Why is everyone afraid of finger-pointing...?

It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

The media will say something like it was a random act from an American from Kansas, Mohamed Kumar. The words that will appear nowhere in the reporting are Arab, Muslim or Terror.
Did you google anything about the United States and the people they have ever oppressed?
History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890

You are the enemy of those with rational and coherent thinking.

So tell us how these countries rate on the oppression/human rights violations scale:

Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Malaysia....

By population, these countries have the highest numbers of Muslims.

Great examples of how civilized, educated, and liberated Islam is?

List of Muslim-majority countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ok looking at that list, first of all, liberals say that republicans in the early 20th centruy were isolationists, so if true, how did we have those interventions?

Second of those interventions, how many do you really know about and feel are unjustified.

Third, lets look at the USS Maine, there was a kneejerk reaction to it, but most people think the Spanish did do it, so I still consider it justified, BUT are you not criticising the same method liberals do now with every shooting/bombing always ready to blame the right.....and it's usually not the right that does it....
It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

The media will say something like it was a random act from an American from Kansas, Mohamed Kumar. The words that will appear nowhere in the reporting are Arab, Muslim or Terror.

Or they'll say something like "muslim extremist"....we have a LOT of muslim "extremists"...you wonder when they cease to be extremists and just "muslim".

The fact that the countries with the most egregious human rights violations records are Muslim, and the Muslims in charge in those countries refuse to act against muslim "extremists" (which oddly seem to represent the majority of their government/armed forces/police/courts etc.) sort of puts the lie to the term "extremist".
It is painfully sad and sickening to think that someone like you is an American, the country that was founded on religious freedom and built by immigrants.

Muslims are not our enemies. Extremists are. Sick people who use Islam to promote their sick and viscious agenda. There are billions of Muslims living peacefully in this world, the vast majority of whom are as much against terrorism as anyone else. They are not our enemies. To suggest a 16 year old girl is supporting those monsters because she wears the traditional clothing of her culture or she belongs to a different religion than you do shows how limited you are and does nothing to show anything wrong with her.


Islam is not a "religion".......it is a complete system of life......it is composed of religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components......the religious component is just a beard for all the other components....

Islam is anti-American in nature......and until you understand that you don't know what you are talking about....

More ignorance. If anything destroys America it will be people who delight in absolutely wallowing in ignorance, intolerance and narrow mindedness.

you want to condone this in America....in the name of "religion"...?
It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

Have we been fighting a War or not....? Do we have enemies or not....? Why can't anyone finger-point to our enemies...? they deserve every frikkin finger-pointing we can give them....or are we that idiotical PC....?

Why is it media people can't rightly point out as suspects the Islamic radicals...?
...after all...they are the ones who already bombed the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 of our people.....as far as I'm concerned they can be blamed automatically for any bombing over the next 100 years.....:evil:

if it turns out to not be them but some other anti-Americans.....oh well too bad....

Maybe we are moving toward solving problems at the root, which is internalized, and not just screaming in the media about the symptoms on the surface.

to REALLY cure people of mental and criminal sick attitudes that cause people to abuse and attack each other (which we all know does not solve the problems they are protesting)
takes deep work internally and maybe that is where our country is heading is addressing that.

When I see the sign held up by the young boy about Peace and not hurting anyone, that is the key. When people quit hurting, they quit hurting others. Only someone who is deeply injured and outraged, sick with madness, would plot to harm others. So this little boy's plea for peace may be the key to finally addressing the cause of madness at the root.

I am both sad, in tears, to see his photo and read his sign.

But it also gives me great relief
a higher sense of peace and joy, and hope that for our children, we can break out of the
cycle of war and retribution by focusing on peace and justice with mercy. Not justice with anger and revenge which merely backfires and entraps people as victims of injustice instead of heroes who can rise above to defeat these evil influences by curing their causes.

We know we can do better, and our children deserve that.
Maybe this is why people are pausing, and thinking before lashing out.
If there is a better way, how do work together towards that, and still answer with justice.
Muslims are not our enemies. Extremists are. Sick people who use Islam to promote their sick and viscious agenda. There are billions of Muslims living peacefully in this world, the vast majority of whom are as much against terrorism as anyone else. They are not our enemies. To suggest a 16 year old girl is supporting those monsters because she wears the traditional clothing of her culture or she belongs to a different religion than you do shows how limited you are and does nothing to show anything wrong with her.


