Why is gender-nonconformity bad? Alternatively, why must one's gender align with their sex?


I am not obligated to appeal to your sensibilities, and this is a debate platform.
I won't call you names and will attempt to approach the conversation from as many different directions as you may want to take.

You just need to provide something a little more substantial to debate.

I posted about all the murders of transgender people, I don't know how much more substantial I can be than that. To try to explain the significance of those figures, if I did the math right and the same thing happened to the regular population. It would mean that 110,800+ regular people would die just because they're regular people. To me that is a crisis caused by hatred.
Other than me I think you're talking to the wind. They don't want to be reasonable.

Whatever already. I'm tired of this stupid subject. I'll leave you with a good tip though. Wesley Snipes once said, " When a straight man puts on a dress and gets his sexual kicks, he is a transvestite. When a man is a woman trapped in a man's body and has a little operation, he is a transsexual. When a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag queen. " He never mentioned transgender, no one talked about keep men using the ladies restrooms it just happened. No one was ever hurt or offended by it. Occasionally surprised but it was usually a pleasant surprise, that people laughed about afterwards. It was a much simpler time, a more pleasant world, one where people actually talk to one another and tried to work together. We saw more in common with each other than we did see different from each other, that is what made us human. Now we are losing our humanity. I hope you all have a good life.
We saw more in common because the media wasn't trying to shove 'transgender' down our throats. We saw gays as different and no one was trying to tell us they were normal sexually. We accepted them as different. Just like we accept other folks with strange physical attributes as a different element in human society. It is healthy to accept human aberrations, it is unhealthy to try to make human society aberrant.
I posted about all the murders of transgender people, I don't know how much more substantial I can be than that. To try to explain the significance of those figures, if I did the math right and the same thing happened to the regular population. It would mean that 110,800+ regular people would die just because they're regular people. To me that is a crisis caused by hatred.
The significance is trying to call aberration normal. Crazies will never accept that and some will do horrible things. Human beings are capable of great evil and great good. Thinking you can change that will work to your detriment. Be wise, stay alive.
Whatever already. I'm tired of this stupid subject.

You have been saying that for several posts, now, drama queen. So just go, already, and take all your stupidity with you, k?

If any of us were talking to you the way you are talking to us, we would have been booted from this thread long ego.
Whatever already. I'm tired of this stupid subject. I'll leave you with a good tip though. Wesley Snipes once said, " When a straight man puts on a dress and gets his sexual kicks, he is a transvestite. When a man is a woman trapped in a man's body and has a little operation, he is a transsexual. When a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag queen. " He never mentioned transgender, no one talked about keep men using the ladies restrooms it just happened. No one was ever hurt or offended by it. Occasionally surprised but it was usually a pleasant surprise, that people laughed about afterwards. It was a much simpler time, a more pleasant world, one where people actually talk to one another and tried to work together. We saw more in common with each other than we did see different from each other, that is what made us human. Now we are losing our humanity. I hope you all have a good life.

If you want things to be simple, then stop trying to complicate them.
Gender specific Bathrooms and Locker Rooms are exactly that.

No one is hurt or offended by people respecting others.
People are not owed respect they haven't earned.

It's a good thing to be polite and pleasant to others.
Being polite and pleasant doesn't include marching in and telling everyone the way things should be.

We haven't lost our humanity.
Life is good, pleasant, fulfilling and gloriously surprising in almost every way.

I posted about all the murders of transgender people, I don't know how much more substantial I can be than that. To try to explain the significance of those figures, if I did the math right and the same thing happened to the regular population. It would mean that 110,800+ regular people would die just because they're regular people. To me that is a crisis caused by hatred.

If the problem you are having is in the men's room, then the proper solution is not in the ladies' room hiding from the problem.
Others will be bullied by the weak that would rather appeal to the sympathetic than embrace their beliefs with vigor, perseverance and courage.

It's not a matter of gender identity ... It's a matter of character.

We saw more in common because the media wasn't trying to shove 'transgender' down our throats. We saw gays as different and no one was trying to tell us they were normal sexually. We accepted them as different. Just like we accept other folks with strange physical attributes as a different element in human society. It is healthy to accept human aberrations, it is unhealthy to try to make human society aberrant.
The media saw there was a problem with hatred rising against transgenders so they put the information out there so people would feel more comfortable with transgender people there's no intent to shove anything on anyone other than information information is the best weapon against misinformation and outright lies. No one can make civilization aberrant, but people can destroy Civilization by being closed-minded, believing in lies, and being indifferent to their fellow human beings. That allows hatred and ignorance to grow, the real enemy of mankind in this world.
You could not be more hyperbolic and melodramatic if you were Nell Fenwick tied to a train track by Snidely Whiplash.
Since none of you take the issue seriously or have any rational solutions for the perceived problem and you keep condemning these people to death I'd say you are the ones that are being insanely melodramatic.
If we as a people Force transgender people to use the men's bathroom when they're in public we will be condemning them to death is that what you really want how sick are you people

You want to force women, little girls even, to share bathrooms and locker rooms with men and condemn them to sexual assault and you want to play the outraged moral avenger here? Sorry, Chuckles, but I utterly and categorically reject your ability to issue condemnations on this subject. I have no problem with the idea of a third, one-person bathroom in public places if they want to push for that, but I refuse to accept a decrease in my personal danger based on biology I couldn't change even if I wanted to - and I don't - simply so they can feel "fulfilled" and "living their best life". And I most certainly am going to laugh derisively at the likes of you trying to claim some moral superiority for your "their feelings matter and yours should be silenced and changed to suit me" position.
1. No transvestite transgender person chooses to use a public restroom. 2. If they choose to use a public restroom they are undoubtedly going to use the woman's because if they use the men's there is a high very high possibility they will get beat up or even murdered. 3. Common sense dictates that we allow them to do so.

