Why is it that republicans lack such basic understanding of the government? .

France, Germany, Canada, Belgium.........all rejected the old data, most of which was shaky at best.

After investigation following the invasion, the U.S.‑led Iraq Survey Group concluded that Iraq had ended its nuclear, chemical and biological programs in 1991 and had no active programs at the time of the invasion, but that they intended to resume production if the Iraq sanctions were lifted.[58] Only degraded remnants of misplaced and abandoned chemical weapons were found.[59] Paul R. Pillar, the CIA official who coordinated U.S. intelligence on the Middle East from 2000 to 2005, said "If prewar intelligence assessments had said the same things as the Duelfer report, the administration would have had to change a few lines in its rhetoric and maybe would have lost a few member's votes in Congress, but otherwise the sales campaign—which was much more about Saddam's intentions and what he "could" do than about extant weapons systems—would have been unchanged. The administration still would have gotten its war." Even Dick Cheney later cited the actual Duelfer report as support for the administration's pro-war case.[60]

However, George J. Tenet, the former director of central intelligence, stated Vice President Cheney and other George W. Bush administration officials pushed the country to war in Iraq without ever conducting a "serious debate" about whether Saddam Hussein posed an imminent threat to the United States.[61]

On 16 March 2003, the U.S. government advised the U.N. inspectors to leave their unfinished work and exit from Iraq.[69]

Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saddam?s WMDs: The Left?s Iraq Lies Exposed | FrontPage Magazine

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ironically struck a blow to the American Left’s endlessly repeated narrative that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq prior to the war. The State Department and other U.S. government officials have revealed that ISIS now occupies the Al Muthanna Chemicals Weapons Complex.

From the UN report:

Although the damaged Bunker 13 at Muthanna contained thousands of sarin-filled rockets, the presence of leaking munitions and unstable propellant and explosive charges made it too hazardous for UNSCOM inspectors to enter. Because the rockets could not be recovered safely, Iraq declared the munitions in Bunker 13 as ‘destroyed in the Gulf War’ and they were not included in the inventory of chemical weapons eliminated under UNSCOM supervision.

Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms - Washington Times

Russian special forces troops moved many of Saddam Hussein’s weapons and related goods out of Iraq and into Syria in the weeks before the March 2003 U.S. military operation, The Washington Times has learned.

John A. Shaw, the deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security, said in an interview that he believes the Russian troops, working with Iraqi intelligence, “almost certainly” removed the high-explosive material that went missing from the Al-Qaqaa facility, south of Baghdad.

“The Russians brought in, just before the war got started, a whole series of military units,” Mr. Shaw said. “Their main job was to shred all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis. The others were transportation units

Transporting what, to where?

The Russian involvement in helping disperse Saddam’s weapons, including some 380 tons of RDX and HMX, is still being investigated, Mr. Shaw said.

The RDX and HMX, which are used to manufacture high-explosive and nuclear weapons, are probably of Russian origin, he said.

HMX is commonly used in nuclear detonators.


Weapons dump in Iraq. Notice the mile long line of trucks heading out.

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, now director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, told reporters that U.S. surveillance satellites captured images of vehicle traffic dispersing WMD materiel to urban locations in Iraq and moving large quantities into Syria as well.

"Those below the senior leadership saw what was coming, and I think they went to extraordinary lengths to [dispose, destroy and disperse] the evidence," said Gen. Clapper.

"By the time that we got to a lot of these facilities...there wasn't that much there to look at. There was clearly an effort to disperse, bury and conceal certain equipment prior to inspections."

Gen. Clapper added that there is "no question" that people and WMD materiel were moved by truck convoys into Syria.

Articles: Don't Be So Sure There Were No WMD in Iraq

Saddam's $2m offer to WMD inspector - Telegraph

The UN weapons inspectors were bribed. Saddam offered over $2 Million to the inspectors.

Most of those alleged to have been involved in the scandal, including the former head of the programme, Benon Sevan, have denied that they did anything wrong.

A United States Senate report said that Mr Sevan had committed criminal acts by soliciting oil contracts, while the Volcker commission said that he had failed to explain $160,000 (£83,000) paid into personal bank accounts while he was the head of the programme.

Can you answer me this: If Saddam really didn't have WMDs, then why would he offer $2 Million to inspectors to report he didn't have, what he actually didn't have?

Or maybe he did have them, and was covering? Which would explain why the Russians had to send in their coommandos? Which would explain why those mile long caravan of trucks were driving to Syria just 3 days before the invasion?

Before 2010, many people believed Syria didn't have, and could not afford to get chemical weapons. Suddenly, magically, they have a large arsenal of rocket delivered chemical gas weapons, and used them on rebels.

Funny how that works. Apparently the magic pixies in the back of the Al Azm Palace, farted out some chemical weapons for Bashar al-Assad.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now.

Now there is no straw left for your next straw man....greedy wasteful bastard.

Is that the best response to my thread that you can come up with?

That is the best response that your thread deserves. A twelve year old could have done better, and on average, would be more knowledgable about government.

