Why is it that republicans lack such basic understanding of the government? .

What exactly is the lie? Be specific.

the title of your thread. The basics of our government is the constitution and the statutes passed by congress and signed into law by a president. Republicans and conservatives understand those basic concepts very well. Its you on the left who do not get it.

marxist collectivism is NOT the basics of the US government, even though you and obama think it is.

Um no neither me or Obama are Marxist. Tell me if Obama is a Marxist, why is he worth 9 million? Surely he wouldn't have accepted such a fortune

In a marxist, socialist, or communist society the leaders have all of the money. Do you think Castro, Putin, Mao, Kim, and Chavez were/are paupers?

you leftist fools are playing right into the hands of those who would make you slaves of the state---------and you are too dumb to realize it.
Why is it that no Rightwinger thus far has addressed the specific points in my thread?
Conservatives are not Nazis, moderates and liberals are not Marxist(.)

some are, but not the majority. but there are more liberal marxists than there are conservative nazis. How else could someone like obama become president?
France, Germany, Canada, Belgium.........all rejected the old data, most of which was shaky at best.

After investigation following the invasion, the U.S.‑led Iraq Survey Group concluded that Iraq had ended its nuclear, chemical and biological programs in 1991 and had no active programs at the time of the invasion, but that they intended to resume production if the Iraq sanctions were lifted.[58] Only degraded remnants of misplaced and abandoned chemical weapons were found.[59] Paul R. Pillar, the CIA official who coordinated U.S. intelligence on the Middle East from 2000 to 2005, said "If prewar intelligence assessments had said the same things as the Duelfer report, the administration would have had to change a few lines in its rhetoric and maybe would have lost a few member's votes in Congress, but otherwise the sales campaign—which was much more about Saddam's intentions and what he "could" do than about extant weapons systems—would have been unchanged. The administration still would have gotten its war." Even Dick Cheney later cited the actual Duelfer report as support for the administration's pro-war case.[60]

However, George J. Tenet, the former director of central intelligence, stated Vice President Cheney and other George W. Bush administration officials pushed the country to war in Iraq without ever conducting a "serious debate" about whether Saddam Hussein posed an imminent threat to the United States.[61]

On 16 March 2003, the U.S. government advised the U.N. inspectors to leave their unfinished work and exit from Iraq.[69]

Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yet despite all the far left revisionism, Iraq reported to the UN that they still had stock piles. The paper work did not match up. Even before the 2003 legal invasion of Iraq, Saddam was reported sending directives to his forces authorizing the use of chemical weapons.

The paper trail showed Saddam had these weapons, Saddam said he had these weapons, so why is it the far left can not accept that.
, he's asking others why they don't understand government

and just the other day they said, GOVERNMENT needed to come first

don't feed the troll rdeans long lost low IQ cousin

Lol how exactly do those threads contradict each other?

not everyone believes they should be a slave/subject to the Government where they should come first in their lives... so maybe it's you who doesn't understand others or government

these are flame threads, don't feed the flames folks
the title of your thread. The basics of our government is the constitution and the statutes passed by congress and signed into law by a president. Republicans and conservatives understand those basic concepts very well. Its you on the left who do not get it.

marxist collectivism is NOT the basics of the US government, even though you and obama think it is.

Um no neither me or Obama are Marxist. Tell me if Obama is a Marxist, why is he worth 9 million? Surely he wouldn't have accepted such a fortune

In a marxist, socialist, or communist society the leaders have all of the money. Do you think Castro, Putin, Mao, Kim, and Chavez were/are paupers?

you leftist fools are playing right into the hands of those who would make you slaves of the state---------and you are too dumb to realize it.

You do realize of course that any liberal democrat who wanted higher taxes on the wealthy would also be agreeing to a hike in their own tax rate?
Um no neither me or Obama are Marxist. Tell me if Obama is a Marxist, why is he worth 9 million? Surely he wouldn't have accepted such a fortune

In a marxist, socialist, or communist society the leaders have all of the money. Do you think Castro, Putin, Mao, Kim, and Chavez were/are paupers?

you leftist fools are playing right into the hands of those who would make you slaves of the state---------and you are too dumb to realize it.

You do realize of course that any liberal democrat who wanted higher taxes on the wealthy would also be agreeing to a hike in their own tax rate?

only if all liberal democrats were wealthy----are they? most dem voters do not pay any taxes and would not be affected by a tax rate increase.

nice try though :D
don't bow down to this person and jump through their hoops like they want... it's the same crap every time they post about Republicans
Why is it that no Rightwinger thus far has addressed the specific points in my thread?

troll and flame thread
In a marxist, socialist, or communist society the leaders have all of the money. Do you think Castro, Putin, Mao, Kim, and Chavez were/are paupers?

you leftist fools are playing right into the hands of those who would make you slaves of the state---------and you are too dumb to realize it.

