Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

In my opinion you were debating and you lost badly.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?
Because the pastor loves everyone, even if everyone winds up homeless.
At least they’re all homeless together.

How many people have YOU helped get a house or an apartment?
In my opinion you were debating and you lost badly.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?

If people will give me a freaking break, I'll give you the post number, but it's been asked and answered in depth.

If police officers ask for guns should we not give them guns because in someone’s opinion it infringes on their liberties? I find that odd.
Saving it from people like you
How are you saving it, by flooding it with ignorant peasants from Mexico?

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.
You sound like about 50,000 other people living in Nassau County...and that’s a good thing.
Being obnoxious is not a good thing.

If you weren't being obnoxious and we had a real debate, you'd get your ass beat. That means one on one. You don't pack the gear nor have the brains.
I’m afraid you are delusional.

Stand away from the mirror. You'll be okay.
The US Constitution gives a general “OUTLINE” .. if you prefer “ bullet statements” ... regarding each branch of government. In this case, it surrounds the role of the legislative branch, and the authority of Congress. If you NOW want to change the subject to interpretation and original intent, we can talk about the 14th Amendment.

I’m willing to bet you wont be able to establish much surrounding your point of view, without actually taking the time to do the actual research on this subject, as I have.

You're probably right. I've only been involved in court cases surrounding the 14th Amendment for 35 or so years and have written maybe 250 court briefs on the topic. I'm sure you have much more extensive experience. Virtually all you build the wall guys do.

All that and you still haven't gotten the supremes to strike it down, they must not have been very effective briefs.


In trying to summarize my last post .. It’s not what you HAVE, it’s what you can PROVE. Resumes are only good hainging on someone’s wall

Yeah, this dude has gone form some kind of social worker to now a constitutional lawyer. He hasn't even said why he thinks the 14th was implemented illegally.


It's not relevant to the OP and I'd have to explain that while trying to reply to fifty four people attacking me on this thread. If they would STFU and quit repeating the same points, I might be able to give you a hint as to why the 14th was illegally ratified... as if posters are too stupid to Google it.

If it's irrelevant, stop spewing about it.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?
Because the pastor loves everyone, even if everyone winds up homeless.
At least they’re all homeless together.

How many people have YOU helped get a house or an apartment?

My parents have sponsored 10+ families with money, their home and resources. I found that annoying while still living there but I understood why. They wanted to give back because they were helped too.
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?

If people will give me a freaking break, I'll give you the post number, but it's been asked and answered in depth.

If police officers ask for guns should we not give them guns because in someone’s opinion it infringes on their liberties? I find that odd.

Are you drunk? What in the HELL did that mean?

I would never advocate giving up your gun.
Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?

If people will give me a freaking break, I'll give you the post number, but it's been asked and answered in depth.

If police officers ask for guns should we not give them guns because in someone’s opinion it infringes on their liberties? I find that odd.

Are you drunk? What in the HELL did that mean?

I would never advocate giving up your gun.

But you’re OK denying border agents another form of protection they feel they need?
How are you saving it, by flooding it with ignorant peasants from Mexico?

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.
You sound like about 50,000 other people living in Nassau County...and that’s a good thing.
Being obnoxious is not a good thing.

If you weren't being obnoxious and we had a real debate, you'd get your ass beat. That means one on one. You don't pack the gear nor have the brains.
I’m afraid you are delusional.

Stand away from the mirror. You'll be okay.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
You're probably right. I've only been involved in court cases surrounding the 14th Amendment for 35 or so years and have written maybe 250 court briefs on the topic. I'm sure you have much more extensive experience. Virtually all you build the wall guys do.

All that and you still haven't gotten the supremes to strike it down, they must not have been very effective briefs.


In trying to summarize my last post .. It’s not what you HAVE, it’s what you can PROVE. Resumes are only good hainging on someone’s wall

Yeah, this dude has gone form some kind of social worker to now a constitutional lawyer. He hasn't even said why he thinks the 14th was implemented illegally.


