Why is gender-nonconformity bad? Alternatively, why must one's gender align with their sex?

Greatest is the correct scientific name. Unborn child is a play on words, one the far right has really pushed. Trump had the audacity to forbid HHS to use the scientific word fetus. It's just plain sick.

I am sure you have a link for that, right.

BTW, I corrected your grammar in the quote. I am sure you won't mind.
Did you know that 80% of statistics are made up on the spot? :D So, when your argument is referring on "crime statistic", maybe you should post a link to that statistic.

No, they're not minority in any legal sense. It's made up class of people, that already have their assigned group, male or female. If any group of some interest is considered minority, then we can say that soy farmers are political group that need special protection. Then incel poets could have their interest represented. There are millions of NPCs in the country, don't they need special rights and protections? On, here is another one, there are couple of millions of pedophiles in the US, should they get special minority privileges?

You said before, those that use man's bathrooms are getting beaten up or murdered and the solution for them is to impose their special needs on another protected group who doesn't want them there neither, but they cannot fight them because they're not physically capable? If they're not comfortable in man's bathrooms, and they don't feel safe there, what makes you think that women are comfortable having them in women's bathrooms and that women are feeling safe in their presence?
I'm not that invested in this issue. I am not transgendered but I do support their rights as human beings especially when it's a life and death situation. I remember reading an article in the Omaha world herald years ago that said they were like 80 times more likely to be murdered then regular people. That is a crime in of itself. You obviously think your rights are more important than theirs. There's got to be a middle ground in here somewhere and I'll let the experts and the politicians figure that out.
100% agree with you on this one. Glad we've found common ground.

There's a possibility a rock will fly down from the heavens and kill us all tomorrow. There's a lot of things that could happen, but when you do something and a negative outcome does not follow, I can't imagine why action should or should not be taken purely on the basis of possibility.

Well, anecdotal: I met far more men than women that are opposed to this. What statistics would you like to look at? Statistics for female support of democrats (a party which often supports this policy), or statistics on the support of this policy itself? There's some on both, but if you don't trust statistics at all, I don't know what to tell you. I generally will look at a plethora of statistics if they're available, compare the results and if there's a discrepancy I'll check out the methodology more thoroughly, assuming I can find it.

I don't remember if you were the one that said you didn't read my initial argument, but if so, that may be why. My conclusion is an opinion, but I used actual facts to back up my opinion. If you would like, I can create a list of every fact I used in my argument, and you can pick apart those facts as you please.

Guess it depends on how you define gender. If you use the term gender as a word synonymous with sex, then sure. That's not how I'm using the word, however. I'm using gender to refer to the collection of social assumptions we relate to sex, which are very real. Even if you don't want to define gender like that, it doesn't really change my argument.

In terms of sex? Sure. I won't deny that.

Right, if you don't say you're gender-nonconforming, you aren't. Some men like to wear female clothes, that's not gender-nonconformity/transgenderism.

Estimates range between 0.1% to 2% based on the criteria. So, lowest estimate, there are 330,000 transgenders in the United States. That's a lot. Highest estimate, 6.5 million. I can't say which point between 0.1% and 2% is correct, but I know that the amount of people I've met that are transgender more closely reflects the latter.

I really don't know where you got it that this is a "sexual fetish." Perhaps it is for someone, but for most of the gender-nonconforming people I've met, it has very little to do with sex at all.

No, it's not! You can put that many people in the four largest college football stadiums in this country and still have thousands and thousands of empty seats.
I'm not that invested in this issue. I am not transgendered but I do support their rights as human beings especially when it's a life and death situation. I remember reading an article in the Omaha world herald years ago that said they were like 80 times more likely to be murdered then regular people. That is a crime in of itself. You obviously think your rights are more important than theirs. There's got to be a middle ground in here somewhere and I'll let the experts and the politicians figure that out.
Don't you dare to tell me what I think. I am pretty vocal about my thoughts and I don't need you to clarify what they are, or interpret what they mean. Nowhere I said that my rights are more important than rights of others, so stop implying something I never said. What I did asked you, twice, is to answer my question, which you didn't do. I also asked you to provide the link to the crime statistic you mentioned in defense of your argument, and you did neither.
Don't you dare to tell me what I think. I am pretty vocal about my thoughts and I don't need you to clarify what they are, or interpret what they mean. Nowhere I said that my rights are more important than rights of others, so stop implying something I never said. What I did asked you, twice, is to answer my question, which you didn't do. I also asked you to provide the link to the crime statistic you mentioned in defense of your argument, and you did neither.
I meant judgments on what you say it is my opinion of you that is all I'm not judging you. I assume you are not transgendered, I can't figure out why you're so invested in this issue that doesn't concern you. And I'm not going to waste any more time talking about it you know my position and you know why that's all that's important. Good night, if that's possible for you. I don't pick unnecessary fights, you don't make any sense.

