Why Is The President Constantly In The Dark?


Tommy Vercetti Fan Club
Jul 17, 2013
At a presser, a reporter flat out asks Jim Carney why the president is always learning about big events via the news. Of course Carney has no answer, but it begs the bigger question of why doesn't the President know what his subordinates are doing until it hits the front page? Is he deliberately being kept in the dark and if so by whom? Or is he keeping himself from knowing anything by not reading reports and going to briefings, or is Obama just lying?

Also, at the 36 second mark, the guy in purple picks his nose and eats it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4fauEU5qpU&feature=player_embedded]CNN's Jim Acosta To W.H.: Why Was Obama In The Dark On ObamaCare, NSA, And IRS? - YouTube[/ame]
Barry's gotta be the most uninformed POTUS on record. Hell. He knows nothing about anything.

Kinda hard to believe the idiot voters re-elected a man who's this clueless.

Of course nothing is ever his fault. Its Bush, the GOP or the T-partiers. What a maroon.
There are two possibilities:
1) Obama has no idea what people in his administration are doing and he commands no respect from people under him. This is a real possibility.
2) He is lying his black ass off. This is also a possibility.

Both of them are deeply disturbing for the man who is supposed to President of the United States.
There are two possibilities:
1) Obama has no idea what people in his administration are doing and he commands no respect from people under him. This is a real possibility.
2) He is lying his black ass off. This is also a possibility.

Both of them are deeply disturbing for the man who is supposed to President of the United States.

Hard to decide which is worse for the USA.
1. A Commander and Chief with no clue
2. A president that is a habitual liar.
If obama is not just lying his ass off and he really has no clue as to what his staff and appointees are doing, then there is no effective president. No one is in charge. There is no guiding hand on the wheel. Everyone is just doing whatever the hell they want.
If obama is not just lying his ass off and he really has no clue as to what his staff and appointees are doing, then there is no effective president. No one is in charge. There is no guiding hand on the wheel. Everyone is just doing whatever the hell they want.

I think you nailed it. Barry does not want the JOB of being president, he wants to hang with celebities and rappers and be cool while his minions destroy our economy, culture, and international reputation.
Barrack is a fairly stupid man who learned to put on a face of confidence to make up for his feelings of being a little boy no one loved. He really is not very bright and is very ignorant on much, and that ignorance is expressed through hubris and stammering when speaking in public.

I know a guy like him. He doesn't even have to think to lie, it's a natural reaction to any situation that points blame in the mirror. And he has millions of people willing to lap up the swill, laughing like fools when he serves up some snarky little petulance at his perceived enemies. So which is more frightening- a scumbag president, or a zombie populace?
Barrack is a fairly stupid man who learned to put on a face of confidence to make up for his feelings of being a little boy no one loved. He really is not very bright and is very ignorant on much, and that ignorance is expressed through hubris and stammering when speaking in public.

I know a guy like him. He doesn't even have to think to lie, it's a natural reaction to any situation that points blame in the mirror. And he has millions of people willing to lap up the swill, laughing like fools when he serves up some snarky little petulance at his perceived enemies. So which is more frightening- a scumbag president, or a zombie populace?

the people deserve what they vote for.
Barrack is a fairly stupid man who learned to put on a face of confidence to make up for his feelings of being a little boy no one loved. He really is not very bright and is very ignorant on much, and that ignorance is expressed through hubris and stammering when speaking in public.

I know a guy like him. He doesn't even have to think to lie, it's a natural reaction to any situation that points blame in the mirror. And he has millions of people willing to lap up the swill, laughing like fools when he serves up some snarky little petulance at his perceived enemies. So which is more frightening- a scumbag president, or a zombie populace?

the people deserve what they vote for.

Well that would exclude me, but I have to live with the consequences regardless.
Barrack is a fairly stupid man who learned to put on a face of confidence to make up for his feelings of being a little boy no one loved. He really is not very bright and is very ignorant on much, and that ignorance is expressed through hubris and stammering when speaking in public.

I know a guy like him. He doesn't even have to think to lie, it's a natural reaction to any situation that points blame in the mirror. And he has millions of people willing to lap up the swill, laughing like fools when he serves up some snarky little petulance at his perceived enemies. So which is more frightening- a scumbag president, or a zombie populace?

the people deserve what they vote for.

Well that would exclude me, but I have to live with the consequences regardless.

let me restate it. the country has to deal with what the majority vote for.
the Stuttering Clusterfuck has had people around him, his whole life, who swoon over him and tell him what a wonderful person and how smart he is and blah, blah, blah.

You all know someone like him. Quite often a girl who was told all her life how pretty she was, how beautiful, how feminine, how nice, how gorgeous and...

She ended up believing it. Much to her chagrin because most of the time girls like her just end up getting taken advantage of.

With the Stuttering Clusterfuck, it was never-ending. He got his ass kissed in Grade School, High School, College, he got special favors getting into Columbia and Harvard and even the Harvard Crimson (simply a college rag) tried to foist a lie on us that he graduated with honors when he didn't.

Then he got into politics and the same shit started over again..... How bright he was, how articulate, how charming, how 'clean', how well-spoken, how good his diction was...

In fact, here's a quote from the REAL power in the White House...

Valerie Jarrett ~

“I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. . . . So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. . . . He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”

H/T ~ Ace

Y'know, I guess it's okay for other people to believe lies about you, especially positive lies.

But when you start 'believing your own press', when you start believing your own sycophants,,,,

This is what we get.

A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure --

Who isn't anywhere near as bright as he thinks he is.

In fact, he has barely above-average Intelligence, AFAIC.

Get him without a teleprompter and watch

Anyway... Normal people read reports. Ordinary people pay attention during CIA briefings. Ordinary people care about the Military. Ordinary people listen. Ordinary people don't think they're God...

But the Stuttering Clusterfuck is above all that.
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Is that a Val Jarret of a Heinrich Himmler quote?

Sorry, that was awful. No need to insult Hitler.
the people deserve what they vote for.

i did not vote for that muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch, and i do NOT deserve what that fool is doing to my country.., i have lived here all my life, that pin headed know nothing son-of-a-bitch only come here from a muslime country several years ago to do as much harm as possible as a DICTATOR, and the left wingers are ecstatic over his ability to destroy what was once the greatest, most respected country on this planet. :up:
The issue I have is that the President is either

A) Completely disengaged and doesn't have a clue what his people are doing
B) Controlled by someone else and spoonfed information as needed
C) Just lying to the American people

I mean, when membes of the MSM are at the point they are asking "why doesn't the president know about yet another thing his subordinates are doing" and the best the press secretary can do is stammer out a non-answer and then shrug his shoulders, there is a problem. Why aren't the Democrat voters pushing for an answer instead of playing party politics?

Is this intentional, is the president just incompetent, or is he just lying to the American people?
the people deserve what they vote for.

i did not vote for that muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch, and i do NOT deserve what that fool is doing to my country.., i have lived here all my life, that pin headed know nothing son-of-a-bitch only come here from a muslime country several years ago to do as much harm as possible as a DICTATOR, and the left wingers are ecstatic over his ability to destroy what was once the greatest, most respected country on this planet. :up:

I agree with you on all points, but the fact remains that we live in a democracy and we have to live with what the majority vote for. Our job is to educate the people who wasted their votes on obama and voted for the destruction of our great country.

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