Why is society not accepting of people with Dark skin?

American society does not only accept people with dark skin, it forgives them their shortcomings, while not accepting those who desire an honest discussion of those shortcomings.

I hope the Furgeson riots will lead to greater candor when discussing the barbarians in our midst. Unfortunately, it did not happen after the Rodney King riots twenty two years ago.

Historical advantages have ended for the United States. Most Americans are going to have to work harder and longer for less. I hope this makes white people less forgiving of black crime, stupidity, and welfare expense. We would be a lot better off without those people.
You dont have anything to discuss until you fix your shortcomings. My concern is not what white people want to discuss. There is nothing to discuss until they clean up their own culture of mass murderers, serial killers, and animal molesters..
I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?
You went to all the trouble of joining this place to post that?

Why not go ask some black people?
Are there no Black people here?
I am somewhat browner than the average white band....being Injun...
The only way to address this contact problem is to celebrate culture festivals which invite anyone to personalize the culture contact experience.

The Indian festival of Holi involves people dancing in the streets and throwing colored powders at each other in a gesture of friendship.
I see/hear people making fun of others for having dark skin, even people of the same race will put "Darker" people down.. Why are we so caught up on skin color?

We've been long conditioned to regard 'light' as good, and 'dark' as evil. Probably has a lot to do with it. Other conditionings come from terms like "pure as the driven snow," and "don't go out when it's dark." Added together that kind of thing lends itself to racism even in groups who've never had first-hand negative experiences with such people.

I agree we are conditioned by the media and society to see dark as "bad" and light as "good". even small children will say the same about baby dolls. Do you believe anything can be done to change this in the future?
Society can't accept a people that commit 50% of its murders, while making up less then 13% of the population and won't even try to become better....The truth is blacks are violent and don't value the society that feeds them.
Are you saying that people of darker skin are born violent?
Society can't accept a people that commit 50% of its murders, while making up less then 13% of the population and won't even try to become better....The truth is blacks are violent and don't value the society that feeds them.
Are you saying that people of darker skin are born violent?
Not born violent, encouraged by their self-appointed leaders to BE violent.
Should read "You failed the test, cave monkey". You're a lost cause.

The period goes in the quotes.

It should read, "[y]ou failed the test, cave monkey." You're a lost cause.
Wrong on both.
You provide one.
Quotation Marks
"In the United States, periods and commas go inside quotation marks regardless of logic."

One of my pet peeves this. :) Punctuation does indeed go inside the quotation marks. Can open any novel and see this with the dialogue.
I still maintain that its what I like to call a white wash of history and a orchestrated campaign to elevate white people to a higher status. For example. Its common knowledge that Ramses III was a Black African as his predecessors before him. Despite the DNA evidence people simple cannot allow their brains to accept this as a fact and continue to depict him either as a white person or light skinned arab in the media.

The East Indians are responsible for our current base 10 numbering system. Nothing is every mentioned about that nor that it was brought to Europe by Muslims during the years of Moorish rule.

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