So, pretty, you don't have to wear restricting, hot headgear like that above.

What would happen to those girls if they decided they didn't want to wear that stuff either?

Would they get beaten up repeatedly? Sure.

Would they get killed for their disobedience to the rules of Islam? Sure.

Watch out what you promote in the name of PC: it could be a very, very bad system of cruelty that you may get trapped into yourself: that's what Muslims want, for you to have to dress just like those girls, or worse.
Muslims are not our enemies. Extremists are. Sick people who use Islam to promote their sick and viscious agenda. There are billions of Muslims living peacefully in this world, the vast majority of whom are as much against terrorism as anyone else. They are not our enemies. To suggest a 16 year old girl is supporting those monsters because she wears the traditional clothing of her culture or she belongs to a different religion than you do shows how limited you are and does nothing to show anything wrong with her.


So, pretty, you don't have to wear restricting, hot headgear like that above.

What would happen to those girls if they decided they didn't want to wear that stuff either?

Would they get beaten up repeatedly? Sure.

Would they get killed for their disobedience to the rules of Islam? Sure.

Watch out what you promote in the name of PC: it could be a very, very bad system of cruelty that you may get trapped into yourself: that's what Muslims want, for you to have to dress just like those girls, or worse.

Even white, liberal journalists wear that stuff when in their countries, you dont see them giving attitude and go all NOW on those guys over there....hmmmmmmm
Unless Al-Qaeda started outsourcing, gunpowder doesn't seem to fit their M.O.
Muslims are not our enemies. Extremists are. Sick people who use Islam to promote their sick and viscious agenda. There are billions of Muslims living peacefully in this world, the vast majority of whom are as much against terrorism as anyone else. They are not our enemies. To suggest a 16 year old girl is supporting those monsters because she wears the traditional clothing of her culture or she belongs to a different religion than you do shows how limited you are and does nothing to show anything wrong with her.


So, pretty, you don't have to wear restricting, hot headgear like that above.

What would happen to those girls if they decided they didn't want to wear that stuff either?

Would they get beaten up repeatedly? Sure.

Would they get killed for their disobedience to the rules of Islam? Sure.

Watch out what you promote in the name of PC: it could be a very, very bad system of cruelty that you may get trapped into yourself: that's what Muslims want, for you to have to dress just like those girls, or worse.

This is all total ignorance.

What people/women wear in a Muslim country has to do with culture, not religion. What you are looking at is traditional Somali dress, not necessarily Muslim. Any Somali woman might dress like this. You are attacking people for their culture, not their religion.

As far as what would happen to a woman who didn't choose to dress a certain way, there are only one or two countries in the world that practice nearly full Shia law. There are three kinds of Muslim countries: some are completely secular in their government, some are partially secular and partially theocratic, and some are theocracies. However, only one or 2 are actually follow full or nearly full Shia law. The vast majority of Muslim countries do not follow full or even nearly full Shia law. How a woman dresses and lives depends on how conservative her family is, not on anything mandated by the government. Beating up a woman for not dressing a certain way, or murdering her, this is not something that happens except in very extreme situations where the family are extreme fundamentalist Muslim. The Taliban in Afghanistan is like that, but this is something the vast majority of Muslims world wide do not support, quite the contrary.

How people in other cultures live or dress is their business. Your ignorance leads to xenophobia, or maybe your xenophobia leads to ignorance....
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Even white, liberal journalists wear that stuff when in their countries, you dont see them giving attitude and go all NOW on those guys over there....hmmmmmmm

Shooooooooooooooooo........................... Obama even BOWS to their kings and stuff!

I don't have to admire that sort of kowtowing to our worst enemies on the planet, Muslims.
Muslims are not our enemies. Extremists are. Sick people who use Islam to promote their sick and viscious agenda. There are billions of Muslims living peacefully in this world, the vast majority of whom are as much against terrorism as anyone else. They are not our enemies. To suggest a 16 year old girl is supporting those monsters because she wears the traditional clothing of her culture or she belongs to a different religion than you do shows how limited you are and does nothing to show anything wrong with her.