No, I am not transgender, but maybe I should be. Since "gender is a social construct", and so is race, there is nothing stopping me or any of us from claiming to be black and the opposite gender on official documents. What a heck, let's add disability to it, and as a strong and independent, disabled black woman, I insist on political protection. We should all do it and demand that white women who only date black man now date white man, because white men are transrace and identify as black women. If they don't date you, call them out as racists. Oh, I heard that "rapesexuals" are being put forth as yet another sexuality and it's f**king hilarious. "Non-consent turns me on, I was born like this, you can't sue me, I am minority
In my opinion you seem to be obsessed with this issue. That being said, I refuse to continue talking to you about the subject. You are making less and less sense to me. good night.
Did you know that 80% of statistics are made up on the spot? :D So, when your argument is referring on "crime statistic", maybe you should post a link to that statistic.

No, they're not minority in any legal sense. It's made up class of people, that already have their assigned group, male or female. If any group of some interest is considered minority, then we can say that soy farmers are political group that need special protection. Then incel poets could have their interest represented. There are millions of NPCs in the country, don't they need special rights and protections? On, here is another one, there are couple of millions of pedophiles in the US, should they get special minority privileges?

You said before, those that use man's bathrooms are getting beaten up or murdered and the solution for them is to impose their special needs on another protected group who doesn't want them there neither, but they cannot fight them because they're not physically capable? If they're not comfortable in man's bathrooms, and they don't feel safe there, what makes you think that women are comfortable having them in women's bathrooms and that women are feeling safe in their presence?

Oh, he doesn't think that. He just thinks that women's safety and comfort doesn't matter. What I don't understand is why I'm supposed to care about the opinions and "moral judgements" of someone who so clearly doesn't give a damn about me.
Oh, he doesn't think that. He just thinks that women's safety and comfort doesn't matter. What I don't understand is why I'm supposed to care about the opinions and "moral judgements" of someone who so clearly doesn't give a damn about me.
In 1964 I had to go to bone specialist in New York City so my mother planned out the day so we can go to the world's Fair first and then go see the doctor in the late afternoon. I was 13 years old at the time. At some point during the fair my mother had to go to the bathroom. Even at my young age I recognized a transvestite / transgender type woman go into the lady's room at the same time. When my mother came out of the restroom but she was smiling and she said she met the most wonderful woman in the lady's room and had a nice conversation. I know the truth of who she met but I never told her. She was never in any danger. If that person had gone into the men's room I'm certain she would have been harmed. Here in Omaha, we have a beautiful zoo. In some areas of the zoo with newer construction they have the men's room, women's room and a third called the family room. It is individualized and you can lock the door I'm glad they come up with this idea and if I was a transgender person I memorized and you were places that have such restrooms and use those whenever possible. It's a very good idea. One of the reasons I strongly support transgenders using the women's restrooms when they have to is because on a gay man. I am getting older and so I have to use the public restrooms more often when I go out I don't go out that much anymore but when I do. I have always purposely ignored the other men in the restroom, did my business and got out quickly. Men's rooms aren't like women's restrooms the men are called to one another, they do not talk, and try not to look at each other. It's not a friendly environment I don't know why. I'm sorry it inconveniences you but I don't think you're in much danger at all. I'm sure you have articles on women being attacked by transgender people's in bathrooms but rarely if ever happens or it happens to be a straight guy who's just crazy enough to do something like dress up like a woman she gain access to a woman's back bathroom it's not something that happens it's like one in a million chance of that happening. Transgenders are truly afraid for their lives if they have to use a public bathroom. And like I said I'm a gay man I cannot imagine going in wearing a dress into a man's bathroom, that would be suicide.
In 1964 I had to go to bone specialist in New York City so my mother planned out the day so we can go to the world's Fair first and then go see the doctor in the late afternoon. I was 13 years old at the time. At some point during the fair my mother had to go to the bathroom. Even at my young age I recognized a transvestite / transgender type woman go into the lady's room at the same time. When my mother came out of the restroom but she was smiling and she said she met the most wonderful woman in the lady's room and had a nice conversation. I know the truth of who she met but I never told her. She was never in any danger. If that person had gone into the men's room I'm certain she would have been harmed. Here in Omaha, we have a beautiful zoo. In some areas of the zoo with newer construction they have the men's room, women's room and a third called the family room. It is individualized and you can lock the door I'm glad they come up with this idea and if I was a transgender person I memorized and you were places that have such restrooms and use those whenever possible. It's a very good idea. One of the reasons I strongly support transgenders using the women's restrooms when they have to is because on a gay man. I am getting older and so I have to use the public restrooms more often when I go out I don't go out that much anymore but when I do. I have always purposely ignored the other men in the restroom, did my business and got out quickly. Men's rooms aren't like women's restrooms the men are called to one another, they do not talk, and try not to look at each other. It's not a friendly environment I don't know why. I'm sorry it inconveniences you but I don't think you're in much danger at all. I'm sure you have articles on women being attacked by transgender people's in bathrooms but rarely if ever happens or it happens to be a straight guy who's just crazy enough to do something like dress up like a woman she gain access to a woman's back bathroom it's not something that happens it's like one in a million chance of that happening. Transgenders are truly afraid for their lives if they have to use a public bathroom. And like I said I'm a gay man I cannot imagine going in wearing a dress into a man's bathroom, that would be suicide.

