"The No. 1 goal of my plan ... is to create three million new jobs, more than 80 percent of them in the private sector.”​
I didn't deny he said it, just whether the words he used were literal.
:rofl: "Must! Defend! Obama!"

Obama thanks you for your useful idiocy, but make no mistake: He thinks you are indeed an idiot. But I suppose carrying his water has some aerobic benefit, so you got that going for you.
OK, Trollman: how would ANY president 'create' jobs in the private sector?
Other than by creating a business-friendly atmosphere (like this President hasn't), they can't, despite what Obama promised.
It's obvious to me that he doesn't literally mean create 3 million private sector jobs. No president can create private sector jobs. The private sector has to do that, by definition.

I love it when you morons play "The Democrat Didn't Say What He Said". :lol:
"The No. 1 goal of my plan ... is to create three million new jobs, more than 80 percent of them in the private sector.”​
I didn't deny he said it, just whether the words he used were literal.

OK, Trollman: how would ANY president 'create' jobs in the private sector?
So, you are admitting that Obama is LITERALLY full of shit?
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.
And yet you support Pelosi and Reid....that speaks volumes about your big government vision, wry. I want Obama's policies to fail because it's not healthy for our country.
The only Loony Tune Player I see right now is you, wry.
I love it when you morons play "The Democrat Didn't Say What He Said". :lol:
"The No. 1 goal of my plan ... is to create three million new jobs, more than 80 percent of them in the private sector.”​
I didn't deny he said it, just whether the words he used were literal.

OK, Trollman: how would ANY president 'create' jobs in the private sector?
So, you are admitting that Obama is LITERALLY full of shit?
Synth will never commit apostasy.
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

I'm a democrat because I have no balls. Was born without a spine (that's why my posts seem like jibberish, "dfgbernbkjernkjnkjbkjfnbvj" because without a spine I tend to flop forward and slam my empty head on the keyboard, giving me many lil' owies that hurt like hell), i'm from Frisco and a Giants fan and, i'm impotent and haven't produced a hard on in many years.....That my friends is why i'm a democrat!

End of official translation


How about them Dodgers? (I hope I didn't just jinx the Giants this w/e).
Why the sexual comment, Chef? Having quid pro quo problems getting some from your illegal alien employees?
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.

Were you not around for the Bush admin? Exactly the same thing in reverse.

Which is why anyone who supports either of the two major parties should have his head examined.

No where near the same thing in reverse. Why lie? Oh, of course, it is the way of the fringe.
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.

Were you not around for the Bush admin? Exactly the same thing in reverse.

Which is why anyone who supports either of the two major parties should have his head examined.

No where near the same thing in reverse. Why lie? Oh, of course, it is the way of the fringe.

Steerpike is fringe?

Interesting. :eusa_think:
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

I'm a democrat because I have no balls. Was born without a spine (that's why my posts seem like jibberish, "dfgbernbkjernkjnkjbkjfnbvj" because without a spine I tend to flop forward and slam my empty head on the keyboard, giving me many lil' owies that hurt like hell), i'm from Frisco and a Giants fan and, i'm impotent and haven't produced a hard on in many years.....That my friends is why i'm a democrat!

End of official translation


How about them Dodgers? (I hope I didn't just jinx the Giants this w/e).
Why the sexual comment, Chef? Having quid pro quo problems getting some from your illegal alien employees?

Yeah, how 'bout them Dodgers?.....Right now, they suck somewhat but, how many championships have the Giants won?.........LMAO!

And what's with those liberal frisco cops tazing that 64 year old man, Wry?....Christ man, I know you gay types are weak but, my twin ten year old daughters could have subdued that ol' fart without tazing the drunken fool......Those liberal frisco cops must be impotent too....Maybe some testosterone treatments are in order, along with the sewing on of some balls!

We keep reading posts condemning both parties, yet, these 'independents' seem to generally attack Obama&Co with the heavy hammer and let Bush&Co off with light taps.
Of course the GOP has fractured, and the ad hoc - generally single issue types - now call themselves "Independents" or Tea Party patriots,; but, a rotten rose by another name is still a rotten rose and the GOP is still without any idea on how to fix what they destroyed.
"Cut taxes, Cuts spending, Cut regulations and we will have a brief boom and an even lower bust. Those ignorant of history seem only too willing to rewrite it.
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We keep reading posts condemning both parties, yet, these 'independents' seem to generally attack Obama&Co with the heavy hammer and let Bush&Co off with light taps.
Of course the GOP has fractured, and the ad hoc - generally single issue types - now call themselves "Independents" or Tea Party patriots,; but, a rotten rose by another name is still a rotten rose and the GOP is still without any idea on how to fix what they destroyed.
"Cut taxes, Cuts spending, Cut regulations and we will have a brief boom and an even lower bust. Those ignorant of history seem only too willing to rewrite it.

Maybe thats because they already hit Bush and CO with the "heavy hammer" with their vote for obama and dems in 2008.
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]We keep reading posts condemning both parties, yet, these 'independents' seem to generally attack Obama&Co with the heavy hammer and let Bush&Co off with light taps.[/B]Of course the GOP has fractured, and the ad hoc - generally single issue types - now call themselves "Independents" or Tea Party patriots,; but, a rotten rose by another name is still a rotten rose and the GOP is still without any idea on how to fix what they destroyed.
"Cut taxes, Cuts spending, Cut regulations and we will have a brief boom and an even lower bust. Those ignorant of history seem only too willing to rewrite it.

Might that be that Bush is no long POTUS? :cuckoo:
Keep living in the past to protect your messiah, wry. You haven't a clue on what your talking about because your a pathetic hack, dude.
We keep reading posts condemning both parties, yet, these 'independents' seem to generally attack Obama&Co with the heavy hammer and let Bush&Co off with light taps.
Of course the GOP has fractured, and the ad hoc - generally single issue types - now call themselves "Independents" or Tea Party patriots,; but, a rotten rose by another name is still a rotten rose and the GOP is still without any idea on how to fix what they destroyed.
"Cut taxes, Cuts spending, Cut regulations and we will have a brief boom and an even lower bust. Those ignorant of history seem only too willing to rewrite it.

Maybe thats because they already hit Bush and CO with the "heavy hammer" with their vote for obama and dems in 2008?

Yep. At least the republicans hold their own accountable for their actions. Seems wry and synth have to make excuses for theirs.
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