Why is gender-nonconformity bad? Alternatively, why must one's gender align with their sex?

Easy solution, stop dressing like a woman in public if you are a man. After all some things are not acceptable in society such as going bare breasted or walking around with your dong hanging out.
Easy solution for you, stop being a bigot. National Center for Transgender Equality>blog>murdersoftransgenderin2020surpasstotalforlastyearalready. That was published August 7th 2020 in just 7 months the number of transgender people suspected of being murdered in 2020 has surpassed the total for all of 2019. 28 were murdered out of that small population. 50% of all transgenders report a sexual attack sometime during their life. You got to admire these people, it takes a lot of courage to put on a dress and even more to wear it in public. It is unfortunate that they have too much fashion sense for just one sex, that's why they have to be both.
I'm not the one confusing desire with necessity, you people are, and the sad thing is you know it That is really mean.

I am not asking you for anything so that would not be a desire.
The transgender people are the ones attempting to achieve something they are not owed.

You are calling me "mean", simply because I refuse to be bullied by you ... :thup:

Easy solution for you, stop being a bigot. National Center for Transgender Equality>blog>murdersoftransgenderin2020surpasstotalforlastyearalready. That was published August 7th 2020 in just 7 months the number of transgender people suspected of being murdered in 2020 has surpassed the total for all of 2019. 28 were murdered out of that small population. 50% of all transgenders report a sexual attack sometime during their life. You got to admire these people, it takes a lot of courage to put on a dress and even more to wear it in public. It is unfortunate that they have too much fashion sense for just one sex, that's why they have to be both.
Do you see a pattern here all this hatred all this criminal activity against not only transgenders but all minorities. Why is it happening now ? What caused all this hatred to Fester. If your guessed a terrible orange stain on our nation, you guessed right, far-right.

I am not asking you for anything so that would not be a desire.
The transgender people are the ones attempting to achieve something they are not owed.

You are calling me "mean", simply because I refuse to be bullied by you ... :thup:

I'm bullying you I beg to differ it's like four to one on here of you creeps trying to create an atmosphere of hatred not acceptance it's pitiful it's absolutely pitiful. Somebody has to stand up to your creeps.
Do you see a pattern here all this hatred all this criminal activity against not only transgenders but all minorities. Why is it happening now ? What caused all this hatred to Fester. If your guessed a terrible orange stain on our nation, you guessed right, far-right.
What you seem to be doing is telling us what and how we should think, Stann. We have to accept pretend or made-up games as reality?
Not in my lifetime, son.
I'm bullying you I beg to differ it's like four to one on here of you creeps trying to create an atmosphere of hatred not acceptance it's pitiful it's absolutely pitiful. Somebody has to stand up to your creeps.

I am not the problem, and I can understand the concerns of all parties involved.
I have not called you a creep, or transgender people freaks, rapist, or mentally ill.
I have simply stated that anyone's choice in using a gender specific bathroom or locker room is not a question.

The atmosphere you are trying to create, is the problem ... :thup:

What you seem to be doing is telling us what and how we should think, Stann. We have to accept pretend or made-up games as reality?
Not in my lifetime, son.
I am pleading for some sanity here you can't condemn people to death by your actions that is sick that is a Nazi Nation type thing it's not American at all it's not Christian at all it's not even human at all.
I am pleading for some sanity here you can't condemn people to death by your actions that is sick that is a Nazi Nation type thing it's not American at all it's not Christian at all it's not even human at all.
That is your bias. We have a different view than yours.
You discount an entire gender to push a psychological disorder on that gender.
No matter what you say, or how insulting you get, you are just wrong.
I am pleading for some sanity here you can't condemn people to death by your actions that is sick that is a Nazi Nation type thing it's not American at all it's not Christian at all it's not even human at all.

If you have a problem with what men do in the men's room ...
Then take your problems and pleas to the men's room and stay out of the ladies' room ... :thup:

That is your bias. We have a different view than yours.
You discount an entire gender to push a psychological disorder on that gender.
No matter what you say, or how insulting you get, you are just wrong.
I'm only concerned about the bathroom issue that is a life and death issue whether you realize it or not. There's got to be a better solution than having a murdered.

If you have a problem with what men do in the men's room ...
Then take your problems and pleas to the men's room and stay out of the ladies' room ... :thup:

Your point is moot, it solves nothing.
I'm only concerned about the bathroom issue that is a life and death issue whether you realize it or not. There's got to be a better solution than having a murdered.

There is a better solution, but it doesn't involve hiding behind a skirt ... :thup:

I'm only concerned about the bathroom issue that is a life and death issue whether you realize it or not. There's got to be a better solution than having a murdered.
You can't just pick and choose, it doesn't stop with the bathroom, which IS a big issue with an entire real gender.
There are a lot of layers that goes with it. So if your only interest is the bathroom, you have lost the battle.
Easy solution for you, stop being a bigot. National Center for Transgender Equality>blog>murdersoftransgenderin2020surpasstotalforlastyearalready. That was published August 7th 2020 in just 7 months the number of transgender people suspected of being murdered in 2020 has surpassed the total for all of 2019. 28 were murdered out of that small population. 50% of all transgenders report a sexual attack sometime during their life. You got to admire these people, it takes a lot of courage to put on a dress and even more to wear it in public. It is unfortunate that they have too much fashion sense for just one sex, that's why they have to be both.
Yeah like the National Center for Transgender Equality doesn't have an axe to grind. :confused: But actually if wearing women's clothes when you are a man causes you to be in that much danger, then why do it in the first place? It's like being white and purposely going into a black gang's surf. Some things put you in danger....Don't do it and don't expect those black gangs to suddenly 'accept' your whiteness. How does giving good advice make me a bigot, you insulting POS?
I'm not even going to ask cuz it's just another sick answer, another non answer.

I am not obligated to appeal to your sensibilities, and this is a debate platform.
I won't call you names and will attempt to approach the conversation from as many different directions as you may want to take.

You just need to provide something a little more substantial to debate.


To you it may be, because I am not being bullied by you.
If you don't want to debate or have anything to say, then I am not forcing you.

Whatever already. I'm tired of this stupid subject. I'll leave you with a good tip though. Wesley Snipes once said, " When a straight man puts on a dress and gets his sexual kicks, he is a transvestite. When a man is a woman trapped in a man's body and has a little operation, he is a transsexual. When a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag queen. " He never mentioned transgender, no one talked about keep men using the ladies restrooms it just happened. No one was ever hurt or offended by it. Occasionally surprised but it was usually a pleasant surprise, that people laughed about afterwards. It was a much simpler time, a more pleasant world, one where people actually talk to one another and tried to work together. We saw more in common with each other than we did see different from each other, that is what made us human. Now we are losing our humanity. I hope you all have a good life.

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