Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

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I know the leftist Obamabots here won't click the link I provided from that notoriously right wing publication, the Daily Mail(lol), so here's a snippet:
Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency
By Beth Stebner17:51 EST 18 May 2012, updated 17:54 EST 18 May 2012


  • Online archive from April 2007 by publishing agency Acton & Dystel has Mr Obama's birthplace listed as Kenya - two months after he announced he was running for president
  • The same online archive dated two weeks later in April 2007 has changed the current U.S president's birthplace to Hawaii
  • President Obama published Hawaiian birth certificate last year in hopes to end 'birther' theories
  • This follows the discovery of a 1991 booklet from Acton & Dystel announcing that the Democrat was ‘born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.’
Barack Obama's literary agents were still listing the U.S President's birthplace as Kenya in their online author bios two months after he first announced his run for president in 2007.

Viewed on web.archive.org the April 3rd 2007 listing from Acton & Dystel for Mr Obama still touts the then-Democratic junior senator from Illinois as 'born in Kenya'.

Indeed, the short biography even references his now famous speech to the Democratic National Convention which launched Mr Obama to national fame and announced him as potential candidate for the presidency."

Obama is a liar, there is no way he didn't know his literary agency bio said he was from Kenya.
Look how hysterical they're getting, just the same old ad homs over and over again, and of course they can't address the obvious fact that Obama himself claimed to be a Kenyan.. They're just mindless bots, too stupid to make any sense.
Yea..Obama has been fooling you for the last eight years
The heck did that have to do with what he said?
Little slow on the uptake aren't you?
Nope, you must be though. He isn't fooling us, he's fooled you...we don't support Obama, you do.
Yes....for you know the true story behind the magic negro
Paul Ryan was just looking out for himself with that comment. It wasn't racist. The judge is a member of pro-illegal immigrant groups, you imbecile.

He most definitely cannot be fair to Trump.

Talk about your dronish repetition of Trumps lies, almost verbatim. Trump lied and you believe him without question. The Judge is NOT a member of any group which supports illegal immigration. The Hispanic lawyers group you're referring to focuses on mentoring young Hispanic lawyers who often have problems getting hired into white law firms. Their initiatives are generally around education and improving networking opportunities within the Hispanic community. They have never addressed the issue of immigration or made public statements about illegal immigration.

Nice parroting though.
I didn't parrot anything. I stated the facts. The judge is a member of more than one pro-illegal immigrant groups.

There is no way his bias won't affect his judgement. Nobody has to tell me that. Its obvious. He should've have recused himself regardless if he could actually be fair because his background of associating with radical illegal immigrant groups is a reasonable cause for concern, considering he is going to be presiding over a case involving a guy who said he wanted to deport illegals and build a wall on the southern border.

It would be the right thing to do....but the judge stayed on because he wanted to make sure Trump would get screwed. Because he is a Trump hater.

You now repeated two provable lies:

1. The judge is a Mexican national. He's not. He was born in the United States to immigrant parents.

2. He is not a member of ANY group which has taken a public stance on illegal immigration or which supports illegal immigrants.

That you repeat things which Trumpsters parrot verbatim without fact checking, shows that you're as sheeplike and robotic as you claim the left is.
Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump


I'm not a 'Birther', moron, and as for Obama, he himself claimed to be a Kenyan, and he also admitted to being a Muslim on a national television show, moron..

President Obama never claimed to be a Kenyan- and he never admitted to being a Muslim.

But I do find it amusing that you keep repeating the same old tired Birther lies.
Yes he did, he said it flat out, its on video:

Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump


I'm not a 'Birther', moron, and as for Obama, he himself claimed to be a Kenyan, and he also admitted to being a Muslim on a national television show, moron..

President Obama never claimed to be a Kenyan- and he never admitted to being a Muslim.

But I do find it amusing that you keep repeating the same old tired Birther lies.
Yes he did, he said it flat out, its on video:

My god- you Birthers believe anything put on Youtube! LOL

I hope you haven't bought the Brooklyn Bridge.

