Why is everyone afraid of finger-pointing...?

you want to condone this in America....in the name of "religion"...?

Again, posting this picture with the assumption that this is how most or all Muslim women dress is showing your ignorance. What you see in this picture is something that would primarily be seen in a Middle Eastern country, and then not often and not in all Middle Eastern countries. There are 3.5 billion Muslims in the world. Only 20% live in the Middle East, and then, women who would wear something like in this picture comprise a very, very small minority. It is primarily only in Middle Eastern countries that women wear the abaya. Most of them do not cover their faces. I've lived in these countries, I know this. I have lived in two Middle Eastern countries, a total of 4 years, and have rarely, very rarely seen a woman with her face covered. It is something that depends on how conservative your family is, not something that is dictated by religion. It is a cultural thing in some cultures, not something dictated by Islam. Your belief that a woman covering her face or dressing in the abaya is dictated by Islam is an incorrect belief.

no.....not showing ignorance but the depths to which Islamic law can go.....

do you would support Sharia law here in America......?

No one is imposing Shia law in America. America is a secular country. Shia is religious law. Shia law would never be accepted as legal in the US.
There are all kinds of fundamentalist, extremist Christian leaders too. We don't stop them. You want to be ignorant, you want to hate. You don't want to know the truth.

God, this tired, lame liberal argument again. Sit down and write a list of people murdered by Muslim extremists over the last few decades. Now sit down and write a list of people murdered by Christian extremists over the last few decades.

And to eliminate another tired, lame liberal argument before it happens, McVey wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion.
No one is imposing Shia law in America. America is a secular country. Shia is religious law. Shia law would never be accepted as legal in the US.

People would once have said that about government controlling the health care system and providing people with their retirement checks. Never is a long time, and those took a couple hundred years.
Even white, liberal journalists wear that stuff when in their countries, you dont see them giving attitude and go all NOW on those guys over there....hmmmmmmm

otherwise they are just 'asking to be raped'.....so says a muslim imman.....who is living in the modern western world city of Copenhagen....

Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don?t Wear Hijabs are ?Asking to be Raped?, Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman | FrontPage Magazine

You are listening to an extremist. This 'Iman' in Copenhagen is a fundamentalist extremist. He does not represent most Muslims any more than someone like the leader of the Westboro church represents most Christians.

then how would you explain the Muslim rape wave in Sweden and other countries.....?

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otherwise they are just 'asking to be raped'.....so says a muslim imman.....who is living in the modern western world city of Copenhagen....

Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don?t Wear Hijabs are ?Asking to be Raped?, Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman | FrontPage Magazine

You are listening to an extremist. This 'Iman' in Copenhagen is a fundamentalist extremist. He does not represent most Muslims any more than someone like the leader of the Westboro church represents most Christians.

then how would you explain the Muslim rape wave in Sweden and other countries.....?

When a Christian commits a crime, it's a crime committed by all Christianity. When a Muslim does, it's a random act committed by an individual with nothing to do with the religion of peace. See? Hmm...me either...
otherwise they are just 'asking to be raped'.....so says a muslim imman.....who is living in the modern western world city of Copenhagen....

Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don?t Wear Hijabs are ?Asking to be Raped?, Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman | FrontPage Magazine

You are listening to an extremist. This 'Iman' in Copenhagen is a fundamentalist extremist. He does not represent most Muslims any more than someone like the leader of the Westboro church represents most Christians.

then how would you explain the Muslim rape wave in Sweden and other countries.....?


|I have never heard of this. I only watch mainstream media: CNN, FOX, BBC, Sky News, France 24, mostly those. If you have a mainstream media account of this, I will take it seriously. I have no interest in something that comes from a right wing or anti-Islam site. If this were happening, it would be major news in Europe, and I watch European news stations. Have never heard of it.
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You are listening to an extremist. This 'Iman' in Copenhagen is a fundamentalist extremist. He does not represent most Muslims any more than someone like the leader of the Westboro church represents most Christians.

then how would you explain the Muslim rape wave in Sweden and other countries.....?

When a Christian commits a crime, it's a crime committed by all Christianity. When a Muslim does, it's a random act committed by an individual with nothing to do with the religion of peace. See? Hmm...me either...

I didn't say this at all. I didn't say when a Christian commits a crime it is commited by all Christianity: in fact, I said the opposite. However, your implication seems to be that honor killings are something all Muslims do or that it is very typical in Muslim society. That simply is not true: it is not typical in most of Muslim society.
Again, posting this picture with the assumption that this is how most or all Muslim women dress is showing your ignorance. What you see in this picture is something that would primarily be seen in a Middle Eastern country, and then not often and not in all Middle Eastern countries. There are 3.5 billion Muslims in the world. Only 20% live in the Middle East, and then, women who would wear something like in this picture comprise a very, very small minority. It is primarily only in Middle Eastern countries that women wear the abaya. Most of them do not cover their faces. I've lived in these countries, I know this. I have lived in two Middle Eastern countries, a total of 4 years, and have rarely, very rarely seen a woman with her face covered. It is something that depends on how conservative your family is, not something that is dictated by religion. It is a cultural thing in some cultures, not something dictated by Islam. Your belief that a woman covering her face or dressing in the abaya is dictated by Islam is an incorrect belief.

no.....not showing ignorance but the depths to which Islamic law can go.....

do you would support Sharia law here in America......?