So, pretty, you don't have to wear restricting, hot headgear like that above.

What would happen to those girls if they decided they didn't want to wear that stuff either?

Would they get beaten up repeatedly? Sure.

Would they get killed for their disobedience to the rules of Islam? Sure.

Watch out what you promote in the name of PC: it could be a very, very bad system of cruelty that you may get trapped into yourself: that's what Muslims want, for you to have to dress just like those girls, or worse.

Even white, liberal journalists wear that stuff when in their countries, you dont see them giving attitude and go all NOW on those guys over there....hmmmmmmm

otherwise they are just 'asking to be raped'.....so says a muslim imman.....who is living in the modern western world city of Copenhagen....

Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don?t Wear Hijabs are ?Asking to be Raped?, Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman | FrontPage Magazine
Islam is not a "religion".......it is a complete system of life......it is composed of religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components......the religious component is just a beard for all the other components....

Islam is anti-American in nature......and until you understand that you don't know what you are talking about....

More ignorance. If anything destroys America it will be people who delight in absolutely wallowing in ignorance, intolerance and narrow mindedness.

you want to condone this in America....in the name of "religion"...?

Again, posting this picture with the assumption that this is how most or all Muslim women dress is showing your ignorance. What you see in this picture is something that would primarily be seen in a Middle Eastern country, and then not often and not in all Middle Eastern countries. There are 3.5 billion Muslims in the world. Only 20% live in the Middle East, and then, women who would wear something like in this picture comprise a very, very small minority. It is primarily only in Middle Eastern countries that women wear the abaya. Most of them do not cover their faces. I've lived in these countries, I know this. I have lived in two Middle Eastern countries, a total of 4 years, and have rarely, very rarely seen a woman with her face covered. It is something that depends on how conservative your family is, not something that is dictated by religion. It is a cultural thing in some cultures, not something dictated by Islam. Your belief that a woman covering her face or dressing in the abaya is dictated by Islam is an incorrect belief.
This is all total ignorance.

What people/women wear in a Muslim country has to do with culture, not religion. What you are looking at is traditional Somali dress, not necessarily Muslim. Any Somali woman might dress like this. You are attacking people for their culture, not their religion.


And what about now that they live here? Why are they still wearing all that stuff even though it is not our custom??? Doesn't look like they are trying too hard to fit in to our culture, does it? What, we are supposed to all fit into THEIR culture when we go there, but they don't have to fit into ours when they come here? Ho, boy, that's exactly what I am saying is the problem with Islam: they want to take over the whole world and make everyone follow their horrific, oppressive rules.

So here the girls are. Suppose they stop wearing the cloth crap? Will they get beaten up or killed? Here in America? Sure, happens constantly, we see it in the papers all the time: girls run over or killed for "honor" by their fathers, brothers, whatever. In America.

The reason you wear their bad costumes over in their lands is because you are afraid of them. If you don't, they WILL attack you, of course.

The reason the girls still wear the bad costumes even here in America is because their brothers and fathers and husbands will attack them if they don't obey, obey, obey.

You are defending a truly bad cause. Bad for everybody, especially all women.
So, pretty, you don't have to wear restricting, hot headgear like that above.

What would happen to those girls if they decided they didn't want to wear that stuff either?

Would they get beaten up repeatedly? Sure.

Would they get killed for their disobedience to the rules of Islam? Sure.

Watch out what you promote in the name of PC: it could be a very, very bad system of cruelty that you may get trapped into yourself: that's what Muslims want, for you to have to dress just like those girls, or worse.

Even white, liberal journalists wear that stuff when in their countries, you dont see them giving attitude and go all NOW on those guys over there....hmmmmmmm

otherwise they are just 'asking to be raped'.....so says a muslim imman.....who is living in the modern western world city of Copenhagen....

Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don?t Wear Hijabs are ?Asking to be Raped?, Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman | FrontPage Magazine

You are listening to an extremist. This 'Iman' in Copenhagen is a fundamentalist extremist. He does not represent most Muslims any more than someone like the leader of the Westboro church represents most Christians.
It seems all over in the media that everyone (except BO/Axelrod blaming the Tea Party) is tippy-toeing around saying who they think bombed the Boston Marathon....why the hell is that...?

Have we been fighting a War or not....? Do we have enemies or not....? Why can't anyone finger-point to our enemies...? they deserve every frikkin finger-pointing we can give them....or are we that idiotical PC....?

Why is it media people can't rightly point out as suspects the Islamic radicals...?
...after all...they are the ones who already bombed the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 of our people.....as far as I'm concerned they can be blamed automatically for any bombing over the next 100 years.....:evil:

if it turns out to not be them but some other anti-Americans.....oh well too bad....

Maybe we are moving toward solving problems at the root, which is internalized, and not just screaming in the media about the symptoms on the surface.

to REALLY cure people of mental and criminal sick attitudes that cause people to abuse and attack each other (which we all know does not solve the problems they are protesting)
takes deep work internally and maybe that is where our country is heading is addressing that.

When I see the sign held up by the young boy about Peace and not hurting anyone, that is the key. When people quit hurting, they quit hurting others. Only someone who is deeply injured and outraged, sick with madness, would plot to harm others. So this little boy's plea for peace may be the key to finally addressing the cause of madness at the root.

I am both sad, in tears, to see his photo and read his sign.

But it also gives me great relief
a higher sense of peace and joy, and hope that for our children, we can break out of the
cycle of war and retribution by focusing on peace and justice with mercy. Not justice with anger and revenge which merely backfires and entraps people as victims of injustice instead of heroes who can rise above to defeat these evil influences by curing their causes.

We know we can do better, and our children deserve that.
Maybe this is why people are pausing, and thinking before lashing out.
If there is a better way, how do work together towards that, and still answer with justice.

DEFENDING yourself from a proven, identifiable threat is not "lashing out".
More ignorance. If anything destroys America it will be people who delight in absolutely wallowing in ignorance, intolerance and narrow mindedness.

you want to condone this in America....in the name of "religion"...?

Again, posting this picture with the assumption that this is how most or all Muslim women dress is showing your ignorance. What you see in this picture is something that would primarily be seen in a Middle Eastern country, and then not often and not in all Middle Eastern countries. There are 3.5 billion Muslims in the world. Only 20% live in the Middle East, and then, women who would wear something like in this picture comprise a very, very small minority. It is primarily only in Middle Eastern countries that women wear the abaya. Most of them do not cover their faces. I've lived in these countries, I know this. I have lived in two Middle Eastern countries, a total of 4 years, and have rarely, very rarely seen a woman with her face covered. It is something that depends on how conservative your family is, not something that is dictated by religion. It is a cultural thing in some cultures, not something dictated by Islam. Your belief that a woman covering her face or dressing in the abaya is dictated by Islam is an incorrect belief.

no.....not showing ignorance but the depths to which Islamic law can go.....

do you would support Sharia law here in America......?
Even white, liberal journalists wear that stuff when in their countries, you dont see them giving attitude and go all NOW on those guys over there....hmmmmmmm

otherwise they are just 'asking to be raped'.....so says a muslim imman.....who is living in the modern western world city of Copenhagen....

Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don?t Wear Hijabs are ?Asking to be Raped?, Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman | FrontPage Magazine

You are listening to an extremist. This 'Iman' in Copenhagen is a fundamentalist extremist. He does not represent most Muslims any more than someone like the leader of the Westboro church represents most Christians.

If, as you say, he is a extremist, Islam would reject him.

Yet he remains in a position of power...just like thousands of other "extremists" which seem to represent the most powerful bloc of Islam.


Yet Islam is not, at it's core, a problem.


Did you ever provide the specific examples of what you objected to in Eagle's post? No?
This is all total ignorance.

What people/women wear in a Muslim country has to do with culture, not religion. What you are looking at is traditional Somali dress, not necessarily Muslim. Any Somali woman might dress like this. You are attacking people for their culture, not their religion.


