Why is gender-nonconformity bad? Alternatively, why must one's gender align with their sex?

I've said it over and over again these people have a right to live they have a right to exist and I'm sorry if you feel it's an inconvenience if on a rare occasions they have to use the women's restroom in public. There is no threat to you or any other woman if they do so
And like I said it's an inconvenience that's all it's like when you're in the parking lot at the at the grocery store and you could hear see a vehicle with the dead battery you go over to ask them if they need help because you know it's the right thing to do but the same time you're relieved when they say they got help coming on the way then you can walk away at least knowing you did the right thing. This is just another one of those things and I'm like I said I'm done here I'm done with you you just keep going on and on stop it already figure out a subject that doesn't bother you doesn't aggravate you you're obviously upset about something. This is a sad thing to get fixated on and obsess over.
You are using the term inconvenience simply as a very cheap rhetorical device to trivialize the opinions of reasonable people who do not think biological men belong in women's bathrooms.

You have done nothing but insult and malign people this entire thread.
You are using the term inconvenience simply as a very cheap rhetorical device to trivialize the opinions of reasonable people who do not think biological men belong in women's bathrooms.

You have done nothing but insult and malign people this entire thread.
If your attitude was enforced there would be lots more murders is that what you really want you are sick you insult your own humanity.
I've said it over and over again these people have a right to live they have a right to exist and I'm sorry if you feel it's an inconvenience if on a rare occasions they have to use the women's restroom in public. There is no threat to you or any other woman if they do so
And like I said it's an inconvenience that's all it's like when you're in the parking lot at the at the grocery store and you could hear see a vehicle with the dead battery you go over to ask them if they need help because you know it's the right thing to do but the same time you're relieved when they say they got help coming on the way then you can walk away at least knowing you did the right thing. This is just another one of those things and I'm like I said I'm done here I'm done with you you just keep going on and on stop it already figure out a subject that doesn't bother you doesn't aggravate you you're obviously upset about something. This is a sad thing to get fixated on and obsess over.

I think you are mistaking who is actually aggravated and causing disharmony in the entire issue.
It's the transgender people that are aggravated with their actual gender and cause all the disharmony by insisting everyone accommodate their problem.

The transgender people are asking for other people to leave them alone, when the other people aren't causing the problem to start with ... :thup:
You have the right to think you are a unicorn, but no one has to feed you hay, and they can get upset if you try to take a dump in their pasture.


I think you are mistaking who is actually aggravated and causing disharmony in the entire issue.
It's the transgender people that are aggravated with their actual gender and cause all the disharmony by insisting everyone accommodate their problem.

The transgender people are asking for other people to leave them alone, when the other people aren't causing the problem to start with ... :thup:
You have the right to think you are a unicorn, but no one has to feed you hay, and they can get upset if you try to take a dump in their pasture.

If we as a people Force transgender people to use the men's bathroom when they're in public we will be condemning them to death is that what you really want how sick are you people
If we as a people Force transgender people to use the men's bathroom when they're in public we will be condemning them to death is that what you really want how sick are you people

We aren't forcing anyone to do anything.
They are choosing what they want and forcing their choice on others.

You can make up word definitions all you want but, the fact remains born sex is gender. Anything else is just playing a fantasy game and could signal an adverse mental condition.

We aren't forcing anyone to do anything.
They are choosing what they want and forcing their choice on others.

1. No transvestite transgender person chooses to use a public restroom. 2. If they choose to use a public restroom they are undoubtedly going to use the woman's because if they use the men's there is a high very high possibility they will get beat up or even murdered. 3. Common sense dictates that we allow them to do so.
1. No transvestite transgender person chooses to use a public restroom. 2. If they choose to use a public restroom they are undoubtedly going to use the woman's because if they use the men's there is a high very high possibility they will get beat up or even murdered. 3. Common sense dictates that we allow them to do so.
The number two I use the wrong word, I'm not playing the city of game anymore. The proper wording should have been. 2. If they have to use a public restroom
1. No transvestite transgender person chooses to use a public restroom. 2. If they choose to use a public restroom they are undoubtedly going to use the woman's because if they use the men's there is a high very high possibility they will get beat up or even murdered. 3. Common sense dictates that we allow them to do so.
With me, it comes down to XX and XY chromosomes.
Transgenders are playing let's pretend and wants everyone to play along.
There is more to this than just going to the bathroom, Stann.
What about women's sports? That pretend girl won a swimming event by 38 seconds and set a new record,
does that sound fair to all the real women who aren't pretending?
The number two I use the wrong word, I'm not playing the city of game anymore. The proper wording should have been. 2. If they have to use a public restroom
Finally if any state decides to pass such a law they first need to provide public restrooms for transgender transsexual people.
With me, it comes down to XX and XY chromosomes.
Transgenders are playing let's pretend and wants everyone to play along.
There is more to this than just going to the bathroom, Stann.
What about women's sports? That pretend girl won a swimming event by 38 seconds and set a new record,
does that sound fair to all the real women who aren't pretending?
I don't care about any of the issues other than the bathroom issues that is a matter of life and death. Life isn't always Fair, especially marginalized minorities like transgender transvestite people.
1. No transvestite transgender person chooses to use a public restroom. 2. If they choose to use a public restroom they are undoubtedly going to use the woman's because if they use the men's there is a high very high possibility they will get beat up or even murdered. 3. Common sense dictates that we allow them to do so.

