Why is it that republicans lack such basic understanding of the government? .

It's illegal to make sure the lives Bush wasted weren't in vain? That just shows that you're not in it for the truth, but merely to obstruct everything just because you're wingnut bosses are telling you to.

So the far left can not condemn Obama for his illegal acts in Iraq.

Are you going to condemn Obama or not?

You still haven't answered my question. What is the difference between the far left and moderate left?
Nothing, they are both commie pukes.
I think Republicans understand government, it's just that they seem to be really bad at math.

For instance, they would've kept troops in Iraq indefinitely and it would have been paid for by freedom money that can only be magically provided by tax cuts aimed at high income earners.

Of course, in the real world where the rest of us live, a disastrous policy of increased spending coupled with tax cuts leads to fiscal disaster.
In the real world we know that obamashitforbrains policies are much worse and more disastrous.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now. It certainly did under Bush.

The thread title should be:

Billy0.00001's Repackaged Bullshit - Reprise #123.

BTW: Billy.....many on the left don't pay any federal income tax. What taxes they do pay, they justify with the goodies they collect.

And jobs are important: Somebody has to work to support those one welfare. Your food stamps won't buy you anything if people don't grow, harvest, and ship it.

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls - Bloomberg

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala | New Republic

A. How does this apply to the post I put up ? Answer: It doesn't.

B. The implications here (after all, you don't have the balls to do anything except post unrelated crap in the hopes it sticks....a.k.a. Alinks) is that somehow Red States don't understand what they are doing or that they want their cake and eat it too. Either way, they vote their principles...but that somehow works against them.

C. The claim is that the schools are not as good. The schools are what people want them to be, otherwise they'd spend more on them.

D. In summary, it's bullshit. You've posted it before and I am sure you'll post it again. You suck up a lot of bandwidth doing this. Why don't you start a reference thread and put all this crap in there. Then you can reference it with a link and we (who don't want to have to scroll down your list of worthlessness) can just go to the link if we are interested.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now. It certainly did under Bush.

The thread title should be:

Billy0.00001's Repackaged Bullshit - Reprise #123.

BTW: Billy.....many on the left don't pay any federal income tax. What taxes they do pay, they justify with the goodies they collect.

And jobs are important: Somebody has to work to support those one welfare. Your food stamps won't buy you anything if people don't grow, harvest, and ship it.

Ah yes more ignorance on display. You clearly have no idea who is on food stamps and what they actually get. Typical.

You have not done anything to show how anyone clearly understands or does not understand anything. You simply make these claims and only add to your reputation as one of the top board asswipes.

You have no idea what I understand or don't. You can't even explain what it is that you understand.
I think Republicans understand government, it's just that they seem to be really bad at math.

For instance, they would've kept troops in Iraq indefinitely and it would have been paid for by freedom money that can only be magically provided by tax cuts aimed at high income earners.

Of course, in the real world where the rest of us live, a disastrous policy of increased spending coupled with tax cuts leads to fiscal disaster.

The tax cuts that I got? So $20,000 a year is "high income earners"?

You talk about others being bad at math, and then don't even look at the facts.

Deficit in 2007? $161 Billion. Taxes were cut before 2007.

Today? Taxes are higher, and what was the deficit between 2010 and 2013? Over a trillion dollars a year.

You talk about how horrible tax cuts and deficits are, and yet things were better back then, than they are now, and by a massive margin.
the big difference between libs and cons is the lib gives the poor man a fish (from the rich man's table; without asking-
not theirs). The con teaches the poor man how to fish for himself (for life). Now who is really helping the poor man?

Libs are always good with OTHER people's money. How is that debt coming Obama?

Both wings have gone off the deep end regarding the role of government, while pointing the finger at the other.

Unfortunately both wings are loudest and have the most influence, and the rest of us can just watch.

So the OP actually "understands" the "real" role of government.


Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now. It certainly did under Bush.
The concept of limited government has been articulated on these forums by conservatives, GOP'ers (not always the same thing), and even a few liberals (who actually get it) for as long as I have been coming to this forum (2009).

How is it that you refuse to look at those arguments to get an understanding of what the founding fathers (who supported the concept of limited government) and many on the right believe?

Is it perhaps that you don't really wish to know what those who oppose you philosophy think so that you can continue to argue in ignorance?