The first thing you need to learn about government, is that we have multiple governments. Government is not some amorphous entity without limits. We have local government, county government, state government and federal government. They all have different limits and different responsibilities. Once you get part down, we can move on to more comples issues.
In a marxist, socialist, or communist society the leaders have all of the money. Do you think Castro, Putin, Mao, Kim, and Chavez were/are paupers?

you leftist fools are playing right into the hands of those who would make you slaves of the state---------and you are too dumb to realize it.

You do realize of course that any liberal democrat who wanted higher taxes on the wealthy would also be agreeing to a hike in their own tax rate?

only if all liberal democrats were wealthy----are they? most dem voters do not pay any taxes and would not be affected by a tax rate increase.

nice try though :D

really?.....you had better come out here and tell the Democrats out here who are taxed and fee'd to death just like the Republican next door is....im sure they can use a good laugh.....
Why is it that no Rightwinger thus far has addressed the specific points in my thread?

Because the only point of the thread is for you to call anyone who does not agree with you stupid it does not matter what response you are given by any conservative you will dismiss it tell them they are wrong and stupid. You have a one track view of the world it being you are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong the majority know this and thus don't waste their time trying to convince you of something you will never accept.

On the contrary, I can always admit when I think I'm wrong.

well you can start by admitting you aint no MODERATE Liberal....you are too Far Left to be that....just sayin.....
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?
The purpose of government is to protect the rights of the people; the powers and actions of govenment need be no greater than those necessary to do so.

Gee - that was easy.

Here's his other lovely thread on Republicans from the other day


about every other day it's some Bs about Republicans from them

like I said, rdeans low IQ long lost cousin..:cuckoo:

Thank you for promoting my threads. I appreciate it.

Absolutely. I am in favor of any thread that demonstrates conclusively how ignorant leftists are.
Usually, these posts come from the leftists themselves.
Because the only point of the thread is for you to call anyone who does not agree with you stupid it does not matter what response you are given by any conservative you will dismiss it tell them they are wrong and stupid. You have a one track view of the world it being you are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong the majority know this and thus don't waste their time trying to convince you of something you will never accept.

On the contrary, I can always admit when I think I'm wrong.

well you can start by admitting you aint no MODERATE Liberal....you are too Far Left to be that....just sayin.....

The Far left favors socialism over capitalism. I do not. I favor capitalism with moderate regulation.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now.

Limited government = lower taxes, more individual liberty and greater economic prosperity. Block grants to the states. Provide nation defense, give rest of money to states for almost everything else. Slash federal government by over 50% in 12 months. Tell Democrat hired bureaucrats to go home and cable news will have nothing to report on from Washington desk. Slash, I repeat,slash the threat to liberty known as the federal government.

And getting money out of politics? Or should we continue allowing politicians to be bribed with unlimited cash.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?
The purpose of government is to protect the rights of the people; the powers and actions of govenment need be no greater than those necessary to do so.

Gee - that was easy.


Too easy. Be more specific. Who regulates pollution of water and air, for example, government? Or are we self regulated.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now.

Limited government = lower taxes, more individual liberty and greater economic prosperity. Block grants to the states. Provide nation defense, give rest of money to states for almost everything else. Slash federal government by over 50% in 12 months. Tell Democrat hired bureaucrats to go home and cable news will have nothing to report on from Washington desk. Slash, I repeat,slash the threat to liberty known as the federal government.

And getting money out of politics? Or should we continue allowing politicians to be bribed with unlimited cash.

Don't know you will have to agree to get the unions out of politics first.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?
The purpose of government is to protect the rights of the people; the powers and actions of govenment need be no greater than those necessary to do so.

Gee - that was easy.


Too easy. Be more specific. Who regulates pollution of water and air, for example, government? Or are we self regulated.

That depends on if you wish for a far left government where the government controls every aspect of your life or one where the government plays a limited role in your life.
The purpose of government is to protect the rights of the people; the powers and actions of govenment need be no greater than those necessary to do so.

Gee - that was easy.


Too easy. Be more specific. Who regulates pollution of water and air, for example, government? Or are we self regulated.

That depends on if you wish for a far left government where the government controls every aspect of your life or one where the government plays a limited role in your life.

You can't even tell the difference between far left and moderate left.
Then again anyone bringing up Iraq and Bush and not now Denouncing Obama for his truly illegal acts in Iraq, shows that a letter is more important that the real true actions.

It's illegal to make sure the lives Bush wasted weren't in vain? That just shows that you're not in it for the truth, but merely to obstruct everything just because you're wingnut bosses are telling you to.
That depends on if you wish for a far left government where the government controls every aspect of your life or one where the government plays a limited role in your life.

You can't even tell the difference between far left and moderate left.

There's no difference because Rushbo told him so. You don't believe he actually thinks for himself, do you? :lol:
Why is it that no Rightwinger thus far has addressed the specific points in my thread?

Because the only point of the thread is for you to call anyone who does not agree with you stupid it does not matter what response you are given by any conservative you will dismiss it tell them they are wrong and stupid. You have a one track view of the world it being you are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong the majority know this and thus don't waste their time trying to convince you of something you will never accept.

On the contrary, I can always admit when I think I'm wrong.

I look forward to the day you actually do that.

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