YouTube video purporting to show Obama admitting he is not a U.S. citizen far from the truth
If you listen closely, you can hear bad editing. The volume and sound quality of his voice change at key points, such as between "it's true I'm not" and "an American." The video never shows his lips where he makes his key admissions, so you can't see if his lips are in sync with what he's saying. And his audience offers no reaction to what should be a stunning admission.

So where did that portion of the video come from? The logo at the bottom of the video reads obamasnippets.com, which takes you to a YouTube humor channel that features seven videos in which Obama's words have been edited for laughs.

One example is the "Obama DRUNK!" video, where his comments have been slowed to make it sound as if he's intoxicated and hitting on an audience member.

The YouTube channel makes the intent clear: "This is not 'political.' This is just for fun. This is not an 'Anti-Obama' site. This is not a 'Pro-Obama' site. This is an 'Obama Humor' site. . . . All Snippets made with 100% Obama's voice. No imitations! (That would be too easy.)"

The video in which Obama is heard saying "I'm not an American," called "Birthers' Delight - Part 1," includes a disclaimer indicating that it's a spoof.
Syriusly won't even watch it.....she's afraid of the truth. But that's exactly what he said, "I come from Kenya".

Offensively won't watch this- because she is afraid of the truth that her Birtherism is such that she is gullible is enough to believe anything on Youtube.

Paul Ryan was just looking out for himself with that comment. It wasn't racist. The judge is a member of pro-illegal immigrant groups, you imbecile.

He most definitely cannot be fair to Trump.

Talk about your dronish repetition of Trumps lies, almost verbatim. Trump lied and you believe him without question. The Judge is NOT a member of any group which supports illegal immigration. The Hispanic lawyers group you're referring to focuses on mentoring young Hispanic lawyers who often have problems getting hired into white law firms. Their initiatives are generally around education and improving networking opportunities within the Hispanic community. They have never addressed the issue of immigration or made public statements about illegal immigration.

Nice parroting though.
I didn't parrot anything. I stated the facts. The judge is a member of more than one pro-illegal immigrant groups.

There is no way his bias won't affect his judgement. Nobody has to tell me that. Its obvious. He should've have recused himself regardless if he could actually be fair because his background of associating with radical illegal immigrant groups is a reasonable cause for concern, considering he is going to be presiding over a case involving a guy who said he wanted to deport illegals and build a wall on the southern border.

It would be the right thing to do....but the judge stayed on because he wanted to make sure Trump would get screwed. Because he is a Trump hater.

You now repeated two provable lies:

1. The judge is a Mexican national. He's not. He was born in the United States to immigrant parents.

2. He is not a member of ANY group which has taken a public stance on illegal immigration or which supports illegal immigrants.

That you repeat things which Trumpsters parrot verbatim without fact checking, shows that you're as sheeplike and robotic as you claim the left is.
I never called him a Mexican national, dummy. That was someone else on the thread.

So now you've been proven a liar and the rest of your post has zero credibility.
they can't help themselves; they have to 'post last', since they think they're 'winning' or something, having no actual points to make.
I know right? Bunch of weirdos.

LOL- says the 'weirdo' who can't stop himself from wanting to post last.
What are you babbling about woman. Go make me a sandwich.

LOL- take your hands off of your tiny dick and go make yourself a sandwich.
Why did Obama not correct his literary agency's listing of him as "Kenyan born", Syriusly?

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency

No idea. Perhaps he never even saw it. Certainly no one else noticed for 21 years.

What we do know is that
  1. This is not the source of Birtherism because Birthers didn't find out about it until 4 years after they started Birthering and
  2. That Barack Obama was not the source
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Promotional Booklet
You're confusing intelligence with education. They are entirely different things. Intelligence is an innate ability.

They're related, and exercising the brain through constant and increasingly complex challenges does increase intelligence, and substantially so; just because that process failed most Democrats doesn't make it less true.

... but that doesn't mean you have the intelligence to understand what you've learned and apply it.

Yes, like those who parrot gibberish over and over again like they're magical chants that will come true by repetition and wishful thinking, 'gay rights' hoaxes and 'noble savages' mythologies are modern examples, and especially all the Xian bashing lunacy seen here daily.