No one is imposing Shia law in America. America is a secular country. Shia is religious law. Shia law would never be accepted as legal in the US.

the goal is to establish Sharia in America....they are working on it....

Omar M. Ahmad founder of CAIR said:

'Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant' he said. 'The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America , and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth'

Islam Review - Presented by The Pen vs. the Sword Featured Articles . . . Islam: the Facade, the Facts The rosy picture some Muslims are painting about their religion, and the truth they try to hide.
You are listening to an extremist. This 'Iman' in Copenhagen is a fundamentalist extremist. He does not represent most Muslims any more than someone like the leader of the Westboro church represents most Christians.

then how would you explain the Muslim rape wave in Sweden and other countries.....?


|I have never heard of this. I only watch mainstream media: CNN, FOX, BBC, Sky News, France 24, mostly those. If you have a mainstream media account of this, I will take it seriously. I have no interest in something that comes from a right wing or anti-Islam site. If this were happening, it would be major news in Europe, and I watch European news stations. Have never heard of it.

that's because of all the PC shit over there.......which is now infecting America too....
Imagine that your next door neighbor got raped and because people noticed you eyeing her in the past, they all start pointing fingers at you........but you didn't do it. Can that simply be undone when the truth comes out?

Have a little patience and see where the actual evidence points.

Two factors that concern me over blaming muslims......which I have no problem blaming them for what they actually do.......is that one, this is small compared to the big thnigs they like to do and two, they tend to like to kill themselves when they make an attack. This is too small and the asshole who did it did not sacrifice himself in the process. Look s like a homegrown loony to me at this point. But we will see what the evidence says.

1. wrong comparison.....i never raped anybody before......radical Islamics HAVE killed thousands of Americans...not to mention many bombings of innocents in Europe and elsewhere...

So you get judged as an individual but Muslims must be judged as a monolithic group? You may not have raped, but white Christian males have and do.
Imagine that your next door neighbor got raped and because people noticed you eyeing her in the past, they all start pointing fingers at you........but you didn't do it. Can that simply be undone when the truth comes out?

Have a little patience and see where the actual evidence points.

Two factors that concern me over blaming muslims......which I have no problem blaming them for what they actually do.......is that one, this is small compared to the big thnigs they like to do and two, they tend to like to kill themselves when they make an attack. This is too small and the asshole who did it did not sacrifice himself in the process. Look s like a homegrown loony to me at this point. But we will see what the evidence says.

1. wrong comparison.....i never raped anybody before......radical Islamics HAVE killed thousands of Americans...not to mention many bombings of innocents in Europe and elsewhere...

So you get judged as an individual but Muslims must be judged as a monolithic group? You may not have raped, but white Christian males have and do.

Oh really? On this scale?

"The crisis in Darfur, in western Sudan, has led to some of the worst human rights abuses imaginable, including systematic and widespread murder, rape, abduction and forced displacement. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have died as a result of both deliberate and indiscriminate attacks, and more than 2 million civilians have been forced to flee from their homes."


Eyes On Darfur
Imagine that your next door neighbor got raped and because people noticed you eyeing her in the past, they all start pointing fingers at you........but you didn't do it. Can that simply be undone when the truth comes out?

Have a little patience and see where the actual evidence points.

Two factors that concern me over blaming muslims......which I have no problem blaming them for what they actually do.......is that one, this is small compared to the big thnigs they like to do and two, they tend to like to kill themselves when they make an attack. This is too small and the asshole who did it did not sacrifice himself in the process. Look s like a homegrown loony to me at this point. But we will see what the evidence says.

1. wrong comparison.....i never raped anybody before......radical Islamics HAVE killed thousands of Americans...not to mention many bombings of innocents in Europe and elsewhere...

So you get judged as an individual but Muslims must be judged as a monolithic group? You may not have raped, but white Christian males have and do.

not all muslims are terrorists, but the vast majority of terrorists are muslims. Why is that simple truth so hard for you libtards to grasp?
You don't want to know the truth.

We do know the truth. We know that Islam is a grossly cruel, violent religion responsible for oppression and cruelty all over the planet, extremely expansionist and determined to take over all the world, as their prophet commanded they continually attempt.

You are trying to whitewash their constant violence and crimes.

I'd say the burden is on them to act normal and not criminal, but they won't: they bomb and plot and terrorize and do killings of women and civilians all the time.

It's the purest PC to pretend this isn't happening when it is, all over the world.
Imagine that your next door neighbor got raped and because people noticed you eyeing her in the past, they all start pointing fingers at you........but you didn't do it. Can that simply be undone when the truth comes out?

Have a little patience and see where the actual evidence points.