You need to bake some cookies to take with you the next time you go to the men's room,
and brighten the place up a little so the transgenders will feel more at home ... :thup:


You need to bake some cookies to take with you the next time you go to the men's room,
and brighten the place up a little so the transgenders will feel more at home ... :thup:

Funny, but they aren't there they're in the women's restrooms where they're safe. I think you're logic is off a little, no big deal there's lots of people on here who have much bigger problems than who's using the stall next to them. And that's a really good point the ladies rooms have nothing but stalls so it's a whole lot more private and safer for everyone.
Funny, but they aren't there they're in the women's restrooms where they're safe. I think you're logic is off a little, no big deal there's lots of people on here who have much bigger problems than who's using the stall next to them. And that's a really good point the ladies rooms have nothing but stalls so it's a whole lot more private and safer for everyone.

The only point being made is that you think public restrooms should be about more than using the potty ... :thup:
You aren't the first person to suffer from Paruresis.


The only point being made is that you think public restrooms should be about more than using the potty ... :thup:
You aren't the first person to suffer from Paruresis.

My point is bigger than that it's about live and let live.

Live and let live is not about requiring others to comply with your wishes ... :thup:

You're assuming that they wish to use the ladies restroom. They have to. Live and let live means giving the other guy a little leeway so they can live.
The issue of transgenderism is one which is like many other identity issues in that the left has gone FAR beyond mere tolerance and acceptance and has entered the territory of championing, bullying and the use of force to intimidate others into the submission to an agenda. Transexuals are now placed ABOVE other people, transexualism is now a quality that provides a person with an advantage over others and it is is treated as such a sacred cow that policies involving it cannot be discussed rationally and with common sense without accusations of bigotry. It has become simply one more wedge people use to gain a sense of moral superiority over others in order to feed their own ego.

Should transexuals be tolerated? Of course. Should they be protected from harm? Of course. Should people treat them with common courtesy? Of course.

Should transexualism be the lone quality a person has that qualifies them for an important governmental position? Should biological men be competing against women in sports? Should children be encouraged to take powerful hormones by parents, teachers and the medical profession? There is a whole lot of crazy out there right now, and it all stems from this same insane need among leftists to feel superior to others by grasping at any ridiculous notion that allows them to view themselves as virtuous and anybody with common sense as bigoted. We see this with race issues. We see it with gender issues. We see it with any number of other political issues and it has so surpassed mere tolerance as to become a mass psychosis.
You're assuming that they wish to use the ladies restroom. They have to. Live and let live means giving the other guy a little leeway so they can live.

That's not "Live and Let Live" ...
That's, "I Think I Have a Better Idea and You Should Do What I Want You to Do".

Just stop lying to yourself, and trying to justify your nonsense with feel-good platitudes ... :thup:


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