Why is society not accepting of people with Dark skin?

Uh, yeah, there is. If you could speak the English language you would know that, simpleton.
You failed the test cave monkey. There was no pause.
Should read "You failed the test, cave monkey". You're a lost cause.

The period goes in the quotes.

It should read, "[y]ou failed the test, cave monkey." You're a lost cause.
Wrong on both.
You provide one.
I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?

We've been long conditioned to regard 'light' as good, and 'dark' as evil. Probably has a lot to do with it. Other conditionings come from terms like "pure as the driven snow," and "don't go out when it's dark." Added together that kind of thing lends itself to racism even in groups who've never had first-hand negative experiences with such people.
I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?

What gives you the impression that society doesn't accept darker skinned people?

There is a sizable portion of the population that prefers the idea of a multicultural melting pot that will eventually dissolve the lines of separation due to skin color. You also cannot say that people with darker skin are rejected by society when in some cases they have darker skin and are awarded for their appearance among other qualities.

Miss America Winners ...

I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?

So far, those who have answered your posts are known board racists and probably ignorant white aryans.

My own opinion is that we need to stick to our own kind to feel safe. I think its human nature.

Throughout history, we've seen leaders blame minorities for the problems of the masses. A favorite among the racists here is Hitler. He grew very successful by blaming Jews for the laziness and failures of aryans.

We're seeing the same thing now. Brown and black skin is being blamed for the laziness of whites.

In spite of all that Obama has done for whites, for the middle class, for the United States, the white supremacist types lie about him. Read this board and you will see that everything the Republicans do is being blamed on President Obama. The harder he works for the middle and poor classes, they more they blame him for what the 1% is doing to them.

That's a quick and dirty overview. Welcome to the board and stick around and discuss.

kind of like 90% of all blacks killed by other blacks kinda kind?
I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?

What gives you the impression that society doesn't accept darker skinned people?

There is a sizable portion of the population that prefers the idea of a multicultural melting pot that will eventually dissolve the lines of separation due to skin color. You also cannot say that people with darker skin are rejected by society when in some cases they have darker skin and are awarded for their appearance among other qualities.

Miss America Winners ...


the impression comes from the constant drumbeat

by the leftists
You failed the test cave monkey. There was no pause.
Should read "You failed the test, cave monkey". You're a lost cause.

The period goes in the quotes.

It should read, "[y]ou failed the test, cave monkey." You're a lost cause.
Wrong on both.
You provide one.
Quotation Marks
"In the United States, periods and commas go inside quotation marks regardless of logic."
Should read "You failed the test, cave monkey". You're a lost cause.

The period goes in the quotes.

It should read, "[y]ou failed the test, cave monkey." You're a lost cause.
Wrong on both.
You provide one.
Quotation Marks
"In the United States, periods and commas go inside quotation marks regardless of logic."
The English language did not originate in the United States.

The British style The American way They are not so different Mind your language Media The Guardian
The period goes in the quotes.

It should read, "[y]ou failed the test, cave monkey." You're a lost cause.
Wrong on both.
You provide one.
Quotation Marks
"In the United States, periods and commas go inside quotation marks regardless of logic."
The English language did not originate in the United States.

The British style The American way They are not so different Mind your language Media The Guardian
Ayup... that's why I said here in the U.S. Sure if we are using the UK brand of English.. Just sayin.
Quotation Marks
"In the United States, periods and commas go inside quotation marks regardless of logic."
The English language did not originate in the United States.

The British style The American way They are not so different Mind your language Media The Guardian
Ayup... that's why I said here in the U.S. Sure if we are using the UK brand of English.. Just sayin.
But Asswiper doesn't even know when to USE a comma, let alone WHERE to insert it.
Quotation Marks
"In the United States, periods and commas go inside quotation marks regardless of logic."
The English language did not originate in the United States.

The British style The American way They are not so different Mind your language Media The Guardian
Ayup... that's why I said here in the U.S. Sure if we are using the UK brand of English.. Just sayin.
But Asswiper doesn't even know when to USE a comma, let alone WHERE to insert it.
I'm usually too lazy to use correct grammar on internet message boards. I try to talk like I would normally... just letting the words flow.
Society can't accept a people that commit 50% of its murders, while making up less then 13% of the population and won't even try to become better....The truth is blacks are violent and don't value the society that feeds them.
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I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?

So far, those who have answered your posts are known board racists and probably ignorant white aryans.

My own opinion is that we need to stick to our own kind to feel safe. I think its human nature.

Throughout history, we've seen leaders blame minorities for the problems of the masses. A favorite among the racists here is Hitler. He grew very successful by blaming Jews for the laziness and failures of aryans.

We're seeing the same thing now. Brown and black skin is being blamed for the laziness of whites.

In spite of all that Obama has done for whites, for the middle class, for the United States, the white supremacist types lie about him. Read this board and you will see that everything the Republicans do is being blamed on President Obama. The harder he works for the middle and poor classes, they more they blame him for what the 1% is doing to them.

That's a quick and dirty overview. Welcome to the board and stick around and discuss.

kind of like 90% of all blacks killed by other blacks kinda kind?