Gee, you're a veritable font of Republican talking points.

What's 'Republican' about them? Or are you providing us an example of your previous assertion about not being intelligent enough to process information?

I got news for you dipshit. Education is not "indoctrination".

You should check with your public school system; they disagree completely with that concept.

That educated people more often than not choose to vote Democrat, shows that their education has taught them that throughout history, successful societies care about all of the people in their nations, not just those who are "like them"

Zero evidence they're 'more educated', and we have decades of evidence of massive grad inflation that shows the 'education' system has failed the majority of its victims since the late 1970's on. And, they societies that are successful in modern terms are usually not nearly overrun with 'diversity' as you're attempting to lie about here. They aren't overrun with impoverished illegal aliens bankrupting their school systems, public hospitals, and social safety nets, among just a few examples and driving down already low wages for working class people, all that imaginary 'diversity' your types like to parrot but never own up to its obvious flaws.

In order for capitalism to succeed, provision has to be made for people who are poor, disabled, and elderly, and for low income workers who are the first and hardest hit when the the economy cycles into recession. A social safety net is just as critical to the success of a nation, as their infrastructure and their resources.

Democrats all want to make those problems drastically worse, not better, so quit pretending otherwise. They're intent on bankrupting it, and have been for decades.

Home schooling is just a way of hyper-controlling what information your child receives,

lol like this a bad thing? ...
and shields them from learning about people other than themselves.
More horseshit.
And while you're doing all of this "home schooling", charter schooling and religious schools which teach that science is false and Creationism is the truth,

Oh really? Just what 'science' are they teaching as 'false', again? Oh yeahm that ridiculously mathematically improbable speculation thers is no empirical evidence for, I forgot ...
American workers are falling further and further behind their counterparts in the rest of the First World.
Yes, because without believing in the 'Evolution' fantasy, you can't learn math or how to read and write, how to drive a car, operate a doorknob, etc. lol talk about a ridiculously stupid 'argument'. I bet you think you're educated, too.
Liberals are stupid. As demonstrated by dragonlady.

Conservatives are stupid- shown by you and every Birther posting here.
They are liars and that's all they'll ever be. Once you realize that, you stop getting frustrated with their mind-numbing stupidity and constant foolery and just mock them like I do.

Exactly. One can find out exactly what they're going to parrot here over and over, until the next 'talking point' is published, by merely visiting a couple of sites; they're the only places on the Internet they go, yet they think they're 'informed'. They know this because their masters tell them they are.
LOL- yet you and the rest of the Birthers have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo- if you couldn't lie- you would have to stop posting.
Why? Ask Hillary. She started the birther stuff back in '08. Don't recall now if it was before or after Cigar Bill opined to Teddy Kennedy...a few years ago this guy (implying boy) would be getting us coffee.

You can take the racist white boy dimocrat out of the south, buy you can't...
No, Clinton did not start the birther movement. Anonymous emails believed to be from Hillary supporters questioned his citizenship. Jim Geraghty, a conservative blogger and contributed to the National Review formulated what is now thought of as the Birther Conspiracy Theory that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
If the Hillary supporters didn't start the rumor and Obama wouldn't have lied to his literary agency about being 'Kenyan born', not correcting his lie until two months into his campaign, Jim Geraghty wy

No evidence that Jim Geraghty ever knew about the obscure pamphlet.

No Birther knew about the obscure pamphlet until 2012- after a full 4 years of Orly Taitz and WND going down the Birther rabbit hole- and a whole year after King Birther Donald Trump went down the Birther rabbit hole.

You do seem to have problems with time lines.
Because if Obama were white, no one would question his nationality.
Absolute BS, Anyone that states in their bio they are from Kenya and are running for President of the US would be questioned

In 2008 not a single Birther in the United States knew about the error in the promotional brochure about Barack Obama.

Apparently you think that something they found out about in 2012 was the reason they became birthers in 2008.

