Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

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Look how hysterical they're getting, just the same old ad homs over and over again, and of course they can't address the obvious fact that Obama himself claimed to be a Kenyan.. They're just mindless bots, too stupid to make any sense.
Yea..Obama has been fooling you for the last eight years
The heck did that have to do with what he said?
Little slow on the uptake aren't you?
Nope, you must be though. He isn't fooling us, he's fooled you...we don't support Obama, you do.
I am discussing the OP stupid.

Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

You responded to me dope.
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?

You just answered your own question there dope.
You're an idiot. Stop replying to me.

they can't help themselves; they have to 'post last', since they think they're 'winning' or something, having no actual points to make.
I know right? Bunch of weirdos.

LOL- says the 'weirdo' who can't stop himself from wanting to post last.
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?
I criticized your drone-ish post, dumbass. So how was I going off topic then?

You just answered your own question there dope.
You're an idiot. Stop replying to me.

they can't help themselves; they have to 'post last', since they think they're 'winning' or something, having no actual points to make.
I know right? Bunch of weirdos.

LOL- says the 'weirdo' who can't stop himself from wanting to post last.
What are you babbling about woman? Go make me a sandwich.
Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump


I'm not a 'Birther', moron, and as for Obama, he himself claimed to be a Kenyan, and he also admitted to being a Muslim on a national television show, moron..

President Obama never claimed to be a Kenyan- and he never admitted to being a Muslim.

But I do find it amusing that you keep repeating the same old tired Birther lies.
You just answered your own question there dope.
You're an idiot. Stop replying to me.

they can't help themselves; they have to 'post last', since they think they're 'winning' or something, having no actual points to make.
I know right? Bunch of weirdos.

LOL- says the 'weirdo' who can't stop himself from wanting to post last.
What are you babbling about woman. Go make me a sandwich.

LOL- take your hands off of your tiny dick and go make yourself a sandwich.
Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump


I'm not a 'Birther', moron, and as for Obama, he himself claimed to be a Kenyan, and he also admitted to being a Muslim on a national television show, moron..

President Obama never claimed to be a Kenyan- and he never admitted to being a Muslim.

But I do find it amusing that you keep repeating the same old tired Birther lies.
Yes he did, he said it flat out, its on video:

You're confusing intelligence with education. They are entirely different things. Intelligence is an innate ability.

They're related, and exercising the brain through constant and increasingly complex challenges does increase intelligence, and substantially so; just because that process failed most Democrats doesn't make it less true.

... but that doesn't mean you have the intelligence to understand what you've learned and apply it.

Yes, like those who parrot gibberish over and over again like they're magical chants that will come true by repetition and wishful thinking, 'gay rights' hoaxes and 'noble savages' mythologies are modern examples, and especially all the Xian bashing lunacy seen here daily.

Gee, you're a veritable font of Republican talking points.

What's 'Republican' about them? Or are you providing us an example of your previous assertion about not being intelligent enough to process information?

I got news for you dipshit. Education is not "indoctrination".

You should check with your public school system; they disagree completely with that concept.

That educated people more often than not choose to vote Democrat, shows that their education has taught them that throughout history, successful societies care about all of the people in their nations, not just those who are "like them"

Zero evidence they're 'more educated', and we have decades of evidence of massive grad inflation that shows the 'education' system has failed the majority of its victims since the late 1970's on. And, they societies that are successful in modern terms are usually not nearly overrun with 'diversity' as you're attempting to lie about here. They aren't overrun with impoverished illegal aliens bankrupting their school systems, public hospitals, and social safety nets, among just a few examples and driving down already low wages for working class people, all that imaginary 'diversity' your types like to parrot but never own up to its obvious flaws.

In order for capitalism to succeed, provision has to be made for people who are poor, disabled, and elderly, and for low income workers who are the first and hardest hit when the the economy cycles into recession. A social safety net is just as critical to the success of a nation, as their infrastructure and their resources.

Democrats all want to make those problems drastically worse, not better, so quit pretending otherwise. They're intent on bankrupting it, and have been for decades.

