Why is it that republicans lack such basic understanding of the government? .

Because the only point of the thread is for you to call anyone who does not agree with you stupid it does not matter what response you are given by any conservative you will dismiss it tell them they are wrong and stupid. You have a one track view of the world it being you are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong the majority know this and thus don't waste their time trying to convince you of something you will never accept.

On the contrary, I can always admit when I think I'm wrong.

I look forward to the day you actually do that.

You just need to pay attention.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?
The purpose of government is to protect the rights of the people; the powers and actions of govenment need be no greater than those necessary to do so.

Gee - that was easy.


Too easy. Be more specific.

You have the right to life, liberty, property and self-determination.
Others may try to infringe on these rights.

The purpose of government is to protect your rights from those that would do so; as such, government the powers and actions of govenment need be no greater than those necessary to do so.

Do you have the right to drink "safe" water? If you can demonstrate that you do, then the powers and actions of govenment need be no greater than those necessary to protect that right.
Wow.... I have zero interest in defending conservatives, and certainly don't support the Republican party. But this OP is one of the dumbest things I've seen on this board to date.
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On the contrary, I can always admit when I think I'm wrong.

well you can start by admitting you aint no MODERATE Liberal....you are too Far Left to be that....just sayin.....

The Far left favors socialism over capitalism. I do not. I favor capitalism with moderate regulation.

bullshit....there are plenty of capitalistic far lefties.....you NEVER have anything to say about the Democrats....its always Republicans this Republicans that....you sound like your good buddy Dean.....and Dean is the poster boy for the far left.....if you are going to say you are a moderate....start acting like one....
Limited government = lower taxes, more individual liberty and greater economic prosperity. Block grants to the states. Provide nation defense, give rest of money to states for almost everything else. Slash federal government by over 50% in 12 months. Tell Democrat hired bureaucrats to go home and cable news will have nothing to report on from Washington desk. Slash, I repeat,slash the threat to liberty known as the federal government.

And getting money out of politics? Or should we continue allowing politicians to be bribed with unlimited cash.

Don't know you will have to agree to get the unions out of politics first.
all special interest money should be out of politics....
Too easy. Be more specific. Who regulates pollution of water and air, for example, government? Or are we self regulated.

That depends on if you wish for a far left government where the government controls every aspect of your life or one where the government plays a limited role in your life.

You can't even tell the difference between far left and moderate left.

No that would be you! Many on the far left see themselves as the moderates.

Yet you can not condemn Obama for his illegal acts in Iraq.
Too easy. Be more specific. Who regulates pollution of water and air, for example, government? Or are we self regulated.

That depends on if you wish for a far left government where the government controls every aspect of your life or one where the government plays a limited role in your life.

You can't even tell the difference between far left and moderate left.
apparently neither can you.....
Then again anyone bringing up Iraq and Bush and not now Denouncing Obama for his truly illegal acts in Iraq, shows that a letter is more important that the real true actions.

It's illegal to make sure the lives Bush wasted weren't in vain? That just shows that you're not in it for the truth, but merely to obstruct everything just because you're wingnut bosses are telling you to.

So the far left can not condemn Obama for his illegal acts in Iraq.

Are you going to condemn Obama or not?
Then again anyone bringing up Iraq and Bush and not now Denouncing Obama for his truly illegal acts in Iraq, shows that a letter is more important that the real true actions.

It's illegal to make sure the lives Bush wasted weren't in vain? That just shows that you're not in it for the truth, but merely to obstruct everything just because you're wingnut bosses are telling you to.

So the far left can not condemn Obama for his illegal acts in Iraq.

Are you going to condemn Obama or not?

You still haven't answered my question. What is the difference between the far left and moderate left?
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now. It certainly did under Bush.

The thread title should be:

Billy0.00001's Repackaged Bullshit - Reprise #123.

BTW: Billy.....many on the left don't pay any federal income tax. What taxes they do pay, they justify with the goodies they collect.

And jobs are important: Somebody has to work to support those one welfare. Your food stamps won't buy you anything if people don't grow, harvest, and ship it.
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Then again anyone bringing up Iraq and Bush and not now Denouncing Obama for his truly illegal acts in Iraq, shows that a letter is more important that the real true actions.