Why? Ask Hillary. She started the birther stuff back in '08. Don't recall now if it was before or after Cigar Bill opined to Teddy Kennedy...a few years ago this guy (implying boy) would be getting us coffee.

You can take the racist white boy dimocrat out of the south, buy you can't...
No, Clinton did not start the birther movement. Anonymous emails believed to be from Hillary supporters questioned his citizenship. Jim Geraghty, a conservative blogger and contributed to the National Review formulated what is now thought of as the Birther Conspiracy Theory that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
If the Hillary supporters didn't start the rumor and Obama wouldn't have lied to his literary agency about being 'Kenyan born', not correcting his lie until two months into his campaign, Jim Geraghty wy

No evidence that Jim Geraghty ever knew about the obscure pamphlet.

No Birther knew about the obscure pamphlet until 2012- after a full 4 years of Orly Taitz and WND going down the Birther rabbit hole- and a whole year after King Birther Donald Trump went down the Birther rabbit hole.

You do seem to have problems with time lines.
The only thing I care about in this whole matter is why Obama lied to people and said he was born in Kenya. They didn't just make it up.
Shouldn't the mods place Trigger Warnings at the top of this thread? Some of the Snowflakes are clearly becoming unhinged here.

Poor Picaro- starting to lose it so badly he is hoping for mod intervention- lol
Why? Ask Hillary. She started the birther stuff back in '08. Don't recall now if it was before or after Cigar Bill opined to Teddy Kennedy...a few years ago this guy (implying boy) would be getting us coffee.

You can take the racist white boy dimocrat out of the south, buy you can't...
No, Clinton did not start the birther movement. Anonymous emails believed to be from Hillary supporters questioned his citizenship. Jim Geraghty, a conservative blogger and contributed to the National Review formulated what is now thought of as the Birther Conspiracy Theory that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
If the Hillary supporters didn't start the rumor and Obama wouldn't have lied to his literary agency about being 'Kenyan born', not correcting his lie until two months into his campaign, Jim Geraghty wy

No evidence that Jim Geraghty ever knew about the obscure pamphlet.

No Birther knew about the obscure pamphlet until 2012- after a full 4 years of Orly Taitz and WND going down the Birther rabbit hole- and a whole year after King Birther Donald Trump went down the Birther rabbit hole.

You do seem to have problems with time lines.
The only thing I care about in this whole matter is why Obama lied to people and said he was born in Kenya. They didn't just make it up.

So you have a problem with facts.

Why do you lie and claim that President Obama lied to people and said he was born in Kenya?
Why? Ask Hillary. She started the birther stuff back in '08. Don't recall now if it was before or after Cigar Bill opined to Teddy Kennedy...a few years ago this guy (implying boy) would be getting us coffee.

You can take the racist white boy dimocrat out of the south, buy you can't...
No, Clinton did not start the birther movement. Anonymous emails believed to be from Hillary supporters questioned his citizenship. Jim Geraghty, a conservative blogger and contributed to the National Review formulated what is now thought of as the Birther Conspiracy Theory that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
If the Hillary supporters didn't start the rumor and Obama wouldn't have lied to his literary agency about being 'Kenyan born', not correcting his lie until two months into his campaign, Jim Geraghty wy

No evidence that Jim Geraghty ever knew about the obscure pamphlet.

No Birther knew about the obscure pamphlet until 2012- after a full 4 years of Orly Taitz and WND going down the Birther rabbit hole- and a whole year after King Birther Donald Trump went down the Birther rabbit hole.

You do seem to have problems with time lines.
Forget the pamphlet....it was also on the literary agency's website bio of Obama two months into his campaign for 2008. Explain....
Why? Ask Hillary. She started the birther stuff back in '08. Don't recall now if it was before or after Cigar Bill opined to Teddy Kennedy...a few years ago this guy (implying boy) would be getting us coffee.

You can take the racist white boy dimocrat out of the south, buy you can't...
No, Clinton did not start the birther movement. Anonymous emails believed to be from Hillary supporters questioned his citizenship. Jim Geraghty, a conservative blogger and contributed to the National Review formulated what is now thought of as the Birther Conspiracy Theory that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
If the Hillary supporters didn't start the rumor and Obama wouldn't have lied to his literary agency about being 'Kenyan born', not correcting his lie until two months into his campaign, Jim Geraghty wy

No evidence that Jim Geraghty ever knew about the obscure pamphlet.

