Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

They are when they cross our border illegally and it turns out their asylum claims are bullshit.

Liberals don’t have the slightest clue of the conditions and parameters surrounding asylum. It’s not some legalistic code word, as those illegal friendly lawyers like to suggest, that automatically allows you to live in the United States. If you are attempting entry illegally you should be deported by law - period.

What IS

"The first official action of this nation declared the foundation of government in these words: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "While such declaration of principles may not have the force of organic law, or be made the basis of judicial decision as to the limits of right and duty, and while in all cases reference must be had to the organic law of the nation for such limits, yet the latter is but the body and the letter of which the former is the thought and the spirit, and it is always safe to read the letter of the Constitution in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. No duty rests more imperatively upon the courts than the enforcement of those constitutional provisions intended to secure that equality of rights which is the foundation of free government." Cotting v. Godard, 183 U.S. 79 (1901)

"Congress shall have the power to ...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution

Also see this:

Antonin Scalia Might Have Saved Sanctuary Cities

Is there an issue with immigrants that cannot be dealt with more effectively by our own actions rather than to subvert the Constitution and build a government too big for the citizenry to control?

If there was TRUE equality for all, those sneaking across from our southern border would not be treated differently than those who wait overseas to come here and wish to become citizens “legally” through our citizenship process under Federal Law.

Then you have those liberals who try to call those that believe in this particular point of view “racist”, which only goes to show how uninformed they are on the subject.

Free men are not equal and equal men are not free.

Your avatar suggests that you are against big government, but the stance you take says otherwise.

"And it says in the Farmer's Almanac: If a man could have half his wishes, he'd just double his trouble." Johnny Cash in the song Farmer's Almanac

Which is more important to you: that something be done legally OR that it be done constitutionally?

Which is more important to you: that something be done legally OR that it be done constitutionally?
Trick question, right? Neither are mutually exclusive.


There are plenty of unconstitutional laws on the books. We simply have an uninformed, lazy and apathetic citizenry that don't give two hoots in Hell.

Federal Law.

Federal Law.

Wall cowards gonna cower. "Protect me! I'm afraid! Of all the scary stories you've been telling me!"

You morons are turning our nation toward fascism.

Why don't you just move to a country that doesn't give a shit about freedom and loves authoritarian government as much as you do?
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Federal Law.

Wall cowards gonna cower. "Protect me! I'm afraid! Of all the scary stories you've been telling me!"

You morons are turning our nation toward fascism.

Why don't just just move to a country that doesn't give a shit about freedom and loves authoritarian government as much as you do?
You can;'t have a society with safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage and then turn around allow everyone who wants to to come here from poverty stricken countries. American jobs for Americans.

Federal Law.

See there. We only had to wait minutes on it. On this issue, we have to, unfortunately give danielpalos a half right.

"Congress shall have the power to ...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

There is NOTHING in the Constitution that prohibits states - or the people for that matter from inviting foreigners into the United States. Congress has a very limited power here.

You cannot fall back on that default that the people from south of the border are invading. They are being welcomed. Even the great pretender Democrat Donald Trump has undocumented foreigners on his payroll AND he is actually pro-immigration:

Former Trump club employee says management kept her off Secret Service screening list because she is undocumented




Trump supporters can pretend Donnie didn't know, but we know that's B.S. He knew and he hired foreign workers over Americans regardless of immigration status. He might still be doing it. It's profitable. Ultimately, given the rhetoric, Trump should be in prison. He hired so - called "illegals." That crap that he didn't know don't fly. Those who support Trump should hold him to the same standard ALL other employers should be held.

I give Trump a pass because I have said, consistently, that the employer is constitutionally free to hire the job candidate the employer wants.

Federal Law.

Wall cowards gonna cower. "Protect me! I'm afraid! Of all the scary stories you've been telling me!"

You morons are turning our nation toward fascism.

Why don't just just move to a country that doesn't give a shit about freedom and loves authoritarian government as much as you do?

Oh, I am sorry, did I upset you?

Maybe I should've posted trigger warning first.



If you prefer the no walls and doors, maybe you should chose the country more suited for your mindset, like Cuba or Venezuela. You'll be freed there... of everything. And take your pal danielpalos with you.
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You can;'t have a society with safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage and then turn around allow everyone who wants to to come here from poverty stricken countries. American jobs for Americans.

Which is precisely the reason I oppose safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage. But the answer is to reverse those bad decisions - not use them as an excuse to turn our nation into a fascist hellhole. Two wrongs don't make a right.
You can;'t have a society with safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage and then turn around allow everyone who wants to to come here from poverty stricken countries. American jobs for Americans.