It's not relevant to the OP and I'd have to explain that while trying to reply to fifty four people attacking me on this thread. If they would STFU and quit repeating the same points, I might be able to give you a hint as to why the 14th was illegally ratified... as if posters are too stupid to Google it.

If it's irrelevant, stop spewing about it.


You keep bringing up irrelevant and off topic material. What are you REALLY afraid of?
The "front lines" of what, destroying our country?

Saving it from people like you
How are you saving it, by flooding it with ignorant peasants from Mexico?

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.
You sound like about 50,000 other people living in Nassau County...and that’s a good thing.
Being obnoxious is not a good thing.

If you weren't being obnoxious and we had a real debate, you'd get your ass beat. That means one on one. You don't pack the gear nor have the brains.

You can’t even back up your posts with references. You are not fooling anybody. Anytime you THINK you have some actual facts to present, swing that proof my way, or keep pretending you are a Constitutional lawyer
They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?

If people will give me a freaking break, I'll give you the post number, but it's been asked and answered in depth.

If police officers ask for guns should we not give them guns because in someone’s opinion it infringes on their liberties? I find that odd.

Are you drunk? What in the HELL did that mean?

I would never advocate giving up your gun.

But you’re OK denying border agents another form of protection they feel they need?

The public Liberty comes first. What did Franklin say about trading Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety.?
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. But if you throw a competitor into a ring and then put him against a dozen other guys, it's pretty damn desperate to claim he lost to any particular one of them.

That is why you guys are so dishonest. I've spent over a thousand posts here, only to watch people like you and Independent change the goal posts, gang up on me and lie to the other posters while deflecting.

Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?
Because the pastor loves everyone, even if everyone winds up homeless.
At least they’re all homeless together.

How many people have YOU helped get a house or an apartment?
Are you referring to professionals and/or blue collar workers who lost their careers due to illegals and Business Visas?
I can dig a tunnel under a drone even easier. Or just walk past it. Or shoot the drone down. Have any idea what a good drone costs? Who's going to fly it? Refuel it? Monitor its camera? Or camouflage myself so the drone doesn't see me. With a wall, people are stopped, The few that try to get over or under are picked up by cameras or drones, or vibration sensors or patrols, but someone still has to monitor all that. And they still have to get to the action. By the time your drone sees me and you get there, I'm LONG GONE buddy! At least with the wall, I was greatly slowed down giving you time to respond.

Gee, you act like they will be putting the wall in your backyard! Last I checked, most people along the border WANT the wall. And it can be easily paid for by simply collecting the fines every illegal is due us. According to my math, that comes to 53 billion dollars.

Poll: Majority opposes border wall with Mexico

So, is America a Republic or a Democracy?

Enough Americans voted for the wall to put Trump in office along with a butt load of congresscritters in 2016.


That was three years ago.

It was TWO years ago, and about two months,. Just a little off in your math. Now Trump votes of just TWO years ago no longer matter, but don't EVER expect the Left to stop trying to shove a video of Trump bragging and trying to impress some guy about what a babe magnet he was from FOURTEEN years ago! At least we KNOW the votes REALLY HAPPENED.

Irrelevant. Public opinion went against the wall after Trump was elected.

Yet 80% want the border secured, how do you propose to do that? Not one GD commie politician will say because they have no intention of securing anything.

I've answered this for you three times:

1) I'm working to stop the drug addicts created by parents, government, doctors / mental health officials and Big Pharma

2) We're taking people off the street, helping them get a GED, clean up their record if possible and get them back into the work-force

3) I am constantly lobbying legislators to pass legislation to get them to rehabilitate those in prison by giving prisoners an opportunity to earn shorter sentences via accomplishments while incarcerated: Get their GED, learn a job skill, etc.
You sound like about 50,000 other people living in Nassau County...and that’s a good thing.
Being obnoxious is not a good thing.

If you weren't being obnoxious and we had a real debate, you'd get your ass beat. That means one on one. You don't pack the gear nor have the brains.
I’m afraid you are delusional.