It's illegal to make sure the lives Bush wasted weren't in vain? That just shows that you're not in it for the truth, but merely to obstruct everything just because you're wingnut bosses are telling you to.

So the far left can not condemn Obama for his illegal acts in Iraq.
What illegal acts?
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now. It certainly did under Bush.

The thread title should be:

Billy0.00001's Repackaged Bullshit - Reprise #123.

BTW: Billy.....many on the left don't pay any federal income tax. What taxes they do pay, they justify with the goodies they collect.

And jobs are important: Somebody has to work to support those one welfare. Your food stamps won't buy you anything if people don't grow, harvest, and ship it.

Ah yes more ignorance on display. You clearly have no idea who is on food stamps and what they actually get. Typical.
Americans are stupid, and the GOP counts on it. The Teabaggers don't even count on it, they aren't that smart.

Incorrect, Americans are open to new ideas, many fail. Thus, the "minminemine" attitude of some today will pass; obviously, complaining about taxes while supporting a 2 trillion dollar war to remove weapons that didn't exist wasn't smart. But, America had seen an attack less than two years before that shook us, never before seen in our history.

Most nations would have reacted thusly to the false information fed us by the government, which is one reason many are highly critical of Obama; we were lied into war just 11 years ago. It will take time to have faith in ANY leader after Bush II.

Our history is complex, our government slow, and often inefficient; those are the costs of liberty.

OMG, what a bunch of horseshit. Yes, Iraq was a stupid unnecessary war. Yes, the intel was bad. Yes, everyone believed the bad intel.

no, Bush did not make it up, both parties authorized and funded that fiasco and continue to do it today.

Get over the partisan lies and face the truth----------they are all liable, they are all incompetent, they are all wasting our hard earned money, they are all putting us at risk of being blown up by radical terrorists, they are all guilty of leaving our borders open.

Until you fools get off the partisan bullshit wagon, nothing will change.

"Yes, Iraq was a stupid unnecessary war. Yes, the intel was bad. Yes, everyone believed the bad intel.

no, Bush did not make it up, both parties authorized"

60% of Dems in Congress voted NO to Bush's war of choice!!!

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Senate Report on Iraqi WMD Intelligence (formally, the "Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq") was the report by the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence concerning the U.S. intelligence community's assessments of Iraq during the time leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The report, which was released on July 9, 2004, identified numerous failures in the intelligence-gathering and -analysis process. The report found that these failures led to the creation of inaccurate materials that misled both government policy makers and the American public.

The Committee's Republican majority and Democratic minority agreed on the report's major conclusions and unanimously endorsed its findings.

Senate Report: Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False

More than five years after the initial invasion of Iraq, the Senate Intelligence Committee has finally gone on the record: the Bush administration misused, and in some cases disregarded, intelligence which led the nation into war.

Senate Report: Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now. It certainly did under Bush.

The thread title should be:

Billy0.00001's Repackaged Bullshit - Reprise #123.

BTW: Billy.....many on the left don't pay any federal income tax. What taxes they do pay, they justify with the goodies they collect.

And jobs are important: Somebody has to work to support those one welfare. Your food stamps won't buy you anything if people don't grow, harvest, and ship it.

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls - Bloomberg

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala | New Republic
Then again anyone bringing up Iraq and Bush and not now Denouncing Obama for his truly illegal acts in Iraq, shows that a letter is more important that the real true actions.

It's illegal to make sure the lives Bush wasted weren't in vain? That just shows that you're not in it for the truth, but merely to obstruct everything just because you're wingnut bosses are telling you to.

So the far left can not condemn Obama for his illegal acts in Iraq.

Are you going to condemn Obama or not?

Article II of the Constitution spells out that “the President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states.”

The other statute in play is the Authorization for Use of Military Force against Iraq Resolution of 2002, also known as the AUMF of 2002. (The first AUMF was passed right after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.)

The AUMF of 2002 gave congressional approval to military action in Iraq. It specifically says, “the President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq.”

The constitutional debate over Obama?s move against ISIS
I think Republicans understand government, it's just that they seem to be really bad at math.

For instance, they would've kept troops in Iraq indefinitely and it would have been paid for by freedom money that can only be magically provided by tax cuts aimed at high income earners.

Of course, in the real world where the rest of us live, a disastrous policy of increased spending coupled with tax cuts leads to fiscal disaster.

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