Which is precisely the reason I oppose safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage. But the answer is to reverse those bad decisions - not use them as an excuse to turn our nation into a fascist hellhole. Two wrongs don't make a right.
you'd prefer a cyberpunk fantasy land? Without safety nets we'd have Americans living in the streets. We'd be walking over their dead starving bodies. Is that what you really want for your fellow American? Every American who wants a job should have a job that pays a living wage.

Federal Law.

Wall cowards gonna cower. "Protect me! I'm afraid! Of all the scary stories you've been telling me!"

You morons are turning our nation toward fascism.

Why don't just just move to a country that doesn't give a shit about freedom and loves authoritarian government as much as you do?
You can;'t have a society with safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage and then turn around allow everyone who wants to to come here from poverty stricken countries. American jobs for Americans.
stop creating so many refugees with your public policies, right wingers.
You can;'t have a society with safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage and then turn around allow everyone who wants to to come here from poverty stricken countries. American jobs for Americans.

Which is precisely the reason I oppose safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage. But the answer is to reverse those bad decisions - not use them as an excuse to turn our nation into a fascist hellhole. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Having control over who is allowed to enter and stay in this country has nothing to do with fascism.

Federal Law.

Wall cowards gonna cower. "Protect me! I'm afraid! Of all the scary stories you've been telling me!"

You morons are turning our nation toward fascism.

Why don't just just move to a country that doesn't give a shit about freedom and loves authoritarian government as much as you do?

Oh, I am sorry, did I upset you?

Maybe I should've posted trigger warning first.



If you prefer the no walls and doors, maybe you should chose the country more suited for your mindset, like Cuba or Venezuela. You'll be freed there... of everything. And take your pal danielpalos with you.
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.
Wall cowards gonna cower. "Protect me! I'm afraid! Of all the scary stories you've been telling me!" You morons are turning our nation toward fascism.

That's funny, you use the exact same reasoning calling for gun confiscation. You demand 100% gun confiscation out of fear and need to protect yourself, willing to accept fascist tactics of any degree to attain it. You've worked harder than anything trying to move us to a fascist, authoritarian government out of "concern for the children" and every other lame excuse when it is the ABSENCE of guns, meaning the inability for many to protect themselves and the announcement of zones where any violent person knows they'll receive no resistance or threat to themselves that invites much of our crime, yet you stupidly have the BALLS to come here and try to make fascist and authoritarian claims about people just because we want to defend and protect the sovereignty of our country, the FIRST duty of the federal government, after 9/11 and 3,000 people were murdered, and considering the nearly 150 billion dollars a year illegal people cost us in processing, housing, courtrooms, healthcare, food and everything else, not to mention bringing disease and not even knowing who they are or why they are coming here, whether they'll be able to support themselves (skills and solvency) or if they intend us any harm?
Wall cowards gonna cower. "Protect me! I'm afraid! Of all the scary stories you've been telling me!" You morons are turning our nation toward fascism.

That's funny, you use the exact same reasoning calling for gun confiscation.

Yep. It's exactly the same. Politicians drum up phony fears to get people to give up their freedom.

You demand 100% gun confiscation ...

Uh... nope. You got the wrong guy. I'm opposed to gun control for the same reasons I oppose the wall.
Liberals don’t have the slightest clue of the conditions and parameters surrounding asylum. It’s not some legalistic code word, as those illegal friendly lawyers like to suggest, that automatically allows you to live in the United States. If you are attempting entry illegally you should be deported by law - period.

What IS

"The first official action of this nation declared the foundation of government in these words: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "While such declaration of principles may not have the force of organic law, or be made the basis of judicial decision as to the limits of right and duty, and while in all cases reference must be had to the organic law of the nation for such limits, yet the latter is but the body and the letter of which the former is the thought and the spirit, and it is always safe to read the letter of the Constitution in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. No duty rests more imperatively upon the courts than the enforcement of those constitutional provisions intended to secure that equality of rights which is the foundation of free government." Cotting v. Godard, 183 U.S. 79 (1901)

"Congress shall have the power to ...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution

Also see this:

Antonin Scalia Might Have Saved Sanctuary Cities

Is there an issue with immigrants that cannot be dealt with more effectively by our own actions rather than to subvert the Constitution and build a government too big for the citizenry to control?

If there was TRUE equality for all, those sneaking across from our southern border would not be treated differently than those who wait overseas to come here and wish to become citizens “legally” through our citizenship process under Federal Law.

Then you have those liberals who try to call those that believe in this particular point of view “racist”, which only goes to show how uninformed they are on the subject.

