Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?


May 23, 2014
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.
Yep, racism is totally solved and this here thread is proof.
You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!
The OP is correct in so much as the democrats having this war on white males, but by doing so they bring in every other group that thinks they are going to pick up the benefits that the white male is assumed to have.
as far a the gay comment, I think that gay has just a little more implication than one guy sucking another guys dick. Im pretty sure that there is the same relationship between two gay males as there is between a male and a woman. Except the two gay males have a better looking yard, a better decorated house and just always look fabulous when they leave the house.
There are white males all over the dem ranks . They are the majority . U make no sense .
"Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

Why do most conservatives start threads that fail as straw man fallacies, and are nothing but ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.

Because all their thoughts are cut n pasted from foxnews talking points .
Haaaaaa funny thread and responses ~ Pulling a women around by her hair means that this person / male like Walker will bring us back to the caveman days where they pulled a woman around by her hair.

It has nothing to do with a straight white male.
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

Interesting. What exactly are we supposed to debate, again?
Oh, and where are your sources?
Or are you just screaming at the air like a banshee?
"Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

Why do most conservatives start threads that fail as straw man fallacies, and are nothing but ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.
It does not really fail, do you consider affirmative action and quotas racist against white males? How about the white student that was not accepted at the college because a minority had to be taken to keep the numbers right, or the white business owner that was not awarded that government contract because it had to go to a minority owned company? Did you know that if a government agency does business with a white male owned company it has to show that it searched for a minority company to fill the need before hiring the white owned company?
Now turn it around and tell me if it would be racist.
These are laws made by white men mostly in congress, yet I dont see them stepping down from their position to allow minorities to take their spots.
Yes, the programs set up by the democrats are racist. And this is why the white males that are affected by these things fight so hard to keep any other group from gaining access to the minority list. You might think its homophobia for a straight white male to fight "gay rights" but the reality is that white males see a time when gay is added to the list of acceptable minorities to be catered to. Same with illegals, how long before there are incentives for a business to hire an illegal? we already have incentives in the way of tax breaks if a company hires people under certain classifications like if they are on assistance.
Its not racist or homophobic, its self preservation.
To explain the white males great achievements. liberals say the white man lied, stole, cheated, killed and raped others
"Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

Why do most conservatives start threads that fail as straw man fallacies, and are nothing but ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.
It does not really fail, do you consider affirmative action and quotas racist against white males? How about the white student that was not accepted at the college because a minority had to be taken to keep the numbers right, or the white business owner that was not awarded that government contract because it had to go to a minority owned company? Did you know that if a government agency does business with a white male owned company it has to show that it searched for a minority company to fill the need before hiring the white owned company?
Now turn it around and tell me if it would be racist.
These are laws made by white men mostly in congress, yet I dont see them stepping down from their position to allow minorities to take their spots.
Yes, the programs set up by the democrats are racist. And this is why the white males that are affected by these things fight so hard to keep any other group from gaining access to the minority list. You might think its homophobia for a straight white male to fight "gay rights" but the reality is that white males see a time when gay is added to the list of acceptable minorities to be catered to. Same with illegals, how long before there are incentives for a business to hire an illegal? we already have incentives in the way of tax breaks if a company hires people under certain classifications like if they are on assistance.
Its not racist or homophobic, its self preservation.
Thank you! University of California Board of Regents v. Bakke 1973.
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.
In order for the liberal ideology to have any traction, it must create a demon. Libs have several. Most of those "demons" have one common thread connecting them. Most are operated by Caucasian males.
Note the frequency with which liberals paint the entire conservative movement with descriptors regarding race.
Note how liberals will pit racial groups against one another and place all minority groups into an adversarial position vs Caucasians.
Note how liberals demonize the dominant religion of Caucasians and then use this as a weapon against them.
Note how liberals demonize companies that without their existence there would far less employment. Meanwhile those very same companies are demonized for "not hiring anyone"....
Liberalism is not about liberty or freedom. It exists for one reason. That is to acquire and retain political power. No matter the cost..
Haaaaaa funny thread and responses ~ Pulling a women around by her hair means that this person / male like Walker will bring us back to the caveman days where they pulled a woman around by her hair.

It has nothing to do with a straight white male.
DWS: Walker gives 'back of his hand'
She said it and it was directed at a White heterosexual male, Governor Scott Walker.
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

Interesting. What exactly are we supposed to debate, again?
Oh, and where are your sources?
Or are you just screaming at the air like a banshee?
My sources are the public actions of leaders in the Democratic Party you blithering nincompoop.

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