Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

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The fact is that while not all Birthers are racists- a very large segment of Birthers are indeed racists- here at USMB that includes among other Stevie the Racist- big Trump supporter- Big Birther- Big racist.

No- it is not racist to question whether a President was born in the United States- but racism is the reason why many Birthers ask that of Barack Obama- and not any other President- ever.

Now- if you are still asking that question- after seeing more proof of President Obama's birth in the United States, than you have seen from any other candidate- or President- EVER- then you are just another idiot Birther.

If you still think you have some need to see President Obama's college transcripts- a President who will be out of office in a few months- but have no interest in seeing Donald Trump's college transcripts or applications- well then you are just a blindly partisan idiot- and a Birther.
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

Because these 'progressives' have a very limited vocabulary, and only have a few words they can throw around. What you're seeing here, with posters like 'Syriously' and the others, is the message board equivalent of of a ventriloquist act, like a roomful Howdey Doody puppets appearing to say something, but really they aren't themselves actually capable of thought or speech, just parroting whatever the puppet masters make them appear to be saying; their 'lips' are moving, but there is no 'there' there.

LOL- I have been refuting idiot Birthers for years- with the facts.


Birther is just a short hand description for an idiot Birther Konspiracy Theorist who will believe anything- but the Facts

No, you haven't, all you've ever done is parrot gibberish from others.

Same here, he's a POS Muslim ws[/QUOTE]

Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump

Give it up. The 'racist' claim has lost any meaning. No one buys it anymore.

WRONG...... For racist asshole yes because racist people are immune. But for decent people that stand against this kind of unwanted behavior will NEVER go away. Stick that your racist brain.
Nobody cares if you call them racist anymore. We are entering a new era in votership.
Nobody cares if you call them racist anymore. We are entering a new era in votership.

We certainly are. The era of the dopey deplorables. The kind of votership that embraces ideas that decent Americans used to find repugnant.
You leftists are such mindless robots. You can't even post original thoughts.

"Beep..Beep...Racist....Beep...Beep...Alt-Right... Beep....Beep...Beep....Deplorables"

Bunch of parrots! Lmao! Does Hillary's Polly want a cracker?

We could post entire threads of examples

But notice you don't provide any examples at all.

You just parrot what is the meme of right wing nut job web sites.

You haven't posted an original thought in this entire thread.
While most birthers are just fucking stupid


Their movement is meant to appeal to those who need to delegitimize the first black President with wild, unsupportable claims
But respectable people like myself point it out racists like you

Give it up. The 'racist' claim has lost any meaning. No one buys it anymore.

WRONG...... For racist asshole yes because racist people are immune. But for decent people that stand against this kind of unwanted behavior will NEVER go away. Stick that your racist brain.
Nobody cares if you call them racist anymore. We are entering a new era in votership.

Yep- for Trump voters- being a racist is a badge of honor.
Without control of the media, we cannot use their methods.

What we need to do is marginalize the media, and the colleges and Hollywood. "Smear" them with the truth until no one listens to their bullshit.
Or start getting our people into those institutions of influence and turn them around. Problem is, conservatives by nature just want to be left alone and leave others alone...we don't usually go into those fields, leftists do because they want power and control to dictate society.

LOL.........yes because Conservatives never want power..........
Of course some do. But it is clearly something the left craves much more. We want the power to conserve the founding pillars of this country.....

Clearly.....which is why Conservatives run for office exactly as often as 'the left'

Conservative politicians crave power- liberal politicians crave power- they all crave power.
Yes...but conservatives aren't trying to gain power in order to force people to believe lies...the left does.

LOL- conservatives have been trying to force people to do what you believe is right from the beginning of conservatives.

That you think otherwise is pretty hilarious.
I'm simply using the current lingo but the underlying premise is sound. Probably why you won't touch it.

Colin Powell Calls Trump a 'National Disgrace' in Hacked Email
“Yup, the whole birther movement was racist,” Powell wrote in an email from Aug. 21, 2016.

Ryan: Trump's comments about judge are 'textbook' racism

Donald Trump's criticism of a judge because of his ethnicity are "the textbook definition of racist comments," SpeakerPaul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday during an event on poverty in Washington D.C.

"I regret these comments that he made," Ryan said. "I think that should be absolutely disavowed."
No you're a parrot with no thoughts of your own.

Says the guy with no thoughts on the subject for two posts in a row.
I'm simply using the current lingo but the underlying premise is sound. Probably why you won't touch it.

Colin Powell Calls Trump a 'National Disgrace' in Hacked Email
“Yup, the whole birther movement was racist,” Powell wrote in an email from Aug. 21, 2016.

Ryan: Trump's comments about judge are 'textbook' racism

Donald Trump's criticism of a judge because of his ethnicity are "the textbook definition of racist comments," SpeakerPaul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday during an event on poverty in Washington D.C.

"I regret these comments that he made," Ryan said. "I think that should be absolutely disavowed."
No you're a parrot with no thoughts of your own.