You do realize of course that any liberal democrat who wanted higher taxes on the wealthy would also be agreeing to a hike in their own tax rate?

only if all liberal democrats were wealthy----are they? most dem voters do not pay any taxes and would not be affected by a tax rate increase.

nice try though :D

I am referring to Obama and congressional democrats.
Why is it that no Rightwinger thus far has addressed the specific points in my thread?

Because the only point of the thread is for you to call anyone who does not agree with you stupid it does not matter what response you are given by any conservative you will dismiss it tell them they are wrong and stupid. You have a one track view of the world it being you are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong the majority know this and thus don't waste their time trying to convince you of something you will never accept.
You do realize of course that any liberal democrat who wanted higher taxes on the wealthy would also be agreeing to a hike in their own tax rate?

only if all liberal democrats were wealthy----are they? most dem voters do not pay any taxes and would not be affected by a tax rate increase.

nice try though :D

I am referring to Obama and congressional democrats.

fear not, they will write some exceptions into the tax code to cover them and their friends. After all, they exempted themselves from paying the ACA premium increase (we taxpayers are paying it for them) does that make you happy?
Why is it that no Rightwinger thus far has addressed the specific points in my thread?

Because the only point of the thread is for you to call anyone who does not agree with you stupid it does not matter what response you are given by any conservative you will dismiss it tell them they are wrong and stupid. You have a one track view of the world it being you are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong the majority know this and thus don't waste their time trying to convince you of something you will never accept.

yeah, but its fun to piss on his thread. :lol:
Why is it that no Rightwinger thus far has addressed the specific points in my thread?

Because the only point of the thread is for you to call anyone who does not agree with you stupid it does not matter what response you are given by any conservative you will dismiss it tell them they are wrong and stupid. You have a one track view of the world it being you are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong the majority know this and thus don't waste their time trying to convince you of something you will never accept.

yeah, but its fun to piss on his thread. :lol:

Have fun then I'm happy to say I have better things to do which I am now off to do.
Why is it that no Rightwinger thus far has addressed the specific points in my thread?

Because the only point of the thread is for you to call anyone who does not agree with you stupid it does not matter what response you are given by any conservative you will dismiss it tell them they are wrong and stupid. You have a one track view of the world it being you are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong the majority know this and thus don't waste their time trying to convince you of something you will never accept.

On the contrary, I can always admit when I think I'm wrong.
You do realize of course that any liberal democrat who wanted higher taxes on the wealthy would also be agreeing to a hike in their own tax rate?

only if all liberal democrats were wealthy----are they? most dem voters do not pay any taxes and would not be affected by a tax rate increase.

nice try though :D

I am referring to Obama and congressional democrats.

The far left will exempt themselves and certain big donors as they did with that Obamacare bill that they never really read that the majority of people in the US did not want.
Why can't republicans ever clearly define what they mean by "limited government"? What purpose should it serve?

I mean some republicans are so dumb that their logic is like that of a caveman: "gubmint and taxes bad, freedom good! Derp derp derp!"

Right of course how silly for the rest of us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the importance of investing in things like science and infrastructure and the revenue needed to pay for it?

How silly for us to assume republicans are smart enough to understand the danger of having the private market having full control over our healthcare system? Do they even wonder why WHO ranks our healthcare as being the worst for a first world nation? Having state of the art healthcare technology means jack shit if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.

Why is it that republicans in power refuse to provide fire disaster relief to the west yet they are perfectly content giving Israel a pointless 3 billion a year? Talk about fostering dependence! Israel would be the most powerful nation in the Middle East with or without it.

Why is it that republicans say liberals and democrats foster a dependence mentality in this country when it is liberals who understand the importance of income tax? Surely such lazy parasites like the leftwing wouldn't want to pay taxes!

Why is it that no liberal democrat who has ever been in power has said jobs are not important? That we should all be parasites? Why is it that 2x more private jobs were created in Obama's first 5 years than in all of Bush's 8? Surely the economy would have collapsed by now.
Republicans won't define what they mean by limited government because they would lose support either from the most conservative or most liberal elements of the party. It serves their purpose to allow supporters to apply their own definition. To a teabagger it can mean abolishing most of the federal government. To the Rhino it can mean reducing the deficit.

Limited government = Constitutional government

there ya go, its defined.
The constitution is subject to interpretation which means your definition is likewise.
Americans are stupid, and the GOP counts on it. The Teabaggers don't even count on it, they aren't that smart.

More verification of narcissism from the know it all left. Liberals are robots brainwashed by years of public education and news media.

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