Stand away from the mirror. You'll be okay.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I don't project shit. I bet you can't debate twelve posters at a time.
You sound like about 50,000 other people living in Nassau County...and that’s a good thing.
Being obnoxious is not a good thing.

If you weren't being obnoxious and we had a real debate, you'd get your ass beat. That means one on one. You don't pack the gear nor have the brains.
I’m afraid you are delusional.

Stand away from the mirror. You'll be okay.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

I don't project shit. I bet you can't debate twelve posters at a time.
We’re all saying the same thing so you’re not debating multiple ideas.
How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?

If people will give me a freaking break, I'll give you the post number, but it's been asked and answered in depth.

If police officers ask for guns should we not give them guns because in someone’s opinion it infringes on their liberties? I find that odd.

Are you drunk? What in the HELL did that mean?

I would never advocate giving up your gun.

But you’re OK denying border agents another form of protection they feel they need?

The public Liberty comes first. What did Franklin say about trading Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety.?

But I can argue that guns the police officers carry may infringe on public Liberty. You seem to be OK with weapons that can kill but not OK with a simple wall that will actually cause the agents to use their guns on fewer occasions? I dont follow this logic. Please explain your train of thought.
Well you did say you didn’t care what our border agents wanted. Pretty heartless imo.

They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?
Because the pastor loves everyone, even if everyone winds up homeless.
At least they’re all homeless together.

How many people have YOU helped get a house or an apartment?
Are you referring to professionals and/or blue collar workers who lost their careers due to illegals and Business Visas?

Most are homeless and cannot get a second chance due to B.S. people like you created.

I'm taking a break so flame me while I'm not here. It will show how little class you REALLY have.
They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?
Because the pastor loves everyone, even if everyone winds up homeless.
At least they’re all homeless together.

How many people have YOU helped get a house or an apartment?
Are you referring to professionals and/or blue collar workers who lost their careers due to illegals and Business Visas?

Most are homeless and cannot get a second chance due to B.S. people like you created.

I'm taking a break so flame me while I'm not here. It will show how little class you REALLY have.

Very belligerent. Unfortunate.
They get paid to do a job and if I have to give up my Liberties for what they want, they can pound sand.

How does their ask for a wall infringe on your liberties?
Because the pastor loves everyone, even if everyone winds up homeless.
At least they’re all homeless together.

How many people have YOU helped get a house or an apartment?
Are you referring to professionals and/or blue collar workers who lost their careers due to illegals and Business Visas?

Most are homeless and cannot get a second chance due to B.S. people like you created.

I'm taking a break so flame me while I'm not here. It will show how little class you REALLY have.
Nassau County has many homeless shelters and many retired members of my community volunteer.
I can dig a tunnel under a drone even easier. Or just walk past it. Or shoot the drone down. Have any idea what a good drone costs? Who's going to fly it? Refuel it? Monitor its camera? Or camouflage myself so the drone doesn't see me. With a wall, people are stopped, The few that try to get over or under are picked up by cameras or drones, or vibration sensors or patrols, but someone still has to monitor all that. And they still have to get to the action. By the time your drone sees me and you get there, I'm LONG GONE buddy! At least with the wall, I was greatly slowed down giving you time to respond.

Gee, you act like they will be putting the wall in your backyard! Last I checked, most people along the border WANT the wall. And it can be easily paid for by simply collecting the fines every illegal is due us. According to my math, that comes to 53 billion dollars.

Poll: Majority opposes border wall with Mexico

So, is America a Republic or a Democracy?

Enough Americans voted for the wall to put Trump in office along with a butt load of congresscritters in 2016.

They voted for Trump, not a majority but enough. The wall was only one of a dozen reasons for the Trump victory. This is why 51% to 69% of Americans say they either oppose building a wall or say it's not a priority.

Tell the mayor of El Paso that the 3500 illegals being dumped in his lap a week because the courts say we can't hold them, that a wall isn't a priority. And that's just ONE city.


Why would you want to hold them?

Like with all criminals, to adjudicate their case, they have no assets to assure their appearance in court.


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