Why is advocating for Men's Rights considered unacceptable in Modern Western World?

Women also do drugs and abuse children.
Mothers abuse children significantly more then fathers. Table 3-15.

Father - 132,738 21.1
Father and Nonparent(s) - 6,828 1.1
Mother - 257,409 40.9
Mother and Nonparent(s) - 43,347 6.9
Mother and Father - 129,837 20.6
Mother, Father, and Nonparent - 6,036 1.0
Total Parents - 576,195 91.6
My reply wasn’t clear. I meant that men don’t have 2 strikes against them when the women are using drugs or are abusive.
Those are the first standard accusations made by the woman in every case I have ever seen. Doesn't matter if it's true or not.
You post is a lie from start to finish. Calling the party “DemocRATs” shows you to be a brainwashed partisan shill.

The Democrats are not communists or anything that even resembles communism.

Nor do they support sexual “deviancy”. Homosexuality is not “deviancy”. It is normal sexual behaviour for a small subset of the all human populations since the dawn of time.
Faggotry is not normal. Not in the eys of G-d
G-d is Perfect, but Creation has to overcome innate sinful temptations. All humans have sins.

I have no right to judge LGBT people -- all humans are imperfect.
I am a Conservodox Jew. I do not post or use electricity on Sabbath, I keep most Kosher. But I am not 100% observant -- I would not judge others for their sins.
No, he can keep it in his pants. Or he can use a condom. He has lots of options that don’t involve taking those risks.
She also has those options, but once she gets pregnant, he loses his reproductive freedom. She can either force him into financial servitude or deny him fatherhood, something that he cannot do to her.
Can't go along with you there. A woman has a right to decide what she does with her own body.
That has nothing to do with whether or not she controls his reproductive freedom. Once she is pregnant, he loses his freedom of choice.
That has nothing to do with whether or not she controls his reproductive freedom. Once she is pregnant, he loses his freedom of choice.
Yes, it's her choice. It's her body. I'm not sure if that is completely fair, but it is certainly reasonable.
Yes, it's her choice. It's her body. I'm not sure if that is completely fair, but it is certainly reasonable.
I agree that men need to step up and take responsibility for their offspring.

I am, however, pointing out the fundamental unfairness of the legal situation. It is certainly one in which men, even white men, are at a disadvantage. Reproductive freedom has been cited as being such a fundamental, inviolable right for so long that it really isn't fair at all that a man loses his if the condom breaks or someone forgets to take a pill. A woman cannot legally be forced to become a mother while, a man can be forced to become a father. A woman cannot legally be denied motherhood if she is pregnant while a man can be denied fatherhood. It might be the best we can do right now, but it is unfair and should be acknowledged.
wrong again 5 dollar foot long,,

groomers make gays not god,,

It’s almost impossible to respond to your post because you believe so much shit that really isn’t true. No wonder you can be conned so easily by Trump.

No fool. You’re born gay or straight. I don’t think you even know what a “groomer” is or does.
In Modern Western World, men do face many forms of discrimination due to their gender. Unfortunately, anyone who advocates for Gender Equality in issues where men face discrimination risks being cancelled. Several Social Media platforms explicitly prohibit advocacy of men's rights. Why?

One quote from Reddit is below:

Can anyone think of a historical example of a birth group which has been prohibited from advocating for their rights?
Historically, advocating for rights is a new thing.
For some people it's pretty obvious that society is making sure young boys and males are at a disadvantage.
Everyone says it's a male dominated world but that also means

Truth is truth. There is no perfection as we keep trying to force human nature parts we do not like into something else. We could do the modern age better and satisfy a percentage of people that are better using common sense.

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