Or is it perhaps the fact that you come here just to hurl insults in an attempt to make yourself feel better?

I have an idea. Why don't you articulate what YOU think the role of government is, and let us then compare that to the Constitution.
The far left continues to show they do not understand how government works.

Especially when Obama starts illegal actions in other countries like his new war in Iraq.

here's the typical ignorant republican ... the law says that we the president has the right to protect american people who are in countries representing our government...this clowns doesn't get that...

as fior illegal acts... Obama went to the congress and asked for approval to go into Seria ... the republiocasn voted no ... now its the republicans like Linsey Graham and john McCoward jumps in to the press, then sits there and complains that we liberals are doing anything to stop Isis... when morons like you pull their head out of their ass maybe they can understand what merican gubmint is all about...

Both wings have gone off the deep end regarding the role of government, while pointing the finger at the other.

Unfortunately both wings are loudest and have the most influence, and the rest of us can just watch.

So the OP actually "understands" the "real" role of government.



and you show your stupidity once more again
Obama as the president has the right to send in help for Merican's ... then when Obama tried to stop the Seri rebels that we now call Isis Obama went to congress to get authorzation to attack them on the ground, the republicans voted NO !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you are trying to tell us they are both the same ??? I don't thinks so .... like I said, you're clueless...
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the big difference between libs and cons is the lib gives the poor man a fish (from the rich man's table; without asking-
not theirs). The con teaches the poor man how to fish for himself (for life). Now who is really helping the poor man?

Libs are always good with OTHER people's money. How is that debt coming Obama?
and these CONS keep saying stupid shit
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now. It certainly did under Bush.
The concept of limited government has been articulated on these forums by conservatives, GOP'ers (not always the same thing), and even a few liberals (who actually get it) for as long as I have been coming to this forum (2009).

How is it that you refuse to look at those arguments to get an understanding of what the founding fathers (who supported the concept of limited government) and many on the right believe?

Is it perhaps that you don't really wish to know what those who oppose you philosophy think so that you can continue to argue in ignorance?

Or is it perhaps the fact that you come here just to hurl insults in an attempt to make yourself feel better?

I have an idea. Why don't you articulate what YOU think the role of government is, and let us then compare that to the Constitution.

your Idea and what the constitution says, where you tend to just quote only certain parts then go off the deep end ... when we talk about the ACA, in the preamble of the constitution it says, "promote the general Welfare" republicans say oh that doesn't mean health care for all ...

even though we passed a law that promotes the general welfare in health care where you republicans go off the deep end over it ... they scream and shout how horrible this idea is ... the republicans refused to try and add to or debate whats is good in it or whats bad in it .... all we hear from the right is its terrible repeal it

ask them whats so bad about it ... their responce is its horrible ... we now need to sue Obama now becasue he has delayed parts of it... just to make sure it works better and thats why republicans are trying to push it by sueing him ... they feel it will cause it to fail ... thats the only reason for the suit ...
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OMG, what a bunch of horseshit. Yes, Iraq was a stupid unnecessary war. Yes, the intel was bad. Yes, everyone believed the bad intel.

no, Bush did not make it up, both parties authorized and funded that fiasco and continue to do it today.

Get over the partisan lies and face the truth----------they are all liable, they are all incompetent, they are all wasting our hard earned money, they are all putting us at risk of being blown up by radical terrorists, they are all guilty of leaving our borders open.

Until you fools get off the partisan bullshit wagon, nothing will change.

guy, you can excuse Bush all day, but IRaq was all him. Not Congress and not the Intel.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now. It certainly did under Bush.
The concept of limited government has been articulated on these forums by conservatives, GOP'ers (not always the same thing), and even a few liberals (who actually get it) for as long as I have been coming to this forum (2009).

How is it that you refuse to look at those arguments to get an understanding of what the founding fathers (who supported the concept of limited government) and many on the right believe?

Is it perhaps that you don't really wish to know what those who oppose you philosophy think so that you can continue to argue in ignorance?

Or is it perhaps the fact that you come here just to hurl insults in an attempt to make yourself feel better?

I have an idea. Why don't you articulate what YOU think the role of government is, and let us then compare that to the Constitution.

I'm happy to have a conversation with anyone who addresses the specific information I provided in this thread.

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