Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Actually, no. The fact is, creationism is a laughable joke. Using the various bibles as science texts is a laughable joke.

Some day you will remember these conversations.
You think Hollie has forgotten them already? Why?

I think many of you're dead wrong concerning the origins of this universe and everything in it. I do believe we all will meet the creator and answer for how we conducted ourselves in this life.I think the biggest problem that many can't admit to is that they can't fathom the idea of why a loving God would allow what goes on in nature. For this this very reason Albert Einstein rejected the idea of a personal God. He believed that Jesus existed and was a special person but could not really come to grips with the thought of a personal God.I think that was a bad assumption on his part as I do for many of you. I don't want to sound like a threatening person I merely want to stand up for what is right and warn others of what is coming. You are probably familiar with the old saying,you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it.

I do believe when many stand before the judge they will remember their rejection of the creator. Everyone is free to choose for themselves but remember they are held to their decisions and that goes for mans system of rule as well as Gods's.
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Some day you will remember these conversations.
You think Hollie has forgotten them already? Why?

I think many of you're dead wrong concerning the origins of this universe and everything in it. I do believe we all will meet the creator and answer for how we conducted ourselves in this life.I think the biggest problem that many can't admit to is that they can't fathom the idea of why a loving God would allow what goes on in nature. For this this very reason Albert Einstein rejected the idea of a personal God. He believed that Jesus existed and was a special person but could not really come to grips with the thought of a personal God.I think that was a bad assumption on his part as I do for many of you. I don't want to sound like a threatening person I merely want to stand up for what is right and warn others of what is coming. You are probably familiar with the old saying,you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it.

I do believe when many stand before the judge they will remember their rejection of the creator. Everyone is free to choose for themselves but remember they are held to their decisions and that goes for mans system of rule as well as Gods's.
You can't "reject" something you don't believe exists. I have no problem "fathoming the idea of why a loving God would allow what goes on in nature". It doesn't arise as a problem for me. It's like worrying about being trampled by a stampeding herd of unicorns.
You're in denial of the facts.

Actually, no. The fact is, creationism is a laughable joke. Using the various bibles as science texts is a laughable joke.

Some day you will remember these conversations.

I remember these conversations today. I remember the lies upon lies that you furthered.

I really think it's pathetic that you feel a need to threaten me with your gawds. But then again, self-hating religious zealots who spend their lives consumed by hate / self-hate tend to be less than critical thinkers.

Humans have shown that they are liable to believe in things that give them comfort even if it's an utter lie rather than the truth if it's uncomfortable. We can see that with religious zealots such as yourself who lie incessantly and unapologetically because it calms an emotional requirement whereby they can foist responsibility for their actions on their gawds.
Some day you will remember these conversations.
You think Hollie has forgotten them already? Why?

I think many of you're dead wrong concerning the origins of this universe and everything in it. I do believe we all will meet the creator and answer for how we conducted ourselves in this life.I think the biggest problem that many can't admit to is that they can't fathom the idea of why a loving God would allow what goes on in nature. For this this very reason Albert Einstein rejected the idea of a personal God. He believed that Jesus existed and was a special person but could not really come to grips with the thought of a personal God.I think that was a bad assumption on his part as I do for many of you. I don't want to sound like a threatening person I merely want to stand up for what is right and warn others of what is coming. You are probably familiar with the old saying,you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it.

I do believe when many stand before the judge they will remember their rejection of the creator. Everyone is free to choose for themselves but remember they are held to their decisions and that goes for mans system of rule as well as Gods's.

Here's you kool Aid.

Bon Appetit'
Some day you will remember these conversations.
You think Hollie has forgotten them already? Why?

I think many of you're dead wrong concerning the origins of this universe and everything in it. I do believe we all will meet the creator and answer for how we conducted ourselves in this life.I think the biggest problem that many can't admit to is that they can't fathom the idea of why a loving God would allow what goes on in nature. For this this very reason Albert Einstein rejected the idea of a personal God. He believed that Jesus existed and was a special person but could not really come to grips with the thought of a personal God.I think that was a bad assumption on his part as I do for many of you. I don't want to sound like a threatening person I merely want to stand up for what is right and warn others of what is coming. You are probably familiar with the old saying,you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it.

I do believe when many stand before the judge they will remember their rejection of the creator. Everyone is free to choose for themselves but remember they are held to their decisions and that goes for mans system of rule as well as Gods's.

Einstein was Jewish.

As far as being "judged" by your imaginary "creator" when is he going to be charged for his "crimes against humanity"? After all why should your "creator" be above the law he is allegedly judging you by? His "law" and "judgment" is utterly meaningless if he isn't held to the exact same standard.
Actually, no. The fact is, creationism is a laughable joke. Using the various bibles as science texts is a laughable joke.

Some day you will remember these conversations.

I remember these conversations today. I remember the lies upon lies that you furthered.

I really think it's pathetic that you feel a need to threaten me with your gawds. But then again, self-hating religious zealots who spend their lives consumed by hate / self-hate tend to be less than critical thinkers.