Hey, Chuckles, just because you get to feel good about yourself for holding an opinion that doesn't actually affect you in any way doesn't make it "common sense". So how about you stop handing down all these assertions of "This is right, and that isn't, because I say so"? Do you have anything to say about the points that have been made, other than, "Disagreeing with me is silly"?
Finally if any state decides to pass such a law they first need to provide public restrooms for transgender transsexual people.

Well, no, they don't "need" to do anything of the sort. You may want them to, but they don't require your permission to pass any law about this they want.
You want to force women, little girls even, to share bathrooms and locker rooms with men and condemn them to sexual assault and you want to play the outraged moral avenger here? Sorry, Chuckles, but I utterly and categorically reject your ability to issue condemnations on this subject. I have no problem with the idea of a third, one-person bathroom in public places if they want to push for that, but I refuse to accept a decrease in my personal danger based on biology I couldn't change even if I wanted to - and I don't - simply so they can feel "fulfilled" and "living their best life". And I most certainly am going to laugh derisively at the likes of you trying to claim some moral superiority for your "their feelings matter and yours should be silenced and changed to suit me" position.
For decades at least maybe even centuries transgendered people have been using the women's bathrooms and no one noticed no one cared nothing happened they were saved the women were safe so what the f*** happened to change things why are we so against this now something that's occurred throughout the ages. Something isn't wrong with them something is wrong with us if that's all we have to complain about. They aren't asking for any special rights they aren't asking, they are demanding the same rights as everyone else as they've been doing for a long long time. The only difference now is the practice is out in the open for people to pass judgment on others. When no judgments is justified.
Hey, Chuckles, just because you get to feel good about yourself for holding an opinion that doesn't actually affect you in any way doesn't make it "common sense". So how about you stop handing down all these assertions of "This is right, and that isn't, because I say so"? Do you have anything to say about the points that have been made, other than, "Disagreeing with me is silly"?
Disagreeing with all of you is silly you shouldn't even think I'd be able to think like this it's not humane.
You want to force women, little girls even, to share bathrooms and locker rooms with men and condemn them to sexual assault and you want to play the outraged moral avenger here? Sorry, Chuckles, but I utterly and categorically reject your ability to issue condemnations on this subject. I have no problem with the idea of a third, one-person bathroom in public places if they want to push for that, but I refuse to accept a decrease in my personal danger based on biology I couldn't change even if I wanted to - and I don't - simply so they can feel "fulfilled" and "living their best life". And I most certainly am going to laugh derisively at the likes of you trying to claim some moral superiority for your "their feelings matter and yours should be silenced and changed to suit me" position.
You can have an opinion, better but if it becomes some stupid law in the state you have to create that law you will be partially responsible for the murders that ensue. I don't know about you but I don't want that on my conscience if you well I'm assuming you have a conscience. My bad.
Hey, Chuckles, just because you get to feel good about yourself for holding an opinion that doesn't actually affect you in any way doesn't make it "common sense". So how about you stop handing down all these assertions of "This is right, and that isn't, because I say so"? Do you have anything to say about the points that have been made, other than, "Disagreeing with me is silly"?

What Common Sense actually dictates is that Men shouldn't be allowed in the bathroom with Women and Girls. Men who feel uncomfortable around other Men should find alternatives that don't endanger real Females.
I don't care about any of the issues other than the bathroom issues that is a matter of life and death. Life isn't always Fair, especially marginalized minorities like transgender transvestite people.

Another airy dismissal. "I don't care about that, therefore it doesn't matter. Life isn't fair, so everyone else needs to suck it up and be quiet when I deliberately make it less fair for my own agenda."

However, I doubt you would accept, "I don't care about that, life isn't fair so just live with it" as a response to YOUR demands.
What Common Sense actually dictates is that Men shouldn't be allowed in the bathroom with Women and Girls. Men who feel uncomfortable around other Men should find alternatives that don't endanger real Females.
The whole problem arises because of the men's intolerance in the men's room. You can't change your people are. That creates a big dilemma. The solution like all things has to be in compromise. Simply saying that all people that are born male must use the restroom for meals doesn't apply in this situation.
The whole problem arises because of the men's intolerance in the men's room. You can't change your people are. That creates a big dilemma. The solution like all things has to be in compromise. Simply saying that all people that are born male must use the restroom for meals doesn't apply in this situation.
This machine is funny it prints out words I never even said. You got the gist of everything I've said hopefully and you understand it's a valid position just like yours but when you have two ballot positions there has to be compromise somewhere. Otherwise tyranny rules, and tyranny of the majority is still tyranny no matter how you look at it, it hurts all of us.

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