And what about now that they live here? Why are they still wearing all that stuff even though it is not our custom??? Doesn't look like they are trying too hard to fit in to our culture, does it? What, we are supposed to all fit into THEIR culture when we go there, but they don't have to fit into ours when they come here? Ho, boy, that's exactly what I am saying is the problem with Islam: they want to take over the whole world and make everyone follow their horrific, oppressive rules.

So here the girls are. Suppose they stop wearing the cloth crap? Will they get beaten up or killed? Here in America? Sure, happens constantly, we see it in the papers all the time: girls run over or killed for "honor" by their fathers, brothers, whatever. In America.

The reason you wear their bad costumes over in their lands is because you are afraid of them. If you don't, they WILL attack you, of course.

The reason the girls still wear the bad costumes even here in America is because their brothers and fathers and husbands will attack them if they don't obey, obey, obey.

You are defending a truly bad cause. Bad for everybody, especially all women.

For hundreds of years immigrants have been coming to the US and wearing their traditional dress, eating their traditional food, living their traditional lifestyle until, in the course of one or two generations, they blend into the culture. They do not get beaten or killed for not wearing certain clothes. If that happens, it is the EXCEPTION, not the rule. Honor killings are the exception, not the rule and they happen in certain fundamentalist families, not in most families. Some people are crazy, whether they are Muslim or Christian. There are also Christian girls being abused in American, suffering physical and sexual abuse. Because their parents are sick and crazy. We don't assume all Christians are physically and sexually abusing their daughters because some crazy, sick ones do it.

The reason that the girls where their traditional clothing is because it is their traditional clothing and part of their culture. The vast majority of them choose to do so.

We don't have to fit into their culture when we go to their countries by dressing or acting like them. I've spent 6 years altogether living in Muslims countries and I've never worn anything any different than I would at home or anywhere in the West. There are Christian churches too. It is not at all what you think it is like.
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you want to condone this in America....in the name of "religion"...?

Again, posting this picture with the assumption that this is how most or all Muslim women dress is showing your ignorance. What you see in this picture is something that would primarily be seen in a Middle Eastern country, and then not often and not in all Middle Eastern countries. There are 3.5 billion Muslims in the world. Only 20% live in the Middle East, and then, women who would wear something like in this picture comprise a very, very small minority. It is primarily only in Middle Eastern countries that women wear the abaya. Most of them do not cover their faces. I've lived in these countries, I know this. I have lived in two Middle Eastern countries, a total of 4 years, and have rarely, very rarely seen a woman with her face covered. It is something that depends on how conservative your family is, not something that is dictated by religion. It is a cultural thing in some cultures, not something dictated by Islam. Your belief that a woman covering her face or dressing in the abaya is dictated by Islam is an incorrect belief.

no.....not showing ignorance but the depths to which Islamic law can go.....

do you would support Sharia law here in America......?

The same people who think our society benefits from the sexualization of children, goverment-sponsored abortion and infanticide, and the criminalization of CHRISTIANITY certainly support the most disgusting tenets of Islam.

Those women LIKE the way they're abused. They ASK for it. They're free to leave ANY TIME THEY WANT.

Well, unless they live in a Muslim country....or have been dragged here against their will......

But really, Islam is loving and tolerant...and represents everything that is right and good about America.

Yeah, in the progressive alternate universe....
otherwise they are just 'asking to be raped'.....so says a muslim imman.....who is living in the modern western world city of Copenhagen....

Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don?t Wear Hijabs are ?Asking to be Raped?, Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman | FrontPage Magazine

You are listening to an extremist. This 'Iman' in Copenhagen is a fundamentalist extremist. He does not represent most Muslims any more than someone like the leader of the Westboro church represents most Christians.

If, as you say, he is a extremist, Islam would reject him.

Yet he remains in a position of power...just like thousands of other "extremists" which seem to represent the most powerful bloc of Islam.


Yet Islam is not, at it's core, a problem.


Did you ever provide the specific examples of what you objected to in Eagle's post? No?

There are all kinds of fundamentalist, extremist Christian leaders too. We don't stop them. You want to be ignorant, you want to hate. You don't want to know the truth.

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