Yet, they blame whites for slaughtering them. The left has so brainwashed these people that it is mindblowing to witness. This is part of the reason why they're not able to better themselves, as the left doesn't want it to happen and feeds them full of bs about how bettering themselves = useless. This becomes a feedback cycle as civilized people want to stay the fuck away from the violence and the poor conditions.

A lot of it is the fault of the left.If the media wouldn't go out of its way to paint whites as the devil and would aim to report the truth. Maybe we could heal things? Look at the furgason crap....The left wants war and the last thing they want is for the races to work together.

The left is using emotion to spark hatred. They don't want logic to read the evidence as that would be something all of us can agree on with a reasonable mindset.
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American society does not only accept people with dark skin, it forgives them their shortcomings, while not accepting those who desire an honest discussion of those shortcomings.

I hope the Furgeson riots will lead to greater candor when discussing the barbarians in our midst. Unfortunately, it did not happen after the Rodney King riots twenty two years ago.

Historical advantages have ended for the United States. Most Americans are going to have to work harder and longer for less. I hope this makes white people less forgiving of black crime, stupidity, and welfare expense. We would be a lot better off without those people.
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I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?

So far, those who have answered your posts are known board racists and probably ignorant white aryans.

My own opinion is that we need to stick to our own kind to feel safe. I think its human nature.

Throughout history, we've seen leaders blame minorities for the problems of the masses. A favorite among the racists here is Hitler. He grew very successful by blaming Jews for the laziness and failures of aryans.

We're seeing the same thing now. Brown and black skin is being blamed for the laziness of whites.

In spite of all that Obama has done for whites, for the middle class, for the United States, the white supremacist types lie about him. Read this board and you will see that everything the Republicans do is being blamed on President Obama. The harder he works for the middle and poor classes, they more they blame him for what the 1% is doing to them.

That's a quick and dirty overview. Welcome to the board and stick around and discuss.

kind of like 90% of all blacks killed by other blacks kinda kind?

Yet, they blame whites for slaughtering them. The left has so brainwashed these people that it is mindblowing to witness. This is part of the reason why they're not able to better themselves, as the left doesn't want it to happen and feeds them full of bs about how bettering themselves = useless. This becomes a feedback cycle as civilized people want to stay the fuck away from the violence and the poor conditions.

A lot of it is the fault of the left.If the media wouldn't go out of its way to paint whites as the devil and would aim to report the truth. Maybe we could heal things? Look at the furgason crap....The left wants war and the last thing they want is for the races to work together.

The left is using emotion to spark hatred. They don't want logic to read the evidence as that would be something all of us can agree on with a reasonable mindset.
You just don't understand.
It okay for a black man to call another black man a niggah, but it is not okay for a white man to call a black man one..
It's okay for a black man to kill a black man, but it is not okay for a white man to kill a black man...
Got it!? It has nothing to do with left or right , it has everything to do with history....
Society can't accept a people that commit 50% of its murders, while making up less then 13% of the population and won't even try to become better....The truth is blacks are violent and don't value the society that feeds them.
The truth is people are violent. The truth is no one values people that are forced to feed them. People forced into poverty by hand out systems, people who's best opportunities are to become drug dealers for their slave owners, people who are brought up to believe murdering their children is preferable to getting married, people who are brought up to become welfare recipients and democrats,... they are the problem.

But mostly the problem is people who grow up around democrats that do not teach or even believe that the content of one's character matters more than the power they can wield over tax payers.
I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?

So far, those who have answered your posts are known board racists and probably ignorant white aryans.

My own opinion is that we need to stick to our own kind to feel safe. I think its human nature.

Throughout history, we've seen leaders blame minorities for the problems of the masses. A favorite among the racists here is Hitler. He grew very successful by blaming Jews for the laziness and failures of aryans.

We're seeing the same thing now. Brown and black skin is being blamed for the laziness of whites.

In spite of all that Obama has done for whites, for the middle class, for the United States, the white supremacist types lie about him. Read this board and you will see that everything the Republicans do is being blamed on President Obama. The harder he works for the middle and poor classes, they more they blame him for what the 1% is doing to them.

That's a quick and dirty overview. Welcome to the board and stick around and discuss.

kind of like 90% of all blacks killed by other blacks kinda kind?

Yet, they blame whites for slaughtering them. The left has so brainwashed these people that it is mindblowing to witness. This is part of the reason why they're not able to better themselves, as the left doesn't want it to happen and feeds them full of bs about how bettering themselves = useless. This becomes a feedback cycle as civilized people want to stay the fuck away from the violence and the poor conditions.

A lot of it is the fault of the left.If the media wouldn't go out of its way to paint whites as the devil and would aim to report the truth. Maybe we could heal things? Look at the furgason crap....The left wants war and the last thing they want is for the races to work together.

The left is using emotion to spark hatred. They don't want logic to read the evidence as that would be something all of us can agree on with a reasonable mindset.
You just don't understand.
It okay for a black man to call another black man a niggah, but it is not okay for a white man to call a black man one..
It's okay for a black man to kill a black man, but it is not okay for a white man to kill a black man...
Got it!? It has nothing to do with left or right , it has everything to do with history....
No its not ok for a Black man to kill another Black man. its a crime.

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