According to your post, transgender people choose what restroom they are going to use based on how they choose to present themselves in public.
Common sense dictates that a person is responsible for their own choices, and no one else is obligated to humor their difficulties.

We aren't asking you what you want ... :thup:


According to your post, transgender people choose what restroom they are going to use based on how they choose to present themselves in public.
Common sense dictates that a person is responsible for their own choices, and no one else is obligated to humor their difficulties.

We aren't asking you what you want ... :thup:

That's not what I want, it's what they need. And it's a life and death issue for them. It's just an inconvenience to us and it's not even an inconvenience to me because I know they are some of the most gentle people in the world. That woman on here that complained about she was worried about being raped by them that's a joke a bad joke. Rape is an act of aggression. I've never known a transsexual transvestite that was very aggressive. I'm sure there's exceptions but it's not the rule. They're just like the rest of us good ones and bad ones but I think we're the ones who have more bad ones especially after listening to all these people on here trying to defend the murder all of them even trying to justify that is just plain sick.
That's not what I want, it's what they need. And it's a life and death issue for them. It's just an inconvenience to us and it's not even an inconvenience to me because I know they are some of the most gentle people in the world. That woman on here that complained about she was worried about being raped by them that's a joke a bad joke. Rape is an act of aggression. I've never known a transsexual transvestite that was very aggressive. I'm sure there's exceptions but it's not the rule. They're just like the rest of us good ones and bad ones but I think we're the ones who have more bad ones especially after listening to all these people on here trying to defend the murder all of them even trying to justify that is just plain sick.

Do not conflate desire with a necessity.
Do not pretend any inconvenience to me is superseded by an inconvenience to you.

I don't care who you know ... And I haven't mentioned a thing about rape.
If there is a gender specific bathroom or locker room, then I am not asking you which one you want to use ... :thup:

I don't care about any of the issues other than the bathroom issues that is a matter of life and death. Life isn't always Fair, especially marginalized minorities like transgender transvestite people.
So you don't care about women?
One thing you stated IS true....life isn't fair, and for those transgenders......wear men's clothing out in public (remember....life isn't fair) if they are afraid of bathrooms
They want to show off the Victoria Secrets and the skirts? Have a tea party.
I am not required to accommodate anyone's desires. If someone wants to live their life in their preferred gender, they're certainly free to do so. I have no problem with that, unless you're compelling me to change my own beliefs and behavior to accommodate your desires.

View attachment 582440

Beliefs are one thing. But things you do, your actions, based on those beliefs, as in the gif you just posted, is another.

What I see in the gif. This man is standing up for his beliefs. Quite possibly, he believes like most men do, that women are a necessity in this would. We go out of our way to ensure their safety and happiness. He's pointing the freak to the men's room to make sure that some decent woman doesn't have to endure all that goes on when a woman is present with a man in a confined ladies room.
He's being a real man, forcing the other real man (in a friggin dress) to keep away from women who have to at least somewhat disrobe in a confined room.
And it's not so much a safety thing, as it is a moral one. Mens rooms and ladies rooms are separated for a reason.
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Do not conflate desire with a necessity.
Do not pretend any inconvenience to me is superseded by an inconvenience to you.

I don't care who you know ... And I haven't mentioned a thing about rape.
If there is a gender specific bathroom or locker room, then I am not asking you which one you want to use ... :thup:

I'm not the one confusing desire with necessity, you people are, and the sad thing is you know it That is really mean.
1. No transvestite transgender person chooses to use a public restroom. 2. If they choose to use a public restroom they are undoubtedly going to use the woman's because if they use the men's there is a high very high possibility they will get beat up or even murdered. 3. Common sense dictates that we allow them to do so.
Easy solution, stop dressing like a woman in public if you are a man. After all some things are not acceptable in society such as going bare breasted or walking around with your dong hanging out.
I don't care about any of the issues other than the bathroom issues that is a matter of life and death. Life isn't always Fair, especially marginalized minorities like transgender transvestite people.
Your deflection away from other serious issues is very concerning. You seem to want to pick and choose in the pretend game rules?

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