Humans have shown that they are liable to believe in things that give them comfort even if it's an utter lie rather than the truth if it's uncomfortable. We can see that with religious zealots such as yourself who lie incessantly and unapologetically because it calms an emotional requirement whereby they can foist responsibility for their actions on their gawds.

I don't lie hollie. sometimes I may be mistaken but I never purposely lie or try to mislead. Like I said you can lead a horse to water but it is up to the horse to drink. Not a threat hollie, if I am correct which I believe I am it's merely a warning.
You think Hollie has forgotten them already? Why?

I think many of you're dead wrong concerning the origins of this universe and everything in it. I do believe we all will meet the creator and answer for how we conducted ourselves in this life.I think the biggest problem that many can't admit to is that they can't fathom the idea of why a loving God would allow what goes on in nature. For this this very reason Albert Einstein rejected the idea of a personal God. He believed that Jesus existed and was a special person but could not really come to grips with the thought of a personal God.I think that was a bad assumption on his part as I do for many of you. I don't want to sound like a threatening person I merely want to stand up for what is right and warn others of what is coming. You are probably familiar with the old saying,you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it.

I do believe when many stand before the judge they will remember their rejection of the creator. Everyone is free to choose for themselves but remember they are held to their decisions and that goes for mans system of rule as well as Gods's.

Einstein was Jewish.

As far as being "judged" by your imaginary "creator" when is he going to be charged for his "crimes against humanity"? After all why should your "creator" be above the law he is allegedly judging you by? His "law" and "judgment" is utterly meaningless if he isn't held to the exact same standard.

Yes he was and he believes the historians were correct about the person Jesus. Early Christians many were Jews. If the Almighty exists I don't believe he will ever be on trial by man again.

What Laws has God handed down that he broke ?
Some day you will remember these conversations.

I remember these conversations today. I remember the lies upon lies that you furthered.

I really think it's pathetic that you feel a need to threaten me with your gawds. But then again, self-hating religious zealots who spend their lives consumed by hate / self-hate tend to be less than critical thinkers.

Humans have shown that they are liable to believe in things that give them comfort even if it's an utter lie rather than the truth if it's uncomfortable. We can see that with religious zealots such as yourself who lie incessantly and unapologetically because it calms an emotional requirement whereby they can foist responsibility for their actions on their gawds.

I don't lie hollie. sometimes I may be mistaken but I never purposely lie or try to mislead. Like I said you can lead a horse to water but it is up to the horse to drink. Not a threat hollie, if I am correct which I believe I am it's merely a warning.

Sure it's a threat. It's how most religious salesmen ply their trade.
I think many of you're dead wrong concerning the origins of this universe and everything in it. I do believe we all will meet the creator and answer for how we conducted ourselves in this life.I think the biggest problem that many can't admit to is that they can't fathom the idea of why a loving God would allow what goes on in nature. For this this very reason Albert Einstein rejected the idea of a personal God. He believed that Jesus existed and was a special person but could not really come to grips with the thought of a personal God.I think that was a bad assumption on his part as I do for many of you. I don't want to sound like a threatening person I merely want to stand up for what is right and warn others of what is coming. You are probably familiar with the old saying,you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it.

I do believe when many stand before the judge they will remember their rejection of the creator. Everyone is free to choose for themselves but remember they are held to their decisions and that goes for mans system of rule as well as Gods's.

Einstein was Jewish.

As far as being "judged" by your imaginary "creator" when is he going to be charged for his "crimes against humanity"? After all why should your "creator" be above the law he is allegedly judging you by? His "law" and "judgment" is utterly meaningless if he isn't held to the exact same standard.

Yes he was and he believes the historians were correct about the person Jesus. Early Christians many were Jews. If the Almighty exists I don't believe he will ever be on trial by man again.

What Laws has God handed down that he broke ?

Crimes against humanity charges against your imaginary God;

1. Murdering the innocent first born of Egypt in a fit of pique demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life.

2. Murdering innocent women and children in Soddom and Gommorrah demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life.

3. Drowning every living land dwelling human and animal on the planet except for a handful demonstrates a depraved indifference to all life.

4. Ordering the murders of pregnant women demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life and the "unborn" according to the "pro-life" movement.

All of the above violate his "thou shalt not kill" commandment. The hypocrisy of your imaginary God being allowed to be a multiple mass murderer and conspiring to murder makes him unfit to judge even the very worst of humans.
I remember these conversations today. I remember the lies upon lies that you furthered.

I really think it's pathetic that you feel a need to threaten me with your gawds. But then again, self-hating religious zealots who spend their lives consumed by hate / self-hate tend to be less than critical thinkers.

Humans have shown that they are liable to believe in things that give them comfort even if it's an utter lie rather than the truth if it's uncomfortable. We can see that with religious zealots such as yourself who lie incessantly and unapologetically because it calms an emotional requirement whereby they can foist responsibility for their actions on their gawds.

