Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Absolute stupidity.
I thought that was your modus operendi!

I could never take your title from you. You really are stupid or just a troll.

Nope Independent is destroying you in this debate

That shows how little you know. There is NO debate going on. This is a discussion forum. Pit me against a dozen people so I cannot "debate" someone and then claim a win??? You now know why you are destined to lose.

In my opinion you were debating and you lost badly.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.
Don't lecture me, poseur. I've spent more time on the front lines than you've spent fretting over this issue.

The "front lines" of what, destroying our country?

Saving it from people like you
How are you saving it, by flooding it with ignorant peasants from Mexico?

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.

Why can you not do this and support more border security?

I do support border security. I simply do not support the wall. It jeopardizes our Liberty.
OMG. Are you kidding? That was tried once today. The rest of the article deals with a ten dollar tax per person after 1808. One only need to look at the year in which they Chy Lung decision was laid down to see that.

The US Constitution gives a general “OUTLINE” .. if you prefer “ bullet statements” ... regarding each branch of government. In this case, it surrounds the role of the legislative branch, and the authority of Congress. If you NOW want to change the subject to interpretation and original intent, we can talk about the 14th Amendment.

I’m willing to bet you wont be able to establish much surrounding your point of view, without actually taking the time to do the actual research on this subject, as I have.

You're probably right. I've only been involved in court cases surrounding the 14th Amendment for 35 or so years and have written maybe 250 court briefs on the topic. I'm sure you have much more extensive experience. Virtually all you build the wall guys do.

All that and you still haven't gotten the supremes to strike it down, they must not have been very effective briefs.


You have almost gotten me to stoop to your level.

As a matter of FACT, our side was winning the war until half wits (and that's being liberal in presuming you're even a half wit) screwed the pooch with this big government or no government cow dung.

Maybe you should post documentation of the "wins". So far you're like a guy sitting in a bar watching other people play pool and trying to tell them how it's done, but can never put his words into action on the table.


You live in a fantasy world, but we are recruiting here every day.
Enough Americans voted for the wall to put Trump in office along with a butt load of congresscritters in 2016.


That was three years ago.

It was TWO years ago, and about two months,. Just a little off in your math. Now Trump votes of just TWO years ago no longer matter, but don't EVER expect the Left to stop trying to shove a video of Trump bragging and trying to impress some guy about what a babe magnet he was from FOURTEEN years ago! At least we KNOW the votes REALLY HAPPENED.

Irrelevant. Public opinion went against the wall after Trump was elected.
You, of course, mean the media that was against Trump breathing from the moment he tossed his hat in the ring.

You know dip shit about what happens to whatever you submit to become law.
I thought that was your modus operendi!

I could never take your title from you. You really are stupid or just a troll.

Nope Independent is destroying you in this debate

That shows how little you know. There is NO debate going on. This is a discussion forum. Pit me against a dozen people so I cannot "debate" someone and then claim a win??? You now know why you are destined to lose.

In my opinion you were debating and you lost badly.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.
The "front lines" of what, destroying our country?

Saving it from people like you
How are you saving it, by flooding it with ignorant peasants from Mexico?

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.

Why can you not do this and support more border security?

I do support border security. I simply do not support the wall. It jeopardizes our Liberty.

But the border agents do. Why does their opinion not count for more than most?
After reading your first sentence I realize that you are a mindless fool. You don’t respect those who risk their lives on the frontlines. You can go and jump in a frozen lake.

Don't lecture me, poseur. I've spent more time on the front lines than you've spent fretting over this issue.

The "front lines" of what, destroying our country?

Saving it from people like you
How are you saving it, by flooding it with ignorant peasants from Mexico?

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.
You sound like about 50,000 other people living in Nassau County...and that’s a good thing.
Being obnoxious is not a good thing.
That was three years ago.

It was TWO years ago, and about two months,. Just a little off in your math. Now Trump votes of just TWO years ago no longer matter, but don't EVER expect the Left to stop trying to shove a video of Trump bragging and trying to impress some guy about what a babe magnet he was from FOURTEEN years ago! At least we KNOW the votes REALLY HAPPENED.

Irrelevant. Public opinion went against the wall after Trump was elected.
You, of course, mean the media that was against Trump breathing from the moment he tossed his hat in the ring.

You know dip shit about what happens to whatever you submit to become law.

Well, I did got out and get a co-sponsor for HB 2 in the Georgia legislature on Friday. His name is Chuck Efstration. Why not call his secretary, ask if someone came by on Friday and how it ended?
Our border is MORE secure than almost all other countries on the planet....except for Israel that is forced to employ fascist tactics.

LMAO. Every progressive Leftist in this forum is also an anti Semite. It’s a disease.

Who do you think funds and pioneers the build the wall talking points?

Then again, you might be playing semantics with that term "anti-semite."

Border Patrol agents want it. That to me is first and foremost in importance. Progressive Left is anti Semitic. That is also a fact.

I don't give a rip what Border Patrol agents want. They work for the taxpayers. Who do you think researched and wrote the talking points that the build the wall guys rely on?

Yep, they work for us, and we're obligated to give them the tools required to do the job we ask them to do in an effective and safe manner. We already have walls and barriers on roughly 1/3rd of the border. Now you cry babies claim adding an additional 10% will somehow restrict our liberties and would be IMMORAL. REALLY?? That seems to fly in the face of logic.

Well, I don't know if adding a couple hundred miles of wall will seriously limit anyone's liberties but it's highly unlike to seriously reduce the number of illegal immigrants. Most of the border will still be unfenced and we are doing nothing to stop the flow coming through ports of entry nor dealing with the fact that most illegal immigrants enter legally. The wall is basically a waste of money and worse yet it deflects the nation's attention away other major problems.
Don't lecture me, poseur. I've spent more time on the front lines than you've spent fretting over this issue.