Home schooling is just a way of hyper-controlling what information your child receives,

lol like this a bad thing? ...
and shields them from learning about people other than themselves.
More horseshit.
And while you're doing all of this "home schooling", charter schooling and religious schools which teach that science is false and Creationism is the truth,

Oh really? Just what 'science' are they teaching as 'false', again? Oh yeah that ridiculously mathematically improbable speculation there is no empirical evidence for, I forgot ...
American workers are falling further and further behind their counterparts in the rest of the First World.
Yes, because without believing in the 'Evolution' fantasy, you can't learn math or how to read and write, how to drive a car, operate a doorknob, etc. lol talk about a ridiculously stupid 'argument'. I bet you think you're educated, too.
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.
The birther conspiracy theory is consider racist because it is directed specifically at the first black president with the sole purpose of discerning him. Obama's qualifications to run for the office has been questioned more than every white president combined. Even after both the short form and long form birth certificate were made available and Hawaii officials and witnesses confirmed his birth in Hawaii, opponents continued the harassment. It is as if these people simple could not believe a black man could become president.
You're confusing intelligence with education. They are entirely different things. Intelligence is an innate ability.

They're related, and exercising the brain through constant and increasingly complex challenges does increase intelligence, and substantially so; just because that process failed most Democrats doesn't make it less true.

... but that doesn't mean you have the intelligence to understand what you've learned and apply it.

Yes, like those who parrot gibberish over and over again like they're magical chants that will come true by repetition and wishful thinking, 'gay rights' hoaxes and 'noble savages' mythologies are modern examples, and especially all the Xian bashing lunacy seen here daily.

Gee, you're a veritable font of Republican talking points.

What's 'Republican' about them? Or are you providing us an example of your previous assertion about not being intelligent enough to process information?

I got news for you dipshit. Education is not "indoctrination".

You should check with your public school system; they disagree completely with that concept.

That educated people more often than not choose to vote Democrat, shows that their education has taught them that throughout history, successful societies care about all of the people in their nations, not just those who are "like them"

Zero evidence they're 'more educated', and we have decades of evidence of massive grad inflation that shows the 'education' system has failed the majority of its victims since the late 1970's on. And, they societies that are successful in modern terms are usually not nearly overrun with 'diversity' as you're attempting to lie about here. They aren't overrun with impoverished illegal aliens bankrupting their school systems, public hospitals, and social safety nets, among just a few examples and driving down already low wages for working class people, all that imaginary 'diversity' your types like to parrot but never own up to its obvious flaws.

In order for capitalism to succeed, provision has to be made for people who are poor, disabled, and elderly, and for low income workers who are the first and hardest hit when the the economy cycles into recession. A social safety net is just as critical to the success of a nation, as their infrastructure and their resources.

Democrats all want to make those problems drastically worse, not better, so quit pretending otherwise. They're intent on bankrupting it, and have been for decades.

Home schooling is just a way of hyper-controlling what information your child receives,

lol like this a bad thing? ...
and shields them from learning about people other than themselves.
More horseshit.
And while you're doing all of this "home schooling", charter schooling and religious schools which teach that science is false and Creationism is the truth,

Oh really? Just what 'science' are they teaching as 'false', again? Oh yeahm that ridiculously mathematically improbable speculation thers is no empirical evidence for, I forgot ...
American workers are falling further and further behind their counterparts in the rest of the First World.
Yes, because without believing in the 'Evolution' fantasy, you can't learn math or how to read and write, how to drive a car, operate a doorknob, etc. lol talk about a ridiculously stupid 'argument'. I bet you think you're educated, too.
Liberals are stupid. As demonstrated by dragonlady.
You're an idiot. Stop replying to me.

they can't help themselves; they have to 'post last', since they think they're 'winning' or something, having no actual points to make.
I know right? Bunch of weirdos.

LOL- says the 'weirdo' who can't stop himself from wanting to post last.
What are you babbling about woman. Go make me a sandwich.

LOL- take your hands off of your tiny dick and go make yourself a sandwich.
Why did Obama not correct his literary agency's listing of him as "Kenyan born", Syriusly?