I don't lie hollie. sometimes I may be mistaken but I never purposely lie or try to mislead. Like I said you can lead a horse to water but it is up to the horse to drink. Not a threat hollie, if I am correct which I believe I am it's merely a warning.

Sure it's a threat. It's how most religious salesmen ply their trade.

Not a salesmen and it most certainly is not my trade.
Einstein was Jewish.

As far as being "judged" by your imaginary "creator" when is he going to be charged for his "crimes against humanity"? After all why should your "creator" be above the law he is allegedly judging you by? His "law" and "judgment" is utterly meaningless if he isn't held to the exact same standard.

Yes he was and he believes the historians were correct about the person Jesus. Early Christians many were Jews. If the Almighty exists I don't believe he will ever be on trial by man again.

What Laws has God handed down that he broke ?

Crimes against humanity charges against your imaginary God;

1. Murdering the innocent first born of Egypt in a fit of pique demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life.

2. Murdering innocent women and children in Soddom and Gommorrah demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life.

3. Drowning every living land dwelling human and animal on the planet except for a handful demonstrates a depraved indifference to all life.

4. Ordering the murders of pregnant women demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life and the "unborn" according to the "pro-life" movement.

All of the above violate his "thou shalt not kill" commandment. The hypocrisy of your imaginary God being allowed to be a multiple mass murderer and conspiring to murder makes him unfit to judge even the very worst of humans.

If my creator exists, he owns all that you can see,touch,feel,smell and that gives him the right to judge. Punishment that involves death by the creator is not murder. I guess man got even because they put him to death but not for a crime.

Once again the command is not thou shall not kill. The command is thou shall not commit murder.
I don't lie hollie. sometimes I may be mistaken but I never purposely lie or try to mislead. Like I said you can lead a horse to water but it is up to the horse to drink. Not a threat hollie, if I am correct which I believe I am it's merely a warning.

Sure it's a threat. It's how most religious salesmen ply their trade.

Not a salesmen and it most certainly is not my trade.

Is just a hobby then?
Not a salesmen and it most certainly is not my trade.

Is just a hobby then?

Is it not my right to free speech ?

If your house was burning down, and you were asleep in your home,would you appreciate it if some woke you up and alerted you that your house was on fire ?

Of course it's your right. And you make a good point; I can definitely understand how religious proselytizing can be motivated by compassion. But "hellfire and damnation" is a threat, and has traditionally been used to frighten people into submission. I'd have deep misgivings joining any religion that relied on such threats to win converts.
Not a salesmen and it most certainly is not my trade.

Is just a hobby then?

Is it not my right to free speech ?

If your house was burning down, and you were asleep in your home,would you appreciate it if some woke you up and alerted you that your house was on fire ?

What a truly silly attempt at analogy.

Religionists waiting for their gawds to return, (or to appear), has been the cause for the vast majority of religions which have failed over time, and why your currently configured religion will eventually fail as well. There is no reason to believe that the Jesus will ever come back and as the decades roll onward and he doesn't return, your religion will fall further and further out of favor, just like the promises of Mithras are now dust.
Yes he was and he believes the historians were correct about the person Jesus. Early Christians many were Jews. If the Almighty exists I don't believe he will ever be on trial by man again.

What Laws has God handed down that he broke ?

Crimes against humanity charges against your imaginary God;

1. Murdering the innocent first born of Egypt in a fit of pique demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life.

2. Murdering innocent women and children in Soddom and Gommorrah demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life.

3. Drowning every living land dwelling human and animal on the planet except for a handful demonstrates a depraved indifference to all life.

4. Ordering the murders of pregnant women demonstrates a depraved indifference to human life and the "unborn" according to the "pro-life" movement.

All of the above violate his "thou shalt not kill" commandment. The hypocrisy of your imaginary God being allowed to be a multiple mass murderer and conspiring to murder makes him unfit to judge even the very worst of humans.

If my creator exists, he owns all that you can see,touch,feel,smell and that gives him the right to judge. Punishment that involves death by the creator is not murder. I guess man got even because they put him to death but not for a crime.

I suppose that's one way to find justification for the actions of a serial mass murderer.
Just a general observation but

Naturalism seems to be the philosophical perspective that what can be known is based oj what can be observed in nature without invoking any other unobservable phenomina.

Creationism invokes an unobserved phenomina, an intelligent force that is responsible for the "design" of things.

Science is grounded on the principle that what can be known is based on what can be observed.

So, science and naturalism are most alike while creationism is most not alike.

String theory, the attempts to describe nature and combine gravity with electragnetism, general relativity with quantum mechanics, is running a ground on this very issue, as I understand it. It seems that string theory is relying on invoking unobservable dimensions and qualities. It isn't a complete departure from naturalism, as it remains grounded in observable phenomina, existing theories, and solid mathematics. Mathematics does hold to certain natural phenomina, like counting 1+1=2. Still, some are a bit uncomfortable with the certain aspects.

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