Free men are not equal and equal men are not free.

Your avatar suggests that you are against big government, but the stance you take says otherwise.

"And it says in the Farmer's Almanac: If a man could have half his wishes, he'd just double his trouble." Johnny Cash in the song Farmer's Almanac

Which is more important to you: that something be done legally OR that it be done constitutionally?

Which is more important to you: that something be done legally OR that it be done constitutionally?
Trick question, right? Neither are mutually exclusive.


There are plenty of unconstitutional laws on the books. We simply have an uninformed, lazy and apathetic citizenry that don't give two hoots in Hell.

Sure, but that wasn't the premise of your question.


Federal Law.

See there. We only had to wait minutes on it. On this issue, we have to, unfortunately give danielpalos a half right.

"Congress shall have the power to ...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

There is NOTHING in the Constitution that prohibits states - or the people for that matter from inviting foreigners into the United States. Congress has a very limited power here.

It's interesting that you're referring to the "state rights" when just few years back left rejected any state's jurisdiction over the immigration.

The federal government's jurisdiction over immigration law has consistently been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, which has overruled attempts by state legislatures to single out immigrants. Additionally, the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution is generally interpreted to mean that federal laws trump state laws, except for certain matters constitutionally left to the states.

When Arizona signed SB 1070 into law in 2010, the DOJ stated in a brief that Arizona lawmakers "crossed a constitutional line" with the new law. A federal judge blocked four of the most controversial elements, including the requirement that police check the immigration status of anyone they stop or suspect is in the state illegally.

Don't get me wrong, I think that individual states should have control over what's happening within their borders, except over citizenship and naturalization (that is federal jurisdiction), but you lefties cannot have it both way depending on who's in power.
You can;'t have a society with safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage and then turn around allow everyone who wants to to come here from poverty stricken countries. American jobs for Americans.

Which is precisely the reason I oppose safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage. But the answer is to reverse those bad decisions - not use them as an excuse to turn our nation into a fascist hellhole. Two wrongs don't make a right.
you'd prefer a cyberpunk fantasy land? Without safety nets we'd have Americans living in the streets. We'd be walking over their dead starving bodies. Is that what you really want for your fellow American? Every American who wants a job should have a job that pays a living wage.

LOL - this is why I say there's not a dime's worth of difference between the left and the right.
What IS

"The first official action of this nation declared the foundation of government in these words: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "While such declaration of principles may not have the force of organic law, or be made the basis of judicial decision as to the limits of right and duty, and while in all cases reference must be had to the organic law of the nation for such limits, yet the latter is but the body and the letter of which the former is the thought and the spirit, and it is always safe to read the letter of the Constitution in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. No duty rests more imperatively upon the courts than the enforcement of those constitutional provisions intended to secure that equality of rights which is the foundation of free government." Cotting v. Godard, 183 U.S. 79 (1901)

"Congress shall have the power to ...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution

Also see this:

Antonin Scalia Might Have Saved Sanctuary Cities

Is there an issue with immigrants that cannot be dealt with more effectively by our own actions rather than to subvert the Constitution and build a government too big for the citizenry to control?

If there was TRUE equality for all, those sneaking across from our southern border would not be treated differently than those who wait overseas to come here and wish to become citizens “legally” through our citizenship process under Federal Law.

Then you have those liberals who try to call those that believe in this particular point of view “racist”, which only goes to show how uninformed they are on the subject.

Free men are not equal and equal men are not free.

Your avatar suggests that you are against big government, but the stance you take says otherwise.

"And it says in the Farmer's Almanac: If a man could have half his wishes, he'd just double his trouble." Johnny Cash in the song Farmer's Almanac

Which is more important to you: that something be done legally OR that it be done constitutionally?

Which is more important to you: that something be done legally OR that it be done constitutionally?
Trick question, right? Neither are mutually exclusive.


There are plenty of unconstitutional laws on the books. We simply have an uninformed, lazy and apathetic citizenry that don't give two hoots in Hell.

Sure, but that wasn't the premise of your question.


I asked if one prefers that actions be done constitutionally or legally. It is an error to presume the terminology is synonymous.
You can;'t have a society with safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage and then turn around allow everyone who wants to to come here from poverty stricken countries. American jobs for Americans.

Which is precisely the reason I oppose safety nets, welfare, free medical, and the minimum wage. But the answer is to reverse those bad decisions - not use them as an excuse to turn our nation into a fascist hellhole. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Having control over who is allowed to enter and stay in this country has nothing to do with fascism.

Actually, cracking down on travel is one of the first things a fascist state does.

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