Why is a $15/hour minimum wage the magic number? Why is $16 too high and $14 too low?

I need the logic of the $15/hour minimum wage explained to me.

THE CBO STATED A $15/hour minimum wage will lead to the ELIMINATION of 1.3 million jobs.

Can liberals explain why a $15 federal minimum wage os a food thing?

Why not $30? Why not $60?

I like this question. I would assume that $15 is a nice clean number and helps get the discussion started. I think there will be a deeper analysis done on the impact of a minimum wage increase than what has already been done. They will come up with a more "magic" number than the $15. I suspect it will be quite a bit lower. I am not smart enough to make a prediction. If minimum wage goes up to $15 everybody will want to be hotel clerks and Walmart greeters. Nobody will do the jobs that suck. I think Republicans should have increased minimum wage by $0.25 an hour when they had both houses and the presidency. It would have been fun to get Democrats on the record against increasing minimum wage.
Because it's a nice arbitrary number right in the middle of 10 and 20.

That's what I think too. The real number won't be as neat and clean. It might end up being $11.28 or $9.94 or some other screwball figure like that.
How many millions of jobs will be lost if the Democrats raise the national minimum wage to $15 an hour? The national, a federal minimum wage. Not state. Not neighborhood. Not city. Not local. Federal minimum wage. Because back on Tuesday, the Democrats introduced a bill that would raise the minimum wage nationally to $15 an hour over five years.

It would more than double the current minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. It’s called the Raise the Wage Act. Oh, it’s so simple. “Rage the Ways Act.” It would increase pay from $9.50 an hour in 2021 to $11 in 2022, and in 2023 it would rise to $12.50 an hour. It would hit 14 bucks an hour in ’24.

It wouldn’t be until 2025 that it hits 15 bucks an hour. Do you know how many jobs would be lost? This is guaranteed to be true, by the way. This is not speculation. It’s not conservative theory. We have enough data with the imposition of the minimum wage in various states and cities, various local levels. We know what happens with the implementation of a minimum wage.

The number of jobs that will be lost would be at least 1.3 million, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Which means that members of Congress are okay with it! They’re gonna move ahead with the legislation anyway, even though their own budget office says you’re gonna cost the country 1.3 million jobs. The truth is it’s gonna be higher than that.

Most economists who are not socialists think the number will be much higher. Now, I have attempted over the 30 years of this program to explain the minimum wage and why it’s a bogus proposition countless times, and I’m going to do it again. I have found over the course of my hosting the program that the minimum wage is something that a lot of people are just sympathetic to, the way it’s presented to them.

“Well, you can’t feed a family of four on $15 an hour! (sputtering)” Well, why isn’t it higher than that? This is the question I always ask. What is the minimum wage? The minimum wage is an arbitrary amount of money that business owners, the majority of whom are small business owners, will be required by federal law that they have to pay, whether the people they hire are worth it or not.

The reason the minimum wage costs jobs is because if the business — small business — currently is paying people entry-level at eight bucks an hour, and all of a sudden they’re told they have to pay ’em 10, well, they don’t have the money laying around in a vault that they’re not using. But a lot of people think that if you are a business, that you’re a millionaire.
The CBO claims a $15 federal minimum wage will cost 1.3 million jobs.

How is this a good thing....specifically?
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Liberals seem to think this money just comes
out of thin air with no consequences. What do you think will happen if all grocery stores suddenly have a doubled labor expense?

People will get laid off and or food prices will go up. Its just logic. Its not tough to understand.
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Liberals seem to think this money just comes
out of thin air with no consequences. What do you think will happen if all grocery stores sudden have a doubled labor expense?

People will get laid off and or food prices will go up. Its just logic. Its not tough to understand.

That's the point of the whole thing. The Democrats want people off employment and onto welfare, where they will be easier to control.
But there is no thought process there is no understanding of economics involved. That would require brain power. $15.00 an hour sounds so much better then 9.50. The same fools don’t realize that prices have to go up. Some think it is just a few pennies, but they forget to factor in taxes, social security, Medicare and all the other things affected.
but college may not have taught simple economics but it sure did teach them to understand 15 is bigger the 9. Yes siry bob huh.
But there is no thought process there is no understanding of economics involved. That would require brain power. $15.00 an hour sounds so much better then 9.50. The same fools don’t realize that prices have to go up. Some think it is just a few pennies, but they forget to factor in taxes, social security, Medicare and all the other things affected.
but college may not have taught simple economics but it sure did teach them to understand 15 is bigger the 9. Yes siry bob huh.

Also....lets say your entry level workers are earning $8/hour and your supervisors are earning $15/hour.

Now with the minimum wage hike, you ALSO have to give your supervisor a raise to separate the levels.

I swear liberals never took economics. I dont know what the fuck AOC was doing during class, but her economics degree is shit.
Liberals seem to have a very tough time defending a $15/hour minimum wage? Why is that? It gets alot of press, why no support?
Liberals, why is a $15/hour federal minimum wage a good thing? Your leaders ran on this. What did they tell you?

Did they tell you the CBO said it would eliminate 1.3 million jobs?
To make it current as per inflation from mid 60s it would be $12.50. The $15 number is a projection covering the NEXT five years ( it would not jump to that immediately)
To make it current as per inflation from mid 60s it would be $12.50. The $15 number is a projection covering the NEXT five years ( it would not jump to that immediately)
Ok, we are getting somewhere.

What happens to those currently earning like $13/hour? Do they get raises to $20/hour?

Why a federal minimum wage. San Francisco is way more expensive than Alliance, Nebraska.
Come on, guys. Didnt every Dem support a $15/hour minimum wage? Explain why that is a good thing. Didnt they tell you guys?

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