Two factors that concern me over blaming muslims......which I have no problem blaming them for what they actually do.......is that one, this is small compared to the big thnigs they like to do and two, they tend to like to kill themselves when they make an attack. This is too small and the asshole who did it did not sacrifice himself in the process. Look s like a homegrown loony to me at this point. But we will see what the evidence says.

1. wrong comparison.....i never raped anybody before......radical Islamics HAVE killed thousands of Americans...not to mention many bombings of innocents in Europe and elsewhere...

2. i am being patient waiting for the facts.....but in the meantime the radical Islamics in our midst better not get too comfy...

3. who says they have to follow the usual pattern.....?

Terrorists usually have an objective that they are looking to be fulfilled. Without claiming responsibility, therefore bringing our governments attention to them, what good would the attack do. This is why they claim responsibility. Like some have said, no terrorist group has claimed responsibility yet, which leaves us to believe it was some radical domestic group that committed the bombings.
Ok looking at that list, first of all, liberals say that republicans in the early 20th centruy were isolationists
Why would you post this?
You missed the reason it was posted. It was not if they are justified, and then by whose standards, it was to rebut the thread to say that Islamist are all guilty of invading countries.

Did you google anything about the United States and the people they have ever oppressed?
History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890

So tell us how these countries rate on the oppression/human rights violations scale:

Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Malaysia....

By population, these countries have the highest numbers of Muslims.

Great examples of how civilized, educated, and liberated Islam is?

List of Muslim-majority countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ok looking at that list, first of all, liberals say that republicans in the early 20th centruy were isolationists, so if true, how did we have those interventions?

Second of those interventions, how many do you really know about and feel are unjustified.

Third, lets look at the USS Maine, there was a kneejerk reaction to it, but most people think the Spanish did do it, so I still consider it justified, BUT are you not criticising the same method liberals do now with every shooting/bombing always ready to blame the right.....and it's usually not the right that does it....
There are all kinds of fundamentalist, extremist Christian leaders too. We don't stop them. You want to be ignorant, you want to hate. You don't want to know the truth.

God, this tired, lame liberal argument again. Sit down and write a list of people murdered by Muslim extremists over the last few decades. Now sit down and write a list of people murdered by Christian extremists over the last few decades.
Yeah....how convenient.....limiting it to....

It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

Have we been fighting a War or not....? Do we have enemies or not....? Why can't anyone finger-point to our enemies...? they deserve every frikkin finger-pointing we can give them....or are we that idiotical PC....?

Why is it media people can't rightly point out as suspects the Islamic radicals...?
...after all...they are the ones who already bombed the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 of our people.....as far as I'm concerned they can be blamed automatically for any bombing over the next 100 years.....:evil:

if it turns out to not be them but some other anti-Americans.....oh well too bad....

The logical profile, taking all into consideration, would be to look for someone who looks like Tim McVeigh.
1. wrong comparison.....i never raped anybody before......radical Islamics HAVE killed thousands of Americans...not to mention many bombings of innocents in Europe and elsewhere...

So you get judged as an individual but Muslims must be judged as a monolithic group? You may not have raped, but white Christian males have and do.

Oh really? On this scale?

"The crisis in Darfur, in western Sudan, has led to some of the worst human rights abuses imaginable, including systematic and widespread murder, rape, abduction and forced displacement. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have died as a result of both deliberate and indiscriminate attacks, and more than 2 million civilians have been forced to flee from their homes."


Eyes On Darfur

Rape is more common than smoking in the US.
It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

Have we been fighting a War or not....? Do we have enemies or not....? Why can't anyone finger-point to our enemies...? they deserve every frikkin finger-pointing we can give them....or are we that idiotical PC....?

Why is it media people can't rightly point out as suspects the Islamic radicals...?
...after all...they are the ones who already bombed the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 of our people.....as far as I'm concerned they can be blamed automatically for any bombing over the next 100 years.....:evil:

if it turns out to not be them but some other anti-Americans.....oh well too bad....

The logical profile, taking all into consideration, would be to look for someone who looks like Tim McVeigh.

There ya go SE, some finger pointing for you. Veiled though it may be, we all know what NY is getting at...
Imagine that your next door neighbor got raped and because people noticed you eyeing her in the past, they all start pointing fingers at you........but you didn't do it. Can that simply be undone when the truth comes out?

Have a little patience and see where the actual evidence points.

Two factors that concern me over blaming muslims......which I have no problem blaming them for what they actually do.......is that one, this is small compared to the big thnigs they like to do and two, they tend to like to kill themselves when they make an attack. This is too small and the asshole who did it did not sacrifice himself in the process. Look s like a homegrown loony to me at this point. But we will see what the evidence says.

1. wrong comparison.....i never raped anybody before......radical Islamics HAVE killed thousands of Americans...not to mention many bombings of innocents in Europe and elsewhere...

So you get judged as an individual but Muslims must be judged as a monolithic group? You may not have raped, but white Christian males have and do.

what major 'religion' besides Islam condones raping and killing the 'infidel'......?

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