Why is advocating for Men's Rights considered unacceptable in Modern Western World?

In Modern Western World, men do face many forms of discrimination due to their gender. Unfortunately, anyone who advocates for Gender Equality in issues where men face discrimination risks being cancelled. Several Social Media platforms explicitly prohibit advocacy of men's rights. Why?

One quote from Reddit is below:

Can anyone think of a historical example of a birth group which has been prohibited from advocating for their rights?
I have not noticed any problems for men outside of the typical democrat retardation?
I have not noticed any problems for men outside of the typical democrat retardation?
Most of men who have not experienced discrimination themselves do not understand that such discrimination exists. Many men learn about anti-male discrimination only when they experience it. They can be cleaned by a divorce court, or arrested for being a victim of Domestic Violence, or cancelled after someone tweeted an accusation about them.
So you think the ability to give birth is a right that has been taken away from white men? Really?
not what I said,,

if a women doesnt want to be a mother she can drop it off at a police station, fire house or hospital and walk away with no repercussions,,

a man cant do that,,,

now for what you were trying to elude to,, a women can decide for herself to not have sex or get on birth control,,
if shes already prego and thinks an abortion can stop her from being a mother its to late,, shes already mother,,,

what about my other examples??
Men's rights? Democrats voted to let young women be battered and beaten in sports by men in dresses. Young girls are forced to share locker rooms with confused boys. Before we think about men's or women's rights we have to acknowledge that there is a difference between men and women.
In Modern Western World, men do face many forms of discrimination due to their gender. Unfortunately, anyone who advocates for Gender Equality in issues where men face discrimination risks being cancelled. Several Social Media platforms explicitly prohibit advocacy of men's rights. Why?

One quote from Reddit is below:

Can anyone think of a historical example of a birth group which has been prohibited from advocating for their rights?

Pray tell us of instances where white men DON’T get preferential treatment over everyone else.
Pray tell us of instances where white men DON’T get preferential treatment over everyone else.
The worst examples of gender-based oppression Modern World are:

1) The policy of arresting rather then helping male victims of Intimate Partner Violence. The situation is worst in UK.

2) Presumption of Guilt for men accused of Sexual Misconduct. Mostly by University Tribunals and Human Resource Departments. Criminal courts not as much.

Sadly, most people are not aware of these issues.

PS. This happens to men of all races.
Paying for drinks and getting laid.
Sadly most people are not aware of dozens of real issues men face. Two worst issues are presented above.

How many people have learned these issues through me? Maybe a few people. Best activist who teach these issues to public are several women (like Roma Army) and fewer men (like Paul Elam).

Why is advocating for Men's Rights considered unacceptable in Modern Western World?​

Because marxism requires an oppressor to rile up all the useful idiots in its attempt to deconstruct the merit-based capitalist system. You can't simultaneously reward excellence and keep everyone under the boot of government. They need to balkanize society and keep us fighting each other.
Pray tell us of instances where white men DON’T get preferential treatment over everyone else.
Child custody cases. It's not as bad as it once was, but it's still pretty bad. A father starts out with 2 strikes against him the first time he steps into the courtroom.
not what I said,,

if a women doesnt want to be a mother she can drop it off at a police station, fire house or hospital and walk away with no repercussions,,

a man cant do that,,,

now for what you were trying to elude to,, a women can decide for herself to not have sex or get on birth control,,
if shes already prego and thinks an abortion can stop her from being a mother its to late,, shes already mother,,,

what about my other examples??

Woman doesn’t become a “mother” until the child is born. The misogynistic practice of slut, shaming women, who become pregnant, and threatening to prosecute them for terminating their pregnancies, is both against biblical teachings and common sense.

Already Republicans are seeking to criminalize women leaving their state to go to a jurisdiction, where abortion is legal and obtain a legal abortion there. Wash, rinse and repeat for gender, affirming care.

This notion of assigning a clump of cells, more rights than the woman, carrying it, is insanity on the hoof.

And the idea that the woman escapes responsibility, simply by dropping the child off at the police station, completely ignores the risk to her life and carrying the baby to term and giving birth to it in the first place. By this time she’s lost income from being unable to work, she’s had to buy a whole new wardrobe, because none of her clothes fit her, and she’s having medical checkups monthly, as well as the cost of co-pays for confinement and delivery.

Men in these threads consistently talk about getting pregnant and having a baby is if it’s “no big deal”. It is physically the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. Your body and your health are never the same after having children.

For American women, maternal mortality and childbirth numbers are right off the charts. The states with the most restrictive abortion law already had the high rates of maternal death in pregnancy and childbirth but they’ve increased by 69% in these states which have the now have the most mrestrictive abortion bans.
Because marxism requires an oppressor to rile up all the useful idiots in its attempt to deconstruct the merit-based capitalist system. You can't simultaneously reward excellence and keep everyone under the boot of government. They need to balkanize society and keep us fighting each other.

That pretty much covers it, but it doesn’t explain why you continue to support the insanity that is todays Republican Party and their “white grievance” agenda.
That pretty much covers it, but it doesn’t explain why you continue to support the insanity that is todays Republican Party and their “white grievance” agenda.
I support the lesser of two evils, Canada Karen. At least I’m not so pathetic that I spend my days whining about Canada’s fucked up government.

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