Says the guy with no thoughts on the subject for two posts in a row.
No stupid. You changed the subject and now that you are getting teased for being a mindless Hill-Bot.... You want to get back to the OP. That's fine.

I've already commented on the actual topic, by the way.

I am discussing the OP stupid.

Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

You responded to me dope.
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?

In a thread where you have repeatedly posted Birther memes like a good right wing drone- that is pretty ironic and hilarious.
I just can't tell you how hilarious I am finding having Birthers and the persons carrying Birther water whine about 'liberals' parroting what others have said.

All Birthers do is parrot the same old refuted lies, slanders, and gossip that one Birther or another came up with.
And continue to parrot them no matter how many times they are shown to be the falsehoods that they are.
Or start getting our people into those institutions of influence and turn them around. Problem is, conservatives by nature just want to be left alone and leave others alone...we don't usually go into those fields, leftists do because they want power and control to dictate society.

LOL.........yes because Conservatives never want power..........
Of course some do. But it is clearly something the left craves much more. We want the power to conserve the founding pillars of this country.....

Clearly.....which is why Conservatives run for office exactly as often as 'the left'

Conservative politicians crave power- liberal politicians crave power- they all crave power.
Yes...but conservatives aren't trying to gain power in order to force people to believe lies...the left does.

LOL- conservatives have been trying to force people to do what you believe is right from the beginning of conservatives.

That you think otherwise is pretty hilarious.
That's bull.
Look how hysterical they're getting, just the same old ad homs over and over again, and of course they can't address the obvious fact that Obama himself claimed to be a Kenyan.. They're just mindless bots, too stupid to make any sense.
Says the guy with no thoughts on the subject for two posts in a row.
Says the guy with no thoughts on the subject for two posts in a row.
No stupid. You changed the subject and now that you are getting teased for being a mindless Hill-Bot.... You want to get back to the OP. That's fine.

I've already commented on the actual topic, by the way.

I am discussing the OP stupid.

Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

You responded to me dope.
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?

You just answered your own question there dope.
You're an idiot. Stop replying to me.

they can't help themselves; they have to 'post last', since they think they're 'winning' or something, having no actual points to make.
Look how hysterical they're getting, just the same old ad homs over and over again, and of course they can't address the obvious fact that Obama himself claimed to be a Kenyan.. They're just mindless bots, too stupid to make any sense.
Yea..Obama has been fooling you for the last eight years
No stupid. You changed the subject and now that you are getting teased for being a mindless Hill-Bot.... You want to get back to the OP. That's fine.

I've already commented on the actual topic, by the way.

I am discussing the OP stupid.

Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

You responded to me dope.
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?

You just answered your own question there dope.
You're an idiot. Stop replying to me.

they can't help themselves; they have to 'post last', since they think they're 'winning' or something, having no actual points to make.
I know right? Bunch of weirdos.
Look how hysterical they're getting, just the same old ad homs over and over again, and of course they can't address the obvious fact that Obama himself claimed to be a Kenyan.. They're just mindless bots, too stupid to make any sense.
Yea..Obama has been fooling you for the last eight years
The heck did that have to do with what he said?
Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump


I'm not a 'Birther', moron, and as for Obama, he himself claimed to be a Kenyan, and he also admitted to being a Muslim on a national television show, moron. You idiots just can't refute any of it, you're too stupid to get around what comes out of his own mouth, that's what is 'hilarious, and it's why your 'candidate' is failing miserably and will lose the popular vote by 40 points in November, as there just aren't enough people as dumb as you are who will vote for her, even illiterate illegal aliens aren't helping.
Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump


I'm not a 'Birther', moron, and as for Obama, he himself claimed to be a Kenyan, and he also admitted to being a Muslim on a national television show, moron. You idiots just can't refute any of it, you're too stupid to get around what comes out of his own mouth, that's what is 'hilarious, and it's why your 'candidate' is failing miserably and will lose the popular vote by 40 points in November, as there just aren't enough people as dumb as you are who will vote for her, even illiterate illegal aliens aren't helping.
They are liars and that's all they'll ever be. Once you realize that, you stop getting frustrated with their mind-numbing stupidity and constant foolery and just mock them like I do.
Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump


I'm not a 'Birther', moron, and as for Obama, he himself claimed to be a Kenyan, and he also admitted to being a Muslim on a national television show, moron. You idiots just can't refute any of it, you're too stupid to get around what comes out of his own mouth, that's what is 'hilarious, and it's why your 'candidate' is failing miserably and will lose the popular vote by 40 points in November, as there just aren't enough people as dumb as you are who will vote for her, even illiterate illegal aliens aren't helping.

Have to laugh at the inability of conservatives understanding context in the English language
Look how hysterical they're getting, just the same old ad homs over and over again, and of course they can't address the obvious fact that Obama himself claimed to be a Kenyan.. They're just mindless bots, too stupid to make any sense.

LOL- ah the usual Birther lies.

The fact is that President Obama ever referred to himself as a Kenyan

Birthers never let a good lie get in the way of the facts.
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