The "front lines" of what, destroying our country?

Saving it from people like you
How are you saving it, by flooding it with ignorant peasants from Mexico?

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.
You sound like about 50,000 other people living in Nassau County...and that’s a good thing.
Being obnoxious is not a good thing.

If you weren't being obnoxious and we had a real debate, you'd get your ass beat. That means one on one. You don't pack the gear nor have the brains.
It was TWO years ago, and about two months,. Just a little off in your math. Now Trump votes of just TWO years ago no longer matter, but don't EVER expect the Left to stop trying to shove a video of Trump bragging and trying to impress some guy about what a babe magnet he was from FOURTEEN years ago! At least we KNOW the votes REALLY HAPPENED.

Irrelevant. Public opinion went against the wall after Trump was elected.
You, of course, mean the media that was against Trump breathing from the moment he tossed his hat in the ring.

You know dip shit about what happens to whatever you submit to become law.

Well, I did got out and get a co-sponsor for HB 2 in the Georgia legislature on Friday. His name is Chuck Efstration. Why not call his secretary, ask if someone came by on Friday and how it ended?
I believe in human rights, not gay rights.
I could never take your title from you. You really are stupid or just a troll.

Nope Independent is destroying you in this debate

That shows how little you know. There is NO debate going on. This is a discussion forum. Pit me against a dozen people so I cannot "debate" someone and then claim a win??? You now know why you are destined to lose.

In my opinion you were debating and you lost badly.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.
LMAO. Every progressive Leftist in this forum is also an anti Semite. It’s a disease.

Who do you think funds and pioneers the build the wall talking points?

Then again, you might be playing semantics with that term "anti-semite."

Border Patrol agents want it. That to me is first and foremost in importance. Progressive Left is anti Semitic. That is also a fact.

I don't give a rip what Border Patrol agents want. They work for the taxpayers. Who do you think researched and wrote the talking points that the build the wall guys rely on?

Yep, they work for us, and we're obligated to give them the tools required to do the job we ask them to do in an effective and safe manner. We already have walls and barriers on roughly 1/3rd of the border. Now you cry babies claim adding an additional 10% will somehow restrict our liberties and would be IMMORAL. REALLY?? That seems to fly in the face of logic.

Well, I don't know if adding a couple hundred miles of wall will seriously limit anyone's liberties but it's highly unlike to seriously reduce the number of illegal immigrants. Most of the border will still be unfenced and we are doing nothing to stop the flow coming through ports of entry nor dealing with the fact that most illegal immigrants enter legally. The wall is basically a waste of money and worse yet it deflects the nation attentions away other major problems.

But the border agents who do this daily feel differently. Why ignore their pleas?
The "front lines" of what, destroying our country?

Saving it from people like you
How are you saving it, by flooding it with ignorant peasants from Mexico?

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.
You sound like about 50,000 other people living in Nassau County...and that’s a good thing.
Being obnoxious is not a good thing.

If you weren't being obnoxious and we had a real debate, you'd get your ass beat. That means one on one. You don't pack the gear nor have the brains.
I’m afraid you are delusional.
Nope Independent is destroying you in this debate

That shows how little you know. There is NO debate going on. This is a discussion forum. Pit me against a dozen people so I cannot "debate" someone and then claim a win??? You now know why you are destined to lose.

In my opinion you were debating and you lost badly.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?
Irrelevant. Public opinion went against the wall after Trump was elected.
You, of course, mean the media that was against Trump breathing from the moment he tossed his hat in the ring.

You know dip shit about what happens to whatever you submit to become law.

Well, I did got out and get a co-sponsor for HB 2 in the Georgia legislature on Friday. His name is Chuck Efstration. Why not call his secretary, ask if someone came by on Friday and how it ended?
I believe in human rights, not gay rights.

If you're insinuating I am a faggot, it's proof that you are a troll. I have a PM here if you want to get personal.
Didn't you say walls don't work????? LMAO


I didn't say it would work. I only said it would make YOU happy. In reality one only need to look at how many people were hoodwinked by ... well I won't name them, but we can't build enough walls to contain the idiots who find you amusing.

Yeah, you said walls don't work, yet you want to put the other poster behind 4 of them, a bit hypocritical ain't it and very inconsistent?


Not hypocritical at all. I said it would be for HIS enjoyment. It won't impact me.

Neither will walls in certain areas on the southern border.


Talking out your ass doesn't give any credibility to your swill.

Are you talking to yourself in the mirror?

That shows how little you know. There is NO debate going on. This is a discussion forum. Pit me against a dozen people so I cannot "debate" someone and then claim a win??? You now know why you are destined to lose.

In my opinion you were debating and you lost badly.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?
Because the pastor loves everyone, even if everyone winds up homeless.
At least they’re all homeless together.
That shows how little you know. There is NO debate going on. This is a discussion forum. Pit me against a dozen people so I cannot "debate" someone and then claim a win??? You now know why you are destined to lose.

In my opinion you were debating and you lost badly.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?

If people will give me a freaking break, I'll give you the post number, but it's been asked and answered in depth.
You, of course, mean the media that was against Trump breathing from the moment he tossed his hat in the ring.

You know dip shit about what happens to whatever you submit to become law.

Well, I did got out and get a co-sponsor for HB 2 in the Georgia legislature on Friday. His name is Chuck Efstration. Why not call his secretary, ask if someone came by on Friday and how it ended?
I believe in human rights, not gay rights.

If you're insinuating I am a faggot, it's proof that you are a troll. I have a PM here if you want to get personal.
Not at all.
Non-Heterosexuals should not have one more drop of ink protecting them than heterosexuals.

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