Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

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Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

Because these 'progressives' have a very limited vocabulary, and only have a few words they can throw around. What you're seeing here, with posters like 'Syriously' and the others, is the message board equivalent of of a ventriloquist act, like a roomful Howdey Doody puppets appearing to say something, but really they aren't themselves actually capable of thought or speech, just parroting whatever the puppet masters make them appear to be saying; their 'lips' are moving, but there is no 'there' there.

LOL- I have been refuting idiot Birthers for years- with the facts.

Birther is just a short hand description for an idiot Birther Konspiracy Theorist who will believe anything- but the Facts


I've made white liberals cry by saying racist shit. Just break down sobbing and start shaking like Hillary having a seizure.

LOL- maybe crying from laughing too much.......next you will threaten to whack us with your walker.....
No I mean straight up snot dripping, tantrum throwing, red faced, heavy breathing crying.

Yeah I can might cry from laughter watching you throw that tantrum.

It's so much fun to say blatantly racist things in front of stupid liberals who freak out and then think calling me a racist will stop me from being racist. If you're not even a little bit racist.....you are an idiot in my view.

I don't think anyone expects that recognizing that you are a racist will stop you from being a racist.
Then why do idiots such as yourself even point it out?

I can't speak to why idiots point it out.

But respectable people like myself point it out just as I would point out dog shit to someone so they wouldn't step in it.
Well according to idiots like yourself, we live in a society permeated with racism...if that's the case, you can't help but step in it, breathe it in, live with it.

I can't speak to why idiots point it out.

But respectable people like myself point it out racists like you as a public service- just as I would point out dog shit to someone so they wouldn't step in it.
[. Plus, Obama is the one who is most responsible for the birther movement in the first place.

Because of course, President Obama has a sekrit Time Machine.......LOL.....and is sekretly pulling Donald Trump's Birther strings because Trump is just a gullible idiot

It takes very little to be called a racist these days.

On the other hand, if you're a Democrat, you will never be called racist or a bigot, regardless of what you say or do.
Yep lets see, we have had Hillary making jokes about 'Colored People Time,' and Bill admitting that when he used the "Make America Great Again" phrase he really meant make white people on top again.

We have had Hillarys long history of free use of the N-Word in private, not to mention ****, Jew, Mick and "red neck trash".

The Clintons have a long history of racist spewing, but the Dems totally ignore it as irrelevant since they want their free shit.
If Obama was born in America, why didn't he provide an authentic birth certificate?
Because if Obama were white, no one would question his nationality.
Prove it, you lying shit4brains.

No one has ever said anything that amounts to "Since Obama is half black we have to challenge his citizenship"

No, the racism is all in your tiny little brains because you cant grasp the legality of the question in the first place, moron.
If Obama was born in America, why didn't he provide an authentic birth certificate?
Because they want people on the right chasing their tails over a question that they already have the GOP leadership agreed upon.
[. Plus, Obama is the one who is most responsible for the birther movement in the first place.

Because of course, President Obama has a sekrit Time Machine.......LOL.....and is sekretly pulling Donald Trump's Birther strings because Trump is just a gullible idiot

Obama pretty much wrote the bio saying he was from Kenya, he's the guy who said he was..that's how it ended up on the booklet/brochure bio section. It is his fault for either lying about it or not correcting the typo. Look it up on snopes....all the info is there. He probably wanted to be seen as born in Kenya when he wrote the bio.
Because if Obama were white, no one would question his nationality.
Prove it, you lying shit4brains.

No one has ever said anything that amounts to "Since Obama is half black we have to challenge his citizenship"

No, the racism is all in your tiny little brains because you cant grasp the legality of the question in the first place, moron.

There might have been a legitimate question in 2008- (there is no 'legality of the question')- but that legitimacy by any rational stretch went away by 2011- yet there are still Birthers like the OP who are still Birthering.

Maybe Roudy isn't a Birther because he is a racist- but Stevie the Racist is a Birther because Stevie is a racist. It is no coincidence that so many Birthers are openly racists too.
[. Plus, Obama is the one who is most responsible for the birther movement in the first place.

Because of course, President Obama has a sekrit Time Machine.......LOL.....and is sekretly pulling Donald Trump's Birther strings because Trump is just a gullible idiot

Obama pretty much wrote the bio saying he was from Kenya, he's the guy who said he was..that's how it ended up on the booklet/brochure bio section. It is his fault for either lying about it or not correcting the typo. Look it up on snopes....all the info is there. He probably wanted to be seen as born in Kenya when he wrote the bio.

Well what does Snopes say? LOL(still working on how Birthers used that time machine in 2008 to find out about the brochure in 2012)

Birthers- sure not all Birthers are racists- but it isn't a coincidence that so many racists like you are Birthers.

Promotional Booklet

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
I know it'll surprise the leftists here, but I was never big on the birth certificate thing. I knew early on it wouldn't have mattered if he was born in Kenya or not because his mother was an american citizen.
[. He probably wanted to be seen as born in Kenya when he wrote the bio.

Hmmm 'wanted to be seen as born in Kenya when he 'wrote that bio'?

Well that doesn't make much sense- since Barack Obama had been telling the world he was born in Hawaii since 1990. Of course Birthers have never cared whether anything made any 'sense'
List of publications showing Barack Obama Jr.'s place of Birther

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
[. Plus, Obama is the one who is most responsible for the birther movement in the first place.

Because of course, President Obama has a sekrit Time Machine.......LOL.....and is sekretly pulling Donald Trump's Birther strings because Trump is just a gullible idiot

Obama pretty much wrote the bio saying he was from Kenya, he's the guy who said he was..that's how it ended up on the booklet/brochure bio section. It is his fault for either lying about it or not correcting the typo. Look it up on snopes....all the info is there. He probably wanted to be seen as born in Kenya when he wrote the bio.

Well what does Snopes say? LOL(still working on how Birthers used that time machine in 2008 to find out about the brochure in 2012)

Birthers- sure not all Birthers are racists- but it isn't a coincidence that so many racists like you are Birthers.

Promotional Booklet

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Yeah and those folks are lying to cover for Ovomit the wannabe Kenyan. How the hell would they get the idea he was from Kenya if he never even mentioned it to them, huh?
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