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency
They are liars and that's all they'll ever be. Once you realize that, you stop getting frustrated with their mind-numbing stupidity and constant foolery and just mock them like I do.

Exactly. One can find out exactly what they're going to parrot here over and over, until the next 'talking point' is published, by merely visiting a couple of sites; they're the only places on the Internet they go, yet they think they're 'informed'. They know this because their masters tell them they are.
Why? Ask Hillary. She started the birther stuff back in '08. Don't recall now if it was before or after Cigar Bill opined to Teddy Kennedy...a few years ago this guy (implying boy) would be getting us coffee.

You can take the racist white boy dimocrat out of the south, buy you can't...
No, Clinton did not start the birther movement. Anonymous emails believed to be from Hillary supporters questioned his citizenship. Jim Geraghty, a conservative blogger and contributed to the National Review formulated what is now thought of as the Birther Conspiracy Theory that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
Your post is so hilariously stupid and ironic- you whine about me 'parroting' from others- and then you go on parroting the most stupid of Birthers.

LOL- Birthers- you are such idiots. And your Messiah is Trump


I'm not a 'Birther', moron, and as for Obama, he himself claimed to be a Kenyan, and he also admitted to being a Muslim on a national television show, moron. You idiots just can't refute any of it, you're too stupid to get around what comes out of his own mouth, that's what is 'hilarious, and it's why your 'candidate' is failing miserably and will lose the popular vote by 40 points in November, as there just aren't enough people as dumb as you are who will vote for her, even illiterate illegal aliens aren't helping.

Have to laugh at the inability of conservatives understanding context in the English language

Well, you'll have to tell us what drugs you're on, since apparently that's the only way your attempt at 'wit' will be interesting.
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Why? Ask Hillary. She started the birther stuff back in '08. Don't recall now if it was before or after Cigar Bill opined to Teddy Kennedy...a few years ago this guy (implying boy) would be getting us coffee.

You can take the racist white boy dimocrat out of the south, buy you can't...
No, Clinton did not start the birther movement. Anonymous emails believed to be from Hillary supporters questioned his citizenship. Jim Geraghty, a conservative blogger and contributed to the National Review formulated what is now thought of as the Birther Conspiracy Theory that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
If the Hillary supporters didn't start the rumor and Obama wouldn't have lied to his literary agency about being 'Kenyan born', not correcting his lie until two months into his campaign, Jim Geraghty would've had nothing to go on. Don't try to excuse the left and Obama's hand in starting the conspiracy movement.

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency
You're confusing intelligence with education. They are entirely different things. Intelligence is an innate ability.

They're related, and exercising the brain through constant and increasingly complex challenges does increase intelligence, and substantially so; just because that process failed most Democrats doesn't make it less true.

... but that doesn't mean you have the intelligence to understand what you've learned and apply it.

Yes, like those who parrot gibberish over and over again like they're magical chants that will come true by repetition and wishful thinking, 'gay rights' hoaxes and 'noble savages' mythologies are modern examples, and especially all the Xian bashing lunacy seen here daily.

Gee, you're a veritable font of Republican talking points.

What's 'Republican' about them? Or are you providing us an example of your previous assertion about not being intelligent enough to process information?

I got news for you dipshit. Education is not "indoctrination".

You should check with your public school system; they disagree completely with that concept.

That educated people more often than not choose to vote Democrat, shows that their education has taught them that throughout history, successful societies care about all of the people in their nations, not just those who are "like them"

Zero evidence they're 'more educated', and we have decades of evidence of massive grad inflation that shows the 'education' system has failed the majority of its victims since the late 1970's on. And, they societies that are successful in modern terms are usually not nearly overrun with 'diversity' as you're attempting to lie about here. They aren't overrun with impoverished illegal aliens bankrupting their school systems, public hospitals, and social safety nets, among just a few examples and driving down already low wages for working class people, all that imaginary 'diversity' your types like to parrot but never own up to its obvious flaws.