No Birther knew about the obscure pamphlet until 2012- after a full 4 years of Orly Taitz and WND going down the Birther rabbit hole- and a whole year after King Birther Donald Trump went down the Birther rabbit hole.

You do seem to have problems with time lines.
The only thing I care about in this whole matter is why Obama lied to people and said he was born in Kenya. They didn't just make it up.

So you have a problem with facts.

Why do you lie and claim that President Obama lied to people and said he was born in Kenya?
I didn't because he did say it.... To more than one person too....and it was in his bio on his literary agency's website up until two years into his campaign. Explain....
The media hacks keep telling everyone that anybody who questioned whether Obama was truly born in the US, has to be a racist. I don't understand why.
Because they're left wing morons. And actually, when it all boils down...Obama is the main person responsible for the birther movement. Back when he was a 'constitutional law professor'(which he really wasn't, he was a glorified teacher's assistant pretty much), a brochure or booklet of some sort was put out with short bios on university staff at the time....The booklet/brochure said Obama was born in Kenya and he made absolutely no effort to correct it. If he would've corrected it way back then....birtherism would have never been a thing.

Speaking of 'lying'- this one is the doozy you made up in your first post- which has most of everything wrong- but the flat out lie is your claim that if only Barack Obama had corrected the error in his bio made in 1991- Birtherism would have never been a thing.

But no one heard about that pamphlet until 2012 - a full 4 years after Birthers started making their stupid claims.

Until Breitbart published the pamphlet- not a single Birther referenced the pamphlet- but Birthers mentioned Kenyan birth certificates that a convicted con man supposedly had for sale.....but never the pamphlet.

So OO- why did you lie about the pamphlet?
The media hacks keep telling everyone that anybody who questioned whether Obama was truly born in the US, has to be a racist. I don't understand why.
Because they're left wing morons. And actually, when it all boils down...Obama is the main person responsible for the birther movement. Back when he was a 'constitutional law professor'(which he really wasn't, he was a glorified teacher's assistant pretty much), a brochure or booklet of some sort was put out with short bios on university staff at the time....The booklet/brochure said Obama was born in Kenya and he made absolutely no effort to correct it. If he would've corrected it way back then....birtherism would have never been a thing.

Speaking of 'lying'- this one is the doozy you made up in your first post- which has most of everything wrong- but the flat out lie is your claim that if only Barack Obama had corrected the error in his bio made in 1991- Birtherism would have never been a thing.

But no one heard about that pamphlet until 2012 - a full 4 years after Birthers started making their stupid claims.

Until Breitbart published the pamphlet- not a single Birther referenced the pamphlet- but Birthers mentioned Kenyan birth certificates that a convicted con man supposedly had for sale.....but never the pamphlet.

So OO- why did you lie about the pamphlet?
Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency
By Beth Stebner17:51 EST 18 May 2012, updated 17:54 EST 18 May 2012


  • Online archive from April 2007 by publishing agency Acton & Dystel has Mr Obama's birthplace listed as Kenya - two months after he announced he was running for president
  • The same online archive dated two weeks later in April 2007 has changed the current U.S president's birthplace to Hawaii
  • President Obama published Hawaiian birth certificate last year in hopes to end 'birther' theories
  • This follows the discovery of a 1991 booklet from Acton & Dystel announcing that the Democrat was ‘born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.’
Barack Obama's literary agents were still listing the U.S President's birthplace as Kenya in their online author bios two months after he first announced his run for president in 2007.

Viewed on web.archive.org the April 3rd 2007 listing from Acton & Dystel for Mr Obama still touts the then-Democratic junior senator from Illinois as 'born in Kenya'.

Indeed, the short biography even references his now famous speech to the Democratic National Convention which launched Mr Obama to national fame and announced him as potential candidate for the presidency.
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