In order for capitalism to succeed, provision has to be made for people who are poor, disabled, and elderly, and for low income workers who are the first and hardest hit when the the economy cycles into recession. A social safety net is just as critical to the success of a nation, as their infrastructure and their resources.

Democrats all want to make those problems drastically worse, not better, so quit pretending otherwise. They're intent on bankrupting it, and have been for decades.

Home schooling is just a way of hyper-controlling what information your child receives,

lol like this a bad thing? ...
and shields them from learning about people other than themselves.
More horseshit.
And while you're doing all of this "home schooling", charter schooling and religious schools which teach that science is false and Creationism is the truth,

Oh really? Just what 'science' are they teaching as 'false', again? Oh yeahm that ridiculously mathematically improbable speculation thers is no empirical evidence for, I forgot ...
American workers are falling further and further behind their counterparts in the rest of the First World.
Yes, because without believing in the 'Evolution' fantasy, you can't learn math or how to read and write, how to drive a car, operate a doorknob, etc. lol talk about a ridiculously stupid 'argument'. I bet you think you're educated, too.
Liberals are stupid. As demonstrated by dragonlady.

But the Snowflakes all have lots of trophies and high grades n stuff.
Because if Obama were white, no one would question his nationality.
Absolute BS, Anyone that states in their bio they are from Kenya and are running for President of the US would be questioned
Shouldn't the mods place Trigger Warnings at the top of this thread? Some of the Snowflakes are clearly becoming unhinged here.
You're confusing intelligence with education. They are entirely different things. Intelligence is an innate ability.

They're related, and exercising the brain through constant and increasingly complex challenges does increase intelligence, and substantially so; just because that process failed most Democrats doesn't make it less true.

... but that doesn't mean you have the intelligence to understand what you've learned and apply it.

Yes, like those who parrot gibberish over and over again like they're magical chants that will come true by repetition and wishful thinking, 'gay rights' hoaxes and 'noble savages' mythologies are modern examples, and especially all the Xian bashing lunacy seen here daily.

Gee, you're a veritable font of Republican talking points.

What's 'Republican' about them? Or are you providing us an example of your previous assertion about not being intelligent enough to process information?

I got news for you dipshit. Education is not "indoctrination".

You should check with your public school system; they disagree completely with that concept.

That educated people more often than not choose to vote Democrat, shows that their education has taught them that throughout history, successful societies care about all of the people in their nations, not just those who are "like them"

Zero evidence they're 'more educated', and we have decades of evidence of massive grad inflation that shows the 'education' system has failed the majority of its victims since the late 1970's on. And, they societies that are successful in modern terms are usually not nearly overrun with 'diversity' as you're attempting to lie about here. They aren't overrun with impoverished illegal aliens bankrupting their school systems, public hospitals, and social safety nets, among just a few examples and driving down already low wages for working class people, all that imaginary 'diversity' your types like to parrot but never own up to its obvious flaws.

In order for capitalism to succeed, provision has to be made for people who are poor, disabled, and elderly, and for low income workers who are the first and hardest hit when the the economy cycles into recession. A social safety net is just as critical to the success of a nation, as their infrastructure and their resources.

Democrats all want to make those problems drastically worse, not better, so quit pretending otherwise. They're intent on bankrupting it, and have been for decades.

Home schooling is just a way of hyper-controlling what information your child receives,

lol like this a bad thing? ...
and shields them from learning about people other than themselves.
More horseshit.
And while you're doing all of this "home schooling", charter schooling and religious schools which teach that science is false and Creationism is the truth,

Oh really? Just what 'science' are they teaching as 'false', again? Oh yeahm that ridiculously mathematically improbable speculation thers is no empirical evidence for, I forgot ...
American workers are falling further and further behind their counterparts in the rest of the First World.
Yes, because without believing in the 'Evolution' fantasy, you can't learn math or how to read and write, how to drive a car, operate a doorknob, etc. lol talk about a ridiculously stupid 'argument'. I bet you think you're educated, too.
Liberals are stupid. As demonstrated by dragonlady.

But the Snowflakes all have lots of trophies and high grades n stuff.
To make them feel good and think they're smart while being total brainwashed lemmings.
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